One Night Stand

By Queeeenxox

68.2K 2.4K 1.4K

26 year old Alani Harris has just walked away from an eight year relationship with her high school sweetheart... More

Ch. I
Ch. II
Ch. IV
Ch. V
Ch. VIII (Pt. I)
IX (Pt. II)
Happy Thanksgiving!
Book Recommendations 🫢🏽
Life update 🫢🏽🫢🏽

Ch. VI

2.9K 113 29
By Queeeenxox

July 24, 2022

Twins with a married man. This is what my life has come to. What the fuck did I ever do to deserve this? What makes matters worst is I'm pregnant by my coworkers husband, the one coworker I really don't get along with. I just know she's about to spread rumors at work about me saying that I knowingly sleeping with a married man.

After finding out that Marcus was married I couldn't help but to put him on the block list. I knew I wasn't going to keep him on there because we are having kids together, but I couldn't bring myself to talk to him just yet. If I would have known he was married I wouldn't have even entertained him that night.

I was currently at work and I've never been more irritated in my life. His bird brain of a wife keeps walking by my desk throwing out slick remarks everytime she comes and goes by. "Whore." I heard her say just as she was approaching my desk. I turned my chair to the aisle and leaned back like I was stretching, and I stuck my foot out causing her to trip and tumble over it.

"Oops." I said as I laughed. She glared at me as she got up off of the floor and pointed her finger in my face.

"Listen hear you home wrecking bitch-" She started to say before I stood up.

"Mia please don't make me drag your ass up and down this office because you know I will. You already know how I get down." I said as I took my jacket off and put my hair up in a bun. I quickly calmed myself down as I realized that I can't be fighting anymore because I'm carrying her step children. That shit don't even sound right, her evil ass won't be around my kids so Marcus is going to have to figure some shit out. "Bitch you better be lucky I'm-" I started to say before I shut my mouth. I think it's best if she hears it from her husband. I rolled my eyes at the thought. "Get your ugly ass out of my face and away from my desk before I drop kick your dumb ass." I said as I sat back down and got back to work. This bitch was about to make my blood pressure go up for no damn reason.

"Dumb bitch. I hope you know that Marcus is mine." She emphasized. "He'd never date a trashy ass bitch and home wrecker like you." She said before walking away. I smirked as I ignored her. Baby girl, if you only knew how your husband had me twisted like a pretzel and was rearranging my guts last month.

"Hey boo!" Delilah said as she walked into my house. I smiled as I emerged from the kitchen and gave her a hug.

"Hey bestie." I said as I smiled. "I missed you." I pouted. She laughed as she rubbed my belly.

"We just saw each other for lunch." She said. I laughed as I nodded as we went to sit on the couch.

"I know. But you know how nervous I still am about this pregnancy. Since I haven't old Marcus yet, you're the only one who knows for sure and it's starting to get to me that I haven't told anyone else yet." I said to her. She nodded.

"Why didn't you tell Marcus yet? I thought you said you texted him and asked if you guys could talk and he said yeah." She said. I nodded as I crossed my legs and took a deep breath. I clasped my hands together and sat them in my lap as I looked at her.

"Bitch let me tell you this story." I said as I shook my head. "So after my appointment the other day I texted him and he texted back and said yeah. So I had to go by the store later after work before I came home so I stopped by Publix. I'm grabbing my things and I was on the water aisle and after I put the water in my cart I looked up and there he was. We exchanged pleasantries a little bit and just as I was about see if he was free to talk that night, that bitch Mia from my job walked over." I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Forreal? What the fuck did she want?" She asked. Delilah knew about Mia because she's come up to the office a few times to have lunch with me.

"Girl." I said as I paused and shook my head. "That's her husband." I said. She spit the water out that she had just poured in her mouth and looked at me.

"Bitch, no." She said. I nodded.

"Yup. She walked over to our conversation and asked how did we know each other. I told her we were friends, I didn't really know what else to say because I wasn't about to just be airing out my business and especially not to that bitch." I said as I rolled my eyes. "So after that I walked away and blocked him. I can tell he was annoyed that she walked over to us though. Anyways, today Mia kept walking by my desk making slick remarks. She called me a whore and a home wrecker. I tripped her ass the last time she walked by my desk and I almost beat her ass until I remembered I was pregnant with her step kids." I said.

"Pregnant with her step kids is wild as fuck." She said as she laughed. I shook my head and laughed a little bit too because although it wasn't ideal and it's definitely not a flex to be pregnant by a married man, it does sound funny when you say it out loud like that. "You beat yourself up over it, didn't you?" She asked. I smiled as I nodded, she knows me like the back of her hand.

"You already know I did. If I had known he was married I wouldn't have entertained him." I said seriously. "I mean I know was a little tipsy but I remember that night as if it just happened a few hours ago. If he had said anything about being married I wouldn't have kept going with him, I would have put a stop to the flirting immediately." I admitted.

"It's not your fault. It's his fault. Now granted there might have been a reason he didn't mention it, but regardless it's still his fault." She said. "Are you going to keep him on the block list and just not tell him?" She asked. I shook my head.

"As much as I would love to do that I can't. I know the situation isn't ideal, but he still deserves to know. Whether he wants to be in their lives or not, that's ultimately his decision to make and he's going to have to be the one to live with the choice he makes." I said. She nodded.

"I'm blowed." She said.

"Me too." I said. "How are things going with your love life?" I asked her. She smiled and rolled her eyes.

"Everything is good. Malik is so perfect in every sense of the word." She gushed about her fiancé. "He wants to have a destination wedding but I don't think you'll be able to fly around the time he wants to do it so I told him no." She said. I laughed as I pouted.

"Awe bestie. Don't plan your wedding around me. If you guys want to do a destination wedding, then by all means go for it." I said. She shook her head.

"Alani I'm not getting married if you're not in attendance." She said as she scrunched her face up. "Besides, you're my maid of honor. Ain't no wedding if you don't show up." She said. I laughed as I slapped her leg.

"Girl, don't make me cry." I joked as I rolled my eyes. She laughed as her phone started ringing. She answered it and I picked mine up and looked at the time. It was going on 7:30 and my stomach started growling.

"I'm about to head out bestie. Malik is on his way home and we're about to go out on a date." She said as she stood up. I pouted as I stood up too.

"All of you guys are literally in the most perfect relationships and here I am pregnant by a married man." I joked as I rolled my eyes. She laughed as she pushed my shoulder.

"Stop saying that, you didn't know." She reassured me. "Besides, none of our relationships are perfect. You know damn well mine isn't. It took for me and Malik to break up like four or five times before we finally got it right. Your soulmate is out there, trust me." She said as I walked her to the door.

"Hopefully he's not married." I laughed. She laughed as she shook her head.

"I'm glad you're not beating yourself up too much over it because it was an honest mistake on your part. But when are you going to unblock him and tell him?" She asked.

"I was actually thinking about doing that now so that I can get it out of the way." I said. She nodded.

"Okay, call me later and let me know how it goes." She said. I nodded as I hugged her. "Love you. Talk to you later." She said.

"Love you more. Get home safe." I said to her. She nodded as she walked out the front door and I locked it back before going to sit on the couch. I grabbed my phone and went to my contacts. I unblocked Marcus and my thumb hovered over the call button for a few seconds. "Fuck it." I mumbled as I pressed call and put it on speaker phone. The phone rang for a few seconds and just as I was about to hang up, he answered.

"Hello?" He answered as I heard shuffling in the background.

"Hey, it's Alani." I said, as if he doesn't have my number saved in his phone.

"Hold on." I heard him say. I could hear the background noise fading out before he got back on the phone. "My bad, I'm at work right now. Wassup?" He asked. I fidgeted with the string on the shorts that I was wearing as I shifted on the couch.

"I was calling to see if we could still meet up to talk." I said to him. It was silent for a few seconds and just as I opened my mouth to see if he was still there I heard his voice.

"Yeah, that's cool. I just finished up my last appointment. Did you want to talk tonight or what?" He asked. I bit my lip.

"Tonight, the sooner the better honestly." I said to him.

"Alright. Where do you want me to meet you at?" He asked.

"Can you just meet me at my house?" I asked him.

"I got you. I'll text you when I'm outside." He said. I nodded as I stood up.

"Okay, see you soon." I said before we hung up. I opened up the DoorDash app and ordered two chicken sandwich meals from Chick-Fil-A before going upstairs to take a shower.

By the time I got out of the shower I had a text from Marcus saying he was outside. "Oh shit." I said. I texted him back a quick okay before wrapping my towel around me and going downstairs. I unlocked the door and saw him getting out of his Jeep. I licked my lips as I took in his appearance. He was wearing a white vneck, some black cargo shorts and some black, white and gray Nike dunks. I licked my lips as he made his way over to my porch. "Wassup mama?" He said as he looked down at me. I smiled softly as I let him inside.

"Hey. I'll be right back down. I ordered Chick-Fil-A through DoorDash, so can you answer the door when they get here? They should be here in a few minutes." I said as I closed and locked the door. He nodded as he took a seat on the couch and eyed me. Out of curiosity I glanced at his hand and noticed that he wasn't wearing his ring. Interesting.

"I got you. Take your time." He said. I nodded as I jogged back upstairs and went back into my room. I grabbed my lotion off of my dresser and rubbed it on my legs, arms and feet before slipping on a pair of leggings and a tank top. I put my towel in the dirty clothes hamper before throwing my hair in a bun and going back downstairs. Marcus had just closed my front door and turned around with the food in his hands.

"Thank you. I ordered you a chicken sandwich too in case you're hungry." I said. He nodded as he followed me to my dining room table.

"Thanks." He said as he sat everything down before going to wash his hands. We sat across from each other at the table and it was silent before he spoke up. "I'm sorry about the other day." He said.

"What exactly are you sorry for? Her popping up in the middle of our conversation or the fact that we slept together and you knew you were married while I was blindsided?" I asked him.

"The fact that I knew I was married and you had no idea." He said. He cleared his throat before he spoke again. "That night I met you, I was out with my homeboys to clear my head. I was on a whatever happens, happens kind of night. Earlier that day I had found out that she was cheating on me. Our marriage had already been on the rocks with us arguing all the time, but finding out that she was cheating was the icing on the cake." He said. I nodded.

"So we were both out trying to clear our head from our significant others cheating on us." I said. "I know you don't owe me an explanation or anything, but it's just eating away at me that I slept with a married man. Whether you guys were on good terms or not, that doesn't change the fact that you're married. On the other hand, I understand you not mentioning it because as you stated you were there to clear your head. You didn't want to think about what made you go out in the first place. I get it, I was in the same boat. Only difference is I'm not married and I had already broke up with my boyfriend." I said. He nodded as looked at me.

"I get that. I apologize again." He said. "Even after that I didn't think to mention it because I didn't know if we were ever going to see each other again to be honest." He explained. I nodded.

"I understand. I accept your apology." I said. He nodded and we finished eating in silence.

"I take it you and her don't get along at work." He said as he laughed. I shook my head and smiled.

"Hell no. She doesn't like me because my mom is our boss. I'm literally only the administrative assistant, I don't do the same work that they do so I can pretty much do whatever I want and she thinks that I can only do that because of my mom. She's really annoying." I laughed.

"Yeah I tuned her out a little bit the other day when she mentioned it." He said. "So what did you need to talk to me about?" He asked. I grabbed our garbage and threw it away. He stood up and followed me to the living room.

"Let me go grab it." I said. He nodded and went to sit on the couch as I went upstairs to my room. I opened my nightstand drawer and grabbed the ultrasound pictures. I took a deep breath before going back downstairs. "So I missed my period this month and I went to the doctor and found out that I'm seven weeks pregnant with twins." I said as I handed him the ultrasound pictures. He took the pictures from me and looked them over before licking his lips.

"I'm sorry." He said as he stared at the pictures. I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked at him.

"Sorry for what?" I asked. He stared at the pictures for a few seconds before looking at me.

"For bringing you into the middle of whatever is going on with me and Mia." He said.

"It takes two to tango. I went out that night looking for an escape too. I'm just as much to blame as you are in this situation. What's going on between you and your wife has absolutely nothing to do with me, so don't apologize for that." I said.

"I know. But once she finds out that I have twins on the way and the fact that they're with you, she'll stop at nothing to get under your skin. I'll figure something out though, I don't want her stressing you out while you're carrying my kids." He said. I nodded as I took in everything he said.

"I appreciate that." I said. "We don't know each other from a can of paint, why aren't you questioning if I know you're for sure the father?" I asked him. He chuckled as he looked at the pictures before looking back at me.

"It's something about you that tells me you have all of your ducks in a row and you wouldn't have told me this if you weren't 100% sure." He said. "I'm trusting my gut on this one." He said. I laughed as I nodded.

"Thank you, and you are absolutely right. I questioned my doctor on the due date and what the possible dates of conception would have been as well as what the possible dates of sexual intercourse would have been. I dotted my I's and crossed my T's for sure." I said. He laughed as he nodded.

"Damn. Twins." He said as he laughed. "This is my second set of twins." He said.

"I'm sorry you had to have kids with her." I pouted slightly. He laughed as he shook his head.

"We don't have kids together, which is why it would make it so much easier for us when we get divorced." He said. "Unless she asks for spousal support or whatever." He shrugged. I nodded.

"I hope it all works out in your favor." I said. He nodded as it fell silent between us. "I guess we should try to get to know each other." I broke the silence.

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea." He laughed. "But can we take a rain check? I have to go get my kids from their mom." He said. I nodded as we stood up from the couch.

"Of course. Thanks for stopping by, and sorry for blocking you. I didn't know how to take that information in." I said as I stood in front of him. He laughed as he nodded and looked down at me.

"Can I see your stomach?" He asked. I nodded as I lifted my shirt and he placed his hands on my stomach. He put his ear to it before putting his forehead on it and closing his eyes.

"Amen." I heard him mumble as he kissed my stomach two times before standing up. My heart fluttered at the thought of him praying over our babies. "I said a prayer for you and the babies. If you ever need anything, no matter how big or small, don't hesitate to call me. Even if it's something as small as you not being able to put your shoes on, call me and I'll be right over." He said as he held my waist. I bit my lip.

"Thank you." I said. I was speechless. "But I don't want to cause anymore problems between you and Mia. I won't be calling you for anything unless it's absolutely necessary." I said. He kissed his teeth.

"Alani, what did I just say?" He asked as he looked down at me. The bass in his voice had me dripping and ready to do anything he said.

"Call you for anything, no matter how big or small." I said softly. He laughed as he nodded and rubbed my stomach before removing his hands from my body. "Anything?" I questioned as I looked him in the eyes. He smirked as his eyes roamed over me from head to toe before looking me in the eyes.

"Anything." He said. I bit my lip and nodded.

"Noted." I said. "I'm about to go lay down and watch tv until I fall asleep. Text me when you get home." I said. He nodded as he opened the front door.

"Whenever you get a chance send me the dates and times for your appointments so that I can go to them with you." He said. I nodded as I wrapped my arms around myself.

"I will. Have a good night." I said. He kissed my cheek before stepping back.

"You too mama." He said. I smiled as he made his way over to his car. I waved at him as he reversed out of my driveway before I walked back in the house. I locked up downstairs and turned the lights off before retreating up to my room.

I put my phone on the charger and laid down. I turned Netflix on and put The Parkers on. I don't care how many times I watch this show, I still laugh at Kim's dumbass. About ten minutes later, my text tone went off. I picked my phone up to see that Marcus had texted me.

Just got home. Thanks for dinner. Let me know when you wanna meet up again & we can. I'm about to shower and call it a night, I'll call to check on you tomorrow. Good night mama. - Marcus

Thanks for coming over. Sorry again for blocking you lol. My next appointment is on August 17 at 9:45. But good night, talk to you tomorrow. - Me

Now that Marcus knows, it's time for me to tell my family and friends that I'm expecting. I'm curious to see their reactions because it's no secret that they weren't fans of Kendrick, but to find out that I'm pregnant by someone that I just met, and me having twins, is going to blow their minds.

I put my phone back on the charger and laid back down. It didn't take long for me to doze off after that. These babies are already draining all of my energy.

Let me know your thoughts on this chapter & what you predict will happen next! 🩷😘

- Bri 💋✨

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