Locked Class Hero (Rwby x Mal...

By Wolfinator12

142K 3.3K 2.4K

Massive AU inspired by 'Forged Destiny' from Fanfiction.net. In the world of Remnant your class dictates your... More

Chapter 1: First Quest
Chapter 2: Problems
Chapter 3: Guild
Chapter 4: New members
Chapter 5: Hunters vs Dungeon
Chapter 6: Decision
Chapter 7: Discovery
Chapter 8: Valhallas guest
Chapter 9: Strange happenings
Chapter 10: Duels
Chapter 11: Quest
Chapter 12: Classes
Chapter 13: News
Chapter 14: What is going on?
Chapter 15: Theory
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45

Chapter 44

693 23 23
By Wolfinator12

The sound of thundering hooves echoed all around the caravan of the Beacon students returning back to school. Their asignment had been finished, their camp packed up and now they were heading back. Only one student was missing. The source of the sound that made the rest of the student body shake in fear.

Y/n Schwarz had been allowed to act as pre-emptive defense. Not a second later Sleipnir had appeared and the boy rode off at speeds previously unheard of. In his wake he left clouds of death. His rumbling laughter accompanied by wolves howling would occasionally be muted out by the pained howls of Grimm.

Many students, who remembered the once timid twig of a boy, wondered how said boy had become a force of nature. A Hero who was rising in strength day by day. Soon not even the older students could dare hold a candle to him.

May those who cross him rest in peace.

As he rushed through the forests of Vale Y/n ordered Sleipnir to stop. Something felt off. Fenrir stopped next to his master and sniffed the air, he too took a more cautious stance, growling towards the forest. A few tense seconds passed and the feeling of danger vanished as suddenly as it had arrived. Listening closely Y/n could not hear a single thing that was out of place.

The tight grasp on Grimm-Splitters handle did not waver.

Y/n: "Come out." Y/n ordered. "You can hide your killing intent all you want. I know you are there. Make this easy for me." The flapping of clothing could be heard shortly before Y/n found himself surrounded by 20 people all cloaked in grey cloaks.

Grey Cloak: "You are surrounded, oh rival of the Queen." Y/n gave Sleipnir a pat on the head before getting off of his back, the horse vanishing back into his shadow. Looking around he saw they there all armed, a wide range of weaponry, only 5 had bows with 4 more holding crossbows. Looking at his wolf companion Y/n gave a nod.

Y/n: "All I am surrounded by-" Y/n began as Fenrir returned to his shadow- "is Fear and dead men."

A few of the cloaked people took a step back. Some were shaking in their boots. The leader was frozen as he stared the boy into his eye. What he saw terrified him.

In an instant Y/n was upon the two idiots with crossbows that stood too close to eachother. Before their dead bodies could even hit the ground 3 more had fallen victim to the Hero-in-training. A sick rush began to build in Y/ns chest, his heart beat growing faster, his skin felt warmer with each passing second.

Dodging an arrow he threw his axe while blocking an axe strike. The neck of the last attacker was snapped like a twig before the dead body was thrown at two approaching foes with swords. Y/n skid past a piercing attack of a spear, grabbed the haft, snapped it and used the broken weapon to kill the previous owner.

The blood of his enemies was already flowing down his face in rivers. But he smiled. His teeth growing bloody from the crimson liqiuid running down his face.

Y/n: "I love the thrill of a fight." He said with a chuckle as he reached his axe. A few of the cloaked enemies turned to run causing Y/n to laugh loudly. "Let the hunt begin." Fenrir howled loudly while he rushed of to give chase.

A skull cracked under the might of his shield, which caught 3 arrows right after.

Slowly Y/n lost himself in the slaughter he was inflicting. His mind growing clear as only the sound of battle echoed through him.

As he killed the last woman with a ranged weapon Y/n was feeling a rythm in his bones. A chant in his mind could be heard faintly. Only a single word.




His axe and shield were dropped as he took a more crouched stance. A beast like growl escaping his bared teeth.

Only one man was left standing after the carnage calmed down. The bodies of his companies strewn around. Limbs having been ripped from their bodies.

The man was not scared.

The man met the beasts glare with his own as he raised his ornate sword, the likes of which Y/n only has seen used by the King of Vale and his honor guard, yet the shape was all to familiar.


Although it was neither the straight blade with the tapered middle he had become all too familiar with thanks to making the swords for Pyrrha, most commonly used around the southern coasts of Mistral. Nor was it the simple straight blades of his own ancestors, who also settled the northern parts of Mistral.

This one was longer, thinner and curved.

Y/n did not have long to admire the blade as in the blink of an eye it was soaring towards his throat.

Bending backwards the giant showed of a flexibility that should be impossible for someone with his build. Grinning widely he soared back upwards headbutting the attacker with enough force to dent the helmet that had been hidden beneath the cloak.

The man had to practically break off the remains of his ornately decorated helmet to allow his view to return. Doing so revealed a clearly Mistralian man. His face was scarred from decades of battle. Hair grey from old age, a feat more fearsome than the scars. Only two kinds of Heroes reach an age advanced enough for their hair to grey naturally. Cowards and Powerful Heroes.

With the revealed face his class was revealed too. (A/N: INFO ADDED TO INFO CHAPTER)


A fearsome class, solely focused on fighting with a blade. Pure offense, with aggressive counters and parries serving as their defense.

Man: "The savagery of the Northern Heathens still soils our world I see. Allow me to finish what my father has started." His blade was lowered ready to strike.

Y/n: "Bold words for someone with dirt in their eyes." A handful of dirt was flung right into the mans face, who could do nothing to react and was now blinded. Y/n followed the dirty attack up with a kick to the groin, a punch to the throat and an elbow to the liver.

His onslaught was put on halt as a desperate swipe carved its way through the ground and nearly into Y/ns armpit. The boy knew that he would have just lost his arm if his enemy wasnt unable to properly aim his strike. 

Instead of doing the logical thing and to back off Y/n's smile grew wider. It has been for ever since he last felt the thrill of fighting for his life. With a small turn Y/n barely escaped another desperate swipe before delivering a uppercut to the mans chin. So far all that his attacks have done to the Blademaster was making him angry and Y/n loved it. An angry foe will fight fiercly.

As he was about to step into the mans defence Y/n felt the hairs on his neck stand up making him turn just in time to get a frontal cut squar across his chest from an ethereal copy of the Blademaster with two more cuts being delivered to his sides from two more copies.

A dangerous skill and one he will enjoy fighting against.

The cuts were bleeding, but they were not deep thanks to his high resistance. (A/N Info added)

He might have wished to continue fighting bare handed, but Y/n knew better to risk his life for something as meaningless as bringing his fists to a swordfight. Letting himself drop onto the bloody forest floor Y/n looked up to see the four Blademasters cut through where his neck was mere moments ago, only to cut into ghostly copies. The attack seemed to not be effecting the ghostly copies nor the original.

While many belived Y/n to be a mindless brute and while sure his Intelligence and Wisdom are both his lowest stats, the classless boy was not dumb, especially if it was concerning a fight. He did not fall to the floor simply to dodge, but to also reach his dropped shield and axe.

The moment his equipment was back in his hands Y/n rolled to the side, kicked up, landed on his feet and smacked the shit out of the original Blademaster using his shield. The hit was strong enough to splinter the wood of his shield, some of the splintered wood being forced right into the flesh of the mans face. The three copies all reacted as if they too have been struck.

Y/n: "Will you give me your name so I know the name of the foe who gave me this much entertainment?" Y/n asked with a chuckle as he used his remaining shield to block the diagonal cut from one of the clones, the other three strikes biting into the tattered remains of Berserker's Hide. Upon the attacks, cutting the remains of Y/ns armor, having hit Y/n felt Berserkers Hides buffs fizzle out.

Blademaster: "Zure Bei."

Y/n: "Did you get a wish fullfilled by that witch bitch Salem?" Oh that struck a nerve Y/n should not have. Around him the clones increased in number from 3 to 15. "Ohh nice army you got there." With a smirk Y/n blew into the Gjallarhorn causing the giant shadowy door to appear behind him. It swung open and out swarmed the Einherjar. "But mine is bigger. Join me brothers and sisters. Enjoy your fight and bring my foe to the gates of Hel!"

The Einherjar roared a cheer before rushing towards the clones.

Almost a third of them were cut down in mere seconds. However a few seconds of getting pummeled by the Einherjar was enough for Zure to realize he was better off not using his clones, but if he were to deactivate the skill he would be the sole target of a small army.

With a growl the Blademaster let the clones vanish and he swung in a wide arc, decapitating 6 Einherjar and nearly taking off Y/n's head along with it. Upon having cleared an escape route the man turned and began to retreat.

He did not get far.

The first arrow that struck him cleanly carved a way through his left thigh. The second took out his right arm.

Two more completely crippled his right leg.

Dropping to the floor Zure looked around at where the projectiles came from only to spot the students of Beacon having completely surrounded him.

Y/n: "I was not talking about the Einherjar when I mentioned my army being bigger. Surrender now and you might get a quick death." He said while still being on edge. An animal is the most dangerous while cornered.

Once again the old saying rang true.

Y/n was the first to spot the strange orb Zure pulled out of his cloak and he was quick to rush the man, hoping he could stop whatever was going to happen.

Y/n: "BACK OFF NOW!" He shouted while raising Grimm-Splitter, ready to cut off the arm the orb was held with.

He was not fast enough.

A thick purple smog covered the area in an instant and with it came the suffocating feeling of dread.

Once more Salem walked the earth of Remnant.

The strike Y/n had aimed at Zure was instantly redirected towards the Queen of Grimm, cutting straight through the womans neck and half her face.

There was a moment of silence before Salem chuckled darkly.

A few black tendrils came out of her neck and reattached the cut off pieces of her.

The chuckle however turned into a snarl as Grimm-Splitters runes took effect.

The Queen of Grimm, a literal goddess of death and darkness fell to her knees.

Salem was forced to kneel before a mere mortal.

And she was not liking this fact one bit.

The effect of Grimm-Splitter Runes was broken a few moments later and she began to rise back to her feet.

Y/n could not have that. He swiftly kicked her into the air, grabbed her foot and swung her straight back into the ground, before stomping onto the back of her skull, further burying her head into the bloody soil.

Y/n: "I wish for a single copper piece!" Y/n shouted right before Zeru could say anything. The boy having seen the Blademaster roll onto his back and opening his mouth to say something.

An arrow wizzed past his head, which Y/n caught. Attached to it was a small pouch holding a single copper coin.

Y/n: "There my wish has been fulfilled not fuck off you rigid bitch. You are not welcome here." The only time Y/n stopped beating the unmoving Queen of Grimm was when he caught the arrow, he could not risk allowing her to retaliate.

Salem: "As rude as ever. No respect. No tact. No idea what he just did." Salem exploded into a cloud of bats and reformed above Y/n, holding out her hand. A ball of dark energy gathered.

Y/n: "Get down from there if you want to fight me, cunt." Y/n jumped, grabbed her head and headbutted her back to the ground. "You will not-" in an instant the forest was far below Y/n. A pain unlike any he had felt before ran through his chest, but he could not allow that to stop him from holding off the evil before him.

Gravity took effect once more and the winds rushed passed him as he fell back towards the ground. Any other man would be scared, but Y/n was unlike any other man. Grimm-Splitter was raised high in both his hands as Jormungandr appeared, sitting on his back. The snake grew heavier and heavier, further increasing Y/ns speed. Shortly before he reached the ground he swung.

It was at this moment the few students of Beacon, that managed to remain concious while under Salems Aura of dread, saw a man split a mountain with but one swing.

The last thing Y/n saw was Salems look of fear as she was cleaved in half with such force that both parts of her body were shattered in a million pieces.

The boy had hit the Queen with such force that she was nothing more than a puff of dark smoke which was quickly blown away by the shockwave the impact created.

Under the impact the ground was crushed and flung away.

A crater remained where once a thick forest stood. It was deep and wide enough for the Grand Keep of Vale to stand inside and not peek out.

Over the following months, with each falling rain, the crater would become a lake. A lake the people who knew about how it was created later would name Lake Schwarz.

In the middle of it laid the bleeding and broken body of Y/n. He was breathing with great difficulty, his eyelids struggeling to stay open.

A bloody grin on his face as a gazed upon the clear sky.

Taking a deep breath that came out sounding like someone trying to breath with their mouth filled with water Y/n shakingly and with great difficulty rose his hands as if grasping the sky.

Y/n: "H-Heal my wounds, " he began, "cleanse my blood, " a flicker of light appeared above him, "it's too soon for my life to be spilled into this mud." He struggled with each word, but knew the chant from within deep of his heart. "Cure my flesh, rest my bones, I don't want to end my life all broken and bodily torn." The sound of wings echoed through the air. "Sooth my mind, ease my pain, let me see the shores of my homeland once again." The golden light above him grew more intense as a flock of beautyful women on winged, white steeds came riding from the clouds above. "Come healing, come strength-" the ache bones were forced to move, as Y/n willed himself to stand, his arms still spread in front of him, waiting to receive the beings he was calling upon- "VALCYRIA GRANT ME A LIFE OF WORTHY LENGTH!"

Four ethereal women gently hugged him from all sides. Their golden light seeping into the vikings broken body, mending the wounds he has received. Bones snapped back into place, torn muscles reattached to themselves and blood from all around him flowed back through the slowly growing shut cuts.

As his body was back in working shape the light and with it the Valkyries disappeared.

Y/n fell like a sack of wheat.

Class: (lc ed)

Level: 49

Rank: S


-Strength: 457 / mod: (locked)

-Dexterity: 353 / mod: (locked)

-Wisdom: 157 / mod: (locked)

-Intelligence: 201 / mod: (locked)

-Resistance: 399 / mod: (locked)

-Stamina: 327 / mod: (locked)

-Stat Points: 62 / mod: S+


Worker skills:

-Cooking lvl. 20

-Sewing lvl. 18

-Leatherworking lvl. 19

-Carpentry lvl. 27

-Forging (Weapons) lvl. 35

-Forging (Armor) lvl. 25

-Tracking lvl. 17

-Haggling lvl. 18

-Woodcutting lvl. 15

-Carving lvl. 11

Soldier/Hero skills:

-Swords lvl. 26

-Daggers lvl. 37

-Bows lvl. 42

-Light armor lvl. 47

-Heroic Choice lvl. MAX

-Axes lvl. 49

-Shields lvl. 33

-Leadership lvl. 41

-Instincts lvl. 31

Noble Skills:

-Oath lvl. MAX

Magic skills:

-Summoning lvl. 62

-Shape Summon lvl. 14

-Runesmith lvl. 9

-Runic Enchantment lvl. 7

-One-Eyed lvl. 9


-Workers Endurance

-Vikings Body

-Vikings Will


-Battle Drunk


Fenrir lvl. 42

Hugin & Mugin lvl. 43

Sährimnir lvl. 12

Heidrun lvl. 11

Jormungandr lvl. 50

Sleipnir lvl. 22

Einherjer lvl. 57

Ratatoskr lvl. 10





The Reformed

That is it for this chapter I hope you enjoyed it.

Let me know in the comments below. I am also interested to hear what you thought of the fight and if there is anything I could improve upon as I personally think I am not doing so well when it comes to writing fightscenes.

Stay save.

Wolfy out.

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