Consequences of Falling in Lo...

By PrettyRandom

347K 7.5K 1.3K

She has had her heart broken so many times, she can barely keep count…. He has broken so many girls hearts t... More

New Roommate
Catching Up
House Rules
Class Field Trip
Welcome Back Party !
The Aftermath
Avoidance is Never the Key
Always Expect the Unexpected
Do you Remember Summer of 09'?
I Think you Need to Calm Down
Lunch with the Horan's
Don't Worry About Where We're Going, It's a Surprise
Welcome To Heaven (Or is it Hell?) Long Version
The Confession
I'm Not Jealous I Swear
Aren't You Being A Hypocrite?
I'm Doing The Right Thing Aren't I?
It's My Birthday! (Time To Get Arrested) Long
The Set Up
Before Anyone Else In The World Knew (Long)
Gym, Tan, Find Out What Niall Is Hiding
The Din
The Din (Niall's POV) Long
Just A Little Detective Work
We Need To Talk
20 Questions
The Break-In
Modern Day Taker's
What Do You Mean My Father Was Murdered?
The Reason Why He Thinks This Is Bad/Forbidden
Bring In The Payne !
Back To School! Yay? (Long)
Yesterday Is History, Tomorrow's a Mystery (Long)
Two Can Play That Game
Heart Killer (Long Version)
Do You Remember When ?
Blondes Have The Most Fun (CPW Part 1)
I Can't Find Niall (CPW Part 2)
Cold Coffee (CPW Part 3 Long)
That Girl (Long)
Date Night
A Not So Winter Wonderland (Long)
Where Am I?
A Shocking Surprise
Tracking and Questioning
So What If I'm Selfish? (Long)
I'll Be Dreaming Of You Tonight
Let's Make A Deal (Long)
The Meet (Long)
Operation Breakout!
"You Are So Beautiful" (Long)
Home Is Where The Heart Is (Long)
You're Joking Right? (Long)
Time To Meet 'The Unwanted' Bodyguards
Yeah, This Isn't Going To Work
The Boys Are Back and Here's Trouble (LONG)
Return of The Dead Exes
"I Just Need To Think"
'Get Your Shit Together'
"It Was Just A Movie, Nothing More."
What Is It Going To Be?
A Promise Is A Promise
Need You Now
Styles Is In Town!
Welcome To California ! (Long)
"She Isn't Ready For This"
Bad Girl (Long)
Mixed Signal's (Part 1)
2 of You (Part 2 of Mixed Signal's)(Long)
Family Time (Looks Like A Bonfire Night)
Our First Meet (Long)
Club Lure (Long)
All Over Again
And The Guest Star Is..........
Memory Lane
The Letter's
To Ireland I Go
You're Back! (Long)
Simon's Threat
Something Unexpected
Silence (Long)
Unwanted Visitors
I'm Not Doing This Again
Suspicious (Part 1 Of 2)
With Dark, Comes Drama (Part 2 of 2)
Storm Front
Meet Tyler Oakley (Long)
"Fighting Won't Solve Anything!"
BathTime (Dark)
Back To England (Long)
What If.......
Two days Later
Trying To Hold It Together
It Was Planned (Long)
Krista Talk's (LONG)
No New Friends...

Frat boys in Knickers? (Bonus Edition)

4.4K 94 36
By PrettyRandom

{WARNING THIS CHAPTER MIGHT MAKE YOUR OVARIES EXPLODE SO PROCEED WITH CAUTION :D 3 Chapters in 3 days oh lord i'm raising my requirements for a new chapter ;3 }

Chapter 11

“How is everyone feeling tonight?” yelled Harry as he steps on stage. Everyone in the room yelled and cheers, and yes that included me and Jess. “Alright tonight is going to be purely sick.” The crowd cheered again, “My name is Harry Styles for those who have been living in a swamp for the past four years. Friends call me Haz while others call me Cheeky,” Harry smiled flashing those lickable dimples as he said, “And I’m pretty sure the ladies know why.”

The room erupted into whistles and girls screaming. It got so loud me and Jess covered our ears laughing. “Okay everyone simmer down. Tonight we have a lot in store for you, so get your ones, and check books out because the lads in the back are hot, oily, and ready to give you a show.”

The crowd screams as a girl off to the right jumps up and yells, “Will you be preforming to?”

Harry looks at the girl and walks to the end of the stage and says, “Yes I’ll be preforming, I mean it wouldn’t be a show unless I preformed, but I if you want a special performance after the show is over with then meet me back stage.” Harry winked at the girl who screamed and then fainted.

“Holy shit did she just…” I stopped as Jess said, “Yeah I think she did.” Me and Jess looked at each other as the security guard picked up the girl, carrying her out of the room.

“Now since that is settled, let’s start the show, and just remember nothing is off limits.” Harry smiled as he bit his lip and winked. The girls went insane and jumped up screaming. Harry turned and walked back behind the curtains.


There were three sets of performers: there were the freshman’s, the sophomores, and the junior and seniors mixed up into one. The freshman’s were so adorable it was like watching a boy toddler dance as he goes through his humping phase, and the sophomores reminded me of those perverted preteen boys that always tried to grab your boobs at the most inappropriate times and places. So while Jess was laughing at how weird they were being I started messing with my phone. “Losing interest?” asked Zayn as he grabbed his water cup and drank from it.

“Watching teenage boys make a fool out of themselves isn’t something that I find very amusing.”

“Why not? I think it’s hilarious.” Said Zayn.

“To me there still kids. What if it was a teenage girl up there, would it still be funny?”

Zayn shrugged, “I mean if they have the body for it, let them do what they want.”

“You’re sick.” I said as I stopped and looked at him, “What if it was your sister who was up there? Would you still feel the same way?” Zayn stopped drinking his water and looked at me, his facial expression harden and I smirked, “Yeah I thought so.” I turned back looking at my phone when Zayn leaned to me and said, “Kitten can we talk?”

Not looking up, “What do you call what we’re doing now? Barking?”

Zayn let out a small laugh and said, “I miss your sarcasm.”

I mocked Zayn’s laugh and said, “To bad my sarcasm doesn’t miss you.” Zayn laughed again as Jess shot me a questioning look, I shook my head and smiled at her to let her know it was fine as Zayn leaned in again, “Let’s go talk somewhere privately.” I looked at him as he said, “You can trust me you know.”

I looked at him as I laughed, “It’s funny you said the same thing the day before you left me in bum fucked Egypt.”

Zayn looked down and said, “Just come on, I don’t want to have to yell over the loud music.” 

I looked at him then at the stage. The junior/senior set would be on in 8 minutes so that gave him 3 to talk and gave me 5 to go get a refill on my drink before they started. “Fine.” I said as I turned to Jess, “Going for a refill you need something?” Jess shook her head and smiled, “Hurry back the boys are up next.” I nodded and smiled as I got up with Zayn following.

I walked to a small hall were the bathroom were and stopped, “You have 3 minutes.” Zayn looked around, “This isn’t exactly private.”

“Do I care? You should be damn happy that I agreed to talk to you in the first place.”

Zayn looked at me and smiled, “You have really grown into yourself. I like it.” Looking at my watch I said, “2 minutes and 40 seconds.”

Zayn took a breath “How have you been Kitten?”

I looked at him, “I doubt that’s really what you wanted to speak ‘privately’ about. What do you really want? Why are you here?” I asked.

Zayn looked at me and smiled, “It’s been 4 years kitten; I thought I’d swing by and say hey.” I looked at Zayn and thought, 4 years. 4 years since that night, and 4 years that I will never get back. “This was a mistake.” I said as I took a step sideways. Zayn quickly stepped forward brushing his hand over my cheek, “What’s the rush love. We still have 2 minutes left.”

I closed my eyes and moved back, “Don’t touch me, don’t ever touch me.”

Zayn licked his lips, “You know I always loved it when you got defensive with me. It’s a major turn on kitten.” I rolled my eyes and turned to walk off, “Look just leave me alone, go and finish watching the show, and forget that you ever knew me.”

Zayn looked at me and said, “Don’t tell me you’re still upset.” I stopped and spun around, “Damn right I’m still upset. Why shouldn’t I be?” I said trying not to yell and draw attention to us.

“It’s been 4 damn years, get over it.”

I stepped toward Zayn, “Get over it? How the hell am I going to get over it? You…” I stopped; I couldn’t even begin to finish that sentence. I took a breath and said, “Why are you here Zayn, and don’t give me that bullshit that you missed me.”

Zayn looked at me, “But what if that’s the reason?”

“If that’s the reason, which I doubt it is, and then I suggest you forget about missing me, forget that you ever knew me, and just leave.” I said as footsteps ran up. I turned around to see James. “What’s the matter?” I asked.

“Max said to find you. Our DJ is barfing up a storm and we need a new DJ and quick.” Said James nearly out of breath.

“Shit.” I said running my hands in my hair, “Did you call Austin?”

“He is out of town.”

“What about Paul?”

“Wife just had their baby.”


“Broke his leg hiking 3 days ago.”

“Damn it! Then what are we going to do?” I stood there trying to think when Zayn cleared his throat, “I can DJ.” I spun around facing him, “No. Hell no!”

“Look kitten you need a DJ and I’m here, push whatever crap you have between us back for an hour, or this event is going to crash and burn.” Not taking my eyes off him a cursed silently, “Fine, James go and show him the booth.”

Zayn smiled as James began showing him the way, “Thanks this means a lot man, by the way I’m James.” James sticks out his hand to Zayn who takes it and says, “The pleasure is mine mate, and the name is Zayn.” James looked at the guy and glanced back at me worried as I sighed and leaned against the wall, God please make sure Max doesn’t do anything stupid tonight after the show.


Walking back to my seat I sat as Jess asked, “Where’s Zayn?” I pointed towards the stage, “DJ booth, he is filling in for the last set.” Jess looked at Zayn as he placed his huge headphones around his neck looking over the equipment that was given to him as she said, “Gorgeous face, wicked smile, mesmerizing voice, and he is a DJ? I wonder if he is as good of a lay as he as good of a head turner?” I looked at Jess and my jaw dropped. She smiled and shrugged, “What I’m curious.” I shook my head as the light turned off. “Ladies and Gents here are The Men in Black!” yelled Zayn as the curtain rose and Jess hit record on the video camera.

Standing there was 7 guys dressed in tuxedo. Max stood in the middle, Niall to his left, Harry to his right, James stood right behind Harry as another guy stood behind him, and two guys stood behind Niall. I laughed leaning over to Jess and whispered, “If they start dancing to ‘Raining Man’ like Magic Mike, I’m leaving.” Jess laughed and nodded, “I’m with you.”

The music started as I recognized it was a song named “Pony” by an R&B artist name Ginuwine, so as soon as the beat started I screamed, “Oh god no!” the boys all started moving their hips and thrusting as they started stripping. I couldn’t help it I screamed and jumped in my chair.

Max slide on the floor grinding, Niall was off to the side pulling off his shirt off as he thrust violently, Harry ripped open his shirt and walked off stage as he let some girl run her hand over his torso as he unbuttoned his pants. She screamed and collapsed onto her friends. Walking back on stage him and Niall exchanged looks as they slowly dropped their pants, and they stood in nothing but a pair of black tight speedos. Me and Jess screamed laughing, and cheering as we jumped back in our seat.

It was like the boys had sat and watched the Channing Tatum ‘Magic Mike’ solo scene, and they just gave out different moves to whoever they thought would give the most heart attacks performing the moves, and by all things holy I thought I was going to be needing a new heart after watching them. The music finally ends as it was time for the boys to give their solo routine

. I didn’t pay attention to all of the performers, but I knew Max danced to some master grinding mix by Justin Timberlake, Harry pulled some girl on stage and gave her a lap dance a song by R Kelly called Bump and Grind, and if your wonder what happen to the girl he dance and grinded on, she is currently in the on campus medical ward do to her ovaries exploding. No not really, she just passed out like all the other girls did. I guess they couldn’t take on The Cheeky Bastard like they thought. Niall was the last act and his was the one that I swear caught me totally off guard.


Niall walked out and a white shirt and red pants, “How’s everyone feeling tonight!” The crowd screamed as Niall smiled, “Great! Well the night is now coming to an end.”The crowd booed as Niall frowned, “Yeah I know, but I have to say that it is going to end with a bang. Since they saved the best for last.”

The crowd screamed as Niall motioned for Zayn to play the music, as soon as the music started Jess grabbed my armed and yelled, “Please don’t tell me that he is about to dance to…”

My eyes widen as I yelled, “He is dancing to Chris Brown Take you down!”Jess screamed as my jaw dropped.

The music starts as Niall walks to both ends of the stage teasing the girls by pulling his shirt half way up then stopping as he moves to the other side and starts to unbuckle his pants. Stopping he shakes his head and stops the music, “I’m sorry you guy I can’t do this.”

The crowd began booing, when he waved his hand and smiled, “I can’t do this.” He pauses, “Not until I have that special beautiful lady up here with me.” the room erupted into screams as girls yelled, “Pick me!”

Niall walked off stage and walked around I laughed as his eyes met mine. Next thing I knew, Niall was standing in front of me with his hand sticking out. I looked at him and laughed, “Oh no, I’m not going up there.”

Niall smiled, “Aw come on live a little. Jess pushed me out of my seat as she yelled, “Go!” I had no choice but to since Niall was practically dragging me to the chair on stage. Once I sat he walked behind me and pulled my hands to the back as I felt cold metal go around my wrist, “What in the hell?” I yelled laughing as Niall leaned down to my ear as he whispered, “Relax, and trust Me.” looking at him as whispered, “Do I have a choice?” Niall simpered and shook his head, 'No' as the music started back up.

Niall started by stripping off his clothes very slowly. Standing in nothing by his Irish flag speedo he stood over me grinding along with the song as he thrust and does some other moves, I closed my eyes screaming and laughing because I couldn’t believe of all people, that Niall was on stage giving me a lap dance to a Chris Brown song. When the music stopped the crowd went crazy Niall winked at me as he unhand cuffed me. I walked backstage where I met Jess, just as all the boys who were now all wearing blue shorts, as they laughed and talked, walked back out the curtains to say their thanks as they came back in.

“Holy shit that was amazing!” yelled Jess. The boys all stood there agreeing when Harry said, “But wasn’t it you two who insisted that nobody would pay to see us dance?”

“We said nobody would pay to see you act a fool, and” I pointed to the stage, “That wasn’t acting a fool. That was full-fledged Magic Mike part 2 UNI edition!”

We all laughed when Zayn walked in and says, “You all killed it out there, the crowd wants an encore. Fantastic job mates.”

Every turned towards Zayn as I looked at Max who had his head down signing some paper. His face harden, I tried to grab him when he looked up at Zayn, but had no luck since I was on one side of the room and he was exactly 2 steps from Zayn. “Max don’t!” was all I could say, when Max balled his fist and in one smooth motion he swung his arm as his fist connected to Zayn’s jaw.

{8 votes for the next chapter!}

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