From Top, To Bottom (manxman)

By JPhinx

627K 27.7K 5.6K

Nathan Little just got out of a fifteen year relationship with long time boyfriend, Kevin Delango. You'd gues... More

From Top, To Bottom (manxman)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter Six: A Series of Emails
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Surprise Epilogue

Chapter Fourteen

24.3K 1.2K 87
By JPhinx

Chapter Fourteen

Pic: Kelsey Manning
Kelsey's POV

It has now been exactly one month since my "altercation", if you can even call it that, with Nathan.

I made a rash decision that resulted in me taking a trip to see my parents. I knew my mother would have some idea on how I could fix this growing relationship between Nate and I. I refused to give up on having him for myself. More importantly, I refused to live my life thinking of 'What Ifs'. I love Nate. Nothing and no one will stand in my way, not even myself. I just needed help and that's why I went running to my mum.

My parents normally spent their time on the countryside of East Sussex. During the mid-summer holiday, they made a point to jaunt around the world, constantly. I managed to catch up with the two in Japan and accompanied them to France earlier this week. We were currently enjoying a light breakfast of toasts, croissants, jams, and coffee with the ever so desired Lu Petit Déjeuner. My mum was conveying her opinion of my relationship with Nate.

"À votre bon cœur," she thanked the waiter. He smiled politely before leaving once again. "So," she began. "Should you worry your dear mum more over this Nathan man? Honestly, if he is making you go through all of this just to appease him, maybe you should just let him go. I'd rather you settle down, but not if you have to go so far to prove yourself to a man whom so obviously do not deserve you."

My dad was currently stuffing his mouth with a Nutella covered Lu Petit Déjeuner. My mother saw and slapped it out of his hand.

"You know you are not to consume chocolate, Harold," she scolded him. He only grumbled before picking up toast and adding a bit of apple cinnamon jam.

"Mum, we've been over this a thousand and one times. I love Nate. I'm not going to give him up," I said taking a sip of my coffee. She sighed before giving me a warm smile.

"As you wish, dear. So I suppose you have everything planned and prepared? Remember what I told you. Don't..." I cut her off.

"'Don't rush him. Take your time, allow him to get to know you before doing anything rash'," I quoted her. "Yes mother. I know." She huffed. "And I've already set everything with Drew. He and Nate's nephew are handling everything that needs to be done for my arrival and for Nate. Everything will go to plan. I am sure of it."

"As long as you are confident with your decision," although she said this, she still did not seem so sure herself. "Well, dear, your father and I are rooting for you."

"That we are, sprout," my dad replied. I rolled my eyes at the nickname. After so many years you would think my parents would not still refer to me as a bean sprout. Of course I don't really mind. I chuckled and continued to enjoy my last morning in France with my parents. Hopefully everything will work out. Tomorrow my plan gets put into action.

I'll be home soon, Nathan.

Drew's POV

"Dad!" I yell as he exits the airport. He smiles and swiftly walks in my direction.

"Hey, Kiddo," he said getting into our car. "Good to see you, Roscoe."

"Same to you, boss," Roscoe said before getting into the front seat and driving off in the direction of our house.

"So, is everything prepared?" he asked me.

"Yep! Jayden and I enlisted a bit of help from Mike and Devlin and also Nate's two friends. You have a reservation tomorrow night at seven-thirty at MiMi's. We scheduled to have a bouquet of flowers sent to Nate tomorrow at twelve. Jayden and I went and picked up the suits for both you and Nate. Gram asked me to also make sure you don't forget what she said. Gramps told me to tell you to 'keep your head up, sprout'. And that's pretty much it," I replied, reading from my phone.

I looked up at him and saw him smiling. I smiled in return.

"The gift? Did you have it picked up?" he asked.

"Yes, here it is," I said giving him the little blue box. He opened it and inspected the contents inside. "Everything to your liking, old man?"

"It's better than I thought it would be," he closed it and looked me right in the eyes. "Thank you for this, Drew. I know I made a huge mess of this and I'm sorry I put all this work on you and Nate's nephew, but I'm really grateful for both of you and for the help that you've given me."

I smiled. "Anything for you, dad. Just don't screw up again, old man."

He chuckled. "You never have to worry about that, kiddo."

Nate's POV

"Delivery for Nathan Little?" I heard as I was hunched over my desk. I looked up and was surprised to see a bouquet of flowers in the hands of a delivery boy.

"Uh...I'm Nathan Little," I stammered out. I reached out for the flowers as he handed them off to me.

"Great. I need for you to sign this for me," he said holding out an electronic key pad. I set the flowers on my desk and quickly scribbled my name down. "Thank you, Mr. Little. Have a blessed day!"

"Thank you, sir," I replied staring curiously at the bouquet. Who in their right mind would send me a bouquet of flowers?

"Who's that from?" asked Alex in a snotty voice. I sighed and rolled my eyes at his obvious display of disdain.

"I don't know," I replied, looking for a card of some sort. I found a little blue envelope in the center of the bouquet. I opened it and nearly fainted at the contents of the note.

Dear Nate,

I've had a moment to think through everything, and I'm hoping you have too. I would like to have dinner with you tonight. Please call me with your answer to my offer. I'll be waiting -With love, Mr. Top

I gasped. Oh my goodness! This is what I wanted! A chance to make it right and he has literally gave me the opportunity on a silver platter.

"Nate? Are you okay?" Alex asked. I hadn't realized I had suddenly stopped breathing. I took deep breaths before nodding my head and quickly picking up my phone to call Kelsey. I was not about to let this opportunity slip through my fingers.

"Kelsey Manning speaking," I heard the deep voice of the man I was more than sure I was in love with.

"Yes," I said letting out a stuttered breath. I sighed contentedly, "Yes I'd like to have dinner with you."

I heard him let out a relieved sigh and a muttered 'thank God'.

"I'm extremely happy right now," he said. I could hear the smile on his face. A smile broke out on my own face. I could feel my cheeks cramping and the blood rush to my face. I looked up to see Alex giving me curious glances. I turned my back towards him before speaking.

"I...I'm happy as well," I replied.

"Wow. Well I'm not going to hold you up any longer. When you get home, your nephew will be waiting for you with a gift from me. Please accept it. I made a reservation for seven thirty in the hopes that you would say yes. I can't wait to see you," he said. I smiled even harder.

"Me neither. And Kelsey? I'm incredibly sorry for how I acted," I said sheepishly.

"It's okay. We will talk about it later. I have to go now and I'm sure you do to. Tonight be ready by seven, okay?" he stated.

"Okay. Goodbye until seven," I smiled before hanging up the phone.

"Someone seems to be in a good mood," Alex grumbled before walking his pissy ass attitude in the direction of his cubicle. I wasn't about to let him ruin my good mood. Four thirty couldn't come fast enough. I was ready to get home and get ready to see Kelsey.

I've never been so relieved and happy in my life. Damn, who knew I could be this happy? I damn sure didn't.

~ ~ ~

At four thirty, I hauled ass out of my building barely managing a goodbye to any of my coworkers.

Kelsey was right. When I reached my house, Jayden was there with a big box wrapped in a light blue bow. I was scared to even open it knowing very well that it was something worth more than my monthly pay check.

Jayden and I entered my home and made our way to the living room. He handed me the box as I stared at it suspiciously.

"What are you waiting for? Open the damn thing!" he exclaimed. I let out a breath before untying the bow and opening the box.

Inside was a deep black suit with a purple tie.

"Oh my goodness!" I gasped out. It was amazing. Inside the box I found another envelope. The letter inside read, I can't wait to see you in this. Only a few hours until we can see each other -With love, Kelsey.

"Uncle Nate? Are you crying?" Jayden asked in shock.

"No!" I said in a hurry. "I'm just, a tad bit emotional but I'm not crying."

"Yeah right. Anyway that's a good sign. Means you're happy. Honestly, Uncle Nate?" he suddenly said. "I think that Drew's dad is really giving his all. Please don't let this guy pass you by. We're all rooting for him." I was a little shocked at my nephew's words. Obviously I, myself, didn't know how amazing Kelsey was a month ago. But I knew I would never second guess his feelings for me ever again.

I let a watery smile cross my face. "Thank you, Jayden. Seriously. Thank you." I hugged him before looking at the time. It was already past five o'clock. "Shit! I better start getting ready." I ran off to my bathroom. I had a lot of prepping to do.

~ ~ ~

By the time my doorbell rung, I was already. Jayden had long since went home and I had given myself multiple pep talks to calm my nerves. I stood at the door and let out a sigh before opening it. There stood the object of my every dream smiling down at me.

"Hi," I whispered.

"Hi," he smiled.

Tonight was bound to be one of the greatest nights of my life. I don't think I was well prepared for it, but I was definitely ready for anything that had to do with Kelsey Manning. The man I am wholeheartedly in love with.



I'd first like to say sorry for taking two months off from writing. I just wasn't in a writing mood. But I'm hoping you all can forgive me for that. Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. As you can probably tell, FTTB will soon be over and I will be taking another hiatus from writing except for editing my previous two stories. Also I'd like to thank everyone who hasn't given up on me and who have been extremely patient with me. Thank You all! Follow, Comment, or Vote (all three would be nice)- JPhinx

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