The Love You Give Me (You Giv...

By PhyuPwint8

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What Min Hui wanted to do most was to destroy herself, and what Su Tian wanted to do most was to see Xin Qi... More

Chapter 1.1-Bus
2.1- Repulse Bay
2.2- Repulse Bay
3.1-Lanking Pavilion
4. Su Tian's Diary
5.1-Teacher Han
6.Xin Qi
7.Villa Hotel
8.1-Chess Game
9.1- Surprise or Fright?
11.1-Plan B
12.1- Chasing and Fleeing
14. He Xian Gu
15.1-Valley Flower Fish
16.1-Deng Chen
19.1-Zhou Ru Ji
20.1-On Board
21.My Love
23.1-White Red Dress
24.1-Purple Bead
25.1-Su Quan's Tears
26.1-A Day In The Winter Moon
27.Chen Jia Jun
28.1-Out Of Prison
32. Angel and Demon
36.Blue Bird
37.1- Wind Sound
38.1-Pig Brain
40.Baby Bear
41.Yin Xu
42.1-Hexagon Eyebrow Pencil
43.1- Ye Xiao Zhen
44.1- Cinnamon Cake
46.1-Borrow Money
47.1-Mai Xiang
48.1-Before the Meeting
51.1-Night Light
52.Who is He
54. Acquisition
55.1-Zhao Mu Sport
56.Horse Step
60.1-Yalu River
61.1-On the Plane
62.1-Under the Wisteria
63.1-Sad Squad
64.1-Silver Fish
65.1- Xu Jia Zhuang
66.1-Jiang Tan
67.1- Qian Shan Changle
69.1-Profit Seeking
70.1-Wind Comes
71.1-Salted Fish
72.1-Ivy Garden

30.Sense and Sensibility

531 3 2
By PhyuPwint8

    Min Hui felt that the most depressing thing in this world was seeing her enemies getting stronger and stronger. The most aggrieved thing is that she actually need to plead with this powerful enemy.

    There must be a kneeling action in the middle.

    At this moment, her heart was full of quarrels:

    Min Hui: For the sake of the child's life, she must ask Cheng Qi Ren, no matter how embarrassing it may be.

    Crazy Wisdom: As long as there is a way not to ask him, I am willing to do it. I would rather go to jail or commit a crime!

    Logical Wisdom: This is a matter of life and death. Right and wrong, emotions, and dignity are not the primary issues.

    Crazy Wisdom: In fact, you can still leave Cheng Qi Rang aside, you can go to Singapore to find Cheng Guang Yi yourself. A person with medical ethics will not just sit idly by. You can empathize with him, understand him with reason, and then give him a hundred bangs...

Logic Wisdom: Pull it down. You are not the only one whose son has a heart attack. All the mothers of sick children want the best doctor. If Cheng Guang Yi was really so easy to talk to, his schedule would have been packed. It is impossible for him to have time to go to Singapore and stay there for a few months.

    Crazy Wisdom: Can you use the aggressive method?

    Logic Wisdom: Excuse me, is there anything in your hand that can excite him?

    Crazy Wisdom: Ahhhhhh...

    In the end, reason overcame emotions, logical wisdom defeated Crazy Wisdom, and Min Hui decided to ask Cheng Qi Rang to intercede.

    Except for that chance encounter at Starbucks, she hadn't spoken to Cheng Qi Rang for four years. She deleted the phone number, blocked WeChat, unfollowed him, and burned his business card——Cheng Qi Rang had completely disappeared from her life.

    At work, however, it's also impossible to completely avoid this person. Because they are all in the field of science and technology, all are software engineers, and they are all engaged in AI.

     In recent years, Guan Chao has also begun to shift its focus to AI medical care. In order to occupy the market, it has spent a lot of money to develop platforms and build ecosystems. , seems to be an industry leader. Even Min Hui's boss, He Hai Xiang, is closely watching Guan Chao's movements. He knows Cheng Qi Rang and often bumps into him in meetings. Probably because of Cao Mu's reminder, and in order not to arouse Min Hui's disgust, he seldom mentions Cheng Qi Rang directly.

   The word "Cheng Qi Rang" was replaced by "Guan Chao International".

    "Everyone should have confidence in technology stocks. You can see how much 'Guan Chao International' has risen!"

    "Guan Chao recently released a new product. Everyone should pay close attention to it. They are more in line with international standards. This may be the latest Trend.”

    “What makes Tide watch better than us is that they have a platform and it’s a big platform. Zheng Lan started his career on the Internet with abundant funds, and now he’s willing to spend money on cooperation with hospitals and data acquisition—ah, it’s easy to do things with money. Ah!"

    Every time He Hai Xiang mentions watching the tide, Min Hui has a dull expression, doesn't answer, doesn't make any comments, and concentrates on drinking tea with her head down...

    Min Hui deleted Cheng Qi Rang's information so thoroughly that she  hasn't found his mobile phone number for a long time. Sitting beside Su Quan's hospital bed, she thought it over and decided to call Wei Yong Cheng, Cheng Qi Rang's assistant. Wei Yong Cheng is Min Hui's junior, three years younger than her, and was recruited into Guanchao headquarters together with Min Hui when he graduated from undergraduate. Because the two of them knew each other in college, so they have a good relationship.

   When Wei Yong Cheng was doing his graduation project, he encountered a problem and couldn't solve it. After Min Hui tutored him, he not only passed the test, but also got a graduation Design Excellence Award. 

    After leaving Guan Chao, Min Hui and Wei Yongcheng did not contact each other again, but his number was still stored in the phone. Later, she heard that after the lawsuit, Zheng Yi Ting neither allowed Cheng Qi to use a female assistant, nor allowed him to use a beautiful assistant. The male assistant promoted Wei Yong Cheng, who was full of acne marks and buck teeth, in order to avoid suspicion.

    "Hi, senior sister, long time no see!"

   On the other side of the phone, Wei Yong Cheng's voice became much more mature and experienced.

    "Yong Cheng, I have something to ask Cheng Qi Rang." Min Hui didn't have time to greet, "Can you tell me his mobile phone number?"

    "Mobile phone number? It hasn't changed. You used to be his celebrity, so you must have it?"

   Wei Yong Cheng said happily.

    "I deleted it, and I can't remember it anymore."

   Min Hui paused for a moment, and then said with a more serious tone, "My business is urgent."

    Cheng Qi Rang's mobile phone number is not a secret in the company, and many people in Guan Chao know it . Wei Yong Cheng hesitated for a moment, thinking that he still owed Min Hui a favor for his graduation thesis, so he had to tell her, and at the end he did not forget to say: "Don't say I said it."

     "Understood. Next time we meet, I will treat you to dinner."

    "Don't dare, the boss knows it's a crime of collaborating with the enemy."

    "Pull it down."

    "Really. Now the lady boss is very strict with the boss."

    "That's okay, don't make things difficult for you, take care."


    Min Hui dialed the number with her mobile phone, and dialed three times in a row, but no one answered, so she had to bite the bullet and go to Wei Yong Cheng again.

    "He's not here. Is there any other way to find him?"

    "Next to KFC on Ping'an Street, there is a gym. He often goes swimming there after work."

    "Will he go today?"

    "He just left not long ago "

    Min Hui was very anxious, and her voice was panting, Wei Yong Cheng heard it, and after a moment of silence, he said: "He should be swimming now."

    Min Hui knew that place. She looked at her watch, and it happened to be off-duty time. After entrusting Su Quan to Jia Jun's care, she immediately took a taxi to the gym.

    Just in time for rush hour.

    The taxi was stuck on the road for a long time, so she had to get off and call another three-wheeled motorcycle. The motorcycle master took her around in the alley and finally stopped at the entrance of the gym.

    Without a card, she was not allowed to enter, so Min Hui had to apply for a trial card on the spot, took off her shoes in the locker room, and walked into the swimming pool barefoot.

    There were seven or eight people swimming in the swimming pool, some men and some women. Min Hui stood by the pool and took a look, and soon found Cheng Qi Rang.

    There are not many good-looking men like him in the whole of Bin Cheng, and he is handsome even from the back.

    He is always equipped with advanced equipment and fully armed. Silver-plated swimming goggles, silicone swimming cap, earplugs, speedo wristband, wearing a pair of black sharkskin tight swimming trunks like a professional athlete, revealing muscular back muscles and slender legs.

    He swam back and forth in a swimming lane alone, apparently without a companion.

    After about twenty minutes, he finally crawled to the edge of the pool to rest, when he looked up, he saw Min Hui.     

    He walked up to her dripping wet, picked up a bath towel and wiped his body, and asked calmly, " Is there anything you can do for me, Min Hui?"

    Hitman. His adrenaline comes in the opposite direction, the more frightened others are, the calmer he is, and his face will not blush when he lies or does bad things.

    She used to like hearing him call these two words so much: Min Hui. He will deliberately pause between two words, just like playing the piano when he encounters a rest.

    She did not deny that when she saw him for the first time, she had strong admiration and affection for him. She knew that he had a wife, so it was just affection.

    Until that day, in the office, he forcibly kissed her and stuffed his tongue into her mouth forcibly...

     "Yes." She shook her head vigorously, letting go of the disgusting things that came to her mind . Forget it.

    "Do you want to tell me now? Or do you want me to change clothes first, and let's find a place to chat slowly?"

    He was very polite, and his attitude was unhurried.

    "Speak now." Min Hui heard her voice trembling.

    "Then let's talk."

    He noticed it immediately, as if he saw something interesting, and smiled faintly.

    "I would like to ask you for a favor.".
     Min Hui tried her best to sound gentle, but for some reason, she became obliging when she spoke, as if she was angry with someone.

    "Really?" He snorted lightly and said sarcastically, "What makes you think that I will agree to help you with this favor? Min Hui? You made me so miserable and my reputation so bad, if you don't remember If I'm wrong, last time at Starbucks, you still said you would beat me and make me kneel on the ground and call you daddy..."

   " My son has a congenital heart disease and needs surgery to repair the valve—"

    He immediately understood: " You want to find my dad?"

    "Is it possible?"

    "He is not in the country now."

    "Can you please fly him back to have this operation? I will pay for the round-trip ticket, and if there are other conditions, I am willing to agree to you."

    The smile suddenly Disappeared from his face, replaced by a serious expression: "When do you want to invite him back?"

     "The sooner the better."

     There was a waterproof bag on the table by the pool, and he took it out Seeing that there were three missed calls on my mobile phone, he couldn't help but "Oh", and turned to look at her: "It's so rare, you actually deigned to call me three times?"

    "Human life is at stake, I am very anxious. "

    "Then I'll ask my dad's time." He typed quickly on his mobile phone, and after five minutes he said, "He'll be back tomorrow, in the afternoon. We need to check before the operation, the soonest is the day after tomorrow. Your son Which hospital do you live in now?"

    "The Affiliated Hospital of Ben Cheng University."

    "The operation needs to be done in An Ji, and he will arrange the transfer. You can send your son to the cardiothoracic department of An Ji Hospital tomorrow night."

    "Okay "

    "Don't worry, my dad performs more than 300 operations a year, and this kind of operation is a piece of cake for him."

  "  Thank you." She breathed a sigh of relief, and her tone finally softened, "Well,  I’ll buy him air ticket.”

    “No, I’ve already bought it just now.”

    Everything went well, right?

    Min Hui looked at him, complicated thoughts welling up in her heart. She could be sure that her tone was cold and matter-of-fact from beginning to end, and she never "begged" him.

    Cheng Qi Rang didn't make things difficult for her, and solved the problem within a few minutes.

    She couldn't help thinking, maybe he finally knew he was wrong? Can she forgive him?

    "Then... I won't disturb your exercise."

     She was thinking of Su Quan on the hospital bed, and had nothing more to say, she just wanted to leave as soon as possible, "Goodbye."


     She was about to turn around, but stopped quickly .

    "What you asked me to do, I will do it for you." Cheng Qi Rang stuffed the phone back into the waterproof bag and looked at her with a half-smile, "Now it's my turn to ask you to do something."

   Min Hui's spine stiffened Hard: "Let's talk about something."

    "There will be an AI industry reception next Saturday. It's pretty grand. Yi Ting and I will attend, so you can come too."

    Attend the industry reception? Min Hui thinks there is no problem, although she usually only attends academic conferences. People who like to engage in networking at this kind of reception are the most enthusiastic, such as He Hai Xiang.

    "Is it just to attend?"

    "Of course not. Up to now, Yi Ting still has suspicions about me."

    "Her suspicions are right." Min Hui said bluntly.

    "I hope you will do something to prove my innocence."

    Min Hui looked at him, so surprised that she couldn't say a word for a long time.

    "For example?"

    "For example, you look cold, but you are actually coquettish. When you see a beautiful man, you can't help it, especially a man like me."

    Min Hui: "..."

    "My reputation tarnished by you must It needs to be cleaned up on that day. Please give full play to your imagination and creativity to complete this matter."

    "Excuse me," Min Hui sneered, "how is it completed?" "

   " I said it was completed, and if I didn't say , It’s just not finished.”


    “Do you need me to cancel the ticket?”

     He raised his eyebrows, “Min Hui, are you going or not?”

    Min Hui gritted her teeth hard: "Go."

    "You're so good." He patted her face, "Now I know who the father is."

    Her whole body seemed to be poured by magma and turned into a stone , standing there motionless. 

    She watched Cheng Qi Rang whistle and leave.


That's for all today.

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