The Great Divide // Justin Bi...

By justinsmia

66K 2.1K 889

It's now the year of 3021, Aliens have now been discovered and they came down to earth thinking they would be... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Your Opinion
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
The Great Divide Cast/important authors note !!

Chapter 6.

2.2K 72 34
By justinsmia


Tuesday : party day

"Jay," I heard my Mia's soft and calming voice call into my ear.

"Wake up jay..." She shook me making me instantly whine, moaning and groaning not wanting to wake up.

I love her, but please, she needs to let me have my sleep.

I heard her sigh and little footsteps on the floor making me pop one eye open.

She was leaving me...

I let out a loud whimper, and she instantly turned around to look at me. "I up..I-I'm up," I cried wiping at my face trying not to cry as much.

"Jay, I...I need to get ready." And she shut the bathroom door. My tears came right back, streaming down my face rapidly.

Does she not want me?

Am I too much of a baby?



I can be a big boy for my Mia.

Maybe she'll like me better then.

I grabbed a tissue and blew my nose, drying my eyes and ran quickly downstairs.
I saw Sydney, the one who yelled at me a couple days back, and she was making a shake.

I smiled brightly at her and she narrowed her eyes. "What do you need Justin," she sighed. How did she know I needed something?

All well, doesn't matter.

"I want t-too get My Mia a-a shake for her mor-morning," she raised her eyebrows. "Why?" She asked.

"I wa-wanna be big boy f-f-or her." She nodded "Alright, hand me the strawberries and a banana," I gave her the red and yellow things, and said my 'thank you' (because I'm nice like that) and ran up the many blocks to my Mia.

When I made it in her room I put her shake on her dresser, walked in her bathroom and heard her singing, well rapping actually.

"Last name ever, First name greatest. Like a sprained ankle boy I ain't nothing to play with. Started off local but thanks to all the haters, I know G4 pilots on a first name basis."

I giggled quietly at her rapping but listened more.

"In your city faded off the brown, Nino. She insists she got more class, we know. Swimming in the money, come and find me, NEMO."

I hummed along with her reaching into the cabinet getting out her Sponge square thing towel. I heard the water shut off and the glass door opened, revealing her.

She was nakey....

She screamed. "Omg Justin! Cover your eyes!" I quickly cover them with one hand while I handed her the towel with the other.

"What are you in here for jay?" She had the towel wrapped around her so I took my hands off my eyes.

"Well I-I wanted to be big boy f-for you." I smiled, showing all my pearly whites. "Why?" My smiled fell.

It was replaced with a frown.

"You-you don't want me to be b-big boy- " she cut me off.

"No, I was just wondering why all of a sudden you wanna be a big boy for me," she confirmed.

"Cause you were m-mad at m-e and I want-ted to make y-ou happy," she shook her head.

"No jay, I wasn't mad. Trust me I was tired too, but tonight we're throwing a party and I needed you to do something for me, something to protect you from the mean humans." She caressed my cheek, I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Look, let me get dressed and you can go downstairs and watch some tv?" I nodded turning on my heels and headed for the room with the big fluffy things and Big Tv.


"H-How do you t-t-urn this on," I asked Cade nicley, looking over at him with the remote held out for him. He opened his eyes, shook his head taking the remote into his own hands clicking some buttons.

"W-what s-s-show is th-th-is?" I asked pulling the blanket closer to me. It was freezing in this room.

"It's a movie and it's called Big Hero 6." He rolled his eyes at me and I furrowed my eyebrows.

What did I ever do to him?


As I sat at the island in the kitchen, Sydney made her strawberry and banana smoothie as I sipped my Chocolate milk watching the tv we had in here.

Sponge bob was on.

I honestly think it's crazy this show still comes on, but I love it.

Then I turned my head as the kitchen door slid open and a little alien walked in, smiling and looking all innocent.

He's not.

He stole my girl from me. And that's not being innocent.

"What do you need Justin," Sydney sighed, looking over at Justin. He hasn't even noticed my presence, weird.

"I want t-too get My Mia a-a shake for her mor-morning," Sydney raised her eyebrows. "Why?" She asked.

"I wa-wanna be big boy f-f-or her." She nodded "Alright, hand me the strawberries and a banana," he handed her the fruits and thanked her when she finished, this little innocent act will soon be revealed that he really is faking.

He ran off and went loudly up the stairs, I rolled my eyes walking into the living room turning it on a random show.

We all decided we ditch school today and just hang at home and do things but learn at school.

No one disagreed to that suggestion, of course.

I leaned back and set my chocolate milk on the coffee table, adjusting the pillow to my liking letting sleep take over my body.

Nap time.


"H-How do you t-t-urn this on," my nap was interrupted by a remote poking my shoulder, I opened my eyes, seeing the one person - alien - I didn't wanna see when I wake up from an amazing nap.

I grabbed it turning on a movie of my choice, Big Hero 6, I honestly love it.

"Wh-what s-show is th-I-s?" He asked, I rolled my eyes. "It's a movie and it's called big hero 6,"

He frowned at me looking back at the tv. Why he frown at me?

Did I say something?

Do something?



I grabbed the brown/hazel contacts for Justin.

I love his bright, vibrant, violet eyes but they just can't be on display for a whole bunch of snitch head teenagers.

"Jay!" I called with the contacts container in my hand, walking carefully down the stairs. I am totally not ready to fall and die - I probably won't die - it's too risky.

"M-Mia?" Justin met me at the bottom of the stairs with his arms open, wanting a hug.
"Can I jump?" I said childishly, he smiled bigger nodding. I jumped 3 steps away from him and he surprisingly caught me..

"I love you," he didn't stutter one bit, he was dead serious....

"I like you," he frowned but covered it up the instant I looked over at him it was already too late though, I already saw.

I feel extremely bad that I don't love him back, but I'm not ready, Sue me.

"Jay, you're gonna need to wear these for me." I pulled them out as he sat me on the counter, he walked to the kitchen while I was thinking I guess.

"Wh-at are th-o-se?" He had a horrified look on his face, then he ran off; in a flash.

"Jay! if you wanna go to the party you would put these on for me," I yelled out just impatiently waiting for him to run back to me.

I heard the kitchen door slowly open as his head peeked in.

"Jay, come on baby, it doesn't hurt one bit. I would never hurt you." He looked up at me with his glossy violet eyes.

"Cause y-ou wove me?" I smiled, nodding.

"Yes babyboy, now c'mere so I can put these on you."


"What the hell! NOOO!" I screamed before my entire body hit the extremely cold water.

The party had started and everyone has started flooding in, running around the house and swimming in the pool.

And yes, Cade just flung me at least 10 feet in the air then into the pool, all while I was screaming and laughing at the top of my lungs.

"You fucker," I laughed flipping my once curly hair back. All of sudden everyone looked over at me, and the backyard was silent, the whole place was silent, and all eyes were on me.

"What?" I questioned and Cade pointed with his eyes at the front door. Jackie, Lizbeth, Melanie, Andrea and Emily all walked in.

I hopped out the water and motioned everyone to get back to what they were doing, same with the people inside.

I danced my way over to Jackie and her clique and obviously ignored her and Lizbeth.

"Mia!" Melanie gave me a hug. "Wassup," I gave Emily and Andrea a hug, totally ignoring Jackie and Lizbeth, earning looks from the two but I could care less.

"Well I'm off, you three have fun." I winked and Jackie scoffed walking off.
Lizbeth went in a totally different direction along with the others.

They split up having fun.



I was in my Mia's room watching tv.

There was way too many humans and it was scary...

All of a sudden there was a knock at the door and thinking it was my Mia I opened the door but screeched as I was slammed against the wall.


I was walking upstairs to my room and I was half way up the stairs, my bedroom door slammed shut.


I jogged up the stairs pointing at the guest house making sure the horny ass teenagers that were legitimately about to fuck in my damn hallway will do the nasty there.


"Just-" I dropped the juice out of my hand seeing the worst thing in the world in front of me.

Jackie was sucking all on his neck and and kissing him and He was smiling and giggling at it.

He likes it?!

"Jackie," I growled, tears brimming my eyes.


"Yes Mia, and I just saw what the fuck you two were just doing! You know what you are Justin?" He shook his head.

"N-not Justin, J-Jay. Or Ba-Babyboy...Ive been a good boy-" I stopped him.

"Stop. I'm leaving." I pushed past the both of them avoiding Justin's cries for me, pushing him away everytime.

I walked over to my nightstand grabbing my phone and keys, dashing down the stairs.

"Party's over! Get the hell out!" I furiously yelled. And just like that they all left.

Jackie walked down the stairs along with a crying Justin by her side, "Your just pissed cause I pulled your man too." She smirked and i had e-fucking-nough so I charged but was pulled and held down by Cade.

I knew it was Cade cause his stupid watch that was digging into my skin. Dick head.

"Let me fucking kick her jehsksbbdj" the rest was muffled because Cade covered my mouth.

I pushed his hand off my face, "You fucking hoe! Go suck a fucking dick!" I yelled finally out of Cade's arms, Justin was just sobbing horribly.

"How about your boyfriends?" She smirked.

"You're such a fucking slut! Why don't you fucking get your own damn boyfriend?!" I still continued to fight against Cade's hold on me.

"Oh then it'd be no fun!" She gave me a fake pout and I wanted nothing more than to just fucking bash her head into a wall. I'm very violent as you can see.

"Oh I can't forget about you!" I tuned to Justin. "You were the least expected to kiss THAT?! I trusted you and now I don't know if I will again!"

I opened the front door and looked back at him.

"I did trust you..."

And slammed it climbing into my car speeding away. See when I get angry I do lots of things that I'll probably regret. But right now, I just wanna go for a while.

A song came on.

Heart Attack by Trey Songz

"In too deep, can't think about giving it up
But I never knew love would feel like a heart attack
It's killing me, swear I never cried so much
Cause I never knew love would hurt this fuckin' bad
The worst pain that I ever had.."

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