Bully's shy boy || Yang Jungw...

By Jungwon_1904

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Jungwon was always a shy boy and never really had any friends, and then when his parents decide to move to a... More

The new start
New school, lonely boy
Home, my safe haven
New day, new challenges
My second challenge, the mean girl
She won't give me a break
My first friend
The teasing
Hand brush dilemma
Why can't she just leave me alone?
The mean girl's priority
Hand holding thrill
The mean girl comforts me?
Jealousy over Jungwon
"Can you forgive me?"
Am I playing with fire?
The start of something new
Saturday plans set!
Another step in our relationship
He's so cute
Overwhelmed by attention
Meeting his parents for the first time
The fun and anger
Period cramps
Heeseung the school's Playboy
Can he stop?
I'm trapped
Back together
The apology
Being friends with Heeseung?!
The date night
The video
He recorded the video?!
She cheated on me
Getting drunk and wasted
She's begging for forgiveness
Getting back together
Our future
The end

Beach day

789 26 1
By Jungwon_1904

Jungwon woke up early on Sunday morning with a big smile on his face. He couldn't believe how much fun he had with Y/n yesterday. They spent the whole day together at the zoo and the park, and it was one of the best days of his life. He felt like he was on top of the world.

He got out of bed, got dressed, and made his way downstairs to the kitchen. His parents were already up and making breakfast, and he could smell the bacon sizzling on the stove. He sat down at the table, poured himself a glass of orange juice, and grabbed his phone. He couldn't wait to text Y/n and tell her how much he enjoyed spending time with her yesterday.

As he was scrolling through his phone, he saw that he had a message from Y/n. His heart skipped a beat as he opened the message.

"Good morning, babe! Had so much fun with you yesterday <3 Can't wait to do it again sometime!"

Jungwon felt like he was floating on cloud nine. He couldn't believe that Y/n was his girlfriend and that she actually liked spending time with him. He quickly typed out a response.

"Good morning, Y/n! Me too! Yesterday was amazing. What do you want to do today?"

As he waited for her response, he couldn't help but think about how lucky he was to have Y/n in his life. She was the coolest girl in school, and everyone wanted to be her friend. He couldn't believe that she chose him.

A few moments later, his phone buzzed again, and he saw that Y/n had responded.

"I was thinking we could go to the beach today! I heard the waves are amazing this time of year. What do you say?"

Jungwon's heart skipped a beat. He had never been to the beach before, and he couldn't think of anything more exciting than going there with Y/n.

"YES! That sounds amazing! When do you want to go?"

Y/n quickly responded with a time and a meeting place, and Jungwon couldn't wait to get ready for their date. He finished his breakfast, ran upstairs to get dressed, and spent the rest of the morning counting down the minutes until he would see Y/n again.

{Time skip, at the beach}

Jungwon arrived at the beach, feeling a mixture of excitement and nerves. He was looking forward to spending the day alone with Y/n, but he couldn't help feeling a little disappointed when he saw that her friends were there too. He felt shy around them because they were all so outgoing and extroverted, while he was much more reserved and introverted.

As he walked over to where Y/n and her friends were sitting, he felt his heart pounding in his chest. He could see Y/n's beautiful smile from a distance, and it gave him a burst of confidence.

"Hey, Jungwon!" Y/n said, getting up to hug and kiss him.

Jungwon felt a rush of happiness as he hugged her back. He felt like the luckiest guy in the world to have her as his girlfriend. But at the same time, he couldn't help feeling self-conscious as her friends watched them.

"Hey, Y/n," Jungwon said, feeling a little shy.

Y/n's friends teased them playfully as they watched the couple embrace, but it didn't bother Jungwon as much as he thought it would. He could tell that Y/n really cared about him, and that was all that mattered.

Y/n took Jungwon's hand and led him over to where they were all sitting. Her friends greeted him warmly and made small talk with him, but he found it hard to keep up with their fast-paced conversations. He was much more comfortable listening and observing than participating.

As the day went on, Y/n's friends started to do their own thing, leaving the couple alone. Jungwon and Y/n walked along the beach, collecting seashells and watching the waves crash against the shore.

Jungwon felt his confidence growing as they talked and laughed together. He realized that Y/n was more interested in spending time with him than with her friends, and that made him feel special.

As the sun began to set, Y/n suggested they go for a swim. Jungwon hesitated at first, feeling self-conscious in his swim trunks, but Y/n's encouragement gave him the push he needed.

They ran into the water, laughing and splashing each other. Jungwon felt a sense of freedom as he let go of his insecurities and enjoyed the moment with Y/n.

Jungwon and Y/n were having a blast playing in the water, splashing each other and laughing. As they were horsing around, Y/n suddenly pulled Jungwon closer by his waist, putting his wet hair out of his face. Jungwon felt his heart race as Y/n leaned in to kiss him, but just as their lips were about to meet, she playfully dunked him under the water instead.

Jungwon came up sputtering, feeling both surprised and exhilarated. Y/n was grinning at him mischievously, clearly enjoying the game they were playing.

They swam around for a few more minutes before heading back to their towels. As they emerged from the water, Y/n's friends were looking at them in surprise. They had always thought of Y/n as a bit of a mean girl, someone who didn't show much affection or kindness to others.

But seeing her playfully teasing and flirting with Jungwon, they couldn't help but be impressed. Y/n had always been popular and confident, but they had never seen her act so carefree and playful before.

Jungwon felt a sense of pride as he wrapped his arm around Y/n's waist, feeling grateful to have her as his girlfriend. He knew that she could be mean at times, but he also saw a different side of her when they were alone together.

As they settled back onto their towels, Y/n's friends started to chat with them more easily, showing a newfound appreciation for both Y/n and Jungwon. Jungwon felt himself relax as he listened to their stories and jokes, feeling more comfortable around them now that they had seen Y/n's softer side.

He knew that he still had a long way to go when it came to being outgoing and confident like Y/n's friends, but he also knew that he had something special with Y/n. She brought out a playful and affectionate side of him that he never knew existed, and he was excited to see where their relationship would take them next.

As the sun started to dip lower in the sky, Y/n and Jungwon sat back down on their towels, still laughing and chatting with her friends. They had spent the entire day at the beach, swimming, sunbathing, and enjoying each other's company. Now, as the daylight started to fade, they were content to just relax and enjoy the quiet of the evening.

Jungwon felt a sense of belonging with Y/n's friends now, no longer feeling as shy and awkward around them as he had at the beginning of the day. He had discovered that they were actually quite kind and friendly, and he found himself enjoying their company.

Y/n leaned over and whispered something in his ear, causing him to smile and blush. He couldn't believe how lucky he was to have her as his girlfriend and how much she had brought out a new side of him that he never knew existed.

As the night wore on, they shared stories and jokes, enjoying the simple pleasure of each other's company. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore and the distant laughter of other beachgoers created a peaceful atmosphere, one that made Jungwon feel content and happy.

He knew that he had a lot to learn when it came to being more outgoing and social, but he also knew that he had taken an important step today. With Y/n by his side, he felt more confident and comfortable in his own skin, and he knew that he could take on whatever challenges lay ahead.

As the last rays of sunlight disappeared over the horizon, Y/n's friends started to pack up their belongings and get ready to head home. Jungwon felt a twinge of sadness, knowing that their day at the beach was coming to an end. But he also felt grateful for the memories they had created together, and he knew that he would never forget this special day.

Here's another chapter. Have fun reading it
Bye 👋

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