The Love You Give Me (You Giv...

By PhyuPwint8

73.2K 630 79

What Min Hui wanted to do most was to destroy herself, and what Su Tian wanted to do most was to see Xin Qi... More

Chapter 1.1-Bus
2.1- Repulse Bay
2.2- Repulse Bay
3.1-Lanking Pavilion
4. Su Tian's Diary
5.1-Teacher Han
6.Xin Qi
7.Villa Hotel
8.1-Chess Game
11.1-Plan B
12.1- Chasing and Fleeing
14. He Xian Gu
15.1-Valley Flower Fish
16.1-Deng Chen
19.1-Zhou Ru Ji
20.1-On Board
21.My Love
23.1-White Red Dress
24.1-Purple Bead
25.1-Su Quan's Tears
26.1-A Day In The Winter Moon
27.Chen Jia Jun
28.1-Out Of Prison
30.Sense and Sensibility
32. Angel and Demon
36.Blue Bird
37.1- Wind Sound
38.1-Pig Brain
40.Baby Bear
41.Yin Xu
42.1-Hexagon Eyebrow Pencil
43.1- Ye Xiao Zhen
44.1- Cinnamon Cake
46.1-Borrow Money
47.1-Mai Xiang
48.1-Before the Meeting
51.1-Night Light
52.Who is He
54. Acquisition
55.1-Zhao Mu Sport
56.Horse Step
60.1-Yalu River
61.1-On the Plane
62.1-Under the Wisteria
63.1-Sad Squad
64.1-Silver Fish
65.1- Xu Jia Zhuang
66.1-Jiang Tan
67.1- Qian Shan Changle
69.1-Profit Seeking
70.1-Wind Comes
71.1-Salted Fish
72.1-Ivy Garden

9.1- Surprise or Fright?

685 5 0
By PhyuPwint8

    After applying an ice pack for ten minutes, Min Hui's nosebleed finally stopped. She has severe allergic rhinitis, and she is prone to nosebleeds when she is dry, angry, cold, or anxious. This is also the main reason why she can't swim. The first time Min Hui swam was when she was six years old. Her mother took her to a water park in the city to play. Unexpectedly, Min Hui started to have nosebleeds as soon as she got into the water. The more and more of them came, the parents and children around her didn't know what happened. , have climbed out of the pool. The staff came to see that the water in the pool was already red, and the pollution was second. They were more worried about infectious diseases, so they had to clear the venue immediately, replace all the water in the swimming pool, and dare to reopen it after serious disinfection.

    As a result, Min Hui suffered from heart disease and missed swimming.

    "Hey, it's the first time I've seen you like this, never before." Xin Qi held her head and said, "Don't look up, the blood will choke into your throat, lean forward a little, um, that's fine. You yourself Squeeze here—don’t use too much force.”

   After speaking, she ran to the bathroom to find a pack of cotton wool, rolled it into strips and stuffed it into her nostrils, and put a wet towel on her forehead for cold compresses, and tossed and frantically for about ten minutes. Only then did it stop.

    A pool of blood on the white marble, like some crime scene. Min Hui was very embarrassed. Looking at her shirt, it was also stained.

    She hurriedly said, "I'll change."

     Looking at her, it's like something big happened.

    Min Hui would have bleeding like this three or five times a year, and she was used to it, so she shook her head and said it was okay.

     Seeing Xin Qi's tense expression, her heart softened, so she had to go to the sofa in the living room and sit down.

    "Give me your left hand, and I'll massage it for you." He pinched the ring finger of her left hand, and pushed it back and forth from the root of the finger upwards: "There is a meridian here, called the Lung Meridian, and it is very effective to push it like this.

    " how long?"

    "One hundred times. Don't push too hard, but it's good to push until your fingers turn red." He rubbed it intently while talking, and Min Hui's ears turned red when she heard it. 

   Her father passed away early, and she has never been cared for by a man so carefully in her life, she just feels uneasy. It's not a blessing, she is ashamed to receive it, she want to pull her hand away, but she is afraid that this kindness will be neglected. She could only laugh and said, "Why do you do this? This is a standard Chinese massage. Is that so? I can do it myself."

    She took the opportunity to pull her hand back, and did the same thing, giving herself a massage.

    "When I was young, I was often hospitalized. After a long illness, I became a good doctor. When I graduated from high school, I also volunteered in a children's hospital."

    So he is a doctor?

    Min Hui always felt that her judgment was not bad, but she also made serious mistakes. She observed that Xin Qi did not know which line of work he was doing, was it engineering, science or liberal arts? From the point of view of rich emotion and exciting language, liberal arts is more likely.

    He has a pair of beautiful hands: the ten fingers are slender, the joints are distinct, the nails are clean, and there are no obvious callus marks on them. So he is definitely not a manual laborer like Su Tian.

    The economic conditions are definitely not poor.

    First of all, the diamond ring, more than one carat, cost tens of thousands of dollars.

    There is also this honeymoon villa. Min Hui has seen it on Ctrip. Although it is located in a remote area, it has a beautiful scenery, a large area, and a private pool. The cheapest one is 8,000 a night.

    Anyone who lives in New York and has watched the movie knows that housing prices in New York are not low.

    In contrast, his food and clothing expenses are extremely ordinary, and there is nothing special about him. The clothes are mainly in black, white and gray, mostly sports styles, and there are no big brands. Computers, phones, and watches are all Apple series. They have been placed on the coffee table to charge since entering the house, and they have not been used much.

    Min Hui thinks that Xin Qi is puzzling because there are many contradictory things in him, especially the difference between him in front of Min Hui and him in Su Tian's diary. When he is friendly, he is like the big brother next door, but when he is serious, he is the domineering president. When naughty, he can mess around, but when he is serious, he can be intimidating and seductive. If he love someone, he will swear, and if he hate someone, he will kill them all.

    Like to be funny, but also know how to measure. Touch his bottom line every minute, but not forceful invasion.

    Min Hui thought for a long time, but still couldn't guess Xin Qi's occupation, and couldn't help but start to back off again: she doesn't know how to get through the next few days so as not to reveal her secrets. She had no choice but to grit her teeth and encourage herself: As long as this kind of person doesn't do business with her, with her own IQ and a 13-year vacancy, she should be able to handle it.

    The most tangled thing is that she seems to have walked into a dead end: if she doesn't play Su Tian seriously, she will go out of her way. Playing Su Tian seriously, she doesn't act like it.

    The "Min Hui version" of Su Tian and the real Su Tian have long since parted ways, and under the influence of Xin Qi's charm, she has become more and more involved in the drama, and she is already somewhat unable to pull out.


    Mingshui County is between Harbin and Suihua, and the hotel booked the morning train to Harbin for them. 

   Min Hui is from the south, except for Yongquan City, the northernmost place she has been to in her life is Beijing, so she has no idea about the place names of the three eastern provinces. 

    Xin Qi said that Suihua is "not far away", but it is actually not close. It takes four hours by train and four hours by bus to get there.

    At the thought of spending eight hours alone with Xin Qi, still in a closed space like a train or a bus, Min Hui was immediately out of breath and felt that there was nowhere to escape.

    Fortunately, as soon as they got on the train, they found a group of college students sitting in the carriage, each holding a shopping bag with the words "Wild Flower Lake Scenic Area" in their hands. Probably like them, he had just returned from a vacation in the Wild Flower Lake Scenic Area.

    The two boys sitting opposite were one of them, and they should be seniors. A man surnamed Tang, tall and handsome, wearing a thin T-shirt, showing his healthy body, seems to be from the sports department. Another student named Qian is his classmate. He is of medium height, somewhat puffy, and wears black-rimmed glasses.

    Seeing that Xin Qi and Min Hui were sitting down, they took out two decks of poker to play, and asked if they wanted to upgrade, and Min Hui readily agreed.

    From here to Harbin, there are four hours to kill, what better way to waste time than playing poker?

    "Sorry, I can't participate." Xin Qi said, "I haven't played upgrade."

    "What about bridge, will you?" Min Hui asked.

    "Bridge Club."

    "Upgrading is very simple, let me teach you... -->>

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