🥀What If I Told You That I L...


225 33 13

Like i said, this is also a re-write, i hope you like it 🥰 Еще

A Team Divided
Invitation To Battle
We Were Once Bladebreakers
A League Of Her Own
You're The Man Kai
Take Your Best Shot
Roughing It
Swiped On The Streets
It's A Battle Royale
The Blame Game
When In Rome...Let It Rip!
Kenny's Big Battle
Picking Up The Pieces
Sleepless In Madrid
Fire and Water
Same Old Dirty Tricks...
Beyblade Like An Egyptian
One For All...Free For All!
Burdens Of A Champion

New Kid In Town

27 2 6

A lot of time has past after the last championships, well the last championships Bella went to. She didn't went to the championships last year.

She wanted to catch up with her sister after a lot of lost time. The family went to a long one month vacation.

After that,Electra invited Bella to her tour all over the world,she even forced Bella to sing,well,not really forced but it did took a lot of convincing.

And than there was her modeling gig. She wanted to take it seriously as much as possible. So far,it was going perfect.

She also had the time to write to her friends. Everyone wrote to her,it took her a lot of time to reply.

But the letters she looked up to write to most was Kai's. He wrote her almost every single day,he keeped her updated with a tournament,with extra details.

She apreciated every single one. There were so happy,so sad,and some are just once he complained about Tyson.

They haven't seen eachother in person for a good while now. Sure they wrote to eachother,they face time and they saw eachother on TV without the other knowing.

But it really wasn't the same.

She was exited to see everyone. Tyson talked to her about the new blading school he just opend and he told her the exact date.

Which was today

"You exited to see everyone?" Electra asked,packing the last of her things. "Yeah,it's been so long" Bella replied with a smile. They heard a chime from the laptop.

"Oh! That must be Robert" Electra came to it. Bella sighed, she still couldn't belive that they're still together. Actually, of course she could.

Those two are perfect for eachother. They complete eachother in their own way. Bella was still holding her grudge, after 2 years, she was still holding it.

But, less than before.

"Oh He wants to face time,come here" Electra called her. "You sure he want to see my face?" Bella asked, sitting down. "Come on" Electra pulled her closer and pressed the green botton.

"Hey Baby" Electra gretted, like she always does on every single face time. "Hello love, Bella" he gretted the two. "Robert" Bella still had her biterness towards him but tried to cooparate as much as she could.

Robert understood, but her holding a grudge this long was weird. He wasn't allowed to complain around her tho. Around Electra, he complains sometimes about it.

"Someone wants to talk to you Bella" he said. Bella raised a brow. The German showed Johnny,eating. "Johnny, i did my part, you do yours now" he said.

Johnny blinked and them realzied what's going on. "Oh hey Bella, Electra" he waved. "Hey J" Bella waved back. "Hi Johnny" Electra gretted.

"Perfect timing, i getting a little sick here" she joked and took her phone. Electra sticked her tounge out to her and Bella did it back.

Robert didn't know what to think. Bella still didn't like him much,and it was killing him. But,they did make progress after all this time.

Bella took of to another room.

"She still hates me" Robert concluded. "She doesn't hate you, she just...jokes around like that" Electra assured him. "Darling, please, i'm not blind nor deaf" he sighed. Electra wished she could hug him, but they weren't next to eachother.

"Robert, Bella did warm up to you, remeber when she defended you before the Dark Bladers put any curse on you" Electra reminded him. "She did it because of Johnny and the others, not because of me" he said.

"Trust me,she wouldn't stand right infront of you if she didn't want to protect you two" Electra touched the screen, she wishes she could hold him, confort him in her usual way with a lot of hugs.

"Maybe she only did it cause..of you" he looked away. Electra sighed. "You two will get a long, i promise" she assured him again.

Robert wished he could hug her, hold her hand even.

"I hope you're right love"


"So how are you?" Bella asked. "I'm great, really into this pizza" he chewed on his food. Bella giggled. "You got chesse all over your face" she pointed out.

He whiped his face. "How's everything with your glumy boyfriend?" he asked. She smiled, knowing why he used that specific word.

"He's fine, we write to eachother, and face time a lot. I can't wait to see him" she sighed. Johnny's smile faded.

He still doesn't like the idea of Kai and Bella dating, but he doesn't have much of a choise. "That's nice" he said.

They got closer after the hole championships thing. He always said that he'll go on a 7 hour ride just to see her.

She knew why he said that.

"I'm still suprised he didn't manage to find anytime to see you in person" Johnny cleaned his plate. "J, we were both super busy, he had his championships i had my things going on. We both understand" she said.

"Well, i found time to see you in person even tho i was busy, just saying" he reminded. She rolled her eyes. "I could be a better boyfriend too" he mumbled.

"Sorry?" she raised a brow. "Nothing-" he almost dropped his phone. Bella laughed. "Jeez J watch your phone" she said. "Yeah yeah" he rubbed his head.

He looked at her face. She looked happy,her checks getting all pink like always when she's happy. He felt his face go red,he didn't want to see her sad,she doesn't desreve it.

"Aw,your checks are red J"

"What! No they're not"

"Haha, it's cute"




Bella fixed her white crop top. They were ready to head back to Japan. "I can't wait to see dad, he said he's gonna be there for a while before going back home" Electra said.

"Yeah me too" Bella was exited. "You have to tell dad that i'll come late. I have to see Tyson and the others first" Bella smiled. "Yeah yeah" Electra brushed it off.

The two got on to the plane and they were ready to go.


The flight was peacefull as much as it could be since of the fans of both of the girls. "Man, that flight was something" Bella waved her hand in front of her face, she was warm.

"Be glad there weren't much fans, it could have been worse" Electra reminded.

They noticed Mr. Johnson and his father, Mr. Arnold, Ashley and Sebastian waiting for them.

Mr. Arnold was a very short, round man, with the mustache. He looked a lot like Mr. Dickenson, they weren't related.

Ashley was a tall, blonde woman with a bit of pink on her right side. Mr. Johnson and her a dating right now and Bella was making fun of him for it.

Sebastian was also a very tall, older man with a long mustache. For a while, She was questioning how her dad surrounded himself with tall people.

Mr. Arnold used to be tall in his youth but started shrinking.

"Hello Bella, it is good to see you" Mr. Arnold hugged her. "I missed you two Sir" She hugged him back. "Come on, we don't have much time for grettings" Mr. Johnson took Bella by her wrist and dragged her to the car.

"Jeez Johnson, you really want to bother me? I just landed" Bella complained. "Do you remeber what you promised? That we'll disscus your schedule as soon as you land" he asked.

"Yeah but not emidietly" she said.

They all went into the limo while Sebastian put thier lugage in the back. "Listen J, i may or may not have a tournament coming up so you might as well follow me around the globe if you have to" she rested her head in her hand.

"Exactly" He gave her a paper. She raised a brow and took it. "Tell me when you're free, where you are and how long. We're gonna get busy" He patted her shoulder.

Bella smiled, she thought Ashley made him chill after all this time. "Thanks for understanding J" she smiled.

Sebastian got in and started driving.


"Okay stop here. Take my stuff to dad's for now" Bella was getting out of the limo. "Sure thing, i'll say hi to dad for you" Electra waved. "Thanks, see ya" she closed the door and they drove off.

Bella sighed and started walking. Being in Japan was weird again, she frogot how it felt.

She walked a little more and noticed Kai, laying in the grass. She smiled, he was always like this, away from everyone, alone.

He had his eyes closed so he didn't noticed her sneaking up on him. "Guess who" she coverd his eyes. He took one hand and moved it. He was suprised to see her.

"Bella" he rose. She giggled. "You're here" he keeped quiet. "Yes" she kissed him. He held her close, not planning to let go anytime soon.

He missed her, he really did, her closer, her cold hands, he missed everything.

"Give me a minute will you" she dusted her black pants that streched to her ankless and went.

She saw Ray and Kenny, along with someone she didn't recodnise. A girl, with brown hair.

She touched Ray's and Kenny's shoulders. They turned and saw her. "Be-" She coverd Kenny's mouth. "Hold that thought Kenny" she whisperd, winking at him.

She went behind her best friend, he didn't noticed, but the kids did. Thankfully they keeped quiet.

"Then maybe one day you kids will make me look like a chump" Tyson patted one of the kids head.

"Yeah, like that could happend anytime soon" she teased. He gasped and turned around. "Hey Tyson" she waved. "B-Bella" he turned to her completly. "I missed you" he hugged her tight, lifting her up.

She was suprised, he got stronger. "Woah- Ty- you're stronger now" she said. He put her down. "Yeah, i got in shape" he joked. "And-" she was cut of guard.

He was taller now, taller than her, but only by couple of inches. "Hey" she patted his shoudler. "Hmm?" he raised a brow. "You got to me" she pointed out. "Oh.." he thought it was no big deal.

"Oh!" he realzied what she said. "I am taller than you" he smiled wide. "Yep" she giggled.

The girl got closer to them with a lot of exitedment in her eyes. "Y-you're Bella Smith!" she was nervous. "Yeah" Bella smiled. "Oh my God, i'm such a big fan" she says.

"Cool" Bella smiled. "Tyson is this your girlfriend. You never menchen to me there was a girl in your life" she wiggled his brows towards Tyson.

Tyson blushed. "N-no Bella! She's just a friend" he denied it. Bella noded, she didn't belive him. "Want an autograph?" she asked. "Yes!" the girl replied.

"What's your name?" Bella took a paper and a pen out. "Hilary" she replied. "Hilary, meaning cherrfull, that explains a lot" she winked at her and gave her the paper.

"So cool" Hilary jumped in exitedment.

"Excuse me Bella, can we have a beybattle?" One kid came to her side. "Of cou-""No wait i wanna go against the champion frist" other kid protested.

And there were bunch of kids that wanted to battle her. "Hey hey, one at the time i have pleny of it to spare" she joked.

"YOU'RE A JOKE BELLA!" someone yelled from the distance. "Who's that?" Hilary looked around, terrified to know.

The kids turned as well, while Tyson and Bella alredy looked at that direction. Ray almost chocked on his food, thankfully, he survived.

They heard shoting, and saw smoke in the distance, going down hil. Kenny freaked out, also yelling. Bella blinked, he didn't have a reaction like everyone, to her suprise. Tyson freaked out as well.

Whatever that was, it sounded like an animal.

It came down finally and stopped yelling, leaving a lot of smoke after it's run. The smoke clearned and it revealed a kid. Red hair, blue crop top, light teal pants, that were ripped on his left leg to his knee.

"Well look who i found, it's the clown that calls herself number one. Sorry to break the news but there's a new number one in town and you can call me Daichi" he pointed at himself and jumped.

The bag that he was carying reveald his lancher and his blade. He lanched it at thier direction, leaving more smoke behind. The kids ran away, but Bella and Tyson stayed. They new this kid had power.

His blade went back to his hand. "Okay, what's the meaning of this, and better yet, just who do you think you are anyway?" Hilary asked, walking towards him.

"Back of, do i look like i want to talk to you sis? I'm here to have one-on-one with Ms. Champion who claims she's the best blader on the planet" Daichi pointed his shooter at Bella.

Hilary looked devestaited. "Haha, Bella this Bella that" she laughed. "Sorry" Bella sweatdropped. "Don't worry, Hilary was always emotional" Tyson assured her.

"So you think you can beat her huh? Well, you're not the first who tried" He looked at Daichi. "Where i come from i'm number one and we invented this sport" he said to him.

"So Bella, you accept my challenge?" he turned to her. Tyson sighed, he couldn't belive this kid. Bella stared at the kid for a bit. "Sure" she shruged. "WHAT?" they were all suprised. Kai didn't react, he knew she wouldn't back down, no matter who challanged her.

"You're not...serious, are you Bella?" Kenny asked. "Yeah i am, i am one of the champions after all. I should defend my tittle whenever i'm challanged" she took out her launcher and blade out of her belt pockets.

She was prepared to lanch. "But here's a deal Daichi, if you lose, you have to leave" she said. "Fine by me, but if you lose,then you have to leave" Daichi prepared for lanch as well.

"Sounds good to me" she smiled. "Bella i don't think this is a good idea" Kenny said. "I know but, i guess the ceriousty got the better of me" she sweatdropped.

"Let it rip!"

The battle started and the kid wasn't waisting time. She was preapred. He reminded her of Tyson a lot, his determanation, his confidence, hitting head on, everything was there.

"Huh, you're packing a lot of power kid, but nothing's gonna impress Bella" Tyson smiled. Bella rolled her eyes, she remeber Aj or Brad making that comment not so long ago.

"Oh yeah? Just watch" Daichi said. His blade was pushing her, it suprised her completly, that a kid, maybe same age as her sister has such power.

This kid...he's no defence

He backed away. "So you think you can outlast me do ya? Well let me give a peice of advice. You're Sapphfire doesn't even come close to my Strata Dragoon" he said

"Huh?" Tyson was confused. "Strata?" Ray was shocked. "Dragoon?" Kenny was felling the same. Bella looked down at his blade. "But..Tyson's the only Dragoon" Bella said to him.

"Corection, his used to be the only Dragoon" he corected her. "You're lying and you better stop before i clock you pal" Tyson warned him, coming a bit closer.

But Bella stopped him with her arm before he could do anything extreme, like always. "Tyson calm down" she said to him. "What makes you think yours is the only Dragoon around? How do we know yours isn't the fake? I'd like to see you expalin that one" Daichi chuckled.

"Yeah that's it, maybe yours is the fake" he crossed his arms. "Why you little-" Tyson was getting angry. "You better take that back right now or you'll be sorry you were ever born pal" he threaten the kid.

"Tyson i told you to calm down" Bella said to him again. "But Bella, he talks trash" He defended himself. "We don't know that yet" she reminded him. "We'll fugured it out" she assured him and the battle continued.

"Let's go Bella you show him good!" Hilary cheered. "Alright" she noded.

They hitted thier blades and Bella's bounced back, close to get out of the dish. "You know Bella you don't know how long i have waited for this day" Daichi rubbed his nose.

"Oh? Than make sure you don't blink" she warned him. "Huh?" he was confused. Bella's blade got out, but followed the pattern of the dish.

It came down in after a second. Everyone was amazed. "You...let him hit you on perpouse" Kenny concluded. She noded. "Hm, you didn't slack of in blading while you weren't around Bells" Ray smiled.

"Nope, not at all Ray" she replied. Her blade was coming at Daichis at full speed, kicking him out of the dish, but he was still spinning.

The kids cheered. "Alright Bells you showed him" Tyson hugged her shoulder "That was the most amazing battle i've ever witnessed in my entire life" Kenny said. "I'm glad you enjoyed the show" she rubbed her head.

"Well i guess that means you lost your bet Daichi and now it's time for you to get lost" Tyson turned to the kid. "Excuse me but what do you mean i lose?" Daichi asked.

"Take a look dude my Strata Dragoon is still spinning" he turned to look at them. He wasn't lying, it still was spinning. "Huh?" Tyson can see the ovious, but he didn't understood why Daichi said that.

"Well excuse me but the offical blading rules clearly states that once a blade is knocked out of the stadium it loses" Hilary said to him. It suprised Bella how she knows the rules well, she wondered if she's a blader two.

"Well where i come from we don't have any fancy stadiums to plan and the battle isn't over until the last beyblade is left standing alright?" Daichi defended.

"Okay okay, calm down, we didn't know that. Would you mind, explaining the rules you follow?" Bella asked. The team was suprised and so was Daichi.

"Bella you're serious not intrested into knowing that huh?" Tyson whisperd to her. "Yes i am shh" she shushed him. "Well, back at home we have diffrent rules" Daichi started.

"The hole world is our stadium. We use the rivers even the forests and skies" He explained. "You see where i come from absolutley nothing is out of bounds" he added

"Aw man, that is so freaky" Tyson commented. "He blades in the elements, just like Tala" she remebered her battle with the Russian blader.

She remebered how cold it was, and how hard it was to keep herself warm and focessed on the battle. But here, it was diffrent kind of element, there was no snow, no cold.

Maybe it won't be so bad if he challange her now.

She saw Daichi run up the Hil. "This battle isn't over yet and to prove my point i'll show you" he turned to them. "That is if you don't chicken out first" he teased and ran up a little more, laughing.

"Hey, you can't just run away like that!" Tyson yelled after him. Bella smiled at he noticed it. "I like this kid" her blade came out of the dish. "I like this kid very much" she started running as well.

Daichi attacked, coming at her with a lot of speed. She noticed the smoke again after he hitted her blade. She was suspecious.

She stood her ground, her blade going backwards. He called out to his beast and made a Hurricane, literal hurricane. It was going up high and it was strong, she knew it could suck her in and it would be all over.

She heard Kenny he'll find away to help her but, will there be time?

"Okay i had all i can stand i'm tired of watching Bella get destroyed by a newcomer" Ray snapped. She heard him. "No Ray, i'm fine. I'll take care of this no problem" she assured him.

She started thinking, she had an idea way back in her head. Automaticly, she turned her head and saw Kai, watching. He noded, she noded back. "Okay, it's time to end this" she was determant now.

"What's the matter Bella? You ready to pack it in and surender?" Daichi asked. "Just watch me" she said.

Her blade went up the pole of the swings and head up high, where the Hurricane hitted it's end.

There you are.

She smiled and her blade went down inside. She can gear gasps from her friends. There was a blast after her blade went down. "What have you done?" Daichi ran down to see what happend.

His blade stopped spinning.

"Look, Bella won" Hilary pointed out. "Alright Bella you're the woman" Tyson cheered. "Way the go you did it" Kenny cheered as well. Bella took his blade and hers. She came to the kid.

"You fought well" she gestured for him to take his blade. He looked up at her. "You're a strong kid Daichi" she smiled. He took his blade, without leaving her gaze.

"Well i guess there's no doubt now ey Daichi? I mean your blade did stop spinning" Tyson said. He snapped after not hearing him talk. "Hey, admit it, come on alredy. You lost and you're just afraid to say it" he said.

"Tyson" Bella gave him a stare as a warning, A warning that she was getting angry. He stopped. "What's the matter?" she asked Daichi. "You're right. I admit that i lost okay? And i guess what my dad said about my beyblade was all a lie" Daichi looked at his blade.

Bella was confused. Daichi got up, coming to Tyson's personal space. "So you happy now that i said i lost huh? Does that make you fell better big shot well does it" He showed him his blade

"That was just round one pal the next battle is all mine" he said. Tyson grabbed Daichis hand and Bella came to thier side. "Tyson-""Okay that's it. I had just enough of what i can stand of you. You better zip it or you're gonna be sorry you understand?" he asked.

Bella made him let go and Daichi emidietly hugged her waist. "Don't go you gotta fight me. Once i promised my dad i keep working on my technique until i beat the world champ so you just can't back out!" he begged.

Bella sweatdropped, she wasn't sure what to do. "Let go of her monkey boy, we had enough of your fairy tales for one day" Tyson tried getting him off. "No, i'm telling you the truth, hinestly" Daichi yelled.

"Okay, that's enough of that" They heard a voice from above and the three looked up. They saw a green beyblade coming towards them. They backed away after it landed.

"And what's this?" Bella asked, raising a brow. "Let's just say it's my calling card and i've come to take you on" A tall man, with blue-silver hair, brown eyes with a mask on his face apperd on a branch of a tree.

"No go away!" Daichi yelled. "Hold on, who are you?" Bella asked again. "The names Jin of The Gale" he rose up, crossing his arms. "And i've come to battle you Bella because some people are saying you're the best blader around" he replied simply.

"Strange name Jin" Tyson commented. "Trust me, in time my name won't make a diffrence and everything will become clear" Jin said.

Bella had mixed fellings about this hole thing, especially this guy.

This guy is bad news...

But why is he...familar?

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