.: A feather in tranquil wate...

By Nova_3213

12.2K 774 146

George.. just a- simple.. human person in a world of mystical creatures.. He was trying to get away from his... More



266 14 2
By Nova_3213

George chuckled.. walking next to dream.
"I see what you mean by it being a little funny." He covered his mouth faintly.
"They probably know though."

"Well As I've said, it's more fun keeping it.. a somewhat secret.." Dream walked next to george, humming a soft tune.
"Like in a story." He wanted George to have his dream.

George couldn't help but burst out into laughter.
"Oh my god-" he laughed.

Dream couldn't help but look over at George.. mesmerized by the laugh- he's never heard George laugh this hard.

"I'm- im-sorry." George rubbed his eyes, trying to calm himself.
"It's just- funny." He laughed once more.
"I can't-"

"Don't apologize." Dream walked down the broken dock- George following him.
"It's nice to finally see you being yourself.. instead of a silent puppet." He hummed- his smile growing.

George's laugh so died down... having only a few meer chuckles- Dream was right about that..

He was a silent puppet too his family... he did as he was told to anybody.

"But now, I'm going to make sure you change." Dream turned around, facing George.
"Completely!" He hummed.

George soon looked concerned.. he- has to change..?
"What do I need to change about myself.." he placed his hand on his chest.
"I'm sorry if I laughed to mu-"

"No, not that." Dream hummed, shaking his head.
"What we need to change is that you need to know that you are safe and you are free." He walked up to George.

George was confused..
"What?" What did Dream mean by that..?

"You are afraid that they are going to find you.. aren't you.." Dream spoke in a calm tone, sliding his mask off.
"That your family will know you are here."

George went quiet.. softly nodding..
"I don't wanna go.." he mumbled quietly.
"I wanna stay."

"Well- lucky for you.." Dream cupped George's cheeks.
"I like keeping my sacred things to myself." He smiled.
"I'm not letting them take you from me."

George couldn't help but smile.
"You have a strange way trying to be romantic." He chuckled.
"Or trying to be nice."

"Mhm.."Dream held George under his arms.
"Now Hold tight, I'm going to fly us up." He nudged his head.

George held onto Dream tightly.. anxiously looking down.
"Okay." He mumbled quietly.

Dream held onto George tightly.. quickly flying up onto the ship.
"Do you prefer sleeping inside or outside." He lowered him down.
"Cause I can fly us up."

"Can I sleep inside?" George backed up, looking up at Dream.
"You can sleep wherever." He smiled softly, making his way towards the room.. walking down the stairs towards lower deck.
"Your room is just so very comfortable."

Dream rolled his eyes, gladly following George.
"Then I'll get some food for us." He hummed softly.

"Mhm, I'll meet you inside... be quick..." George walked up too the door, slowly making his way inside before closing the door.
"Cause it's getting cold out."

Once the blonde made sure George was gone, he got happy.

Dreams smile grew, his wings happily flapping as he swayed around.
"I get to spend the night with the most handsome boy on the ship." He grinned to himself.. away around like a normal girl fangirling over a prince.
"And he's all mine~"

He thought over his words there... wait.

"Well.. he's not mine but is-" dream rubbed the back of his head.
"I don't own him- he's free.. but we aren't together-" he had to think properly on the right turn.
"Well- he's my- friend?, that's a good enough reasoning for me!"

He happily purred to himself.

.: George POV :.

George's smile grew once he closed the door.
"yes yes yes!" He quietly whispered.. quickly tapping his feet back and forth.

His tail swayed back and forth... he was extremely excited.

George covered his face, his face burning up as he thought about Dream.
"Why am I so.. head over heels for a pirate." He crouched down.. glancing over his hands.
"He's so.."

He thought for a few moments.. Dream was- different.. different then the others at least.. he was nice.. kind and genuine..

Dream may have not liked him before.. but they've become quite close- and George got learn things about Dream that no one else knew...

George stood up, hugging himself as he swayed around happily.

Dream made him feel loved... and cared about- something he's never felt as long as he been alive.

George walked up to the bookshelf... looking at all the different stories.
"Pfft.." he pulled one of the books from the shelf.. it was a book based of a Prince and a thief.
"Isn't this ironic... a prince and a thief."

"What is?"

George looked over, seeing Dream walked in with a plate of fruit.
"This book." He smiled, turning around.
"Reminds me of something."

"Which one?" Dream walked over, placing the plate of fruit on a side table.

George held up the book.
"The forbidden love one." He rolled his eyes, his smile growing- putting it in dreams chest.
"reminds me of someone."

"Pfft." Dream jumped as the book was placed against his chest.. soon looking at it.
"I wonder.. am I the prince or the thief?" He cocked a brow, looking up at George
"Cause~ I think I'm very much prince material."

George let out a small chuckle, sliding the book out of dreams hands and back into the bookshelf.
"You have probably stolen more in a month then I have in a few years." He rolled his eyes.

"Well yes, I have my own treasury." Dream walked towards the opposite side of the room.
"Cmere, I'll show you." He nudged his head.

"What?" George made his way over, walking towards the opposite side of the room.
"What are you doing?" He hummed.

Dream grabbed a random book.
"A pirate needs to have some secrets." He pulled the book down.. making a click noise.
"But I'm willing to share a few."

George jumped when he saw a hidden door open from the bookcase.
"What the-" his eyes widened.. how did he not notice.

Dream grabbed the shelf.. pulling out the door.
"My treasury that no one knows about." He hummed, walking briefly inside.
"Not very big.. but I have enough to pile it."

George peaked his way inside.. seeing a hole different room.
"How is this possible..." his eyes widened.. walking at the entrance.

The room was filled with gold... all kinds of different relics and jewels... what do you mean small?! This room was huge..

Dream shrugged.
"I like collecting." He walked up too George.. his smile growing.
"I have an eye for shiny things."

"It's a nice collection you have." George looked around in awe- he thought it was cute that Dream kept a treasury...

Dream made his way behind george.
"Why don't you pick some stuff out?" He nudged George.
"Hm? You can have whatever you want."

George had a shocked look, staring back at Dream with a confused look.
"What?!" He blinked.

"Pick something out." Dream nudged George's back.. he wanted the brunette to feel happy.
"Pick something you think is more of value to you."

George slowly made his way in.. looking around at everything.. he here was nothing he saw that he wanted.

He didn't care for gold and jewels.. sure they are pretty- but no value or heart put into any of them..

All he noticed was two bracelets.. but- they were two entirely different but had one same aspect.

They each had a gem on the top of it.

George made his way across the room.. picking up an emerald bracelet- turning around to grab the sapphire bracelet... they weren't a pair sadly.

Dream chuckled, leaning against the doorframe as he watched George wandered around.
"Found something..?" He was curious what the brunette was grabbing.. or how much he was grabbing...

"Mhm.." George soon turned, walking up to Dream.
"I didn't really find anything I was.. but I found these!" He held up the bracelets.

Dream looked a little shocked that George didn't grab anything.
"You want- bracelets?" He blinked, extremely shocked.

"Sort of.." George held dreams wrist up, tying the bracelet to dreams wrist.
"I got them so we can match!" He tied his own bracelet to his wrist.

Dream stared in shock, looking down at his wrist... faintly chuckling- he thought it was funny and cute.

George looked up at Dream... seeing the look on the blondes face.
"I'm sorry- I can take them off." He tried reaching for the bracelet on dreams wrist.

Dream softly smack George's hand.
"No, I'm keeping it on." He pulled his wrist away... hissing.
"Don't touch it."

George softly chuckled.
"I just thought we could have something between us." He smiled happily.

"Do you not want anything from in there??" Dream was a little shocked that George didn't want anything.
"There's a lot of stuff"

"No." George walked past Dream.. shaking his head.
"It's not of use to me.." he walked towards the bed.
"It's pretty, but I don't need it to survive."

"I can't tell if I should be offended or like that about you." Dream closed the hidden door, following George.
"That you don't care for treasure at all." He usually found the ones that are greedy... but George wasn't.

"Well.. at least you know I wouldn't steal it." George stretched his arms in the air, yawning faintly.
"I'm so sore." He mumbled silently.

Dream wrapped his arms around George, holding him up.
"Then we should sleep." He hummed.. happily hugging George.

"You are quite touchy now." George looked up.
"You don't seem the type to like physical touch." He tilted his head to the side.
"But you are."

"Well~ earlier remember we were going to finish off we're we left off earlier." Dream teased, sticking his tongue out faintly.

"Oh? So mr. Pirate wants a kiss so soon?" George let out a small chuckled... shaking his head.
"You just confessed to me and you already want to kiss me..?" He smiled faintly.
"We aren't even officially dating yet."

"Mhm." Dream nodded.
"I want to be able to show you that I care." He watched the brunette turn around in his arms.

"You're such an idiot." George wrapped his arms around dreams neck, leaning back faintly.
"Y'know that." He smiled... shaking his head.
"You don't need a kiss from me to show me that you care about me."

"Mhm." Dream gladly agreed, having his arms wrapped around George's waist.
"I've been wanting to hug you like this for the past few days." His smile grew.
"I was unsure of it before but now I can."

George cupped dreams cheeks..
"Yeah? Then what's holding you back?" He hummed, tilting his head to the side.

Total word count: 1801

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