AWAKENED HEART (The first he...

By unilover85

14.8K 1.3K 392

Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo met years before their first drama together "THE UNTAMED" They had met on Daytoy year... More

๐Ÿ”ž๐Ÿ”žCHAPTER 22 ๐Ÿ”ž๐Ÿ”ž
CHAPTER 42โ™ฅ๏ธ
Announcement โฃ๏ธโฃ๏ธ
CHAPTER 54 the


259 26 5
By unilover85

Mrs Xiao's question kept ringing in Yibo's ears and he didn't know how he was to answer them. First of all ...he had confirmed the fact that he liked Zhan by the unrestricted proximity to his, but...he still didn't understand how much he liked him. He was sitting in the couch, working while his mind worked him. Zhan didn't want to disturb him, so...he took out his phone and started checking for emails. He realised that Yibo had been acting strange since his parents left, but he didn't know why. A few minutes went by and it was time for supper, the nurse came in wheeling a serving trolley and parked it in the foot of Zhan's bed which made him out his phone away and that thank the nurse politely.

Yibo was still busy and it looked like he didn't even notice when the nurse came and went, the nurse told Zhan she will be back after an hour to take the trolley and she left. Zhan wanted to tell Yibo to come have his meal, but he became a little upset. He was upset because Yibo had'nt been paying attention to him like he always did, not knowing that he was rather tasked with such an important decision by his mother. But Yibo was'nt only thinking about what Mrs Xiao had said, he was also thinking about what Zhan had called him when he was assuring his father that he wasn't in a relationship with him. Beeing.calle a boy made him feel like Zhan would never be more than friends. So he was...let's say ...upset.

Zhan got off the bed and prepared their food while still looking at Yibo, longing for his glance even though he didn't understand why, but he just wanted him to talk to him even if it were to tease him or flirt with him it was fine. He sat back down in the bed and thought for a few minutes his he could get Yibo to talk to him without looking like he was begging. He looked at the food at Yibo back and forth while still thinking when he finally decide to speak. But he realised that Yibo had a scary look on his face and he took it that Yibo was upset about work, but he thought that he liked more than upset, more like so angry that he was ready to kill someone at any time. But he had to try

"Yibo...come eat before the food gets cold, I still need you to check for me what's added in the menu list, or there won't be a drama to film anymore"


"Yibo...are you even listening to me...? Come eat can wait just a few minutes...come on.."


"Tsk...Wang Yibo..!!!"

"Why are you so noisy...? Why are you shouting like that when I'm right here...?"

"I have been calling you like forever...are you alright...? You look kind of distracted. Did something happen...?"

" I was just working and I guess I dived deep into it that I didn't hear you. Come on..let's eat"

"Did my mother say something to you that made you upset...? But ...your expressions weren't that scary when my parents left...something else must have happened and maybe added to what my mom said. Look...I'm parents are like that, they question everything and everyone around me, I guess they were just beeing protective. So please...don't take what they said to heart  okay...?"

"Actually Zhan gē... I'm more upset about what you said you really think of me as a little boy...? Why did you say what you did to you father...? wasn't there something else you could have said to clear your father's suspicions other than belittling me..?"

" that's why you're like's because of that..? But why are you upset..? You are a boy aren't you...?"

"How can you say that're not even that older than me, does belittling me makes you feel better about yourself...? Does it..? How can you think of someone like that....? I really thought you are better than many people I have met, I didn't realise that you were actually like them. You know's fine let's just eat, I don't wanna talk about this anymore."

" just call me...Zhan...?"

"Isn't that your name..?"

"I'm older than you Wang Yibo...?"

"Does you beeing older than me make you superior too..? Do you feel like I should do whatever you say just because you're older than me...?"

"Whoa...! Yibo...what has gotten into you...? Why are you like this all of a sudden...? Are you alright Yibo..?"

"Let's just eat..."

There was nothing but silence for the next hour while they ate, Zhan was felt so bad for provoking Yibo while Yibo felt bad for snapping at him. The truth was...Yibo had received an email from his old friend whom he asked to investigate a name for him. His friend sent him a suspicious message which he needed to call so he could tell him what he wanted to say. They had secret codes they used to talk to each other when there were people around or when they sent messages to each other. It was some kind I a coded SOS disguised a short message and he needed to go out and make a call.

The misunderstanding between him and Zhan worked for him as walked out after finishing his meals to make a phone call , leaving Zhan feeling worse than he already was.  He knew he was wring to add salt to Yibo's wounds but at that time...he thought it would be fun to tease him a little. But where things were then was something he didn't foresee. He felt so bad that a lone tear fell from his eye as he watched Yibo go out of his room without even telling him where he was going. He cared about Yibo, but that wasn't because he had helped him but more than that. He felt unable to function without Yibo and it was strange that he felt that way. They might have spent a lot of time together while training for the drama but it was when he got sick that he knew Yibo for who he trully was. He liked him even more after realising that he was actually not who the media portray him to be.

Time passed and Zhan stayed awake waiting for Yibo, it was almost eight and he had left just a little after six. He wondered where he was and his mind couldn't rest not knowing if he was ok, since he wasn't allowed to walk out of his room, he was jumping at every footsteps he heard outside thinking it was Yibo. He felt sleepy and that was because of the meditation he was taking and he sat down to avoid falling asleep. He walked around the room, went to the bathroom to wash his face and it was later around nine pm that Yibo came back. Zhan was in the bathroom washing his face for the thousandth time and when he came out he heard a push at the door and hurried to take a look who it was. He was so relived to see it was Yibo.

He ran towards him and jumped on him, hugging him like he had not seen him for a century while he sniffed avoiding his tears from taking matters into their own...lids. Yibo got frightened seeing Zhan like that thinking that something happened, he grabbed ahold of his arms, trying to pry him off of him so he could see if he was fine. Everything happened so fast and Zhan's hands around Yibo's neck tightened making it harder for Yibo to free himself from him. He finally hugged him and kept patting his back while asking...

"Zhan gē...what's wrong...? are you okay..? are you in pain....? Did something happen...? Talk to me Zhan gē...what's wrong...?"

Zhan saw that Yibo was in panick so he let go of him and stepped back to thoroughly see if Yibo was okay. He walked back to his bed and sat down without saying a word. But his face showed how much pain he was in, a little guilt could be seen as well as he lowered his head and played with his fingers. Yibo followed behind and stood right infront of him peeking at him to make him speak to him. He saw that Zhan was reluctant to speak and he feared for the worst, his panick mode hit the roof when he thought that maybe Zhan was attacked. He blamed himself already for leaving him alone in the took and he had to know what happened, he finally asked...

"Zhan gē...did you receive a call or a message about something...what's wrong Zhan gē...? Talk to me, please talk to me before I go crazy with worry.."

"I...I.. I'm sorry...I just wanted to tease you a little, I guess I took it too far. I'm sorry...I should've not said you're a're much more mature than anyone your age, you care more than people your age,'re more matured than I am at some aspects. You proved that by the way you handled what I said about you and to you...I know I would've acted differently if I were you. I'm sorry Yibo, I'm sorry I took it took far."

"Is that what made you-..? Argh...Zhan gē scared me to death because I thought you were in pain or you were attacked or something... but did that because... because...Argh...don't scare me like that next time okay..?"

"Why would someone attack me...? You're so paranoid...I'm fine...was just..just-.."

"Hâo hâo hâ's fine, I'm fine okay... don't stress yourself, and I'm not mad at you anymore."

"Thank you...(smile)"

A message sounded on Zhan's phone and he reached for his phone on the drawer and opened it. Yibo was paying closer attention to him and when he saw Zhan's expression change from a smile to horror he knew it was not just a bluff. Zhan quickly closed his phone after reading the contents of the message and clutched to it like he was intending to break his phone. After studying Zhan for a few seconds Yibo confirmed his suspicions, but he didn't want to scare Zhan even more. So...he thought of a way to tell Zhan what he had decided.  He came up with this...

"Zhan gē...let's pack our stuff, I was with the doctor a while ago and he said you're cleared for discharge . So...I was thinking it would be better if we travel back to the site tonight so we could wake up fresh tomorrow morning to start training...what do you think..?"

"What...? Why so sudden..? The nurse was here a few minutes ago and the doctor came here after my parents left...why didn't he say anything then...?"

"I guess he decided after he saw your latest results. I met him when coming back from taking a walk when he caled me to his office. So I think we missed a lot in these two days, I'm even impressed by the services here because I heard that your case was very serious you know...I guess you were born luc-.."

"Yibo tell me what's going on...don't change the subject. Why didn't the doctor tell me I was beeing discharged...? What really happened...?"

" mean you don't trust me..? Okay let me go call the doctor and he can explain himself what he told me. I guess I'm not a trustworthy boy afterall."

"Come in Yibo...I didn't say that...okay just go call him and I will pack my stuff in the meantime."

"Alright...pack mine too will you..(wink) I'll be back in a few."

Yibo gave Zhan a big smile and left the room only for that smile to dissapear the moment he walked out of the door. He felt cold even though it was warm, he leaned against the wall just outside the room and took in a deep breath and peeked at Zhan throught the small window on the door and saw that he was holding his phone again. He saw that Zhan was scared after what he had read, he kept looking around as if he was looking for someone or camera in the room and it bacame clear for Yibo that the situation was what his friend had warned before hand about. He walked to the doctor's office and came back with him after a few minutes and after explaining to Zhan, the doctor gave Zhan some medication just in case if his throat became sore of if he ate something he was allergic to again.

The doctor left and Zhan  changed his hospital clothes and even though he felt like Yibo was hiding something, he still did as he told him. Yibo made a phone call after that he told Zhan that their ride was waiting down stairs. Zhan was taken aback, he wondered how he had organised a ride in such a short period of time after the doctor had told him he was discharged. It really didn't make any sense and the more he thought about it, the more his head hurt. He just couldn't figure out what had scared Yibo to such extent, he thought..

"It makes no sense that Yibo arranged for transport after talking to the doctor, and again... why didn't he tell me about this the moment he got back..? Well I guess I didn't give him a chance...but still... the text message I received...? Its so strange that all of this happened in just a few minutes apart from each other. I guess I need to keepy distance from Yibo, he has been in this industry longer than I have so surely he's the target. I guess pā was right about his trouble coming for me..(sigh)"

By the time Zhan finished conversing with his thoughts, they had already gotten off the elevator and heading outside. He watched his Yibo looked around as if he was scared if something, maybe scared of someone attacking him. Well...that's how Zhan saw it, whether it was true or not...only Yibo could explain that or if he didn't ...then time would surely tell. An unmarked car Mercedes parked tight in front of them and Yibo took their backpacks to the boot before coming back and opened the door for Zhan to get in. He went around the care and also got in when they finally greeted the driver.

Zhan saw that he didn't know the driver, its true that he didn't know a lot about Yibo and the people around him but, the driver looked Korean, so he concluded that maybe he was one of his friends from Korea who maybe moved or came to China for a visit. The car started and what bulged his.eues out even more was when the driver called him boss and handed over an iPad to Yibo. They looked to be talking about something serious but to Zhan looked as if they had this conversation before and they were just catching up on in or finishing it up. Yibo didn't like to be called by his status but he was so worried about the matter at hand that he didn't even care who the driver called him. The had a chat like they normally did without the care of a passenger who had his eyes bulged out and his mouth hung open by what was spoken.

"Barry...did you check the CCTV footage from the area..? I think we might be able to get some clues."Barry...did you check the CCTV footage from that area..? I think we might be able to get some clues from it."

"No boss, they were not installed in that area, but I asked around for the car and one shopkeeper said he has seen it around before parking nearby his shop. He said the driver was a man and he looked to be asking for either directions or asking about someone "

"Ok atleast we have something to work on, did you ask Baba to go and remove our traces from the hospital..?"

"Yes boss, he's already started as we speak."

"'s already eleven pm, I'm sure we'll get there in half and hour. Have the team go ask around that place again, there must be some traces left, what about those people who the man asked directions from...? Did you find them..?"

"Yes boss...but the shopkeeper was somehow reluctant to tell me who they were. But don't worry boss, I already sent Larry to go ask around in pretense, we'll get the answers by tomorrow evening, oh..! And boss..what do we do with that 'anonymous'...should we take him in..?"

"Not yet...I think I will find out a lot from him, just lete give it a try in the meantime you broaden your search. I don't think he knows that I know what he's up to, oh..just don't forget to go to Zhan gē 's parents, I don't want then to be worried about him."

"Yes boss"

"Yibo...what about my parents..? What the hell is going on..? Why are you dragging my parents into your mess...? Talk to me or I swear to God Yibo I will throught you out of this speeding car..!! Wait ...where are we going in the forest..? Yibo...what are you doing....are you...are you..abducting me...? His dare you make me trust you only for you to do this to me...? Where are you taking me...? Yibo...what are you going to do with're really a monster made me trust you so you could ..."

"Zhan gē... Look ahead...that's why we are in the middle of the forest. What do you think I would do to you...? "

"I don't know Yibo..but what you've done from the hospital till now doesn't look normal or legal."

"I have my own reasons which you don't need to bother yourself about... Let's get off."

"Yibo how can a jet plane lie this be in the middle of the forest..? I'm not boarding that plane, rather kill me here and finish me off cause I'm not going anywhere with you."

"Zhan gē don't be silly, just get in.."

"No Yibo...I'm not going anywhere with you, rather kill me now."

"Who said I want to kill you..? Did I say anything about killing someone Barry..?"

"No boss, you haven't. Mr Xiao...boss is taking a lot of effort to kee-..."


"Sorry boss.."

"Zhan gē...let's go or we'll get there in the morning. I wanted to start training tomorrow and I don't want to get jetlag. Let's go..come on."

"Yibo I swear...if you're going to kill me for my body parts...I swear I'm going to kill you."

"How... ?you would already be in pieces by then(chuckle)"

"What..? So you were luring me so you could kill me.?"

"Why would I kill you Zhan gē, I think your gather watches too many movies and he shares them with you. Let's go or we'll be late."

"What about my parents...?"

"They are safe don't worry, I sent my people to secretly look after them."

"Yibo....wh..what are you...?"

"Not what...who...and I'm Wang get in Zhan gē please."

Zhan got in and in just three minutes they were in the air, heading to Guizhou, their filming location in Zhejiang Province China.

3314 word count
I hope you like it 🙂
So guys please...

Stay safe 🤗🤗
Stay blessed 💞💞
And remember...
❤️❤️I love you a galaxy❤️❤️

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