The Chase. ( REVISING)(Urban)

By Jaee_101

4.1M 152K 41.6K

Zaria is young girl with big dreams. Beginning her senior year in high school, she has to balance graduation... More

Cast Call.
My Typical Morning
The Day Goes On.
The Day Goes On Pt.2
"Relationship Status" P.1
Meet up.
Relationship Status Pt.2
Relationship Status Pt.3
After The Fact .
After School Ends
Where Did You Come from? (Just Dewayne's Pov)
Friends Pt. I
Friends (Part II)
New Beginning
It's Over
It's Over (Part II)
The Name Game.
Run Away .
Run Away Pt.II
A Small Piece Of Rebellion
Z's Rebellion
Suspicious Behavior
Making It Official Pt.1
Strike One
I Got Chu
Reunited (Making It Official Pt2)
Mall and Chill (Dewayne's Pov)
A New Outlook
Click Out
The Invite
Crunch Time
What Happens now?
The Dilemma.
First Day on the Job
Ugly Truths.
A/N (Not an Update)
Business And Such.
Date Night Pt.I
Startin Somethin' (Date Night Part II)
Before I Release This New Update..
Old Ties, Chilling Reconnections
Old Ties, Chilling Reconnections (Part II)
Guess Who? (Pt I)
Guess Who (Part II)
Conclusion to the Beginning.
Conclusion to the Beginning Pt.II
A Slight Shift
Trying Again
Trying Again Pt. II
Let's Go
Old Memories Equals New Ideas
The Start of Big Things
Start of Big Things Pt.2
Catch up
Catch Up Pt.2
Game Day
I'm Glad You Came
Calculations Pt.2
Out My House!
I'm Right Here
The Day Off Pt. 1
A Simple Conversation
What Goes Around...On the Other Side
So About Tonight...
The Preparation
Something About The Night (Pt.1)
A/N & Face Reveal
Something About The Night (Pt.2)
Back to the Norm

Fairy Godmother.

57.7K 2K 230
By Jaee_101

Heather's Apartment in Media

I am introducing a new character named Heather Evans. She was mentioned in the previous chapter, and I remember reading and commenting to some comments into contact with the mysterious woman y'all all commented about and asked me about and I told you to stay tuned for my updates will there 3 updates coming this including two actual chapters.!I'm gon have them up by the end of this week and that's a fact.!

So some basic information on Ms. Heather Evans...

Heather was a classmate of Zaria's mother, Janice. Over their journey into adulthood, she became all to well of her friends questionable ways. Needless to say the older they got, the more they grew apart. Heather had dreamed of creating a fashion company for women while Janice became consumed with popularity and focused in materialistic things.

Heather went to go to college. She realized in order for her to level up and live for herself there was some people she'd have to cut off.

Her and Janice's bond broke significantly but once Janice had children, Heather wanted to look out for them, and try to be a positive influence. While Janice limited the formation of any bond between Heather and Mikeyla because of her favoritism, Heather had to have a bit more involvement in Zaria's life.  She would send the girls clothes, acting as a distant godmother.

While she didn't agree with some of they ways her friend parented, she didn't want to overstep boundaries. When Zaria's dad died suddenly, Heather and Janice fell out. Following that, Heather just stopped coming around physically. She still would keep in touch with Zaria, texting her and calling on occasion.

So, naturally when it was time for Zaria to make the decision to leave that house, she felt Ms. Evans was the only one she could turn to.

(There will be even more back information on Heather and Zaria will be revealed as the book continues ...that is if you decide to keep reading. )

DISCLAIMER: Depending on what state you live in the age for emancipation can vary. Since the story is based in Texas and I live here, I went by their age and requirements. If anyone is seeking that service for their own personal needs please be sure to do some research and get connected with people who can help you ❤️.

Now back to the book.

Zaria's Pov

I walked into her apartment and and my jaw hit the floor. It was so beautiful. Light wood hardwood floors lined the open space, and it beautifully contrasted with all of the chic, modern furniture. Picture windows let in loads of natural light, creating a warm, welcoming ambience in the room. Most places like this, I assumed would be cold and rigid because of all the clean lines. But this area felt warm and welcoming something I haven't felt in so long. The smell of warm vanilla filled the room, wrapping around me like a warm blanket. Why wouldn't my house be like this, I wondered. My house never felt warm, especially with my mom and sisters hateful spirit.

I truly wondered why my mother was so hateful towards me, when I don't do anything to warrant what she does to me. I used to learn in school that moms are supposed to love and care for their child. But like people say , just because you give birth doesn't mean you are meant to be a mother. Ms. Evans acted as a support system, and I knew when things got tough I could come to her because she has made sure I stayed on my path. She is my rock.

"Girl are you just going to stand there or are you going to take a seat, and tell me what's been going on with you ?!" Ms. Evans said exclaimed curling up on the couch.

The couch looked so nice...I wondered if I should sit  on it or the floor.

"Umm...I don't think ..what if I ...-" I began.

"Now don't even try that.  You know that you know you are like the daughter I have never had . Family is always welcome so, make yourself at home and tell me what happened." Ms. Evans said sweetly.

As I hesitantly took my seat and I took a really good look at her. She was very pretty. She had fiery eyes that came to life when she was joking and they blazed when someone tries her. Seeing someone like her working in my dream profession was definitely a confidence booster. Even with the media being saturated with socially acceptable body types, she was breaking the mold. Not to mention, she uses her brand that promotes black women. Her main office is actually here in downtown.

She was definitely like mentor, because she was very creative and always had a passion of expressing herself through art. Even with her being away on business, and not getting to see as much, she always checks on me, more than my own mother.

I looked up and she was staring at me expectantly. She sipped some of her tea, "Well whenever you're ready to start, I'm listening."

I then preceded to telling her everything. She was fuming by the end when I got to the part when almost choking me and my mother slapped me .

"I've already said she hit me. But I just associated it with discipline. But this time, it was different. I honestly never thought I'd have the courage to leave but I am fed up with her tormenting me. What kills me is that, I didn't do anything to her. Everyday I wake up and someone is fucking with me. Like is it something that I did, why can't people just leave me alone? I know I was trying to wait for graduation, but I couldn't take it anymore. I am never going back to her after that!" I said angrily feeling tears going down my face.

Why would the only blood relatives I have show so much hate towards me? It makes no damn sense.

"Firstly, you shouldn't even think it is your fault. Zaria you have forced to deal with so much at your your age. Since you made it to high school, you had responsibility placed on you, more than most people at your age. But with all the pressure and negativity, I must say you have handled his situation very well. You mama never liked the fact that you took away her attention unintentionally. She is shallow and controlling. Whenever something didn't go her way, she acted a fool. Me and her clashed because I wasn't about to allow her to dictate my life. Sad thing is, she is grooming Mikeyla to be just like her. But I'm just glad you are finally outta of that situation it definitely isn't a healthy place to be. I was surprised when I got a call from you. Especially seeing you here now with your bag. What are your plans from here?" Ms. Evans said pointedly, drinking her tea.

After taking everything she in into consideration and thinking about it a plan developed in my mind. Hopefully she can help me.

I cleared my throat,"Honestly I feel like I don't  want to go back there. " I started," In that place I was more than a slave rather than a member of the family. They were ashamed of me and I don't know still why. Daddy was the only one who really cared about me and treated me fairly. But when he died everything changed, my mom and sister became worse. "  I said getting a little choked up, " So my plan is to want to get a job, and finish school. I was wondering maybe if I could maybe stay with you a few months, just until I can save up and I can get my own place. I'm just trying to have a good place to prepare for college. I want to have a fair chance to get in, even if have to pay it myself."

I looked up trying to read her face and she looked deep and thought. I never really asked to stay with someone this long but I really needed help. I was prepared to exhaust all my options before I went back to that place. A dense silence filled the room, that made my nerves intensify. I begin to worry that my plan wasn't a good idea after all.

Just when I was about to say nevermind I saw that a spark in her eyes.

"And where do you plan to work? I think you need to start thinking about a career rather a job. You're graduating real soon. What does Zaria want to do? What are your dreams and goals? If you really have a passion for something start working towards that goal." She told me.

I let my mind ponder realizing I hadn't thought that far ahead.

"I see so much potential in you and I want to help you realize who you are. I know what it's like to be your shoes and feel like you don't have anyone. I have always felt you were like family to me because I have watched you grow. I want you to reach your full potential and not sell yourself short. So I'm going to ask again, What do you want to do?" She said , making a point.

"Well I really enjoy sketching it makes me feel free. So if it was possible I would want to be somewhere where I could create things. Perhaps one day get a loft downtown, I don't know it's a little far fetched, just a thought. " I concluded finally. It felt kinda weird to reveal one of my goals aloud. I couldn't solidify a career specifically but I didn't want to be boxed into to a traditional trade like a doctor or lawyer.

She looked really excited, and I raised a brow curious to know what she had been planning. "As you know I started my own fashion brand Ethic Elegance. And just like you, I enjoyed sketching. I turned that passion into a career path where I create a company for black women. While I am successful I am still trying to expand my company and establish myself worldwide. To do that I need a elite, talented team along side me to help my brand reach its full potential. How would you feel about being one of my assistants? That way you can get an experience with creating new designs and I must say pay is pretty good. Just say you'll think about it." She said hopefully.

Wow. She is like one of the best fashion designers I know and she wants me to come work with her! I was floored, her designs actually inspired some of my sketches.

Maybe I could really do this. But would a person like me at my age, be able to maintain having a a job like that?

"I believe you are perfect for the job. I remember when you were younger you were always sketching. They were always so cute and innovative. I haven't physically seen them. Do you any have new designs with you?" She asked.

Oh course I do. I keep all my sketches in sketchbook I got from art class. I nodded while, I reached in my bag and pulled out my sketches. I was really nervous because there was some sketches that no one else has seen besides be. They are different and abstract. But while there were portraits, landscapes and perspective drawings, some where actually sketches of some clothing that popped my head. They were cute but I knew I didn't have the confidence to wear them. I watched as she flipped threw my sketchbook carefully.

"These are really good! I could use someone like you on my team and since you aren't the only assistant, I can have to where you will be able to go to school and then come in for about 4-5 hours during the week for the rest of the school year and I have selective days when I would need you Saturday's as well. And as far as fashions shows, weeks , and other events, we'll have to adjust your schedule accordingly. I can just picture it now!!" She had the biggest smile ever .

I cannot believe she is serious. This assistant position sounded like a dream job. But lets be practical she operates from downtown. I would definitely need to live downtown or find avid transportation. It isn't possible! While downtown Houston is my favorite part of the city, it is so expensive.

"As good as that sounds I don't think I could do it. One, I'm not legally if age in fact me even being here makes me a runaway. Once my mom does realize I'm gone, she could press charges and you could get arrested. I really didn't think this through." I said panicking.

"Relax. Yes you are under 18 but you also have to remember that you can be emancipated. I'd just have to help you get an attorney, and I happen to know a few. And we can start the process." She said nonchalantly, before taking out her phone and texting away.

"Also the traffic is bad, especially coming from school. I wouldn't mind being here, so I can be closer to my job but the time and money I'd have to spend not only on a rent here but to get back and forth."

"Okay, I'll admit traffic can be bad. But honey we live in Houston, traffic is bad everywhere here! If you're friends can't take you to school, I can figure out a way to get you there." She said picking up her phone and typing. "Now onto the matter of where you'll live. Well I guess we'll just have to find you a place then?" She said and her smile got even wider.


"Whaaat?" I asked bewildered, "No offense but I can't look for an apartment with no money. Only time I'm down go out and look around with no money is for window shopping ." I said shrugging.

She gave the straightest face ever, if I wasn't so baffled I would have busted out laughing.

"Really Zaria? I swear sometimes I worry about you. Like I've said before, I see you as family. I don't have family and I haven't had children. Being established in this way, allows me to be in a position to give to others. I would be willing to do anything to help you get where you need to be. I know you are serious about getting stable. And I am 100% in your corner. Let's be clear, I am aware that we will have to take legal actions to be independent. And I am prepared to help you no matter what, it's the least I can do after all you've endured." Ms. Evans said sincerely.

I didn't know if I could handle all of the nice gestures she was presenting me with, it was blowing my mind. "I don't even know what to say." Was all I could get out.

"Don't stress it. But I know that one of ways to get granted emancipation is that we make sure you are financially stable. So with that being said, I can help you get a place and a job. I have another loft that I moved out of when I got this place. If I showed you the place and you liked it, you could live there. While it's been about while since I even step foot in that building, And I'm still on good terms with management. I could make a few calls and get it all set up for tomorrow morning. Not to mention it's less than 25 minutes away from the office. " She said with a big smile.

Damn she is good at this. Ironicially instead of me , who is basically homeless should be begging her for help, she's basically begging me to allow her to pay for everything.

"I really I hope that you know that is a lot Ms. Evans-" I began.

"Yes I do. Please, let me help you." She cut in automatically.

Although I have known her forever .. it never ceases to amaze me how she has always been so nice to me and kept me focused. She really was going above and beyond for me right now and didn't even complain. While I knew this would help out tremendously, I wondered how I will ever pay her back.

"I don't know how I will ever pay you back or why you are doing so much for me but I will do my best to be a good assistant. Thank you so much !" I said breaking out into a sob.

I felt her pull me into a warm, loving hug. She rubbed my back softly as a cried on her shoulder.
"You're more than welcome, you deserve it ."

I can definitely feel a change ... hopefully it is positive .


Okay thank you very much for reading. Sorry this chapter isn't full of humor . I hope it wasn't to boring . But feel free to continue reading . It will get better, please feel free to show love by commenting and voting. love you guys .

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