A dangerous gamble

Bởi pennythesquish

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(beyblade mafia AU) Y/N L/N is a midnight Hostess at vibrance who has had a run in with the devil her whole l... Xem Thêm



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Bởi pennythesquish

Word count: 2836 words minus bold notes.

Hart's POV

"Come on man you just need some sun. Let's go get your ass out of your depressing bedroom." Kyoya sat complaining, he rolled those icy irises as he rummaged through my clothes pile trying to find a pair of swim shorts. "Absolutely fucking not Tategami. I don't feel like going to some stupid pool party." "Come on bro, everyone is gonna be there, it's being held at Taro's house." I felt my heart start to flutter faster, the beating ran through my ears like a drum line, was the room getting hotter, or was it the thought of seeing her. Would she be there.. I mean Taro is her brother after all..

"Fine. I'll go. But I am not staying very long." "tsubasa will be there, you like him. So come on, get dressed and move your ass." I shot out of bed when he headed for my closet door, I ran in front to rest my hand on the handle before he could. "What's your damage? Isn't that where your bathing suit would be? After this abyss you call a bedroom?" "It's my personal space, I don't go rummaging through your stuff now do I? I will make my way downstairs soon." Kyoya scoffed as he let go, sighing as he left my room, slamming the door behind him. Once the coast was clear I opened my closet, quickly hiding inside. Jokes on you Kyoya, this is the only room I do keep very organized. But that would involve him seeing what I've been working on. "How could I let him see what a masterpiece I have of her.. that asshole... why would I let him see her raw beauty like this."

Fixing the picture on my wall, I leaned down and grabbed my swim trunks. Looking at her picture, god those hands.. that curvy waist.. her perfect breasts.. those hips.. perfect handles.. seeing her just gets the ideas going insane... I'm sure she likes the thrill of adventure.. the feeling of a knife blade going down her perfect skin.. seeing that sweet sweet blood dripping down her waist.. just thinking about that gets me excited.. ah fuck.. I got myself hard... Kyoya will probably come back if I'm gone to long.

The wounds on my back are starting to heal.. the scars their making kinda look badass. Unfortunately I have a permanent marking of that asshole on my back permanently now.. Dalia is fucking dead the next time we're alone. "Come on Damian, Kyoya is waiting for you sweetheart." I rolled my eyes as sweetheart rolled off her tongue. The fucking sting it leaves knowing that woman only calls me those sweet names every other mother calls her son.. the sons that they actually love. "Coming Rachel." I could already feel her burning a hole in my head from behind my closed bedroom door.

Stepping past Dalia's room I saw her playing with her stuffed animals, that stupid bunny that she holds like it's her life line. "Hey D.. I'm sorry for what happened... I'll make sure to tell mommy the truth.." My eyes couldn't have rolled back any further, her talking like a baby when she is almost 14 years old. Makes me sick. "You know Rachel and Him only treat you like this because of your stupid seizures. If it wasn't for you almost dying when you born premature, guaranteed you'd be in the same shoes as me. Abused and neglected by the people who gave birth to us."

Dalia looked like she was gonna sob. Sweet. That was the goal.. seems now I can get headed out and see her. "But that's not true.. Mommy and daddy love me very much.. your just jealous.." That was it, jealous? Me? Oh please you little brat. "Yea okay. Be jealous of the little whiny bitch, the reason that this family has turned their back on me, just you wait and see.. if something happened to our parents, your in my control and I will make sure you see the day you pay for all these years of torment." Dalia huffed as she turned away. Jokes on her that doesn't stop me from hearing her tears.

Coming down the stairs I see Rachel and Kyoya conversing over her horrid homeade walnut muffins. The smell alone makes me gag. "Come on Kyoya. Rachel don't wait up for me, I won't be home soon." I heard her laugh as me and Kyoya left, hearing that stupid witch cackle makes me resent her more. "Love you sweetheart." "Go kick rocks bitch." Slamming the door to my house it was a quiet and tense walk to Taro's place. Would today be it.. would today be the day that I gain the confidence to talk to my sweet angel.. the girl who is destined to be mine..

"What's with you and calling your mom by her name, like I would never, my mom would kill me." "oh fucking please, no you wouldn't, you'd be fine, your parents would be fine, you have the worlds sweetest mother. That bitch is just someone who gave me life." Kyoya stepped a few feet away from me. What now your scared of me? Yea okay.. between me and Kyoya I know he could easily drop me on my ass if I was ever stupid enough to take a swing. Finally the walk is over, and here we are standing in front of Taro's house.. this was the big living room window where I watched her.. when we dropped her sweet little sister Maeve off.. Maybe if she wasn't here.. I would go after Maeve.. she has such a pretty face, shes like a porcelain doll.. must be protected at all costs.. keep her pretty pink hair dainty and smooth.

The door opened, Taro stood shirtless. Bastard, he was nice and toned.. had a nice chest.. nice abs... defined perfect unblemished skin. "Hey guys just in time, everyone is out back." "Can I use the restroom?" Taro nodded as he pulled me in for a side hug, ruffling my hair as he laughed obnoxiously. When I finally escaped his grasp, I made a bline for where I knew her room was, turning the corner to the left at the end of the hallway. The sweet smell of frosting hit my nose.. there it is.. sugar. I wonder.. is that perfume... is it her body wash.. whatever it's is.. I can't wait to smell it radiating off of her when she is lying under me crying from overwhelming pleasure.

I heard footsteps behind me, I quickly left her room. Turning around I was enchanted by the sight of an absolute angel.. there she was.. Y/n L/n.. fuck she is the most beautiful girl I have ever laid my eyes on... there she was.. what do I say.. she can't know that I stayed up for weeks on end to stalk her social media to learn that her favorite color is f/c, that her favorite ice cream flavor was f/f (favorite flavor). To know all the things that she has done with her friends and when she was with Kyoya.. I know her whole life.. even when she doesn't see me I'm always there.. Oh fuck she's getting closer..

"Hey.. can I help you? Are you looking for the bathroom?" Her beauty was enchanting, her h/l h/c draped over her shoulders in that beautiful messy bun that she always wears before she goes to bed... her collar bone.. oh my god would that look even prettier covered in bites and drops of her blood.. "Yea. Taro didn't say where it was.. didn't mean to snoop." That was a flat out lie. Ive been here so many times before that I know where everything in her house is.. On the small upper level is her parents room on the left, her brother Taros on the right. All the way at the end of the hall is where Sakura, Dazi, dani, and maki sleep.

Luckily i was saved by her warm angelic smile. Those pearly canines of hers teasingly peeked out of her half curled smirk. "Of course he didn't, sorry about him, if you go back down the hall it's your third door on the right." She turned away with a small wave, her hips swaying as her sheer white cover up sway on those absolute sexy hips of hers... the flash of a dark purple bikini bottoms that hugged her curves so perfectly.. maybe in the pool I can make an excuse to grab those hips.. see Kyoya.. I have the confidence to talk to her.. you assholes don't think I have the courage to talk to her...

I made my way out to the pool, all her siblings must be out for the day.. so that they didn't rain on the big kids parade. "Hey over here!" The whining voice of Gingka caught my ear, I really hope that he grows out of that when he gets older.. yet we are already almost 17.. kinda hard for his balls to drop now. Fuckin loser. I made my way over to Gingka, my breath got caught in my throat. There she was again, she was sitting against the wall of the deep end, Kyoya wouldn't even dare look at her. But there was Nile. Ugh that fucking guy irks me so badly.. makes my skin crawl. He is just as obsessed with her as I am.. hes not as innocent as he appears.. fucking narcissistic bastard. 

Nile's gaze immediately averts from mine, when I look at him, he looks almost nervous.. after what we talked about the other night I truly don't see why hes so iffy around me.. if anything were on the same page. "Hey Damian it's nice to see you out here man. Haven't heard from you in weeks, how's your sister." And there he is. The only guy I can stand in this group, Tsubasa.. he's been friends with Gingka for years, he's chill.. I guess.. only issue is he's constantly nagging at me about my sister. Just another reason why it would be better if she was never born... stupid bitch ruins absolutely everything.

"She's fine. You know.. attention whore as per usual.. nothing else new with her." "Hey watch your tone. Don't talk about her like that." The deep echoing of his voice. Yes he's the only friend I have truly but.. why he doesn't see that Dalia is an issue is so surprising to me. "Sorry Dashan." He nodded as he went back to talking to Gingka and Kyoya. Never understood why a hardass like Kyoya hung around a whine ass like Gingka, somehow his father runs one of the top gangs in the city. And that guy is supposed to take his place? Please don't make me laugh.

I see Y/n.. sitting with a pink lemonade in that short round Lolita glass, her dainty fingers wrapped around the condensation covered rim, the ice starting to melt, making the lemonade less pink. She looks so good.. only if I had an excuse to sit by her.. "hey D, come here man." Bingo. Never did I think I'd wanna willingly talk to Gingka, but he's next to Y/n. I made my move, wading through the water as I passed her.. my hands made contact with the dips in her hip. Moving her to the side... close enough to feel her butt press against me. She definitely has the body of a goddess.. and I want her so bad..

"Sorry Y/n, didn't mean to bump into you." There she goes again flashing that pretty smile like it's nothing, those lips.. perfectly round.. her pink lip gloss coating those rosy lips.. i bet she tastes like berries.. "It's okay, no biggie." And there she goes again.. turning away from me like I don't even exist.. but she did spare me a sexy smirk before she looked away. Kyoya grimaced as he watched me and Y/n interact, I feel unstoppable.. she hasn't even looked at him once since she's been out here. "Well someone finally grew a set and talked to the girl he liked. Look at you. Don't get your hopes up, cause she still belongs to me."

I scoffed as I looked at Y/n, she smirked, I smiled back just to notice.. she was indeed looking behind me.. at him.. what does he possibly have that I don't. What is so good about him.. he abused her.. he doesn't know how to treat a goddess like her. "Lay off of her.. I told you I liked her.." Kyoya laughed, I wanted to punch him.. but with this small skinny body I have absolutely no chance against him when it comes to physical strength, he has me beat by a country mile.

"Oh please. Look at you, stick boy." They all laughed.. all accept Dashan and Tsubasa.. when I raise to the top one day.. their all fucking dead.. I will make sure that Kyoya and Nile's heads are the first on the chopping block.. how dare they laugh at me. My...that scum I call father runs one of the most powerful gangs in all of Tokyo.. they have no idea I'm about to inherit it.. and a lot sooner than anyone has ever seen coming.

I sat in the pool by myself, Dashan and I occasionally making conversation. "Come on everyone we need a picture!" Maeve was so excited.. her excitement was spilling out of those deep green irises, they looked like gems.. her face was painted with a wide smile.. it was just so.. disgustingly agonizing. She was so happy. Why? A picture to commemorate a bad day. The times I talked with Y/n were stomped on by Kyoya and him making gestures towards Y/n.. what the hell.. he makes me ill.. This is such bullshit.

We all huddled together, Y/n was on the opposite side of where I was standing, I looked at her, the way her and Maeve wrapped each other in a loving embrace.. such close sisterhood.. they are so... gross. Maeve... I'm sure she is part of the reason Y/n won't speak to me.. if she were out of the image.. her and Kyoya.. Y/n would have no choice but to come to me..

We all dispersed and went home, I decided it was best to.. walk home on my own. I of course stayed behind and purposely left my phone at Y/n's house.. about an hour after I knew everyone was gone I rang her doorbell. Taro answered. Ugh I can't escape him. "Hey man what's up. We're you the one who left your phone?" "Yea. Sorry." He shrugged as he laughed it off, Pulling me in as he patted my shoulder. "Why don't you stay a while? Y/n and maeve went to bed since it was a long day. So you can stay if you want." Absolutely not.

"No thanks.. is it okay if I use the restroom one more time?" He nodded as he handed me my phone, headed towards the basement hangout zone. I snuck up the stairs, peaking into Y/n's room. angling my phone I made sure that my flash was off.. last thing I would ever want to do was wake my sleeping beauty.. She looked so precious when she was sleeping.. so adorable and doll like. Almost didn't look real..

I quickly left and made my way back home, heading right into my closet, locking myself in for the rest of the night.

Back to present, no POV

The night was restless for Hart, he was furious when he came back to the mansion to see that Y/n was gone, she hasn't been answering his calls either. Despite the doctors orders He left, he wanted to be with Y/n, but it seems that she indeed had other ideas. Hart left his room, tearing apart what was left of Dalia's room. Starting to get frustrating he lost it, throwing all her picture frames and little glass figurines into the wall, the noise prompting Jack and Zeo to come rushing in.

"Everything alright boss?" "That fucking.. who was in here after we were at the hospital?" The two looked at each other. They had no memory or idea that there would have been anyone in the house. "I thought just Y/n.. since her bags are gone. Why boss?" Hart groaned as he ripped at his hair, kicking the mattress out of his way as he rested his gun on his hip holster. "We worked to hard for this. Dalia's Diary and notebook are missing. All the notes that she ever wrote about me.. about US." They all fell silent, looking like they were all about to be sick.

"find y/n. Find her now. I need that fucking journal back. Or we're all screwed."

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