.: A feather in tranquil wate...

By Nova_3213

12.2K 774 146

George.. just a- simple.. human person in a world of mystical creatures.. He was trying to get away from his... More



267 17 0
By Nova_3213

Dream tightened the rope that held the storage boxes.
"There.." he made a firm knot.. making sure it was on tight.

He glanced over his shoulder.. briefly seeing the brunette resting his head on his shoulder- practically hidden.

Dream adjusted his trench coat.. soon walking towards a few barrels on the opposite side of the ship.
"The extra gunpowder and cannon balls should be over here." He adjusted his mask.

"Oh, you are already up."

Dream looked over.. seeing ponk standing not too far from him.
"I decided too.. and it's my day to double check everything." He crossed his arms.

"The crew assumed you were too busy trying to get info out of George about the-" ponk pointed to his hand.. signalling about George's... transformation.. problems.

"No..? I'm not getting info out of him." Dream shook his head.
"I've been making sure he's comfortable and not in constant pain." He flicked his wings briefly.
"I don't need any info out of him."

"Aww.." ponk frowned.
"I hope one day he decides to come onto deck." He wanted to see George again.

"He is on deck." Dream cocked a brow under his mask... can he not see George??

"Where is he...?" Ponk quickly looked around.. a little confused.
"I didn't see him at all???" He frowned.

"He's On my back." Dream turned to the side.. revealing the brunette sleeping on his back.
"He wanted to tag along and I need to maintain his.. injuries..?" He shrugged softly.

"Awwww!" Ponk quickly grinned.
"You do have a soft spot for him." He quietly giggled.
"Don't you!"

Dream shook his head faintly.
"He's a friend." He flicked his wings faintly.
"I'm just making sure the medicine doesn't where off."

"Mhm." Ponk softly chuckled.
"You have a crush on him~" he softly spoke.

"What??" Dream was taken back for a moment.
"No- I'm just trying to be nice!" He said some what firmly.
"He can stay on my back."

"I can carry him." Ponk offered.. humming.
"Depending which way-" he thought for a few moment.

Dream just cringe as he looked at ponk.
"Judging by that.. I decline that offer." He shook his head.
"He'd probably fall off your tail or would panic if you were holding him."

Ponk shrugged.
"Just offering." He smiled.. standing up straight.

"Well.. are you able to check if Sam needs help sailing." Dream nudged his head.. pointing up towards upper deck.
"He's been out all night trying to find a secluded island."

Ponk quickly shook his head.
"He's scary." He shuttered faintly.
"Centaurs are scary... and Sam doesn't like me"

Dream had an unimpressed look.. letting out a small sigh.
"Then make sure the deck is clean.. I want it to be spotless when I come back down." He turned around..

Ponk smiled, he didn't mind cleaning... as long as he wasn't yelled at.


Dream carefully walked up the stairs.. carefully holding the brunette on his back
"Alright..." he made his way up- soon looking around.
"He should be up here."

He turned his head.. seeing sam sailing calmly..

Sam was using his centaur paws to steer the ship.. resting his normal arms on the wheel.. he seemed to be zoned out.

"Hello Sam." Dream hummed, making his way towards the centaur.
"Already sailing it seems." He nodded.

Sam jumped, turning over and seeing Dream walked towards.
"Oh, hello." He tilted his head.
"Sorry, I didn't notice you wake up- you usually fly around."

Dream softly shrugged.
"I've been quite grounded today." He let out a small sigh.
"But I do not mind wandering."

Sam tilted his head.
"What has ever stopped you from flying?!" He grew concerned and confused.

Dream turned briefly to the side.. showing the brunette that was mumbling against his back.
"I have to keep an eye on him." He nudged his head.
"And flying can be dangerous."

Sam blinked softly.
"Then I guess I'll need to wake Sapnap up" he let out an annoyed sigh.
"He's awful waking up."

"I'll deal with it." Dream carefully slid off his trench coat.. lowering George towards the fencing of the upper deck.
"Just let George rest here.." he wrapped the trench coat around George.. making sure he's comfortable.

Sam stared at the two.. slowly glancing at Dream as he watched the blonde adjust the trench coat around George.
"Mhm..." he nodded his head slowly.

"Just.. be mindful of him touching you." Dream looked over at Sam.
"He's... really strong at the moment." He stood up.

"Are you two together..." Sam randomly blurted out- a tad bit confused.
"Or something.." he mumbled.

Dream just stared at Sam.
"No..?" Why was everyone asking him this question??
"Why does everyone keep asking me?!"

"Just... a thought..." Sam looked at George before back at dream.
"But I'll watch him." He hummed.
"Just be quick."

Dream nodded.. soon flying off.

Sam looked down at George.. a tad bit curious about the brunette... he had questions..

.: George POV :.

George slept comfortably.. wrapping himself with dreams trench coat.
"Mhm.." he mumbled.

"Are you dead?"

George felt someone tap his leg... gaining his attention.
"Mmm..." he rubbed his eyes.


George opened his eyes.. looking up too see the stranger- instantly sitting up straight.
"Oh!- I'm sorry-" he looked at the.. strange creature.

His eyes widened.. seeing the half... strange- fluffy.. half human creature.. he didn't have the words.

"You are the new guy that was brought onto the ship... aren't you?" He hummed softly.
"I haven't been introduced to you yet."

George lightly nodded.. curious as he's never seen a creature like this... a centaur..?

"I'm Sam." Sam held his hand out.
"Dream left you on the upper deck whilst he makes sure the ropes holding the sails are good."  He nudged his head.

"Alright." George looked around.. seeing the open sea around him..
"Wow.." he mumbled, standing up straight.

"Would you like some help up." Sam offered his hand out, humming softly.
"Instead of laying on the floor." He nudged his head.

George was hesitant but.. gladly took sams hand-
"Yes please..." he softly spoke.

As sam grasped George's hand.. his hand was practically crushed.
"JESUS-" he winced.. trying to lift George up.

George quickly realized he was hurting Sam- quickly letting go.
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-"  he held his hands to his chest.

"God-" Sam shook his hand.
"You've got quite a grasp." He softly chuckled.. looking down at George.

George had a worried look.

"I respect people with strength." Sam smiled.. shaking his hand once more.
"We need someone like you on the ship." He hummed faintly.
"You'll help a lot."

George eyes soon widened, smiling softly.
"I'm sorry about the potion..." he looked down.
"I didn't mean to affect the crew..."

"Ah, who cares." Sam shook his head.. grasping onto the wheel once more.
"As long as you are okay, no treasure or anything of value matters." He hummed softly.

George felt relieved.
"Yeah.. Dream made that clear." He nodded his head.
"He's been helping a lot... he's nice."

"Yeah, you two seem to be getting close." Sam crossed his upper arms.. using his lower paw'd arms to sail.

George didn't know.
"Well.. he let's me read.... So I'd hope we are getting along." He looked down at the ground, interlocking his fingers together.

"Yeah?" Sam cocked a brow...Dream lets him use all his belongings..?

"He's really nice to me as well.." George felt his cheeks heat up, smiling softly.
"He is a good friend." He held his hands together once more.

"Oh I bet." Sam nodded his head softly.
"Have you met the rest of the crew?" He hummed.

"I've met Karl.. and ponk I think.." George rubbed the back of his head.
"The snake one." He mumbled.

"Oh... ponk.." Sam grumbled, scrunching his noise faintly.
"Yeah.." he had an unimpressed look.
"Me and him don't get along."

"Why?" George tilted his head, walking up to sam.

"Just.. a creature thing I guess." Sam shrugged.. his tail swaying side to side.
"Centaurs and snake people or whatever don't mix."

"That doesn't mean you both need to hate each other." George looked over towards lower deck.. seeing ponk sun bathing on a few barrels.

"Yeah but he just lays there! Everyday for hours." Sam rolled his eyes, letting out a small sigh.
"I don't understand why."

"But- he needs too..." George looked back at Sam.
"He's cold blooded if I'm correct..." he rubbed his cheek.
"It's his only way to stay warm."

Sam blinked... thinking for a few moments.
"How do you know that???" He turned to George.. a bit confused.

"I had a pet snake..." George looked down, interlocking his fingers together.
"It needed heat to stay warm." He hummed.

"What happened to it then?" Sam tilted his head to the side.

George frowned.. getting a little sad.
"My... mom killed it..." he adjusted the trench coat around him.
"She thought it was getting in my way of my life"

"Oh.." Sam frowned.. but before he spoke- Dream came back.
"Hello dream." He turned over.

"The ropes have been tightened." Dream glanced over, seeing George awake.
"I see you are awake now.." he rubbed his shoulder before adjusting his mask.

George nodded his head.
"Mhm.." he wanted to go lay down.
"I'm gonna head back to the room..."

Dream nodded.
"Am I able to have my trench coat back." He said some what firmly, folding his hand out.

George perked up, quickly handing dreams trench coat over.
"Here." He smiled softly.

"Thank you." Dream slid his trench coat back on.
"Are you heading to the spare room or my room?" He hummed.

"I wanna read.. so your room most likely." George soon walked towards the stairs.. making his way downstairs.
"I'll leave you be." He hummed.

.: Dream POV :.

Dream watched as George made his way downstairs... softly smiling under his mask... at least he's talking more.


Dream looked over, seeing Sam faintly smirking.
"What?" He tilted his head.

"When's the wedding~" Sam teased, grinning faintly.

"What??" Dream scoffed.
"No.. don't even." He snapped, flicking his wings in annoyance.
"The hell?"

"Oh come on.. you know you can talk to me about it." Sam whispered quietly.. resting on the wheel.
"Now spill." He hummed.
"What's going on between you and new guy."

"No." Dream said with an annoyed tone.
"He may be skinny.. pretty and nice.. a good friend even but I don't go with that." He crossed his arms.

"Well.. whats with the bandages at least." Sam tilted his head to the side.. humming a soft tune.

"Past family problems.." dreams tail swayed back and forth.. softly sighing.
"And... the potion taking affect.." he glanced back.
"So I've been managing him."

"You definitely like him." Sam grinned, tilting his head to the side.
"Don't you?" He flicked his ear.
"You like him~"

"So what?" Dream said firmly, growling faintly.
"He's nice company." He crossed his arms.

"Just ask him out." Sam waved his hand.
"Now go rest.. I'll get Sapnap to manage the ship." He hummed.

Dream just stared in confusion.
"What???" He was getting even more confused.
"I'm not asking him out?!"

"Why?" Sam rolled his eyes.
"There is something between you two." He chuckled softly.
"You care for him.... I have someone in mind myself."

"As a friend." Dream hit his mask, letting out a scoff.
"I need to take care of him... his wounds are quite severe." He shook his head.

"Then what happens once his wounds are heal'd." Sam was just too curious about these two.
"Hmm?" He rested his hands on his hips.

"Well a few things could happen."Dream tapped his mask.
"I'll give a choice again if he wants to stay after he's gotten used to the ship or not.. and I'll probably get a nice room set up for him- like the others." He shrugged.

"Dude, just admit it." Sam just wanted to hear Dream say it.
"You like him." He grinned.

Dream rolled his eyes.
"I don't.." he soon walked away.

He was not in the mood for this.

Total word count: 2004

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