Bully's shy boy || Yang Jungw...

By Jungwon_1904

42.8K 1.3K 296

Jungwon was always a shy boy and never really had any friends, and then when his parents decide to move to a... More

The new start
New school, lonely boy
Home, my safe haven
New day, new challenges
My second challenge, the mean girl
She won't give me a break
My first friend
The teasing
Hand brush dilemma
Why can't she just leave me alone?
Hand holding thrill
The mean girl comforts me?
Jealousy over Jungwon
"Can you forgive me?"
Am I playing with fire?
The start of something new
Saturday plans set!
Beach day
Another step in our relationship
He's so cute
Overwhelmed by attention
Meeting his parents for the first time
The fun and anger
Period cramps
Heeseung the school's Playboy
Can he stop?
I'm trapped
Back together
The apology
Being friends with Heeseung?!
The date night
The video
He recorded the video?!
She cheated on me
Getting drunk and wasted
She's begging for forgiveness
Getting back together
Our future
The end

The mean girl's priority

1.2K 41 24
By Jungwon_1904

Y/n couldn't help but smirk triumphantly as she held Jungwon's arm tightly, dragging him down the hallway towards the bustling cafeteria. She had finally caught the shy boy alone, and she was going to make sure he knew who was in charge.

Jungwon stumbled along behind her, his face growing redder and redder with each passing moment. Y/n could practically feel his discomfort radiating off of him, but she didn't care. She was too focused on showing off her power to the rest of the school.

As they entered the cafeteria, Y/n spotted her group of friends sitting at a table in the corner. With a swift tug, she pulled Jungwon towards them, causing him to stumble and nearly fall.

"Sit," she commanded, pushing him into a chair next to her.

Jungwon hesitated for a moment, his eyes darting nervously around the room. But Y/n's grip on his arm was too strong, and he eventually gave in, sinking into the chair with a look of defeat.

Y/n's friends didn't seem to notice the new addition to their table at first, too engrossed in their own conversation. But as soon as they caught sight of Jungwon, they burst into giggles and

"Who's the new kid?" one of them asked, her eyes flicking over to Y/n.

Y/n grinned wickedly. "Just someone who needs to learn his place," she replied, tightening her grip on Jungwon's arm.

Jungwon flinched at her words, but he didn't say anything. He just sat there, staring down at his lap, clearly uncomfortable.

Y/n basked in the attention of her friends, relishing in the power she felt. She was in control, and she wasn't going to let anyone forget it. Meanwhile, Sunghoon was still stuck in the teacher's office, completely unaware of the chaos that was unfolding in the cafeteria.

Jungwon sat at the cafeteria table, surrounded by Y/n and her group of friends. He had never felt so uncomfortable in his life. Y/n had always been mean to him, teasing him every chance she got. But for some reason, she had invited him to sit with her and her friends today.

Jungwon tried his best to blend in and not draw any attention to himself. But as he looked around, he noticed that everyone was chatting and laughing except him. He couldn't think of anything to say, and the silence was becoming unbearable.

Out of nervousness and shyness, Jungwon's hand found its way to Y/n's hand on the table. He squeezed it tightly, hoping she wouldn't notice. But Y/n did notice, and her eyes widened in surprise.

"What are you doing?" she asked, looking at him with a mixture of confusion and annoyance.

Jungwon's face turned bright red. He didn't know how to explain himself. He just wanted the ground to swallow him whole. Y/n's friends started snickering, and Jungwon could feel their eyes on him.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, quickly letting go of Y/n's hand. "I didn't mean to..."

Y/n rolled her eyes and pulled her hand away. "Whatever," she said, turning back to her friends. "Let's talk about something else."

Jungwon sat there, feeling like the biggest fool in the world. He couldn't wait for lunchtime to be over. As soon as he could, he grabbed his tray and rushed out of the cafeteria, not looking back.

He couldn't believe he had been so stupid. He had just made a fool of himself in front of Y/n and her friends. But as he walked down the hallway, he realized something. He didn't want to be friends with Y/n or her group of friends. He didn't want to be around people who made him feel so small and insignificant.

{Time skip, in the hallway}

As the lunch bell rang and students began filing out of the cafeteria, Y/n couldn't help but chuckle to herself as she watched Jungwon scurry out the door, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"He's so adorable when he gets all shy like that," Y/n said to her friends as they walked out of the cafeteria together.

"I know, right?" one of her friends agreed. "It's like he's a little puppy or something."

Y/n rolled her eyes at the comparison but couldn't deny that there was something endearing about the way Jungwon always seemed to blush and stutter around her.

"Let's go find him," Y/n said, eager to see if she could tease him some more.

Her friends followed her as she made her way down the hall, scanning the crowds for any sign of Jungwon's messy hair or shy smile. It didn't take long for them to spot him leaning against a locker, his backpack slung over one shoulder.

"Hey, there he is," Y/n said, a wicked grin on her face.

Jungwon looked up as they approached, his eyes widening in surprise when he saw Y/n. She could see the panic in his gaze as he took a step back, clearly uncomfortable with the attention.

"What do you want?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Y/n just laughed, relishing the way she could make him squirm. "Nothing, just wanted to say hi," she said, tossing her hair over her shoulder.

Jungwon didn't look convinced, but Y/n could see a hint of curiosity in his eyes. Maybe she could use that to her advantage.

"You know, you're kind of cute when you're all shy like that," she said, taking a step closer to him.

Jungwon's face turned even redder, but Y/n could see a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. Maybe she wasn't so mean after all.

{Time skip, in the classroom}

As Y/n watched Sunghoon walk past her with a scowl on his face, she couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. She knew that he and Jungwon were close, and if she could turn Jungwon against him, then she would have one less person to worry about.

She sauntered into the classroom, pulling Jungwon along behind her by the sleeve of his shirt. He looked nervous and uncomfortable, and Y/n relished in his discomfort.

"Sit here," she ordered, pointing to the desk next to hers. Jungwon hesitated for a moment before reluctantly taking his seat. Y/n leaned in close to him, her perfume wafting over him.

"Listen, Jungwon," she began, her voice low and threatening. "I know you're friends with Sunghoon, but I don't like him. And if you want to stay on my good side, you'll forget about him too."

Jungwon looked at her with wide eyes, clearly unsure of what to do. Y/n knew she had him right where she wanted him. She leaned even closer, her lips brushing against his ear.

"Think about it," she whispered. "Do you really want to be friends with someone who doesn't have your best interests at heart?"

With that, she leaned back, a satisfied smirk on her face. Jungwon looked down at his desk, his thoughts in turmoil. Y/n knew that she had planted the seed of doubt in his mind, and she was eager to see how it would grow.

Here, you guys have the next chapter. Stay tuned for more 😉 and good morning

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