By shylpeter8

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what if he was raised in Kailash.What if he is Gandharinandan. What... More



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By shylpeter8

Bhisma was grandly welcomed in magadha and so was the hospitality offered to him. Even with his past behaviour towards them ,they still treated him with respect. During the day he decided to have a look around magadha, he was astounded when he saw different caste living in peace and harmony without discrimination.  He saw a kingdom where people walked freely , openly praised there king and there king was a god to them.

He saw a Sabha where everyone was offered a chance to bring forward there opinion, also an administrative which worked on the interest of its people . Where women were allowed in the Sabha and allowed to give opinions in matter of discussion. A kingdom where rule was passed upon every women reaching in certain age must learn weaponry for self defense and if willingly wanted to continue further a chance is offered to them then later they join special women warrior who work for the kingdom when need arises.

It was the first time Bhisma saw kauravas acting freely and not staying on alert, that's when he realised the difference between kauravas and pandavas. The days he spent in Magadha felt like his younger days when he spend with his mother before going to hastinapur. He felt free, unburdened and his soul was at peace, magadha was the way he wished hastinapur to be at that time,he would have happily called Yamraj and free himself in mortal world to get rest.

He wished Karna would have been the eldest,then hastinapur would have been in safer hands ,but alas what we wished for atimes we don't get. Though he didn't know whom to blame for all events that took place in hastinapur since the demise of his father's. The next day 3 brothers went to Avanti in the company of Bhisma there parents,some of there brothers with Dushala for upcoming family function. They received warm welcome from the citizens, royal family and shown where they'l occupy until the completion of the marriage.

The next day the function started which the citizens participated happily for they were giving out three of there daughters in marriage. In Gandhari family ,Dushala was the one who enjoyed most in teasing her bhabhi's and brother until her mother intervene. Every rituals were held and followed per custom starting  from shagun- Ganesh puja, Sangeet/mehndi ceremony-Grah shanti by then only a day was remaining for marriage that's when both the brothers started panicking.

The groom side were sitting in one room preparing for the next day which is marriage and also there journey which daughter-in-laws will be welcomed in there new family. Gandhari saw her two sons trying to consol the youngest who sat between them while she can see themselves freaking out but they are trying to hide it. She decided to console them and ease there tension.

"Putras what is the matter that gives my warrior sons these much tension "asked Gandhari looking at them lovingly

"Mata do you think i'l be a good husband to Bhagavi?what if I mess everything or worst of all I hurt her unknowingly?Mata see,this is way I didn't want to marry,do you think i'l fulfill all my responsibility as a husband" blabbered Karna while others eyes went wide hearing too much questions and seeing the one who is always composed panicking while other grooms start panicking understanding the gravity of the questions asked.

"Putra there is nothing to worry , you all have fulfilled your responsibilities as sons, brothers and even fathers. Just think this as another responsibility adding to it. Beside you have your wives to support you and that's the good thing about having a companion. About hurting them ,why will you hurt them?and if that happens your wives will be there to show you your mistakes and a person learns from his or her mistake. If you all panick these way what will your wives do, they are leaving there homes joining new family who are strangers to them?cheer up putras for my daughter -in-laws will need your support"told Gandhari

"Your right Mata"uttered the 3 of them

They spend the night getting advice from there parents and pitamah until they called it a night  thinking of the future in the company of there beloved.

Next day

It arrived early than expected. In Avanti mansion everything was already arranged and only last check was being done. The Mandaps was decorated beautifully and flowers used matched uniform reflecting it's beauty complementing the environment.

The two princess had already woken up being helped to groom with the help of  there hand maids so was there friend who was also being helped in the palace though in a different room. The marriage was to be conducted in a grand manner under the insistence of Rajmata Gandhari and maharani Smita.

"Di you really can't wait for long to be brother-in-law's wife'teased Bhagavi sister,"eeh hearing about your husband you just turn pink.who would have believed the greatest Vishnu avatar shishya can also blush?I thought you only understood the language of weapon."teased princess Sneha

"Your right Neha I can't wait to be his wife,my long term prayer has been fulfilled "responded dreamily

"Ooow am sure you have already planned your first night in your mind,poor brother in-law"she teased more while Bhagavi glared at her

"Your saying as if you haven't planned it already, that day I saw how your looking at to be your husband"Bhagavi turned the table while Sneha blushed hearing her. The maids were enjoying the banter silently as they help them.

Suddenly one maid run inside informing the arrival of the grooms who have been led on the altar. There mothers arrived inside to check at them and there eyes moisten seeing how grown up they have become. While on the mandap the groom's were doing the rituals  instructed by the pandit.

It reached the moment everyone was waiting when the priest asked for the presence of the brides. People had already seen the beauty of the of the grooms,they were waiting to have a glance at the brides. They weren't disappointed when they were escorted down in company of the male of there family. Gasps were heard when people set there eyes on the bride's making the grooms look up.

Karna was awestruck looking at the beauty of his bride and so was bhagavi. If Karna look like the sun then Bhagavi beauty complimented that of a moon. They were lost at each other while people admire the two.

Looking at Karna, Gandhari remembered the first time she held him, even if it was hard for a mother to be separated from her child who was just born but today she is proud for that sacrifice she made looking at her son.

Just like the first time his beauty still stands out, her son is a blessing to her life. Proudly she can announce she is the mother to 101 sons and 1 daughter, she who was looked down today stand out as the Rajmata of one of the most powerful kingdom all over Aryavat and in history she will be remembered for all sacrifices and so was the achievements of her children.

They followed the priest instruction and did some ritual together until the completion of the marriage, the couple's looked good together .

They took the blessing of Narayani-Narayan the priest and there parents.  Suddenly the sun shine more brighter accompanied with little drizzling astonishing others, when looking at Karna there was no difference between him and the sun ,he looked divine and ethereal .

Since Bhagavi already knew of Karna divine family they understood that was suryadev blessing there union which they folded there hands accepting the blessing of his father and kakashree.Parents of Karna and Bhisma started there journey back to magadha immediately the marriage was through while the couples went to there allocated rooms to take rest before they begin there journey.

Later the grooms met there in-laws and assured them of supporting there wives while the king ask the kulguru of Avanti auspicious day which Karna can be crowned as the king of Avanti since they wanted to relieve themselves from royal duties and take sanyasi as they pray for the well being of there family and await there future grandkids.

Though Karna was reluctant but with his wife insistence he had to give in. During late in the day they bid there farewell promising to plan a visit soon. They supported there wives when they fall weak due to departure from the homes they grew up and so we're there in-laws who were disheartened on bidding bye to the daughters whom they have seen growing up. After alot of assurance there in-laws heart rested at peace knowing they were on safe hands.

They started their journey together in Rashmi not tire there brides, reaching Magadha they were welcomed warmly by the citizens and royal family. They got the company of there sister-in-laws who mingled with them easily and made them feel home not forgetting to tease them about there first night. They met other family members especially there many brother-in-laws whom they couldn't remember there names even after being reminded countless times.

They enjoyed the simplicity of the family, there way of thinking and the bond the family shares.  After dinner they were helped to there chambers to wait for there husbands who were being teased by there siblings. Minutes later Bhagavi who was sitted on the middle of the bed was startled when the door opened in a thud. Looking for the intruder she saw her husband who was leaning on the door breathing heavily.

Karna who was still remembering how he was teased downstairs was hit with an intoxicating smell which made  him look around and his eyes went wide seeing his wife who was seated on the middle of the bed waiting for him.

Her beauty was captivating which made him lost in her while Bhagavi seeing her husband gaze she looked down blushing. Karna walked towards her lost and sat on the other side of the bed until he received a patt on his shoulder that's when he saw a glass Infront of him. He looked down embarrassed but his wife just gave him a smile.

There was complete silence,Karna saw his wife  who was looking at him in hope,he already liked her but for love he can't yet confess to that. He was aware of his wife love towards him and how she was in shadow following behind every activity he was involved and also protecting him when in danger. That night they talked about themselves and they learned more about each other which was a good start for there relationship.

Next day
Bhisma returned to hastinapur with a heavy hurt seeing his family separated. In magadha the three new daughter-in-laws were helped with other family members in adjusting and being comfortable with there surrounding and new family. They were happy for getting such a family and so was the support. Bhagavi was crowned as the queen and given her duties which she was sure with the help of her family and her husband beside her ,she will fulfill it.

Bhisma was welcomed and sigh already feeling a throbbing headache the moment he reached hastinapur. He met all the royals and took  his leave heading to his chamber to relax but he was disturbed when a guard announced pandavas asking for permission too enter. He berated himself thinking he can relax when in hastinapur. He granted permission knowing what was to come.

Yudhisthir: Pitamah how are you

Bhisma: Am good putra ,how is everything in hastinapur

Yudhi: is good pitamah, I wanted to inform you  swayamvar from Shivi arrived yesterday,i'l be going to participate on behalf of hastinapur

Bhisma: That's a good decision putra, at least you'l be able now to ascend the throne and rule your people. I heard the princess of Shivi is a great warrior and also a dharma follower who understands it well. Have you discussed it with your mother.

Yudhi: I did but she told me to seek your permission and blessing first

Bhisma: My blessing are always with you go win the hands of the princess and bring my kulvadhu home

Arjun: Hmm pitamah , we heard the rumours Anuj has married the princess of Avanti is that true

Bhisma: Yes putra ,the marriage took place yesterday and I was there to experience it.

Sahdev: pitamah were you there these past days

Bhisma: Yes putra, Putri Gandhari invited me as there pitamah not representative of hastinapur,the three married from Avanti and putra Karna will be taking over as the king there since there's no heir so him marrying the crown Princess makes him the next king.

Yudhi: But pitamah ,does badi ma hate us that much that she failed to invite us in our brothers marriage

Bhisma: No putra they don't hate any of us just hurt, I believe with time everything will be fine.

The next day Yudhi started his journey which he arrived in Shivi safely. There were many kings and princes who came to perform in the competition but Yudhi surpassed all by winning the princess when he satisfied her with the answer he gave to her question.

He send the message to hastinapur and the royals with the citizens celebrated on learning the crown prince was bringing there future queen home after winning her hand. They were happy now they'l have a king and queen,so was kunti who was internally happy she will be crowned Rajmata her long ambition will be fulfilled. The couples were welcomed with Kunti and kripacharya gave out the auspicious day for Yudhisthir to be crowned.

4 months has passed after their marriages, Karna with Bhagavi had already consummated there marriage and little Agni got her mother. The couples understood each other very well and made sure to spend time everyday with each other even between the busy schedule. Bhagavi with time won the heart of Suryaputra who loved his wife and didn't fail to express it openly.

Today just like any other morning the couple took there breakfast but after that they arrived at there family meeting room and settle down.

"Pitashree I have summoned you all for I think it's time jeshta and bhabhishree should be crowned as the king and queen"told Karna which earned gasp from the occupants

/"What do you mean I should be crowned as the king?Magadha is your kingdom and so are the people who love your rule, am happy with the position I have"said Duryodhan

"Jeshta all this while I was preparing you for these and there's no going back. You all have won the people heart so it's time you do your duty"said Karna

"I don't understand you,will the people and ministers agree me being there king and what about you'questioned Duryodhan

"Jeshta for ministers they have agreed with my decision and already the people love you so everything is ok ,I wanted bratha vikarna and bhabhishree to rule Anga but Mata wants his children together so the two kingdoms will be combined and given one name. About me a kingdom is already waiting for me to rule"explained Karna

"I don't understand you, I know Avanti is there but you haven't yet been crowned"said dushassan

Karna:  Am not talking about Avanti brathashree ,am talking about Mewar. It's the kingdom I made the moment I finished my education

Vikarna:Anuj you mean Mewar which I heard is the most powerful kingdom all over Aryavat, has the most strongest warrior and spy network, Rudra sena comes from there,they lead in everything be it social ,political and economic activities practised, there king is named as saviour to the oppressed but devil to adharmi's, the beauty of the kingdom is in par with Dwarka, no evil soul can enter inside and come out alive, the kingdom has the blessing of Ardhanarishvara ,it has the largest temple of Ardhanarishvara constructed yet to be opened and there kulguru is Sage Vashisth and has largest akshauni Sena of 22

Others who heard this description were astonished. They looked at Karna silently to confirm what they heard

Karna: Your right bratha time has arrived for me to open the borders  and come to light, so is the temple which will be done by Mata.

All over Aryavat news has reached Dwarka will be planning the swayamvar of the two Rajkumaris soon. In hastinapur Arjuna who has crush on bhadra planned to compete when the time reaches. He discussed with his brothers and Bhisma who were in support. Bhisma wanted to speak with kunti whom he was informed is in the garden so was the brothers who tag along with him unknown to the storm waiting for them.

Kunti and priyamadi her maid were sitted in the garden conversing just like young days in kuntibhoj. Priyamadi looked disturbed which was seen by Kunti who question her and the same moment others have just arrived.

Priya: Kunti have you heard about the swamayvar which will be arranged in Dwarka

Kunti: Ofcouse and am planning for Arjun and Nakul to participate and win the hands of the princesses

Priya: I don't get you why Nakul?I thought you hated the children of your co-wife

Kunti: You are right Priya, I hate them just like I hated Madri who experienced the love of my husband even after giving him just two children after forcing me to teach her the mantra which I worked hard in earning it. But with the two marriages we will get strong alliances and i'l get power that's why am still entertaining my stupid sons

Priya: Kunti don't you love your children even about

Kunti: You know me very well, I love no one but myself. I love the power they are providing to me and that's why am still entertaining them because for power I can do anything. If I can plan with that Dasiputra about that burning palace endangering our lives inorder for my husband elder brother to earn a bad name then you should be aware I can do anything to get power.

Priya: But I don't understand why you put the blame on former king while you could have put on that bad omen

Kunti: it was the plan of vidur and my foolish children believed the story of there innocent and widowed mother now the trust they had on there elder uncle is broken, they believe he's there enemy which is good for me since now there mother is there only well wisher. I should congratulate that dasiputra who always acted as a knowledgeable person. He painted Duryodhan as a bad omen the moment he was born leaving Bheem who was also born the same time, it became of help to me because that slave of throne couldn't live to see the one termed as bad omen sitting on the throne of his father making the great son of Yamraj without any competitor.

Priya: But kunti did you ever love your late husband

Kunti: No Priya I loved the title I will get from him. Though due to his mistake I had to abandoned all the luxury and live in the forest to gain praise of being a supportive wife even though I was burning inside. But even with that I have never seen love for me in his eyes even when I saved the situation by providing the mantra which we got children ,for him Madri was everything. I had planned to torcher Madri after his death, but that stupid woman decided to follow along breaking all my plans.

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