A Feudal Love [Koga X OC] Boo...

By CJ0340

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"Happy birthday Kagome!" Hikari Okami was always interested in wolves since a young age. Little did she know... More

A/N [New Book!?]


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By CJ0340

Welcome back to another chapter! I hope you enjoy because honestly these are some of my favorite couple episodes in the series. Anyways let's get on with the chapter!


"Bzzt! Bzzt!" The most annoying sound in the world filled Okami's ears to notify her it was time to start her day, her alarm clock. She sat up in her comfortable bed covered in black blankets and grey sheets and turned off the alarm that had been blaring from beside her on her bedside table a window above it with the sun peering in through her blinds. The female yawned as she glanced around the room littered with band and TV show posters on the walls as well as a black and grey tapestry lining part of one of her walls. There were also fake vines covering parts of the ceiling with added fairy lights throughout them that she went to turn off as she stood up on her black rug next to her bed and stretched, her hair sticking up almost as far as her arms were stretching cause of her bedhead. She also had a grey beanbag chair sat in the corner next to her closet doors that she liked to sit in when she had free time, but moving on from the room tour, Okami was still a little dazed when she woke up and forgot where she was for a moment.

"That's right, I almost forgot. I'm back in the present day... For a second I thought that coming back here was but a dream and we were still on the other side of the well with the others. Oh well, I'd better go get Kagome-chan or she'll never get out the door on time." The teenager snickered to herself as she dragged herself out of her bedroom and went towards her bathroom to rush through her usual morning routine. Afterwards she gave herself one good look in the mirror before nodding to herself, feeling happy with how she looked in her typical grey sweater and black jeans with matching shoes, hair down and a little messy as per usual. Then she picked up her grey and black backpack and slung it over her shoulder, heading out the door towards the entrance to her complex. As she was about to leave she heard a familiar and feminine voice call out to her.

"Okami-chan! Wait a sec!" Said female turned around to find the source of the voice.

"Huh? Ozu-san? What the hell are you doing running around this early in the morning?" SHe asked as the older woman ran over to her. When she finally came to a stop the woman began heaving and panting a little, causing Okami to lean over and take a good look at her just in case only for the woman to gain back her energy within milliseconds and pop right back up into an upright position, a bright smile adorning her face. The black haired teenager blinked at the energetic lady before smiling softly.

"Well good morning to you too I suppose." She spoke as her landlord's eyes widened and she realized she forgot to greet the girl.

"Oh, r-right! Sorry, good morning! I'm a little all over the place this morning." The woman explained.

"I could tell." The teen chuckled.

"It was that obvious?" Ozu pondered.

"A little." Okami said as she held a hand up and put her index finger and thumb close together to gesture about what she said. The older woman sighed before giving her usual smile and pulling her hand out from behind her own back, revealing a paper bag within it.

"Huh? What's this?" The school girl asked.

"It's a bagged lunch! Since I know your adoptive parents never really gave you the luxury of packing your lunch for you, and since you've been out of the complex a lot lately, I thought that since we haven't had much of a chance to see each other that now would be a good time to make up for lost time with a little gift that you can eat at school today!" She exclaimed like a proud parent. Okami chuckled and took the bag from the woman.

"Thank you very much, Ozu-san, I appreciate it... Though you don't need to pack me lunches like I'm a child, I can handle myself just fine." Okami thanked her.

"I know you don't want to be babied, but I never got to have a kid of my own! Besides you don't have parents looking after you, so I'm technically the closest thing you have, which also gives me the right to technically pack you a lunch whenever I please! Speaking of... I actually just recently talked with your adoptive parents. I managed to convince them to finally pass over custody of you to me instead, which was another reason why I stopped you this morning." Ozu spoke to the teen as the raven haired female's eyes widened. 'That's right, before now my parents didn't exactly want me and yet still wanted custody over me after the fact of being caught mistreating me. That's why I was given a semi-permanent fix of staying in an apartment in Ozu-san's complex, but not officially living with her as if she were my guardian.' The teenager started getting a headache just thinking of all the trouble her adoptive parents made them go through for no reason. That's when Okami came back to reality.

"W-Wait a second, they agreed? That means-"

"Yep! I'm officially you're new adoptive mother! Now that it's official though, I'd rather that you don't just live alone in the complex, I trust you of course and I always come to check on you like this... But I'd rather have my lovely Okami-chan living with me instead. Since I have legal guardianship over you now it's only right that you move in with me. Oh! This'll be so fun!" Ozu cheered at the thought of sharing her larger apartment with the girl, Ozu always wanted a child but never had the time for one, on top of that Okami and Ozu have known each other for years and have always treated one another like family so it wasn't a surprise that this move would be exciting for her.

Okami grinned at the pale female in front of her. "Yeah, that sounds great! I can't just suddenly move out tonight, however, so when I get back from my next little trip out I'll help you move my things okay?" She asked her as Ozu gave her a disappointed look.

"You're leaving me again already? Didn't you just get back?" The shorter woman pouted.

"Yes, but I have important things to do and a couple people to see. When I finally get settled into your place I'll explain everything, I promise." She petted the sad woman's head. Okami knew that she couldn't keep her trips to the feudal era a secret from Ozu forever considering how close they were, but now that she'd be living with the woman, she'd have to come up with an excuse every time she left the house for multiple days or weeks at a time. There's no way she could do that without her new guardian getting suspicious, and so she decided that the next time they meet, she'd explain everything from start to finish about her true homeland, and hopefully Ozu will believe her and actually keep it a secret for her.

"Alright, fine... Now hurry up and run along to school before you're late! Kagome-chan must be sick and tired of waiting on you by now!" The woman turned the girl in front of her around and lightly pushed her forwards to get her on her way. Okami smiled and nodded, waving behind herself with her free hand at Ozu as she began running off towards the Higurashi residence.

"Right! Goodbye for now, Ozu-san!" The dark haired girl exclaimed as she began making her way towards her friend's home. When she realized she was finally out of Ozu's sight and nobody else was around her, she used her enhanced agility to jump up onto the rooftops above and take the high ground as a short cut to her best friend's place. When she finally arrived at the door, both Sota and Kagome were already there waiting for her. The boy ran up to her and gave her a quick hug which she of course returned.

"Good morning Sota-kun. Have a good day at school alright?" She glanced down at the boy as he finally let her go and nodded, a bright smile spreading across his face. Then Okami finally turned to Kagome.

"Sorry, I was running a bit late this morning because of Ozu-san. At least I can proudly say that she's my new guardian now." She explained as her best friend's eyes widened.

"It's official!? That's amazing Okami-chan!" Kagome exclaimed as she tackle hugged her and they both spun around happily together, that is until they realized that they needed to get going or else they'd be late to school. Once again they said they're goodbyes to Sota and called out to the other Higurashi's inside to say goodbye before the two ran off in the direction of their school building. When the two school girls finally got to school they hardly even got a moment to catch their breath before their trio of friends appeared to drag them into the school to talk about their love interests.


By the time that school ended, Okami had been drained completely. She was tired and just want to go home at this point, but she knew that she eventually had to go back to the feudal era as well so she couldn't just stop now. With that in mind she pressed on at Kagome's side until they reached the shrine that the schoolgirl called home. When they stepped through the door, the fair skinned girl shouted to her family that she was back as they walked passed one of the main rooms of the building, and out of the corner of their eyes they could've sworn they saw a white haired half-demon sitting on the floor playing with the cat. The two did a double take when his voice also started bellowing in their direction. "Just the two I was waiting for! Hey!" He exclaimed energetically as they both looked at him in surprise.

"Hah? When did you get here mutt?" Okami spoke as she crossed her arms over her chest and raised a brow at the male, who immediately became irritated at the use of that nickname.

"Yeah what're you doing here?" Kagome asked more kindly, trying to get him to calm down a little.

"I came to get you both. What's so wrong with that?" He asked as they both sighed.

"You didn't have to do that." They responded said as he complained to them about how they'd take forever to come back if it weren't for him crossing over to forcefully drag them back. Okami at that point had just blocked him out and stopped listening to him as the mother of the Higurashi's came into the room, asking for them to stay for dinner.

"We can eat when we get back." The mongrel huffed as Okami moved to his side and clamped a hand over his mouth.

"We'd love to stay for dinner, Higurashi-san! I always love your cooking and I'm sure Inubaka here will as well!" The female said as she beamed at the woman who only giggled at the nickname she gave Inuyasha before nodding and leaving the room to begin dinner preparations. When Okami looked back towards the hound she saw irk markings appearing all over his head. This caused her to snicker and finally move her hand away from his mouth, making her way alongside the other teenage girl into the dining room to help set the table. Surprisingly their dog demon companion acted rather tame at the dinner table, besides a bit of stuffing his face here or there, but other than that the group had a decent time together at the dinner table. Out of respect for the Higurashi family the other half demon at the table didn't even start a fight with him or send any sly comments his way.

When they decided to stay the night in the house before going back to the feudal era, however, she finally piped up as they made their way upstairs to go to bed. "You can be so barbaric when you eat, it's insane Inuyasha-kun." She smirked when his head whipped around to glare at her. Kagome sighed at her behavior and gave her a look of disappointment.

"Okami-chan, not now, please?"

"Tch, fine." The female said as he and the girls split up. The mutt went with Sota to sleep in his room and Okami went with her best friend to sleep in her room. Luckily there was no other ruckus caused that night so everybody slept peacefully until the morning. Of course Inuyasha was the first one up and ready to go, pressuring the school girls to get ready faster and faster.

"Chill out Inuyasha-kun, it's too early for your shenanigans!..." The impatient half demon yelled from the bathroom as she brushed her teeth since she could overhear his complaints to the other schoolgirl all the way from there.

"I wasn't talking to you, Okami-chan!" He yelled back as Kagome yelled at Inuyasha to sit, knowing where things would go if the two were to continue arguing. The half breed in the bathroom snickered when she heard him hit the ground before she rinsed her mouth out.


Eventually the trio made their way into the building that held the well within it. The three of them didn't waste any time jumping through the dark abyss of the well, soon enough landing on the other side. Once they did, the half demons hopped out of the well, both of them offering one of their hands to the human in their company to help pull her out. She took both hands with each one of her own and the two pulled her up and out of the dingy well. When they all dusted themselves off they finally looked off to the side of the well to find that the rest of their party were sitting there awaiting their return as it seemed. 'Something is off about this, they almost never sit here and just wait for us to return.' Okami thought as she raised an eyebrow at the group, wanting an explanation. The rest of their group greeted them by almost blatantly telling the two teenagers to go back to the other era. This only made her more confused.

"Now why in the world would you want us to go back? What happened while we were away that's got you all acting this way?" She asked as the fox demon in their group ran over to her and climbed up her body to sit on her shoulder.

"Sorry Okami-chan, but it's just too dangerous for you and Kagome-chan to be running around right now. There are cat demons in the area and they said they were after someone who sounds exactly like Kagome-chan." Shippo said to her as Okami sat on the rim of the well and thought over the child's words.

"Then why must I go back as well?" The raven haired female asked curiously.

"We don't want to take any chances." He responded simply and she nodded slowly in understanding. As the group continued to talk about these strange cat demons, speak of the devil they appeared.

"The rumors are true, you are one strangely dressed priestess." One of the cat demons spoke. She had a long tail, cat-like red eyes and matching short hair, she also had very sharp claws. Okami finally stood up from her spot on the rim of the Bone Eater's Well. The jet black haired female turned to the cat and her friends behind her.

"What do you want from us anyway? What's your purpose for coming after us?" Okami asked as the cat became confused.

"The rumors said there were two half-demons in this group, but from what I can tell there are four humans and one half-demon..." The demon muttered as Shippo got annoyed about his presence not having been recognized. The teenager sighed to herself. 'They must have been very impatient about getting information if all they know is that there's supposed to be two half-demons here.' The girl thought and rolled her eyes.

"It seems you didn't listen to the rumors completely, otherwise you would've known better." She said with a small smirk. The cats were shocked by her words.

"You wench! What the hell is that supposed to mean!? Are you calling us stupid or something!?" The redhead yelled angrily at her as she just shrugged in response.

"I never said I was calling you stupid. I'm just saying that because of your impatience you came to us underprepared, but if the shoe fits- you might as well wear it, yeah?" Okami asked, feeling prideful as the redhead became even more agitated by her taunting.

"You annoy me... You're reminding me of someone, but I can't put my finger on who though." The redhead suddenly piped up as her friends behind her spoke up.

"Now that you mention it, she does look familiar." The large male beside the redhead stated.

"Yeah and her voice is very similar to someone I've met before." The quiet female on the redhead's other side spoke softly. Their words made her wonder if these demons had perhaps met her parents a long time ago.

"Screw it, we don't have time for this! Well just take her with us too and question her later!" The redhead exclaimed as the other demons with her nodded with wide smiles.

"Excuse me, but as thrilling as going with you sounds, I can't let you take Kagome-chan nor myself with you. I have business to take care of and I don't need you cat demons getting in my way." She explained as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"We're panther demons damn it all!" The redhead shouted before her eyes widened.

"Wait a minute, I figured it out! Wench! What is your name, tell me!" The female continued as Okami raised an eyebrow at the desperate panther demon.

"Sorry, but no can do." The amber eyed woman smiled as the redhead finally decided she had enough of Okami's smart remarks and sent her goons to capture her and the 'strangely dressed priestess'. The half demon sent Shippo to aid Miroku and Sango so he'd stay out of immediate danger before jumping in front of Kagome and taking a defensive stance.

"Just stay behind me, Kagome-chan. I'll protect us for now." She said with a small smile as her friend nodded happily. The two of them glanced around for any sign of one of the panther demons, but couldn't find anything. Then out of nowhere Okami sensed a presence behind them, but it was too late, as the two school girls turned around to face whatever was behind them they saw the quiet panther demon smiling at them. She was making some kind of odd wind surround them that smelled of tulips, and it made both of them very tired. Before they knew it their vision went black and the two were out cold. Instantly the panther demons retreated with their newfound prizes in tow.


Soon enough Okami found herself waking up to the sound of voices speaking around her. When she opened her eyes she found her friend was just waking up, and that the both of them were being carried in either arm of the big male panther demon from before. The best friends looked at each other before turning their attention to the panther demons.

"What do you want with us?" The two asked in unison as a new panther demon they haven't seen yet stepped forward. She had long blue hair and pale skin. The woman wore a smile as she took Okami by the chin so that she could get a good look at her face.

"You're right, she does seem familiar. Could it have anything to do with that woman, Hitoshi-san, was it?" The girl's eyes widened at her words. 'So they have met my mother?'

"You mean the one that waved us off as if we were nothing? The one that rejected us?" The quiet one pondered.

"The one who's daughter went missing years ago to never return?" The male asked.

"That's why I found her so irritating. I knew it!" The redhead said.

"Now, if you don't mind me asking, what is your name? If our theory is correct about you then your name should align with that her daughter's name." The blue haired woman asked simply as she sighed in response.

"You caught me. My name is Okami and I am the long lost daughter of that woman you speak of. Though I can't say I know anything of what she might have said or done to you in the past." She explained herself as the blue haired woman finally let her go.

"Well now that we've gotten all of the information we need, all we have to do is wait. Now that we have another special guest this will definitely be a night to remember." She spoke as the other panther demons smirked and nodded in agreement. The four panther demons began laughing in unison as the two school girls looked at one another nervously, scared of what they meant and what was to come next.


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! It's of course late as usual, but I try. Anyways have a good day/night and I'll cya next chapter!

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