Second Chance Mates: Nova & B...

By LunaBecky22

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Second Chance Mates: Nova & Braxton's Story Being a werewolf is supposed to be exciting. The excitement o... More

~Untitled Part 28~


212 9 0
By LunaBecky22


We all have been searching for Nova for almost a week now. No sign of her anywhere. I have become a mental mess. Sawyer is running the pack right now. All I can do is try to find my Luna. I know she said to not look for her. But I just should do that. She is my mate, and my Luna. I can't imagine my life without her. I have to find her. No matter what I do. I reached out to the surrounding packs to see if they had seen her. No-one has. Her scent is so faint in the woods. I was out looking in the woods with some of our trackers again when she mind-linked me.

N- Braxton, I am so sorry for all of this. I am not sure where I am, but I am coming back.

B-oh my Nova, I've missed you, I love you so much.

N- I love you too, Braxton.

B- You are the only one that I want in my life.

B- Just so you know, my dad has locked up those girls for what they did. They should have said those things. I don't even really know who they are. I know their names. But that's it. I have never dated or looked at either of them.

N- Well, that makes feel better.

B- How far are you?

N- I don't know, but I have this funny feeling like I'm not alone.

B- What do you mean?

N- Braxton, there is another wolf following me. The faster I move, the faster he goes.

B- Run babe, run as fast as you can. I'm coming.

N- I'm coming hurry. He is catching up.

B- I'm coming, Nova. I love you.

N- Braxton, help me, he has me. I don't know where I am.

B- Where are nova?

B- Nova, are you there?

They kidnapped her. Who would the hell take my Luna? We have allies from every pack throughout this state. I raced back to the pack house to find my mother. I was furious. I needed to figure out who the hell would take my mate. My mother pointed out Madison and Christi, who are obsessed with me. I thought nothing of it at first. Till my father came into the office with Bryan. It had to be Christi and Madison that did this.

"Hey boys, I know with everything going on, finding Nova is the number one top priority," Garrett said.

"Yes, it is dad," I said.

"How is the search for Nova going?" Garrett asked.

"Not well, not well at all, dads." I said.

"What do you mean?" Garrett asked.

"Dad, we have searched everywhere on our pack territory, and she is nowhere to be seen or found. I do not know where the hell she went to." I said.

"Oh son, I'm sorry, but we will find her." Garrett said. There was a knock on the door.

"Enter." I said.

"After noon Alpha's!" Bryan said.

"Afternoon Bryan!" Garrett said.

"Hey Bryan, what can I do for you?" I said.

"Well, I know what happened to Luna. Yes, she went for a run into the woods because she heard what Christi said, and on her way back Christ convinced her mate Alpha Brock who she treats as her puppet. To kidnap her and kill her. If he is going to, I don't know." Bryan said.

"Son, he has the conversation recorded by Christi, Madison, and him. He was working on your behalf." Garrett said.

"I am sure he was he works for my dad. He is my best tracker. Thank you Bryan. We need to find her. Well, if my gut is right. We will." Bryan said.

"Soon I hope." I said, a few minutes later Rory comes into my office.

"Hey there is a Shay on the phone for you." Rory said.

"Ok, send it through," I said.

---The phone call with Rouge King Alpha Shay-----

B- Hello Shay, what can I do for the Rogue king? My pack can assist you if needed, but I can't. Not till I find my Luna; she was taken- Shay interrupted Braxton.

S- Dude chills out. I didn't call to ask for help.

B- Then why are you calling Shay? I know your nephew has my Luna; I don't know why he has her.

S- He doesn't anymore. I have rescued her. Christi wanted Brock to kidnap her and kill her. Brock couldn't kill her. He asked me to. But he reconsidered and asked me to return you to your mate, family, and pack. He said that his mate using his bond and treated him like a puppet and used the bond to get him to kidnap you. She wanted your mate dead so she could be with you. So, I took her to bring her back to whomever Alpha to which she belonged to. I know that if someone did this to Mia, I would be heartbroken and devastated.

B- You rescued my Luna Nova. Do you have her?

S- Yes, would you like to speak with her?

B- Oh my god 1000 times, yes, Shay.

N- Hello Braxton. I am so sorry I ran away.

B- No sorry needed, none of this is your fault, do you hear me? You were merely out for a run and Christi had you kidnapped. But when you come home, I'm never letting you go. That is a promise I intend to keep my love.

N- Oh, I can't wait to come home. I love you so much, Brax. (You could tell by the sound of her voice that she was crying.)

B- I love you too, Nova. I will see you soon. (She handed the phone back to Alpha Shay.)

S- Braxton, I am preparing for travel, and we are leaving within an hour, and it will take about 3 to get to you.

B- I will meet you at the usual location?

S- Sounds good. See you then. I am glad I could help you out.

B- Thank you and I truly mean that. Sincerely. Nova and I will forever be grateful.

S- Hey just because I am the rogue King, doesn't mean I am a bad guy Braxton. I work with your king too.

B- I know you do, and we have worked together before, and we will. You have my pack on your side. See you soon Shay.

S- Yes, we will all see you soon, Braxton. I said.

---End of phone call---

"Well, what going on Braxton?" My dad asked me.

"Shay found Nova. I have to go." I said. "I will explain later, but he saved her from his estranged nephew, Christi's mate, Christi and Madison." I said.

"Well, good thing she is in the dungeon. Nova, when she returns, can choose her punishment." Garrett said. I nodded.

"That's fine, dad, but I need to get ready to head out to meet Shay to get my Nova back." I said.

"OK, see you later." Garret said.

"I will drive you," Bryan said.

"Sounds good. Meet me out within 20-minutes." I said.

"Yes Alpha." Bryan said.

A few hours later, we are driving to the location to meet the Rogue King Alpha Shay, Rogue Queen Luna Mia, and my Luna Nova at the Old Havens Family Diner. I walked in and I saw everyone sitting at the table, but I caught her scent. It was still intoxicating as ever. She slowly turned around and saw me. She stood up and ran to me faster than I could move and jumped into my arms.

"Brax, I am so sorry that I ran. I will never do that again. Please forgive- "she said, but I interrupted her by kissing her. With so much passion and with love that the whole restaurant cheered.

"Babe, there is no reason for you to be sorry. You didn't ask to be kidnapped." I said.

"I love you Braxton, and I missed you so much. I was afraid that I would never see you again." She said.

"Trust me. I know I was feeling the same way, babe. I love you more that you can imagine and missed you so damn much. But once we get home, I'm not letting you out of my sight for a while." I said.

"Oh, I accept that, as I don't want to be alone or without you." She said.

"Sounds like a plan, love." I said. We walked over to Shay and Mia.

"Shay, Mia. thank you for saving my mate, Nova. It means the world to me." I said.

"Alpha Braxton, it is no problem at all. Like I mentioned on the phone. I couldn't imagine what you're going through, and I wouldn't want to go through that. I can't imagine what I would do if something happened to my Mia." Shay said.

"I appreciate both you and Mia for saving me and helping me find my mate and getting me home. It means a lot." Nova said.

"Of course, dear. My dear mate and I wouldn't let anything bad happen to you. He can be ruthless, but he doesn't hurt women and children. He only hurts people that are bad and that breaks the laws. You're a victim, sweetie. But I expect to see an invitation to your wedding whenever you two get married." Mia said. We all laughed.

"If that happens. I will call you and invite you personally, Mia. You have become a great friend." Nova said.

"Well thank you sweetie, take diligent care of yourself and stay safe sweetie heart." Mai told her.

"Thank you and I will. Mia." Nova said, she hugged her.

"Keep her safe. Nova is a sweet girl, Braxton." Shay said.

"Oh, don't worry about it. I plan on it. I want to marry her one day and have a few pups. You know the whole family things. She is it for me." I said.

"Good, she deserves it, and so much more." Shay said.

"I know she does. She is my queen." I said.

"I still can't believe you are finally settling down. I have known you since you were a little kid, Braxton. It's simply crazy seeing you all grown up and settling down and being an Alpha now. I am proud of you. Just so you know, if you ever need help, my people will help you."

"Thank you, and same as mine, you saved there Luna and we are all forever grateful for that." I said.

"King Shay, I would like to consider an alliance with you, a permanent one." I said.

"Of course, it would honor us to be an alliance with you. Especially now. Oh, we better get an invitation when the big day happens," Shay said. We laughed.

"Of course," I said.


I was hugging and Kissing Braxton and I just didn't want to let him go. I know I had only been gone for maybe a day, but it felt like a week. But it was still a day too long. I really missed him; Zoe and Ari were so happy to be back and talking and reunited with one another. All of us sat together at the diner and then after we ate, they left and went back to their pack. We went back to ours. I couldn't wait to get back to the pack house or to our house. But It was late, we pulled into a motel. I just looked at Braxton.

"Come on, love, we are staying here for the night. Don't worry, we are on our pack lands, babe." Braxton said. We got out of the car and headed into the hotel.

"Alpha good to see you. How can we help you this evening?" The lady behind the desk asked. Name tag said Marcy.

"Well, Luna and I need a room for the night. What do you have available?" Braxton asked.

"Let's see, we have the honeymoon suite or the penthouse. Your choice." Marcy said.

"The first one is fine. We can see what it looks like for future reference, right Luna?" Braxton asked me.

"Okay, sure Babe. Is there a store around here?" I asked.

"Here is your key and Luna, do you need someone to out to get you some things? We all heard they kidnapped you, and I am personally grateful that you're OK. my daughter looks up to you." Marcy said. I was speechless. I didn't know what to say.

"Umm, that is exceedingly kind of you. That would be great. When I can, I would love to meet your daughter. I just want to get some rest and then get home, see the doctor, and make sure I am ok for right now." I said.

"Luna, I understand. Just remember, the pack is your family too. We're here for you?" Marcy said.

"Thank you." I said.

"How much for the room?" Braxton asked.

"No charge for you and the Luna, Alpha." Marcy said.

"You can't be serious?" Braxton said.

"I can and I am. You're in a hotel that I own. I respect my Alpha and Luna. My mate Bryan works for you. He told me about everything that was going on. So, when I see you two coming into my hotel, the least I can do is give you a free room, with champagne/wine of your choice and wonderful meals from our restaurant." Marcy said.

"Your mate is a great man; He is the best head tracker that we have. It would lose me without him. Thank you for this." Braxton said.

"Thank you." I said.

"You're both welcome. Enjoy your dinner and stay here." Marcy said. We walked to the elevator, went to the 15th floor, and got out and walked to room number 1508. We put the key into the door and when it unlocked, we went into the room. I need to tell him everything that Brock said to Shay when they were there. They thought I was unconscious. But I heard everything.

"Brax. We need to talk." I said. He looked at me, concerned.

"This doesn't sound good. Did that man hurt you?" Braxton asked me. I shook my head.

"No, but I heard everything that he and Shay talked about. I also heard everything that he and Christi talked about. She is the one who hurt me. Not Alpha Brock." I said.

"Nova, what are you talking about? Brock kidnapped you." Braxton said.

"No! Christi and Madison did. Brock was the driver. He kept telling Christi that it was a bad idea, especially once he realized who I was and that I was mated, too. He tried to help me. That's why he told Shay that he was going to kill me and asked him to do it. He knew Shay knew your mark and wouldn't do it. He knew he would contact you." I said. "There were two people who grabbed me."

"So, Alpha Brock and Shay both saved you?" Braxton asked.

"Yes, but Shay doesn't know that he thinks his nephew is a bad guy. He just needs help. His mate had played with his heart so much that he lost himself. Hopefully, when he rejects her, he gets a second chance." I said.

"I agree, but Shay might know." Braxton said. We both took a shower together and ate the dinner that they sent up for us. I didn't realize just how hungry I was until the food arrived. I fell asleep in my mates' arms. The bed was empty when I woke up. There was a note, though.


I went to meet Rogue King Shay and Alpha Brock. Breakfast will be here at 8 and I should be back around 10.

Love you Brax XOXO

Hopefully, that is a good thing that he is meeting with them and not a dreadful thing. I am still concerned, though. I just want everything to be over and go home. I want our lives to go back to normal, if that is even a thing.


I woke up next to my beautiful mate, and I knew what I needed to do. I sent a message out to the pack doctor for her to be checked out this evening to make sure that she is indeed ok. I need to make sure that my mate is ok. It is killing me not knowing. Then I made two phone calls, one to Alpha Brock and one to Rogue King Alpha Shay, asking them to meet me for breakfast.


B: Hello Alpha Brock Speaking.

BW: Good morning, Alpha Brock, this is Alpha Braxton.

B: Umm Hello Alpha, what can I do for you?

BW: Well, for starters you can join me for breakfast? I want to know everything that happened to my mate. I may know, and I want your side of the story.

B: Are you sure you want that, Alpha? I mean, I understand you have a right to know. But having breakfast with me. Are you sure about that?

BW: Oh yes, I am Alpha. I wouldn't have called if I hadn't. Nova told me some things and I want your side before I declare any form of punishment.

B: Oh ok, I understand, when and where?

BW: This morning at 9 a.m. and Buddha's Dinner.

B: Ok I will be there.

BW: Perfect Bye-.



Unknown: Good morning, Alpha King Shays office, how may I help you?

B: Good morning, this is Alpha Braxton, Is Shay available?

Unknown: One moment and I will transfer you to his personal cell. As he isn't in the office right now.

B: Thank you.

Unknown: No problem and transferring now.

S: Braxton, it's good to hear from you. Is Nova all right?

B: Yes, so far, so good. She will see the pack doctor this evening, though.

S: That's great. What can I do for you today, though?

B: Well, I scheduled breakfast with your nephew Brock and wondered if you would like to join me?

S: Well, to be honest, no. But for you and Nova, I will. You two are good people.

B: Thank you so much, it's really appreciated.

S: When and where?

B: Can you be at Buddha's Dinner at 9 a.m.

S: Sure thing, Mia and I stayed in the area. Since she is so close to birth, we needed to be near the hospital.

B: That's exceptional. Good for you on the baby. I never noticed that she was pregnant. But that could be because she was sitting down, or that it mainly focused me on Nova.

S: Your focus is Nova, as mine is Mia. It's understood. See you at Buddha's in a few.

B: I will see you then.


That went better than I expected it to be. I don't know what this breakfast will entail. But I hope Brock won't be this bad guy and will be the guy that my mate envisions him to be. Her judgement is something I trust. I got showered and dressed and wrote a note for my mate and laid it on the bed. She didn't budge after I kissed her on the forehead. She must have been exhausted. I made my way out of the hotel and to Buddha's diner.

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