Bully's shy boy || Yang Jungw...

By Jungwon_1904

42.3K 1.3K 296

Jungwon was always a shy boy and never really had any friends, and then when his parents decide to move to a... More

The new start
New school, lonely boy
Home, my safe haven
New day, new challenges
My second challenge, the mean girl
She won't give me a break
My first friend
The teasing
Hand brush dilemma
Why can't she just leave me alone?
The mean girl's priority
Hand holding thrill
The mean girl comforts me?
Jealousy over Jungwon
Am I playing with fire?
The start of something new
Saturday plans set!
Beach day
Another step in our relationship
He's so cute
Overwhelmed by attention
Meeting his parents for the first time
The fun and anger
Period cramps
Heeseung the school's Playboy
Can he stop?
I'm trapped
Back together
The apology
Being friends with Heeseung?!
The date night
The video
He recorded the video?!
She cheated on me
Getting drunk and wasted
She's begging for forgiveness
Getting back together
Our future
The end

"Can you forgive me?"

1.1K 36 21
By Jungwon_1904

Y/n had had enough. Sunghoon and her friends had been teasing her for what felt like forever about her supposed crush on Jungwon, and she was sick of it. She turned around in her seat to face them, her eyes blazing with anger.

"Enough!" she shouted, causing everyone in the classroom to turn and look at her. "I am so sick of you guys teasing me about liking Jungwon. I don't like him, okay? I don't know where you guys are getting this idea from, but it's not true!"

Sunghoon and her friends just laughed at her, causing Y/n's anger to boil over. She stood up from her seat and got in Sunghoon's face.

"You think this is funny?" she spat. "You think it's funny to make fun of me like this? Well, it's not. And I'm not going to take it anymore."

One of Y/n's friends tried to pull her back, but she shook her off and turned back to Sunghoon.

"And you," she said, pointing a finger at him. "You're the worst of all. You're always the one starting this crap. Well, I'm not going to let you get away with it anymore."

Sunghoon just smirked at her, clearly enjoying the attention. But before he could say anything else, one of Y/n's other friends came up behind her and pushed her slightly, causing her to lose her balance.

Y/n stumbled forward, and before she knew it, she was falling right into Jungwon's lap. He looked up at her in surprise, his eyes wide.

"Um, are you okay?" he asked, his face turning red.

Y/n scrambled to get up, feeling embarrassed and humiliated. But as she looked around the classroom, she realized that everyone was staring at her and Jungwon.

"Great," she muttered under her breath. "Just what I needed. More attention."

But as she glanced back at Jungwon, she saw something in his eyes that made her pause. He looked almost... grateful? And for some reason, that made Y/n feel a little bit better.

Maybe, just maybe, this whole thing wasn't as bad as she thought.

As the class ended, Y/n quickly gathered her things and tried to leave the classroom. But just as she was about to make a run for it, she stumbled and fell right into Jungwon's arms. His friends, including Sunghoon, who had been sitting behind Y/n, couldn't help but tease her about her obvious crush on Jungwon.

Feeling embarrassed and frustrated, Y/n tried to push past them and leave, but her friends had other plans. They knew how much Y/n had been pining over Jungwon and decided that enough was enough.

"Y/n, you can't just run away like that," one of her friends said. "You need to face him and tell him how you feel."

Y/n rolled her eyes. "Like he would even care. He's too busy being shy and quiet all the time."

But before she could storm out of the classroom, Sunghoon stepped in. "Actually, Y/n, I think you and Jungwon should spend the lunch break together."

Y/n looked at him incredulously. "What? Why would I want to spend time with him?"

"Because," Sunghoon said with a grin, "I think you two have more in common than you realize."

Y/n opened her mouth to protest, but her friends were already pushing her towards Jungwon, who was standing awkwardly by the door.

"Come on, Y/n," one of her friends said. "Give him a chance."

With a heavy sigh, Y/n finally relented. She knew her friends meant well, and maybe it wouldn't be so bad to spend some time with Jungwon. After all, he wasn't so bad once you got to know him.

As they walked out of the classroom together, Y/n couldn't help but feel a little nervous. What would they even talk about? But as they started to chat about their favorite movies and TV shows, she realized that maybe, just maybe, there was more to Jungwon than she had originally thought.

And as they sat together in the cafeteria, laughing and joking around, Y/n couldn't help but feel grateful for her friends and for Sunghoon, who had brought them together. Maybe, just maybe, this could be the start of something new.

{Time skip, in the cafeteria}

Y/n sat across from Jungwon, twirling her hair around her finger as she tried to make conversation. But Jungwon's answers were always short and simple, and it was starting to grate on her nerves.

"So, Jungwon, what do you like to do in your free time?" Y/n asked, trying to keep the conversation flowing.

"I like to read and draw," Jungwon replied, his voice barely above a whisper.

Y/n rolled her eyes. "Wow, how exciting," she said sarcastically, knowing that Sunghoon and her friends were watching them from afar. She couldn't let them see that she was struggling to make conversation with this shy boy.

Jungwon looked down at his lap, clearly uncomfortable with Y/n's snarky comment. Y/n immediately regretted her words and tried to backtrack.

"I'm sorry, Jungwon. I didn't mean it like that. Reading and drawing are really cool hobbies," she said, trying to sound sincere.

Jungwon looked up at her, his eyes meeting hers for the first time. Y/n felt a strange flutter in her chest and quickly looked away, trying to hide her blush.

Sunghoon and her friends were still watching them, and Y/n could feel their eyes on her. She knew that they were expecting her to humiliate Jungwon or make fun of him in some way. But Y/n didn't want to do that. She wanted to get to know this shy boy better.

"So, what kind of books do you like to read?" Y/n asked, hoping to keep the conversation going.

Jungwon smiled shyly. "I like fantasy and adventure books," he said.

Y/n grinned. "That's awesome. I love those kinds of books too," she said, feeling a connection forming between them.

As they continued to talk, Y/n felt Sunghoon and her friends' eyes on her, but she didn't care anymore. She was having a real conversation with Jungwon, and that was all that mattered to her.

Maybe, just maybe, Y/n thought, there was more to life than being the mean girl.

Y/n walked around the table and sat down next to him, her perfume filling his senses. Jungwon could feel her hot breath on his ear as she whispered, "Are you sure that you want to spend the lunch break with me or are you only doing it because Sunghoon and my friends forced us?"

Jungwon's face turned red with embarrassment. He had indeed been pressured into sitting with Y/n by Sunghoon, one of his closest friends, and her group of friends. But he didn't want to admit that to Y/n, especially when he had dreamed of this moment for so long.

"Of course, I want to spend time with you," Jungwon said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I've always thought you were really cool."

Y/n let out a small laugh, and Jungwon's heart skipped a beat. He couldn't tell if she was laughing with him or at him. He felt a pang of regret for not staying at his usual table with his other friends.

"Well, I'm glad to hear that," Y/n said, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "But just so you know, I don't have any interest in hanging out with losers like you. So, let's make this quick."

Jungwon's heart sank at her words. He had always known Y/n to be a mean girl, but he had hoped that maybe there was more to her than what met the eye. It seemed like he was wrong.

As they ate their lunch in awkward silence, Jungwon couldn't help but feel like he had made a mistake in agreeing to sit with Y/n. He had let his infatuation with her cloud his judgment, and now he was paying the price.

The rest of the lunch break passed by in a blur, and before he knew it, it was time for class. Jungwon stood up from the table, eager to put this awkward encounter behind him.

As he walked away, he couldn't help but wonder if he would ever get the chance to talk to Y/n again, or if this would be the last time they ever spoke.

Jungwon walked away from Y/n with tears in his eyes, feeling hurt and humiliated by her mean words. He was used to being the quiet and shy boy, but he never thought that Y/n would be so cruel to him.

As he walked through the school cafeteria, he could feel the stares of Sunghoon and her friends on his back. He wanted to run away from it all, but he couldn't help but feel the sting of Y/n's words echoing in his head.

Just as he was about to exit the cafeteria, he felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist, pulling him back into a warm embrace. He turned his head to see that it was Y/n who had followed him and back-hugged him tightly.

"I'm sorry for saying that, Jungwon," Y/n said softly, her voice filled with remorse. "I didn't mean it. I was just frustrated and took it out on you. Can you forgive me?"

Jungwon was taken aback by Y/n's sudden change of heart. He had never expected her to apologize, let alone show him any kind of affection. He hesitated for a moment before nodding his head, still feeling unsure about her intentions.

Sunghoon and her friends watched the scene unfold from a distance, their eyes widening in surprise at Y/n's unexpected gesture. They had always thought of Y/n as a cold and heartless person, but seeing her apologize and show vulnerability was something they had never expected.

As Y/n and Jungwon stood there, embracing each other, the cafeteria fell silent. Everyone was watching the two of them, wondering what would happen next. But for that moment, all that mattered was the forgiveness and reconciliation that was taking place between them.

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