Young Justice: The Lightning...

By young-warrior120

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(Season 1) ✅After Black Canary and Green Arrow discover a boy with no memory of his life, Canary takes the bo... More

Independence Day
Welcome To Happy Harbor
Drop Zone
Showdown With A God
Family Matters
Movie Night
The Last Prophecy
Usual Suspects
Auld Acquaintance
Announcement (im really getting tired of this)
Season 2 BIO
Happy New Year
Vote (not a chapter)
Stage Three
Before The Dawn
The Truth
Story Of Ragnorak
Death Of A God
Season 3 BIO
A Luxury
The New Lightning Rod
Two Years Later
The New Prophecy
The Future
A Fate Far Worse Than Death
It's In The Past
The Tragedy Of Patrick Lance
Earth 68
The Day
A Few Minutes Left
He's Back
Season 4 bio
Starting Over
The Party
The Wedding Of The Century
The Titan War
Mother And Son
True Lesson
Final author message

The Summit

278 10 0
By young-warrior120

The Summit



Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter and Hawkwoman stood surrounded by a red laser, while Icon was standing to the side, and Superman up front. The entire audience was comprised of aliens from different worlds. A fat pale alien was sitting at the front.

Tribune: does the defendant understand?

Superman: yes, Tribuine. But I can only say again what we have said all along. The justice League and myself, never meant to attack Rimbor. We are not conquerors or criminals. Our only interest is peace.

Prosecutor: forgive us, Superman, if we find that hard to believe. Considering you earthling harbor the son of one. Alexios Demi. Or as you all call him, Patrick Lance. The infamous son of Zeus.

Superman: He has nothing to do with this. And he is nothing like his father.

Prosecutor: than why say "we're willing to use him"

Superman: like I've been saying, we had no control over our actions.

Prosecutor: but Alexios was when he killed Heimdall, right? How do we know we won't follow in his father's footsteps and kill everyone.

Batman: because unlike his father, he has people he loves. Something to lose. Patrick Lance is nothing like his father. I hate it when people kill but I excused Patrick, because when it comes to people, we care about, no one's above making a wrong choice. And last I checked, we're investigating OUR crime, so let's not get sidetracked.

Judged: very well, proceed.


Black Beetle emerged from the cave entrance, while Oceanus and Deathstroke emerged from the other side. They all nodded at each other. Black Beetle, the Reach Scientist and Ambassador entered from the left, while Vandal Savage, Black Manta, Kaldur, Tigress, Ra's al Ghul, the brain, and Cronus all entered from the left, with Light guards.

Vandal Savage: Ambassador.

Ambassador: Savage.

Black Beetle: as head of security for The Reach. (He pointed at Black Manta) I must insist no mask be worn at the summit.

Black Manta: simply because you insist is no guarantee.

Ra's: Manta, if you wouldn't mind. After all, we ae among friends.

Manta growled and reluctantly pulled off his helmet along with Tigress and Deathstroke.

Tigress: we are so in over our heads.

Kaldur: shh

Ra's: satisfied?

Black Beetle: hmm.

Ambassador: excellent. Then with the formalities out of the way..

Savage: let us begin.

Ambassador: will the rest of the Light be joining us? Cronus, where is Hyperion?

Cronus: busy.

Ra's: our more public members are occupied conducting damage control to mitigate your recent defeats.

Savage: and in any case, we are sufficient.

Ambassador: fine. I know you called this summit, but the Reach has some concerns. The so-called Lightning Rod is missing. And after what he did to your former member, Bane, and Cronus's old ally, Heimdall, should we be worried?

Cronus: if my grandson wanted us off the census, trust me, we would be. If I had to guess, he finally took a break, after the death of Thor and Artemis.

Ambassador: very well. What of the grievances against the Light? Please explain how young earth champions, were allowed access to the Biaylan scarab temple under your control?

Kaldur: if I may respond?

Black Beetle: no, you may not. Manta, keep your whelp meat silent.

Black Manta: beetle, your incolence grows less and less... charming.

Savage: my friends, I think we can all agree in recent days no one has done more for the Light and the Reach, than Kaldur'ahm. He endured three hurricanes worth of lightning from the Lightning Rod. That is why he was entrusted with the security for this summit. And why he's entitled to a voice.

Ambassador: of course. He may speak.

Kaldur: thank you Ambassador. We acknowledge your concerns with the actions of my form team. But you must acknowledge that the Light could not have known the significance of the temple. Or that ancient earth magiccould overcome Reach technology to free Blue Beetle and Green Beetle from your thrall. And of Alexios's full potential. If the Reach and the titans had been more forthcoming about how powerful Lightning Rod could become, about how long ago the scarab was sent, the Light could have prevented all of this

Scientist: I told you, I wanted to study how Blue Beetle scarab had crashed prior to putting it back on mode. If you had followed my advice, we would-

The Ambassador glared at her causing her to stop.

Black Manta: continue my dear, you are quite correct to call out your master's tactics.

Ambassador: I do not believe this is a productive direction for our discussion.

Ra's: no? Your public approval ratings are at a record low. As our sales of the Reach drink which you had hoped would enslave the populace.

Savage: you allowed the young heroes you kidnaped to be rescued by the very teenagers you whose meta-genes you enhanced.

Black Manta: after allowing their escape as well.

Kaldur: worst of all, Blue Beetle and Green Beetle have slipped from your grasp and fallen into the Justice League.

Ambassador: rest assured that both beetles will return to the fold. So do not question us on that score or any other. Remember, earth is the property of the Reach. And per our orignal agreement, the Light is merely our favored agents among the humans.

Black Beetle: show the proper respect or suffer the consequences.

Black Manta: (he approached the warrior) no agreement exist that makes a slave of Black Manta

Black Beetle: (he approached him as well) no agreement exists that guarantees the life of Black Manta.

Black Manta: Mant guarantees that himself.

Ra's: it seems we have a stand-off.

Black Beetle: no, we do not.

The bug back handed the man away. Tigress, Deathstroke and Oceanus drew their weapons and charged, the reach soldiers fire back. Tigress got knocked into Ra's as Black beetle and Manta charged each other again only for Kaldur to step between them.

Kaldur: enough! We are allies, not enemies. Any conflict beteen us only benefits our true opponents. The Justice League and their sidekicks.

Cronus: Kaldur'ahm is quite correct.

Ambassador: agreed. Stand down warrior.

Beetle: Ambassador...

Ambassador: stand. Down.

Beetle growled and put his weapon away.

Ambassitor: I wouldn't be to concerned about public opinion. Though the tide has turned a certain degree, it will be a simple matter to build on the foundations of half-truths we have usd to (he noticed Ra's approaching Tigress) discredit.

Tigress: great one?

Ra's grab the glamor on her neck causing her to gasp and he ripped it off, her black hair changed to golden blond in a instant.

Cronus: Artemis...

Ambassador: I don't understand, I thought Artemis was dead.

Savage: so, did we all. But it seems Artemis is Tigress.

Ra's: this is a glamor charm, created I'd wager, by Zatanna, or doctor fate. To hide Artemis's true identity.

Ambassador: but Kaldur'ahm, killed Artemis. If she lives, and in disguised as his partner, then that means...

Black Beetle: Aqualad duped them all, including his own father. Ha ha ha!

Ambassador: kill them both.

Black Manta: no! You will not kill my son!

Deathstroke: he's right.

Deathstroke shot Kaldur in the chest. Oceanus jumped behind Artemis and stabbed her with his trident.

Deathstroke: The Light takes care of its own

Oceanus: agreed.

Manta: Kaldur...

Kaldur: it's too late father, I already... won...

Suddenly a hologram of Kaldur appeared in the center of the room.

Kaldur: if you are watching this, then your summit is truly over. The Light and the Reach, and the Titan deserve each other. All sides play at being Partners. But the Reach believes the Light to be their naïve tools of conquest, when in fact the Light has manipulated the Rech from day one. It was the Titans that brought idea of the Reach to the light's Attention to the, they promised to share. When the titans make them believe there are only two remaining, they have been hiding Krios, Coius and even Gaia from them. So, you see, any blind trust you all may have had was nothing but an illusion. I trust I have shattered that illusion. Good night.

Manta: what have you done Kaldur?

Ambassador: you earthlings dare betray us?! have you forgotten who controls war-world?! The Light is fortunate we do not carve up your planet as we speak!

Savage: that would indeed impress, as I have the War-Worlds crystal key.

Kaldur: that. Is all we needed to know.

Kaldur got up must to the shock of everyone in the room.

Manta: Kaldur, you're--

Kladur: alive, yes.

Artemis: if you would? And I always heard the great one was such a gentleman.

Artemis stood up

Savage: impossible. Deathstroke and Oceanus killed you both!

Deathstroke: just for a little while. (a sword levitated in front of Savage, and the the Trident.) we wouldn't wanna do anything permient (Ocenus morphed into Lightning Rod, While Deathstroke morphed to Miss Martian) not when hoolywood special effects will do instead.

Kaldur: for we value our true friends. And unlike you, we are not short on them.

Suddenly, Kid Flash, Darkstar, Bumblebee, guradian, and Superboy all entered from the left. While Batgirl Nightwing and Baldur joined on the left.

Baldur: Cronus.

Savage: well, played. But the Light always has condictiones.

Lightning Rod: I have no time for this.

He grabbed Cronus by the collar and teleported the two out of the summit and brought him to the top of the mountain.

Cronus drew his weapon. He charged with a yell. Patrick merely sidestepped. He shot a bolt at him. Cronus suddenly groaned out in agony.

Cronus: you- you removed my immortality.

Lightning Rod: you are nothing but a human now. It learned a few tricks while grieving Thor. I took the time I was grieving to get stronger.

Cronus: no.

Suddenly Dylan jumped from the sea and knocked him out.

Dylan: that's for Thor.

Patrick: he'd be proud.

Dylan: hope so.

Patrick: you got the ring?

Dylan: of course.


Lightning Rod so we can prove the League innocent?

Kaldur: yes.

Nightwing: Lightning, I wanted to apologize,

Lightning Rod: don't, I forgive easily. (He smiled) Just like my mother.

Artemis approached her boyfriend and the two locked lips. They were like that for so long that everyone was uncomfortable by the time they stoped. Then Patrick started to sing.

Patrick: hold my hand. Everything will be okay. I heard from the heavens. (He got on on knee, causing Artemis's to have her hand fly to her mouth. She let out a sob as Patrick pulled out a ring with a green diamond)

Patrick: Artemis Crock, will you marry me.

Artemis: yes! Yes you idiot, Thunder brain! Of course I'll marry you!


Black Beetle: the war world hard left orbit. Under the control of Savage. The entire summit was merely a ploy to remove me from my post as key chamber. Fine the meat can have their way. We will leave them with a gift. It is time to release Typhoon.

The scientist nodded her head.

One more to go. Trust me. The ending of season two will be a shock.
That's all for now. Until next time. Peace!

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