The Love You Give Me (You Giv...

By PhyuPwint8

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What Min Hui wanted to do most was to destroy herself, and what Su Tian wanted to do most was to see Xin Qi... More

Chapter 1.1-Bus
2.1- Repulse Bay
2.2- Repulse Bay
3.1-Lanking Pavilion
4. Su Tian's Diary
5.1-Teacher Han
6.Xin Qi
7.Villa Hotel
8.1-Chess Game
9.1- Surprise or Fright?
11.1-Plan B
12.1- Chasing and Fleeing
14. He Xian Gu
15.1-Valley Flower Fish
16.1-Deng Chen
19.1-Zhou Ru Ji
20.1-On Board
21.My Love
23.1-White Red Dress
24.1-Purple Bead
25.1-Su Quan's Tears
26.1-A Day In The Winter Moon
27.Chen Jia Jun
28.1-Out Of Prison
30.Sense and Sensibility
32. Angel and Demon
36.Blue Bird
37.1- Wind Sound
38.1-Pig Brain
40.Baby Bear
41.Yin Xu
42.1-Hexagon Eyebrow Pencil
43.1- Ye Xiao Zhen
44.1- Cinnamon Cake
46.1-Borrow Money
47.1-Mai Xiang
48.1-Before the Meeting
51.1-Night Light
52.Who is He
54. Acquisition
55.1-Zhao Mu Sport
56.Horse Step
60.1-Yalu River
61.1-On the Plane
62.1-Under the Wisteria
63.1-Sad Squad
64.1-Silver Fish
65.1- Xu Jia Zhuang
66.1-Jiang Tan
67.1- Qian Shan Changle
69.1-Profit Seeking
70.1-Wind Comes
71.1-Salted Fish
72.1-Ivy Garden


391 5 1
By PhyuPwint8

She can't help but think of the rainy day when she first met Su Tian. On the bus, Su Tian wanted to talk to her several times, but she didn't even have a smiling face. If it were someone else, she doesn't know how angry she would be. 

   Unexpectedly, it was such an ordinary person who had nothing to do with her, that night, in order to save herself, she sacrificed her life in vain.

    So many unfulfilled wishes evaporated in an instant.

    So much happiness at her fingertips, no chance to hold hands.

    A benefactor that she will never forget in her life, with whom she has only one day's fate.

    At that time, Su Tian had just taken a bath, her face was flushed, and her voice and smile were graceful in front of his eyes, but now he has disappeared, and heaven and man are separated.

    The iron bucket is not big, and it fills up quickly. Min Hui took over the remains, feeling scared and afraid to take a closer look, so she untied the scarf and spread it on it, put it under a tree, found another plastic bag and handed it over to Xin Qi to keep packing.

    After another hour, she heard Xin Qi sigh heavily in the pit, holding up a flashlight and asking, "Is everything all right?"

    He shook his head, "It's still two dollars short . "

    "There are a total of 204 bones in the human body, and I only found 112. There are still many bones."

    Xin Qi murmured, leaned down, and continued to grope in the muddy water.

    Min Hui looked at the dark sky and the pattering autumn rain, and jumped into the pit with a flashlight: "I'll search with you, the two of you will be faster."

    If every bone represents a part of the soul, she understands that He wanted to take Su Tian away completely.

    They knelt side by side in the muddy water, drenched from the cold rain even though they were both wearing coats. 

   Both of them trembled involuntarily, and their teeth chattered from the cold.

    But they kept digging, and no one stopped.

    There was a strange smell in the soil, Min Hui smelled it, and with a little imagination, she just felt sick. 

  And Xin Qi beside him was still ignoring her and focusing on searching. 

    She couldn't help coughing, and asked, "Where do you plan to bury her? Here? Bin Cheng? Or her hometown of He Chi, Guang Xi?"

    "Bin Cheng," Xin Qi said, "so that I can visit her often "

    "Bin Cheng is very good."

    Min Hui nodded in agreement. She touched a smooth and hard object, and took a look with her flashlight. It was a small bone, and she didn't know where it was in the human body. She quickly handed it to Xin Qi: "I found a piece."

He took a closer look, touched it again
: "You are very courageous."


    She wanted to say a few light words to adjust the heavy atmosphere. However, it felt inappropriate to speak several times, so she continued to remain silent.

    The two searched in silence for more than an hour, and found seven more bones. It was daylight, the rain gradually stopped, and the hole was getting bigger and bigger.

    Xin Qi finally said: "That's it. She was buried too shallow. It is not easy to find so many bones."

   The two Crawling out of the pit, because of kneeling for too long, the pain in the knee joint was unbearable, and she couldn't stand up straight for a long time, so they had to support each other and lean on the trunk.

    A ray of dawn appeared in the sky, hitting Xin Qi's face just in time, and Min Hui looked at him blankly.

    His whole body was wet, his suit and shirt were covered with a thick layer of mud, his face was pale, and he looked extremely haggard. The red spot of bleeding under his eyes was bigger and more obvious, almost covering the entire white of his eyes.

    "Your eyes—"

    "I can see."

    He took the bucket and the plastic bag in which the bones were placed, and Min Hui asked, "You brought a box, do you want to put them all in?  "

   The box was placed next to the bucket, and it seemed to be coated with a thick waterproof layer, and it seemed that there was not even a single drop of water.

    Xin Qi didn't answer, but just said, "Go back first."

    "Aren't you going back?"

    "I'll go to the river to clean these bones."

    "Do you need to wash them yourself?"

    Min Hui felt that finding the remains was enough to respect the dead. For Xin Qi, it was too cruel. At this moment, he was on the verge of falling, and he might get sick at any time.

    "The custom in Su Tian's hometown is bone-washing burial, which is also called a second burial."

  He said, "She told me before that her grandmother and grandma were buried like this."

   Seeing her surprised face, he smiled wryly . One voice: "You don't need to know the details. This kind of thing needs to be done by relatives."

    "Then I will wash with you." She said.

    "You don't need to participate."


    "You are not her relatives."

    This was a bit hurtful, but she didn't want to argue: "Then I'll wait for you by the river. Let's go together after you wash."

    " I want to be alone."

    "Don't worry me, okay?" she said softly.

    "Don't worry you?"

    He sneered, "So it's all about you? You're the center of the universe?"

    She cried all the way back to the car.

    At 9:10, the cars of Deng Chen and Chen Jia Jun also arrived. They were going to take the train, but they decided to drive by themselves because they were worried that Xin Qi would be too sad and wanted to come to help earlier.

    "We notified the police."

    Deng Chen said in the hotel, "After all, they also need to investigate. If it is really Su Tian, ​​this case can be closed."

    "Xu Zhi Hua doesn't want the police to know."

    "I will do his work. "

    An hour later, Xin Qi returned to the hotel with the crocodile suitcase. He took a serious shower, put on a pure black suit and went to the restaurant to have breakfast.

    Min Hui, Deng Chen and Jia Jun all looked at him worriedly.

    "Xin Qi, have you taken your medicine?"

     Min Hui asked, "Warfarin?"

    "I forgot to bring it," he said.

    "How can that be done!"

     Min Hui said anxiously, "Why don't we go home quickly, your eyes also need to be checked by a doctor."

    "Go back in two days."

     He said lightly, "I want to hire some people Look for her remains carefully, and try to find as many as possible."

    "What's the matter, you have to go back! I can stay here to deal with the funeral."

    "Why are you staying? Su Tian's funeral is related to the funeral. You're okay."

   He stared at her fiercely, "You don't have to care about me, because I have nothing to do with you! You can go."

  His voice was a little hoarse, and his eyes were bloodshot .

    Her heart suddenly soured, and tears fell: "I know you hate me, Xin Qi. But I really didn't mean it! I didn't want to hurt Su Tian, ​​and I didn't have bad intentions. After the accident, I thought about it every day, What did I do to attract Su Tian's attention? To cause her to sacrifice her life for me?——I didn't do anything, really, I didn't do anything bad to her."

   She sobbed, "We are all strangers People, I am also very kind to her. She wanted to go to the bathroom in the car, and I looked after her bag. After getting off the car, it rained heavily, and she wanted to share a room with me in the hotel, and I agreed. You said I'm selfish, I'm bad, in fact I'm bad enough. If I was bad enough, I wouldn't agree to let her live with me, so that she wouldn't find out that I went to Mushuihe, wouldn't save me, and would Live well! Along the way, I didn't talk to her seriously, and I gave her a face, but she just doesn't hate me... I don't know why she must save me, I really don't know why!"

    "Because that day, on the bus, everyone in the bus knew that you wanted to die!"

   Xin Qi said word by word, "You kept crying as soon as you got on the bus, and many people saw it. Later, there was a mudslide , everyone in the car got down and prepared to escape, but you were the only one sitting in the car and refused to move, even if the driver pulled you! Do you remember the aunt who chatted with Su Tian? She told Su Tian that you have been If you are crying, you must have encountered something beyond your imagination. Let her talk to you more and enlighten you. Su Tian just wanted to save you, so she tried every means to get close to you. Don't find reasons to excuse yourself. When you only think about yourself, When you are single-mindedly saddened by your own suffering, please think of others! She may not be as smart, beautiful or sexy as you, but at the moment of saving you, she did not think of herself at all. I handed it over to you, not to ask you to be the center of the universe, but to tell you that no one is the center of the universe."

    "I have no excuses. I just want to live a good life. The rest of my life is Su Tian What was given to me, I can't waste it, I can't mess around, I want to live a beautiful, exciting, and happy life, and I want Su Tian to not regret giving me this life in heaven! So Xin Qi—— "

   Min Hui wiped away her tears, "I will not spend the rest of my life in resentment and regret like you."

    "Wow, Min Hui, no wonder you live such a wonderful life, because your ability to forgive yourself is so wonderful !"

  ;Xin Qi sneered.

    Min Hui stood up abruptly, gritted her teeth, and strode out the door.

    Deng Chen and Jia Jun looked at each other.

    "Ethan, I think—"

     Deng Chen said flatly, "What you just said was a bit too much."

    "I didn't go too far!" Xin Qi said angrily.

    "Brother Xin Qi," Jia Jun said shyly, "I also think you have wronged Sister Min Hui. Sister Su Tian doesn't need anything in return for what she has done. She doesn't need you to come back from the United States to make up for everything and give her what she wants. It is not her wish to give her a happy life. She just wants to know if you are doing well, whether you are happy, that’s all. Just like that night four years ago, she jumped into the wooden water to save someone She doesn't need anything in return. Because this is not a transaction, it's just a gift she gave you with her life. You just have to accept it well. Sister Min Hui doesn't owe Sister Su Tian anything, and neither do you. Sister Su Tian has nothing. Sister Min Hui doesn't owe you anything. You shouldn't condemn her endlessly, and there's no need to add to her guilt, because she is already very guilty."

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