The Love You Give Me (You Giv...

By PhyuPwint8

73.2K 630 79

What Min Hui wanted to do most was to destroy herself, and what Su Tian wanted to do most was to see Xin Qi... More

Chapter 1.1-Bus
2.1- Repulse Bay
2.2- Repulse Bay
3.1-Lanking Pavilion
4. Su Tian's Diary
5.1-Teacher Han
6.Xin Qi
7.Villa Hotel
8.1-Chess Game
9.1- Surprise or Fright?
11.1-Plan B
12.1- Chasing and Fleeing
14. He Xian Gu
15.1-Valley Flower Fish
16.1-Deng Chen
19.1-Zhou Ru Ji
20.1-On Board
21.My Love
23.1-White Red Dress
24.1-Purple Bead
25.1-Su Quan's Tears
26.1-A Day In The Winter Moon
27.Chen Jia Jun
28.1-Out Of Prison
30.Sense and Sensibility
32. Angel and Demon
36.Blue Bird
37.1- Wind Sound
38.1-Pig Brain
40.Baby Bear
41.Yin Xu
42.1-Hexagon Eyebrow Pencil
43.1- Ye Xiao Zhen
44.1- Cinnamon Cake
46.1-Borrow Money
47.1-Mai Xiang
48.1-Before the Meeting
51.1-Night Light
52.Who is He
54. Acquisition
55.1-Zhao Mu Sport
56.Horse Step
60.1-Yalu River
61.1-On the Plane
62.1-Under the Wisteria
63.1-Sad Squad
64.1-Silver Fish
65.1- Xu Jia Zhuang
66.1-Jiang Tan
67.1- Qian Shan Changle
69.1-Profit Seeking
70.1-Wind Comes
71.1-Salted Fish
72.1-Ivy Garden


417 3 0
By PhyuPwint8

   The second day Chen Jia Jun lived in Mingsen Community, he received a call from Qian Zhi, inviting him to return to his previous team work and work as an assistant to an old reporter in the social news section. Jia Jun happily went. 

    When he came back, he said that Qian Zhi took good care of him and asked him to help the old reporter to run the news together. The old reporter has actually retired, and his children are all abroad. He is in good health and can’t stay idle. He was invited into the team by Qian Zhi with a high salary. Be your own apprentice, teach by precept and example, and answer every question.

    Journalists don’t have to sit on shifts. Jia Jun is used to getting up early and going to bed early, while Min Hui is a night owl, so Jia Jun is given the task of taking Su Quan to the kindergarten in the morning.

   For dinner, if she get off work on time in the evening, the three of you will get together for dinner. After all, he is a child of a poor family. Jia Jun is very frugal, with a monthly salary of 4,000 yuan, and he gives 3,000 yuan to Min Hui as the rent. He chooses the simplest and cheapest for daily food and clothing. Feeling distressed, thinking that he was a reporter interviewing important figures all day long, so he couldn't dress so poorly, so she bought a few sets of clothes for him, Jia Jun was reluctant to wear them, and hung them in the closet all the time.

    Min Hui remembered that Zhou Ru Ji liked photography and had joined several photography clubs, so she introduced Jia Jun to him. Zhou Ru Ji generously gave him two expensive lenses, took him in and out of the club, and gradually expanded his social circle, and the four of them got along well. 

   However, Min Hui did not tell Jia Jun that Su Quan was Xin Qi's biological son. Because Su Quan likes Zhou Ru Ji, she completely regards him as her own father, and she is afraid that Jia Jun will say something wrong if he finds out.

    Dad moved away, uncle moved in, Su Quan had another "father" role beside him, the child had no memory, gradually, Su Quan and Jia Jun also became close.

    Watching Jia Jun go out to work with a camera on his back every day, come home happily telling anecdotes about interviews, get busy and work overtime until midnight, Min Hui knows that he likes this profession and cherishes this opportunity. Although the starting point is low, every day she is very pleased with the progress.

    Unexpectedly, just after Jia Jun received two months' salary, Qian Zhi suddenly called Min Hui one day during work hours and said, "I plan to transfer Chen Jia Jun back to the entertainment department, do you have any objection?"

    "What's the matter?"

    Qian Zhi sighed: "Social news reporters need strong analytical and writing skills. Chen Jia Jun's background is too poor, and he doesn't know what to write. He doesn't even mention typos, and some sentences don't even understand grammar. His manuscript is about to suffer from high blood pressure, and he told me today that he is not willing to take him. I think he is still—"

    "Then let another reporter take him." Min Hui said.

    "Miss Min, I understand your painstaking efforts. It's right to help others, but sometimes you have to face the reality. The reality is: Chen Jia Jun is really not a reporter. I think it's better to be a bodyguard. Being a reporter is really hard. It’s too embarrassing for him..."

    "I know, so I paid you 50,000 yuan for training. You have already taken the money; I also paid for the three-year internship salary. You said it yourself, everything goes Maybe—"

    "Miss Min, listen to me—"

    "We have a deal," Min Hui said in a strong tone, "Please create a miracle. I have a meeting, and I'll hang up if it's okay."

      "Wait," Qian Zhi had no choice but to compromise, "At least hire him a tutor,     how about improving his Chinese? "

   She doesn't know how many criticisms he has received there, and he hasn't seen anything revealed. Come back to eat happily every day, it is always a picture of working smoothly. 

     There are many universities in Bincheng. It took Min Hui less than an hour to find a bunch of tutors on the campus network. She selected six students: three from the Department of Chinese and three from the Department of Journalism. A girl named Ye Xiao Zhen, who was a junior in the journalism department, tutored Jia Jun in news writing three times a week in the study room of the Ben Cheng University library. To be on the safe side, she went to school to meet Ye Xiao Zhen, and found out that she was a rural girl, plainly dressed, sharp in speech, full of awards on the CV, and looked very capable. 

    That night when she went home to introduce him to Jia Jun, Jia Jun was also very happy, but said that he must share the cost of tutoring.

    "I paid the money, and it's not much." Min Hui said while cooking the noodles, "When you have the manuscript fee, just treat me to a good meal."

    "Thank you, sister." Chen Jia Jun said.

    Min Hui felt sour and almost cried: "You...what did you call me just now?"

    "Sister." Chen Jia Jun blushed, "You are two years older than me, am I calling you right?"

    "Hey, that's right." Min Hui happily responded, "Work hard, look after you!"

    "Let me fry a mushroom egg," Chen Jia Jun opened the refrigerator, and suddenly Su Quan put his head in, "Uncle, popsicle!"

    "Here. " Chen Jia Jun handed him a red bean ice, but Min Hui snatched it away, "Don't eat sweets before meals, be careful of tooth decay, we Su Quan will grow up to be the most handsome man in the world, with white teeth Quan Quan?"

    "Mom, I'm thirsty, can I just take a small bite?"

    Min Hui poured a glass of water and knelt down and held it in front of him: "Drink water when you're thirsty."

    "Sister, you are really strict. Yes."

    Chen Jia Jun said with a smile, since he moved into the apartment opposite, he has been calling her "Min Hui", this is the first time he called her "Sister", Min Hui's heart was warm, and she couldn't help thinking that if Su Tian was alive, she would see her Such a sensible brother, how happy she should be.

    "Oh, by the way," Chen Jia Jun took out a bank card from his pocket and put it on the dining table while beating eggs, "I got back the 200,000 you paid last time."

    Min Hui was feeding the child water, For a moment, the smile froze on his face: "What two hundred thousand?"

    "That Brother Shao blackmailed us with two hundred thousand." Chen Jia Jun said.

    "Hey, you're not going to fight again, are you?"

    Min Hui became anxious and stood up quickly, "The 200,000 people will definitely not return it to you honestly."

    Chen Jia Jun turned and went to the sink to wash mushrooms: "I didn't want to mention this at first, but did you know that Brother Shao came to me again last week, saying that 200,000 is not enough, and he wants 200,000 more."


    After transferring the money that day, Min Hui also regretted it a little. It's not that she regret that the amount is too much, but that she regret that she was too straightforward and gave the other party the impression that "the money is not bad". It should be agreed first, and then pay in installments, complaining while paying, maybe people won't come to trouble her again.

    "This kid is too crazy. The underworld doesn't do that either. I have to teach him a lesson."

     Chen Jia Jun said disapprovingly, "He asked me to single out with a knife, and I beat him up hard. Forced him to return the money to me on the spot."

    "Do you think this will solve the problem?"

    "Of course."

    "Jia Jun——"

    Next, Min Hui talked about him for twenty minutes, the central topic: Do not use violence.

    "Then we can't be blackmailed by him endlessly."

    "He won't let it go."

     The more Min Hui thought about it, the more unsteady she became, "How about I change your place of residence for you? Take shelter for a while?"

     "Don't worry. There is a surveillance camera installed at the door, even if he wants to find me, he will not come to this community."


    Min Hui guessed right, it really is his troubles.

    A week later, Min Hui picked up Su Quan from get off work, but the e-donkey was broken, and the two walked home hand in hand, passing by a remote street corner, when they were unexpectedly blocked by three gangsters, led by Brother Shao.

    Before Min Hui could react, Brother Shao pulled Su Quan over and clamped him on his arm. Su Quan was so frightened that he burst into tears, struggled desperately, kicked his legs wildly, and scratched Brother Shao's body with his two little hands.

    "Mom! Help!" Su Quan cried, his face turned purple immediately, "Mom, I'm afraid! Mom, mom—"

    Seeing the child screaming, Brother Shao slapped Su Quan with a "slap", and he immediately frightened It's gone.

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