Lunch with the Horan's

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{Side note watch the video on the side! it's not related to this story but i thought it was funny :D}

Chapter 13

“Melissa!” yells Mrs. Horan as she jumps off the couch and runs throwing her arms around me hugging me. Hugging her back I pulled away slightly as a look of confusion covered my face, “Did Niall forget you were coming?”

Mrs. Horan shakes her head as she says, “The boys ran to the store.” Grabbing my hands she raises my arm as she spins me and says, “My god Melissa you just keep getting so gorgeous every time I see you. What is your secret?”

I shrugged, “Pizza and coffee?”

She laughs as she pulls me to the couch, “Come on love, sit, sit, I want to know what is knew with you? How’s school? How are the lads?” I smiled plopping down next to Niall’s mother.

I had met her for the first time 3 years ago when she came out here to go Christmas shopping for her family back in Ireland. I use to think that Niall mother was as arrogant as he was, but after meeting her for the first time I notice that she was the total opposite from Niall, personality wise, but food wise, let’s just say they both could eat.

“Niall told me that you weren’t going to be here today.” Says Mrs. Horan as I handed her a cup of tea.

“I wasn’t, but my plans were canceled so I came back.” I said as I sat next to her.

“Aw love.”

I shrugged, “It’s fine, it’ll give me a chance to catch up on some writing that I’ve been postponing.”

“That’s right Niall did say that you have some writing blog, or reading blog, of some sort.”

What?! “Wait Niall knows about my blog?”

Mrs. Horan nods her head, “Yes he told me like a year or two ago, he says that you’re actually very passionate about it.”

My mouth dropped and as soon as it did I hurried and closed it, How in the hell did Niall know about my blog? I went and grabbed my bottle of water as I said, “Now that’s crazy.”

Mrs. Horan nodded her head as she looks at me, sitting her tea on the table she asks, “So any boyfriends?”

I shook my head, “Nope.” “You don’t fancy any of the lads here?”

I shook my head again, “No.”

She looked at me and asked, “Are you and Niall snogging?” I choked on my water and started coughing. “Sweetheart are you okay?” asked Mrs. Horan as she pats me on the back.

I waved my hand to insure her that I was fine when the door opened. Walking in I noticed that it was Niall, his older brother Greg and his Step-Dad Chris. They were all laughing when Niall turned around to see me sitting on the couch, “Your back?” I looked at Niall as his mother stood walking over to the boys as she says, “What took you so long?”

“Little bro showed us around campus, nice little UNI this school has. I wish I would’ve came here.” Said Greg as Niall bumped him and said, “You still can you’ll just walk around feeling like an old fart every day.” Greg looked at Niall and grabbed him tackling him to the floor as they both laughed, I smiled.

“I’m sorry we’re being rude. Hello Melissa.” Said Chris as he held a hand up waving. 

“Hi Mr. Chis.” I never knew Chris’s last name so that was why I called him, Mr. Chris and Maura, Mrs. Horan, because Niall last name was Horan. They both, numerous of times, told me that it was fine to call them by their first names but it always felt rude and disrespectful so I continued with the Mr. and Mrs.

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