More than Friends (Papyrus x...

By Loomingx

13.8K 597 833

After falling into the underground, Toriel nurses you back to health and takes you in as her own. Six months... More

Chapter 1: The Fall
Chapter 2: Winter Wonderland
Chapter 3: A Promise
Chapter 4: Surprise Meeting
Chapter 5: The Sleepover
Chapter 6: Cooking with Papyrus
Chapter 7: Now You're Green!
Chapter 8: Date, Commence!
Chapter 9: Bake Off!
Chapter 10: Found Family
Chapter 11: A New Job
Chapter 12: A New Friend?
Chapter 13: Restoring Hope
Chapter 14: Family Reunited
Chapter 15: A Sleep Over, and a Slip Down
Chapter 16: Truth and Morality
Chapter 17: Acceptance and Embrace
Chapter 18: Alphys' Care, and Alphys' Secrets
Chapter 19: The Return of Two Souls

Chapter 20: The Finale

387 13 16
By Loomingx

"Y/N! You're alive!" Frisk yelled with relief, wrapping their arms around you tightly, "I thought you were dead! I couldn't find you anywhere!"

You quickly shoved them off, adrenaline still pumping through your veins.

"What have you done Frisk?! These monsters, what could they have done to deserve this?!" You yelled, tears flooding past your eyes, unable to contain them anymore, "W-Who else did you murder, Frisk?!"

Frisk's hands began to shake, quickly taking your hands into theirs.

"No- No! It's not like that, I'm so sorry... I thought- I- I can make this right! Come with me! We can break the barrier!" Frisk shook as they spoke, desperate to convince you, "I- Let me clean this up first, nobody has to know this happened! I didn't kill anyone important after all!"

"Frisk, I-" You started, ready to reject such an insane proposition, cut off by a familiar laugh.

You looked behind Frisk to see Sans, his hands in his pockets, seemingly relaxed despite the situation at hand.

"Hey'a kiddo. Haven't seen you in years. Where you been?" Sans said, a smile on his face, one eye closed.

'Odd...' you thought, 'He usually closes the other one?'

Frisk groaned, shifting their hands to grasp your wrist tightly, turning to face Sans.

"Waiting. I've been waiting, Sans. How come the barrier isn't broken yet?" Frisk responded angrily.

"Prolly because you shoved your dear friend down here. Yeah? They wanted to stay down here until recently. When they fell, they knocked their head pretty hard, forgot a lot about their life up there..." he said, nonchalantly, "Guess that's your fault tho, yeah?"

Frisk turned towards you, hand still tightly around your wrist, nearly cutting off circulation.

"R-Really? I- You landed on the flowers though... right? I thought- Are you okay? Do you remember me? Of course you do... well, at least my name.." they said, their other hand pulling back your hair, revealing a scar leading up into your scalp.

"I didn't, no... Alphys thought I wouldn't make it, but I improved, thankfully.." You started to reply, sweating a little, uncomfortable at the proximity they were to you.

If you could get any more further away from Frisk, you would, but their grip wouldn't allow you to.

Sans began to walk a little closer, stopping quickly as Frisk pulled out a large kitchen knife, wrapping their arms around you and holding the sharp edge to your throat.

"Don't come any closer! I- I'll- I'm your only chance out of this place! If I kill them, I'll be the only one who can break that barrier!" They screamed, your throat tightening and stomach dropping at the thought of them murdering you.

Is this just a ruse? Could they really be thinking of killing you? Just a few moments ago, they seemed so worried about you...

In a really weird, twisted way of course, but caring none-the-less.

Sans quickly raised his hands up, a drop of sweat rolling down his skull.

"Haha buddy, no need to get all outta hand about this... let's just talk 'bout it." He said calmly, despite his increasing worry.

Frisk shook their head, "No! I've waited long enough! C'mon Y/N, we're breaking the barrier now."

They began to drag you away, towards the exit of the throne room, resisting against their tug.

It was no use, though. For what ever reason it was, they were much stronger than you, their grip that was causing pain earlier beginning to become unbearable.

"Frisk, stop! You're hurting me!" You cried, hiccupping as you spoke,"D-Don't take me away, I'm- I'm not ready to leave!"

"I'm ready to leave, though! So are they! Have you not heard anyone down here, about how they dream of the surface?" Frisk argued, continuing to drag you, your feet almost failing to keep you upright, "You'll see, I promise! This will all blow over once we break the barrier. I already have the souls. We don't have to worry about Flowey now!"

The doors before Frisk and you opened, before Frisk could put away their knife to open the door, revealing...


Did he hear you crying from down here? Does that mean anyone else is awake?

What about Papyrus? Would he sleep through this?

"Worry about who?" Asriel responded through gritted teeth.

Frisk froze, "...Asriel? Y- How- This.. this doesn't make any sense."

Peeking out from behind Asriel, Chara smiled, stepping out and putting her arms behind her back.

"Wowie! It's been a long time buddy. Let go of Buttercup, yeah? That's not very LOVE-ing of you." She threatened Frisk, a chill running up your spine at her tone.

You've never seen them like this before.

Especially not Chara... she seemed so friendly. It was a shock to see this side of her...

At least it seemed to be helping your situation, Frisk's grip on your wrist loosening, feeling their sweat on your skin.

"What the hell... how are you-" Frisk said, a loud voice behind shouting behind them angrily.

"THAT WAS A HORRIBLE PUN CHARA! IT'S NOT THE TIME FOR SUCH JOKES. I HAVE A BONE TO PICK WITH THIS HUMAN." Papyrus appeared, seeming to have followed Asriel and Chara, only now noticing him since he stepped out of the shadows from behind them.

A large bone was summoned by Papyrus, speeding towards Frisk, slamming into their gut before you could blink.

Their grip was immediately freed from your wrist, your body turning to watch Frisk fly backwards from the attack.

"Bro, that was a great pun, and an even better hit!" Sans laughed, finding it funny how Frisk's body flopped around before skidding to a stop.

Frisk shakily stood up, coughing a bit of blood up before stumbling and reaching out for you.

"Y-Y/N! Hurry! Get away.. from them! They'll hurt you too!" They cried, a smile still creepily on their face.

You shook your head, wrapping your arms around Papyrus.

"No Frisk! You're scaring me! You- You threatened to kill me, to break the barrier!" You cried out, digging your face into Papyrus, unable to look anymore.

"It- It was just a fib, Y/N- I mean, Buttercup! That's what you're called now, r-right? We can still be friends! I'd never hurt you! I-" They screamed out desperately to you, being cut off by another attack.

"Hey'a kiddo... who said you could call them by that name, huh?" You heard Sans say, hearing him gasp in pain quickly after.

You look, feeling Papyrus move a bit at what happening, seeing Frisk had.. stabbed Sans.

"Really? You think any of you would be able to go up against me, after I got to the souls first? How dense are you bones Sans, hm? Why don't we find out?" He said sadistically, digging the knife into Sans.

Papyrus let you go quickly, running as fast as he could to Sans.

"No!" both you and Sans screamed out, watching Frisk pull the knife out and toss it directly through Papyrus' chest, it clanging on the floor behind him.

He quickly evaporated into dust before you all, unable to stand the force of the attack.

You felt the air leave your body as you screamed in horror, feeling Asgore's arms wrap around you quickly, stopping your attempts to reach Papyrus.

Unsure of how the others got there, or how long it'd been since you started sobbing violently, you could only feel the cold tile of the hall beneath your legs.

Asgore must have joined the battle, while Toriel comforted you, beginning to feel her embrace around you and your head growing a little clearer despite your growing fatigue.

Wiping the tears out of your eyes, Toriel turned you slightly away from the destruction, smiling at you despite her distraught expression.

"It's alright now dear... It's over. They can't hurt anyone anymore." She said, running her hands through your hair to soothe you.

Though she tried to keep you from turning to see what happened, you turned your head weakly, looking to see Sans mourning over his brother's ashes as the others cleaned up the aftermath.

Frisk's body lied mangled near the side of the hall, blood smearing across the beautiful golden pathway and stained glass windows.

Gaster was behind Sans, soothing him as much as he could, yet also grieving.

"P-Papy... Papy...?" You whispered, standing up and wobbling towards his pile of ashes.

Nobody dared stop you as you kneeled down to his remains, your hands shakily scooping some of his ashes, clutching them dearly to your chest as if they'd blow away.

Tears welled in your eyes, rolling over your cheeks as you stared at the pile, almost expecting him to come back and take away your worries.

You were far too tired to heal him, and regardless.. there didn't seem to be any piece of his soul left in the pile of his remains, the gray ashes almost mocking you.

Before you could let go of the parts of him you held closely to you, the souls Frisk has stolen appeared between you and the remaining skeleton family.

They spun around you in a blending rainbow, whispering out to you before they faded into you - feeling your energy that was seeped out through your agony earlier quickly come back.

A light seeped out between your hands, where you had them clutched to your chest.

Shakily opening your hands, in the ashes was a very small sliver of Papyrus' soul, Sans gasping in surprise and looking at you with hope.

Looking up to him, you nodded.

Squeezing your eyes closed, you closed your palms tightly around the soul, magic seeping into your palms like a flood - not used to this tremendous amount of magic flowing through you with the help of the other souls.

Papyrus' soul quickly reformed before you, glowing brightly as the ashes whisked off the ground and spun around the soul.

Covering your eyes, you peeked through your fingers to see Papyrus kneeling down in front of you, his arms nervously outstretched - seemingly wanting to wrap them around you but unsure.


You cut off Papyrus quickly, wrapping your arms around his neck and digging your tear-stained face into it.

"Don't leave me ever again, please! Th- That was so scaryyyyy!" You cried out, beginning to sob yet again, now that you had the energy to. 

Everyone began to quickly bring the hug around you two, all relieved that the great and amazing Papyrus was back with you all once again.


It had been a couple years since you broke the barrier.

Sitting on a cute picnic blanket Toriel had gifted you a year ago, you all sat around wonderful treats you and the others worked on together to celebrate the second anniversary of coming to the surface.

You grabbed one of the cold glasses of lemonade, your wedding ring tink-ing against the glass lightly as you took a sip from it, almost choking hearing one of Sans' puns.

"ARE YOU ALRIGHT, DEAR? RAISE YOUR ARMS UP! IT HELPS GET IT OUT!" Papyrus said worriedly, taking the glass from your hands.

"I'm fine Paps! That just made me laugh, is all." You smiled, taking back the glass from him and scooting closer to his side.

You wouldn't trade anything in the world for this moment.

"I love you Paps... you're so loving."

Papyrus smiled back at you, hearing Gaster and the others fight over the funniest puns their could muster.
















Thank you so much for joining me on this journey! This had been my first fanfiction, after a really long time! (I wrote a Shadamy fanfiction before this many years ago, which is now in my drafts - still unfinished. How cringe!) I almost didn't want to end the story, writing about 2000 words or more for each chapter at times seemed tough, and at other times - I couldn't stay under that number goal for each chapter! I'll be honest, some chapters I love more that others (especially the one where you cook with Papyrus), but the end was coming regardless - whether I could stop it or not.

I loved reading all of your comments, and can't wait to see what else you all respond with.

The next book I'll be ending soon is the 049 x Reader. Of course, I'll continue writing though. Every story I will see through unless for obvious reasons, like a creator of a character not wanting fan-fiction to be made of their character.

Thank you again, from the bottom of my heart.

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