More Than Friends ✔

By crescendo_s

10.4K 1.3K 6.1K

We all know that one single from a group who never got lucky with their opposite sex. Pallavi Khuranna was on... More

1- "I want to have a boyfriend."
2- "Working women are much more appealing in this era."
3- "I was getting sick of all these testosterone"
4- "Is there something on my face?"
5- "For you, I can stop eating Torai forever."
6- "What do you like for breakfast?"
7- "You look good today."
8- "If you had to date someone, who would it be?"
9- "I won't let anything happen to you, okay."
10- "Tell me how to put these rubber gloves on."
11- "I'd rather prefer the junior sitting next to me."
Extra- 1
12- "Don't message me from now on."
13- "I'm missing someone."
14- "Take my hand and hold me, senorita."
15- "Sometimes I even doubt he's straight."
16- "Now I'll definitely won't remove my hand."
17- "You are lucky to get a limited edition of me."
18- "We are awfully single."
19- "Its called arm wrestling, baby!"
20- "You are my favorite."
21 (Part I)- "She's too hard to please."
21 (Part II)- "Because kissing is forbidden in public."
22-"Happy Valentine's Day."
23- "I hold no such feelings for you."
24- "I can't keep working like this."
25- "Seems I'll remain single until marriage."
26- "Let's talk about us."
27- "It's amazing how you still fall for my lies."
28- "Are you having an affair with someone?"
29- "Come, I'll show you how to do timepass."
30- "Goddammit, Dhawan-- you were a nerd"
31- "He's thinking of replacing you."
32- "Don't give up, okay."
33- "I want you."
34- "Watch a movie with me."
35 (Part 1)- "Gosh, Pallavi, we missed so many chances."
35 (Part 2)- "Bye Mansur."
36- "Don't giggle, you are ruining the moment"
37- "We are free to be anything"
38- "It's not like you climbed mount Everest."
39- "I'm not your boyfriend"
40- "Your girlfriend is cute"
41- "It wasn't Tulsi but Tulsa."
42- "You don't know shit about love."
43- "You have yet to give me a hickey."
Sneak Peek
44- "You really are crazy about me"
45- "Do you love me?"
46- "We can be together for the time being."
47- "I love you."
48- "I want us to stay like this."
49- "Their names are Adhvik and Pallavi."
50- "So what does your boyfriend do?"
51- He's getting married
52- "You'll stay overnight with me?"
53- "She's Pallavi Khurana, our new graphic designer."
54- "I want you to be happy more than anything else."
55 (Part 1)~ "One last wish of mine- Take me to Delhi"
55 (Part II)~ "I'll never forget this."
56- "Wish you a happy marriage."
57~ "You'll be glad it happened."
58~"It reeked of our memories."
59~ Don't try to become Adhvik 2.0
60~ "He's not bad, he's just too plain."
61~ "You just want me to say it out loud."
62~ "Do you want to know a secret?"
62 (Part 2)~ "An evening stand."
63~ Hi, you've entered Pallavi's humble abode."
64~ "People like me are fresh in the market."
65- "They name this overrated transaction as love."
66- "Don't worry, I'm not a gold digger, just curious."
Author's Note

67~ "I want to cut my hair short."

211 14 10
By crescendo_s

It was one afternoon when Pallavi went to the parlor. As usual, she ordered face threading and waxing. She stared at herself in the mirror for the longest time when she was done. A voice in her head was telling her something was amiss. Something she had been wishing to do for a long time.

“Anything else, ma'am?” The parlor madam asked, standing behind the chair while looking at her reflection in the mirror.

Pallavi inhaled then exhaled. She finally spoke. “Yeah, I need a haircut.”

“Sure, ma'am,” The parlor woman replied, smiling and brought a water spray to wet her hair. After she was done combing, she took the ends of Pallavi's hair between her fingers and showed her through the mirror reflection. “Is this much enough?”

The voice in her head got bigger. “No. I want you to cut my hair short.”

“Okay, this much?” The parlor lady raised her hand higher, still reaching her back. Nope. Still long.

Pallavi kept on denying until the parlor woman's fingers on her hair reached the length of her shoulders. “Yes, this much is fine.”

The parlor lady raised her brow. “You want to change your look, I see. Sure then.”

Soon enough, the parlor lady got to work, cutting Pallavi's long straight hair that reached till her lower back. It felt bad seeing her precious hair lying on the floor but when she gazed at the mirror in the end, she was quite satisfied.

“Why did you do it? You had such long nice hair...” A middle aged woman who was seated next to her for a pedicure spoke, regarding Pallavi with disappointment.

Pallavi simply passed her a smile. “I've been wanting to do this for a while now to change my look.. The hair will grow again anyway.”

“Certainly, ma'am. You look fabulous.”

The middle aged lady however wasn't satisfied as she ranted about how she had been trying to grow her hair past her shoulders but they wouldn't while the young people were lucky. She did give Pallavi unsolicited advice on how she shouldn't cut her hair short many times, lest she wouldn't be able to grow hair again. Can't you mind your own business, woman?

Mrs Khuranna was initially shocked to see her eldest daughter sporting a shorter hair reaching her shoulders. However Deepali approved it as it made Pallavi look more girlish than before. Her colleagues at Utopian Adverts agreed as well.


Coming to Pallavi's job, it was going good but stagnant. It was repetative, monotonous and lonesome. She would still search for a job sometimes but other than that, her work life was the same.

Until her favorite manager, Karan Grover gave his resignation letter to Utopian Adverts.

Needless to say, the shock of Karan's departure remained for a week. After all, he was the one who took Pallavi in and made her to what she was today. He was almost like a teacher figure to her. Luckily, she was able to spend ample time with him and the group through an elaborate office event and party before bidding farewell for good. She thanked him for everything he taught her. He even told her to contact him in case she needed any work related advice in the future.

Someone once said that your corporate life was safe as long as you had a good manager to support you with. To Pallavi, Karan was just that and she was grateful to him. 

Pallavi walked through the office hallways with a heavy heart. The office seemed more emptier than before. Her previous digital media team ceased to exist. It was like the end of an era. She was just walking away when a voice inside her head spoke with certainty.

You need to leave as well.

The odd thing was right after Karan left, she received a call from someone working in Pineyard Global-- a well-known company in her city. She had applied there previously and even gave a telephonic interview two months ago but after that it was radio silence. Until today. A man who shared the same name as Aradhana's now husband asked if she was still available to give the interview face-to-face. She replied yes without thinking.

When Saurav explained the job profile to Pallavi, she was naturally impressed. Pineyard Global was basically a clothing company that sold different kinds of clothes for teens and adults. They also sold a few beauty products. Saurav- the one taking her interview, worked in the international department as a digital media manager. The international division department was solely responsible for catering to the international audience. Many of their customers were from the neighbouring countries while others were from parts of Asia, Africa and Australia. They were planning to make social media accounts solely for their audience and they were looking for a social media executive to manage it.

This is another level,’ thought Pallavi. She couldn't help but think how fun it would be to work on a job like this. She agreed to give the interview right away.

* * *

“If we want to serve an older audience which social media account would you use?” Another interviewer who sat besides Saurav asked Pallavi.

“If you're talking to an adult audience then LinkedIn and Twitter are good. However if you want to serve a much older audience of around 45 years and above then Facebook is the best.” Pallavi answered with confidence in her chair.

“Alright. What is the average age of audience in Facebook? And what about the younger audience?”

“The average audience on Facebook is around 30- 50 years,” Pallavi replied, looking elsewhere, hoping she was right. “As for the younger audience, Instagram is the best. A close second would be Tik-Tok but that's banned. After that comes YouTube. Younger audiences are more interested in watching reels and pictures, rather than information.”

The interviewer nodded seemingly satisfied with her answer. Him and Saurav continued to ask questions, asking her to how to handle negativity in social media, what strategies to adopt when there is less engagement, and her manner of working in her previous job. If it would have been the Pallavi from two years ago, she would have been shit scared answering multiple questions but this Pallavi wasn't. She bravely answered the questions she knew while denying the ones she didn't know about. She had nothing to lose anyway.

In the end, she was given an assignment of designing a graphic to test her creativity. She thought she did quite well in the interview even though she couldn't answer some of their questions. She didn't know how but she was positive she would pass this.

Five days later, Pallavi was called for another round of interview at Pineyard Global. She had to take yet another half day leave at Utopian for this. She was almost annoyed. Couldn't they take all the rounds on that day itself and how much they were going to interview her anyway? She was called to talk with the director of the International management department who was a dignified old man in his sixties.

* * *

Long story short, she got selected in Pineyard Global. The offer letter in her mail was confirmation enough. Although she was happy to be selected in one of the most established companies in Faridabad, she was anxious. Initially, she was only searching for job offers. Perhaps to spice up her work life or test her skills. Now that she got selected, it meant leaving her old job.

She gave up even before typing her resignation letter. Nope. Nada. It was too scary. Her job although boring, offered the kind of comfort and security she never experienced before. She knew her work, she knew her people. Why leave all of that and enter a different environment?

Not happening’ she told herself, despite her voice telling her to jump the bandwagon.

Several things happened during this turbulent week which involved a lot of convincing from Karan on phone, her sister, her two colleagues, her father and her own goddamn voice who told her that this was what she wanted. Even the Digital manager from Pineyard global lured to get her on-board.

It finally gave her the ammunition to send a resignation letter to Utopian Adverts.

Unfortunately, that was just the beginning of a month's worth of stress. There wasn't a person left in the management that didn't pursue her to stay. Pallavi was called in for a meeting by the HR, president of the Marketing department, vice-chairman, director of internal affairs and more. All these meetings held separately in seperate days. ‘Why do you want to leave the job? Was anything or anyone troubling you?’ we're some of the questions she was asked by them.

Pallavi couldn't believe it. Was she that crucial to Utopian adverts? Come on, she only designed their graphics and managed their social media posts. Anyone could do that with some creative designing skills.

“No, they couldn't,” Her colleague from her team denied. “It's easier to find a graphic designer but it's difficult to find a multitasker who could design graphics, come up with cool captions and handle three different social media pages all at once. The company doesn't want to hire two people. They want 2-in-1, which you've been doing all along. In a less salary, I might add.”

“Ah, they just want to save more money,” Pallavi concluded. She recalled a time when Aradhana reprimanded her for staying at Utopian as they were paying her way less than she deserved. ‘You are actually doing the job of two people. You'd have been paid atleast fifty thousand in Capgemini for this.’ was what Aradhana said. Perhaps her resignation was indeed for the best.

It was these reasons that gave Pallavi the courage to say ‘no’ to all those higher officials from Utopian adverts. The company was ready to raise her salary but alas even that couldn't reach the salary she was offered at Pineyard Global. Must she say she never felt more empowered than this. It made her feel like a boss as she took the reigns of her own professional life.

Although, leaving Utopian also took an emotional toll on her. It wasn't easy to leave everyone she knew behind and step out of her comfort zone. There were times when she cried her nights away, anxious about how her new office would turn out. There were times when she questioned her decision and came close to withdrawing her resignation. She even sought help from an online astrologer when she became too overwhelmed.

Days passed until the last week of January. The support team girls as well as the two employees from the digital team organized a small farewell party for her. They even contributed to gift her a fancy flask bottle, wishing her best for her future ahead while she thanked them for everything they did. On her last day, Pallavi took one last tour around the office, recalling all the fond memories she shared for the last two years. Most of all, she recalled her days with her former digital marketing team including Karan. With her gone, none of them were here anymore. Once again, she was reminded of the absence of permanence in life. It was an ever-changing journey. Humans could do nothing but move on and grow along.

“Bye, Utopian adverts,” She said to no one in particular, her eyes welling up.

* * *

“Can't you come to Gurgaon atleast?” Pallavi said to Umang one day while they were talking on the phone. It was her reply after they explicitly expressed their desires.

“Not possible, babe.” He replied. “It's too far and... I'm kinda broke right now. Can't you try to travel Lucknow?”

“No, sorry. As you said, it's too far.” She denied flatly. That was a load of risk she wasn't willing to take even for sex.

“Yeah, I understand. Atleast talk to your friend na. If you can manage to travel midway.”

“I'll try...” Pallavi answered, sounding doubtful. Umang suggested another alternative for both of them to meet somewhere midway such as Agra and spend a night together. Although going out of town without telling her parents was a stretch in itself. And involving Aradhana into her pleasure trip was like 'kebab me haddi'. A foolish idea.

They soon diverted the topic back to flirting much to Pallavi's relief. Later that evening, she received a message.


Pallavi sent a quick reply. 'Are'



'In My mind'

'To my dick'

Vineet and Pallavi sent the last messages at the same time, only to end up laughing. Their conversation continued from then on. A little while later, Pallavi realized how she flirted with two guys on the same day. The ones she had the hots for. She let out a squeal. Was singlehood actually a blessing in disguise?

* * *

Vineet Ahuja was as casual as a paper thin size. No woman can even try to pursue anything more than that. Not that Pallavi wanted to. She only wished they could meet (and fuck) more. Sometimes she envisioned them on a holiday at a beach but that was a pipe dream. She was curious to know more about him but alas, he only let people see the surface. Understandable.

However, there was one exception where they had a different kind of conversation.

Pallavi was having a bad day. She was asked to one thing she wanted to avoid her entire life. Not to mention she had an argument with her father on a different matter. A bad one. Something like this wasn't common nor rare. She shared a complicated relationship with Mr. Khuranna which required a whole chapter to delve into but I won't since it was too personal for Pallavi to share it here.

Moving on.

After chatting a bit with Adhvik, she asked the same question to Vineet. 

How much EMI should be availed on a personal loan? How much is too much?”

Woah, where's this coming from? Will you take a loan?” He replied.

Pallavi let out a tired sigh as she typed. “I might have to considering the financial status of my family.”

A few minutes later came a reply. “Can you call me for a bit? If you're free.”

She blinked once, then twice. Vineet never ever asked her to call him, except the first time after they exchanged numbers. No way she would refuse this.

Give me a few minutes.” she finally replied before completing her task of posting on Social media.

She exited the office building as she gave him the message to call her.

Kaunse changoor me fas gyi ab?” Vineet joked right when she picked his call. “Did you do gambling or loaned money or worse, drugs?”

She laughed. “Tu jaanta nhi kya muje? Would I do drugs or gambling?”

Thereafter Pallavi explained the reason. Her family needed a little more than one lac rupees to avail a lifetime medical card approved by the government. This would ensure that their medical bills which included their costly medicines each month would be absolutely free. Only Mr. and Mrs. Khuranna could avail this card.

“My father worked in a government job so he can avail this card. Also there have been rumors that this facility will soon be dismissed by the current government since they love to see us suffer.”

“So your father suggested for you to avail a loan to make that card?”

“Yes,” Pallavi replied while walking back and forth. “Papa can't avail a loan since he's already paying for an ongoing loan. Plus, he's retired.”

“Hmm...” Vineet paused before speaking. “It's your decision but I suggest you ask for money from a bunch of people instead. Avoid loan.”

“And pay them little money each month? No thank you very much! Its better to take a loan than to beg from people I know.”

However Vineet suggested why taking money from people she knew was a better option since it involved no extra EMI to pay. Plus she could tell them when exactly she would pay them back.

“Let's say you took money from five people. So pay only the first person's money for the first three months, then pay the second person for the next three months. Make sure to tell them approximately when you'll pay so they avoid asking you.” He further explained.

“Not a bad idea honestly. But how am I going to find five people?” Pallavi retorted. She could only ask money from friends who had a good salary. Someone like Aradhana and Saumya. She could definitely not ask Adhvik. “It's embarrassing to ask. I don't think they would be willing to give me.”

“Atleast give it a try. You might be in for a surprise.”

“Fine then, let's start with you, Vineet. Are you willing to loan me money?” Pallavi said, her tone condescending.

“Sure, why not? I have a little saved in my account.”

“How much can you give?”

“Approx twenty five thousand.”

Pallavi's mouth gaped open. When he said he would be willing to give her, she was thinking around 5-10 thousand rupees. Twenty five was a lot. She swallowed. “Wow, I didn't expect that.”

The conversation went on a bit longer. Pallavi concluded that she would talk to her family about it, though she doubted they would change the decision. She was most likely to take the loan.

“Hey,” Vineet sighed. “Look, I've seen how loans take a toll. I've seen it happening to my family for years. Yours is not that much so think about it, okay.”

That was like the first and only time when Vineet revealed something personal.

* * *

Eventually Pallavi joined Pineyard Global on February 2023 after a week long holiday. Unlike her marketing team at Utopian, this team was huge with atleast twenty people. Saurav, her manager introduced her to the team consisting of company ambassadors from different countries. Infact, two of them were foreigners. It was like a whole new world. Would she survive here?

Of course it took time for her to settle down and understand her job. At first, she created social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram and others followed by graphics. Then she, along with her digital marketing team of three members started drafting a monthly wise planner of social media posts. As time passes, she would eventually branch out to advertising campaigns and analytics.

What was amazing was the workload which was quite less than her previous job. Infact, she was only required to work for eight hours as compared to nine in Utopian Adverts. Not to forget the expansive food joint on the ground floor right next to her office. Could this get any better?

The employees were nice and friendly. Pallavi tried her best to get along although it was taking time to open up to them. Then one day, another girl named Tanya joined the International department. She nearly looked like a foreigner with her half blonde hair and american accent. Pallavi later found out that she flew straight from London. What on earth was she doing here?

“Why does everyone keep asking me this?” Tanya sighed. “I keep going back and forth, you see. When I get tired of London, I come here and when I get tired of India, I go there.”

“Wow, must be fun.”

Pallavi and Tanya began to talk more and more, eventually discovering the things they had things in common. Their love for K- drama for starters. So far Tanya seemed like a sweet and kind-hearted person with amazing conversational skills. She was seated elsewhere but still they found time to spend time with each other. Most of all, Pallavi was glad to find a female friend in the office.

* * *

It was a sunny day when Pallavi walked on the side of the road,  away from her city. She was wearing a pink flowery designed dress that reached her ankles. This was accompanied by white shoes and sunglasses. She recalled how she couldn't stop admiring herself in the mirror when she wore it. It was the first time she wore such a short dress and it definitely made her look like a pretty girl.

A few minutes later, a dark grey Hyundai Verna car turned up next to her. The one driving it blew a horn but Pallavi paid no avail as she kept walking, wearing a cheeky smile.

Pallavi's mobile pinged as it received a new message. She removed her sunglasses, letting out a grunt as she read it. Finally, she stopped in her tracks. The driver lowered the car window while she flexed her back to look at him eye-to-eye.

“Geez, couldn't you wait another minute to finish the act?! I was just getting started.”

“Not when you're looking this hot, cutie.” Vineet replied, looking up from his car window. His lips curled up as he checked her out from head to toe. “Oh, you cut your hair. Nice.”

“Yup. New haircut, new job, new me.” She said, proudly flipping her hair before getting into the car, next to him. She got a nice view of Vineet in his black tee and light denim jeans. She touched his chin, feeling his facial hair and squealed. “Ohh, I was so waiting for you to shed your sadhu wala beard. You look much hotter now!”

“Hot enough to get into your pants?” Without wasting time, he squeezed her thigh. She held his hand in agreement.

“Without a doubt, babe.” She replied and they shared a peck on the lips. Their conversation continued as she asked where they were heading while Vineet jokingly tried to scare her with his answer. If you were wondering why he bought a car today, it was because they had planned to makeout in a car.

Pallavi and Vineet's relationship was casual in the perfect sense and honestly, she preferred it that way. Perhaps the outside world wouldn't get if she said she wasn't seeking for permanence right now. Atleast not for a while. And definitely not with this person. She was okay with the things as they were.

* * * *

Looking back, Pallavi's life turned out to be far from what she expected. She never expected to fall in love with someone, experience a strange manner of relationship only to see him married. She certainly didn't expect to hook up casually. Neither did she envision branching out from graphic designing to social media expert in her professional life. As per society's standards, she was still an unmarried, working woman of thirty years.

But then, when did life go as planned?

And even if things didn't go as expected, Pallavi didn't regret it. She didn't regret meeting Adhvik, regardless of their end. Neither did she regret the way her professional life panned out. Instead, she was grateful. She was grateful to experience something different and unique. Yes, there were nights when she cried herself to loneliness. Yes, she wanted to get married but she wasn't in a hurry. It was her life, her timeline. All things would happen in good time.

‘‘All in good time,” she said, smiling blissfully to herself.

* * * * * * * *


* * * * * * * * *

And that's it. I tried to cover other aspects of Pallavi's life in this chapter.

If you have reached here then thank you for reading this story. Through these few chapters, I wanted to show that just because she didn't get together with someone she loved, it isn't the end of her life. It doesn't mean she won't be happy, or she would only be happy with a new lover. She can be happy before that too. Life is much much more than a relationship. It's full of experiences, good and bad. And we are all here to live it.

What are your final thoughts on this story?

Tune into the next chapter for an author's note- details about story and short sequel.

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