Young Justice: The Lightning...

By young-warrior120

39.9K 835 159

(Season 1) ✅After Black Canary and Green Arrow discover a boy with no memory of his life, Canary takes the bo... More

Independence Day
Welcome To Happy Harbor
Drop Zone
Showdown With A God
Family Matters
Movie Night
The Last Prophecy
Usual Suspects
Auld Acquaintance
Announcement (im really getting tired of this)
Season 2 BIO
Happy New Year
Vote (not a chapter)
Stage Three
Before The Dawn
The Truth
Story Of Ragnorak
Death Of A God
The Summit
Season 3 BIO
A Luxury
The New Lightning Rod
Two Years Later
The New Prophecy
The Future
A Fate Far Worse Than Death
It's In The Past
The Tragedy Of Patrick Lance
Earth 68
The Day
A Few Minutes Left
He's Back
Season 4 bio
Starting Over
The Party
The Wedding Of The Century
The Titan War
Mother And Son
True Lesson
Final author message


779 22 2
By young-warrior120


Mount Justice

Kaldur and Wally were playing air hockey on the holographic computer surrounded by the others. Wally just scored and it was game over for Aqualad.

Zeta tube: recognized, Superboy, B-04.

Superboy walked out of the tube with clear anger displayed on his face. Miss Martian Smiled.

Miss Martian: Hi Superboy, how was Metropolis?

SuperBoy just stormed past them without a word.

Black Canary: (throat clear) Ready for training everyone?

The five turned around spotting Black Canary walking into the room with Martian Manhunter.

Miss Martian: Black Canary! Uncle J'onn!

The Martian walked up to greet her uncle with a tight hug.

Martian manhunter: M'gann, I was in the neighborhood, so I thought I'd see how you were adjusting.

Miss Martian: a few bumps, but I'm learning

Superboy began to walk away but was stopped by Black Canary.

Black Canary: stick around, class is in session.

He bitterly stopped and stayed as Canary walked to the middle of the giant circle. It began to glow blue below her feet.

Black Canary: I consider it an honor to be your teacher. I'll throw a lot at you. Just ask Patrick.

Patrick: She's not lying.

She took off her jacket, leaving her in a topless corset. But to Patrick's worry she had a bandage on her arm. She winced slightly in pain.

Patrick: What happened?

Black Canary: the job. Now combat is about controlling conflict. Putting the fight on your terms. You should always be acting and never reacting. I'll need a sparring partner.

Kid Flash: Right here! Yeah!

Kid strode to the middle of the circle and threw his banana peel in the trash.

Kid Flash: after this... I'll show you my moves

Patrick: oh, he is soo dead

Canary smirked and threw a punch, one that Kid blocked but she followed it up with a leg sweep knocking him to the ground this shocked everyone besides Patrick and Robin who both just slightly chuckled.

Kid Flash: ohh. Hurts so good...

Black Canary: (she offered Kid a hand to stand up) great block, but did anyone see what he did wrong?

Robin: oh! He hit on teacher and got served

Kid Flash: Dude!

Black Canary: he allowed me to dictate the terms of--

Superboy: (annoyed) oh, please. With my powers the battle's always on my terms. I'm a living weapon. And this is a waste of my time.

Black Canary: Prove it.

The two stared each other down for a moment before getting into fighting stances. Superboy threw the first punch, but Black Canary grabbed his arm and threw him across the arena. Robin let out a giggle only to be elbowed by Aqualad. Superboy got up and growled angrily.

Black Canary: you're angry, good, don't react, channel that anger-

Superboy roared and charged the Leaguer who did a backflip over him. When she landed, she leg swept Superboy off his feet causing him to grunt. He began to get up angerly.

Superboy: (angered) that's It. I'm done.

Black Canary:(she put a hand on his shoulder) training is mandatory.

Superboy shook her hand off when a giant screen opened, and Batman was staring down at the team.

Batman: Batman to the cave. Five hours ago, a new menace attacked Green Arrow and Black Canary. (a new screen to his top left showing a robot with red eyes and elf ears) the attacker was capable of studying, then duplicating the powers and abilities of its opponents. (It then showed Superman and Red Tornado attempt to fight it only to be knocked back) Arrow called in reinforcements which nearly proved disastrous as the our foe gained more and more power with each new combatant.

Lightning Rod: one guy with the powers of the whole League?

Batman: in the end, it took eight leaguers four hours to defeat and dismantle the android.

Robin: An android? W-who made it, T.O. Morrow?

Batman: Good guess Robin. But Red Tornado doesn't think so

Martian Manhunter: the technology bears the signature of Professor Ivo.

Aqualad: Ivo? But Ivo's dead.

Black Canary: so we all thought or hoped.

Batman: to make certain this threat is permanently neutralized. We're sending two trucks carrying the android's parts to two separate STAR lab facilities in Boston and New York for immediate evaluation. Every precaution is being taken. We'll have four additional decoy trucks to create confusion in case Ivo or anyone tries to recover the remains. You will split into two undercover teams. One is led by Aqualad, the other by Lightning Rod. They will safeguard the two real trucks

Kid Flash: yes! Road trip!

Superboy: so now we take out your trash.

Batman: you had something better to do?

A beep sound came from Aqualad's device.

Aqualad: coordinates received. On our way.

The Team went to the hanger Superboy slowly following but was stopped by Canary.

Black canary: when you're ready, I'll be here.

He slightly nodded and followed the other to the hanger.


The Justice League were guarding six trucks that were being loaded with the android's parts. Superman investigated the trees with his X-Ray vision and spotted the Sidekicks on motorbikes and biker jackets. Their helmets covering their faces. He looked at Superboy who looked back and walked the trucks engines revved.

Solider: STAR Boston is a go.

Green Arrow: STAR Manhattan is a go

Batman signaled the others, and the trucks began to drive in groups of three. One group went left followed by Kid Flash, Aqualad and Miss Martian. He other went right followed by Lightning Rod, Superboy and Robin.

A few minutes down the road with Lightning Rod's group two of the cars took an exit off the highway while the real one, followed by the three, went straight. Robin pulled up next to Superboy and Lightning Rod.

Robin: if dislike is the opposite of like, is Disaster the opposite of Aster?

Lightning Rod: dude, please stop confusing me.

Robin: see instead of things going wrong they go right.

Superboy just looked down clearly upset, concerning Robin and Lightning Rod.

Robin: Clearly, you're not feeling the aster.

Lightning Rod: what's wrong?

Superboy: Canary. I mean what business does she have teaching me combat skills to a guy with super strength.

Robin: Taking down stronger guys is part of the gig. Patrick learned that the hard way.

Lightning Rod: yup, I was just like you when I first started training with her then I faced my first real bad guy and well I realized I need combat training. Give her a chance. Trust me.

He just growled and speeded up.

Lightning Rod: was it something I said?

Robin: don't worry. He'll cool off. This quiet mission will clear his head.

Lightning Rod nodded but noticed behind Robin the corn started to shake.

Lightning Rod: what's tha--

His sentence was cut short by a bunch of flying green robotic, monkeys? They were all cackling and flew on the truck, beginning to dismantle it slowly.

Aqualad: (over comms) Rod! Our shipment's under attack!

Robin: no kidding.

Superboy: I hate monkeys.

Robin: robo monkeys! Ha Ha. Totally Ivo's tweak style.

Robin pushed a button on the screen of his bike. The back split off completely and turned into a drone that attacked the monkeys. Lightning Rod did the same. Superboy just back up slightly.

Robin: SB Switch your ride to battle mode!

Superboy: no point.

With one battle cry he jumped on the top of the truck and began battling the mini robots. It Lightning Rod groaned and joined him on top. The two drones shot the robots until the Robots shot back taking them out with ease. Lightning Rod was too busy he didn't even notice Superboy getting flown off by the monkeys. He saw the Robots going for the tires. He blasted one with lightning before they rendered the tires useless. The truck went tumbling off the road. Patrick went flying with it, he was quickly launched into the deep corn fields. He didn't stop rolling for a few minutes and by the time he did everything went black.

Patrick opened his eyes surrounded by darkness. He rubbed his eyes a few times trying to recall what happened. He looked concluding that he was dead when a voice called out. It was shallow and calming, but very mysterious.

Unknown: find the bolt.

Patrick: (shell shocked) hello?

Unknown: I have no time. You must find me, find out where the metal comes from, and you'll find answers. But then you must find the bolt. That must become your priority. 

Patrick: who are you?! What bolt!?

Unknown: times run out, good luck Ale--

The mysterious voice was cut off by Patrick jolting awake in the corn field, very much alive and a very shocked Robin next to him.

Robin: dude, are you ok?

Patrick: I-I'm fine. Where's the parts.

Robin: the drones are taking them to Gotham. Superboy ditched his comm and Kid is running to meet us there.

Lightning Rod: o-ok let's move.

Robin: are you sure you're, ok?

Lightning Rod: I'm fine. Let's find Superboy


Robin and Lightning were on their separate motorcycles driving through Gotham. Lightning Rod looked back and saw Kid Flash Running up next to them.

Robin: You changed too?

Kid Flash: are you kidding? Fell naked in civies? You still tracking the parts?

Robin: yeah, they were heading through Gotham, but they veered. Wait, dudes, they're at my school!


The three teens arrived to the school gym to see Superboy knocked on the ground and about to be pummeled by the newly restored Android. Amazo.

Lightning Rod: Kid!

Kid Flash: on it!

Kid Flash: (he used his super-speed to Grab Superboy and move him out of the way.) yoink!

Lightning Rod shot a lightning bolt at the android

Amazo: Martian Manhunter

The lightning was rendered useless by Amzao using the Martian's ability to phase.

Amazo: Access, Red Tornado.

A tornado formed around the robot's feet sending him towards the four. The tornado spun them around and scattered them across the gym.

Amazo: (it aimed its hand at Kid Flash) Access, Captain Atom.

It shot a lazar at the speedster who thankfully dodged. And went behind to flank.

Amazo: access Black Canary.

It let out a fierce supersonic cry that that sent Kid Flying.

Amazo: Superman.

Lightning Rod went for a punch, but it was caught by Amazo, who punch him away.

Robin threw multiple shrinks at the machine

Amazo: Martian Manhunter

Amazo struck the skinks midair with elongated arms. He then tried to attack Robin with said arms. Thankfully he dodged it just in time.

Lightning Rod attempted to run and hit it with another punch but was caught and pulled into a bear hug.

Amazo: (he began to crush Lightning Rod tightly) Superman

Lightning Rod roared in pain, as he did, he heard something go flying towards him.

Amazo:  Martian Manhunter.

Amzao phased, dropping Patrick right as an arrow flewright through Amzao landing Right next to Robin. Lightning Rod took his chance and ran way back.

Superboy charged the machine.

Amazo: access Black Canary.

Before Superboy could strike the blow Amazo grabbed his arm and threw him over his shoulder into the Seats with the same move Canary used on him in training.

Robin threw two shrinks at it while Lightning Rod shot more thunder at him, both of which had no effect. Amazo turned around unfazed.

Amazo: Superman

Kid thankfully arrived in time to push them both out of the way of the heat vision.

Meanwhile Superboy got up from the ruble.

Ivo: "yawn" normal Amazo would study and mimic your abilities but what's the point. You're all such poor copies of the originals. The monkeys guarding him began to laugh. Superboy smirked

Superboy: so, everyone keeps saying. (rageful) It makes me angry!

He suddenly leaped to the other side of the bleachers where Ivo was sitting and almost landed right on top of him. Ivo yelped and scurried out of the way before he landed

Superboy: Wanna see me channel that anger!?

Kid Flash and the other were staring at the events.

Kid Flash: great he's gone berserk again.

Robin: maybe not.

Lightning Rod: oh, I get it.

Ivo: (panicked) Amazo, protect your master, priority alpha.

He narrowly dodged another ground slam from the clone.

Amazo: Captain Atom.

He blasted Superboy with a beam.

Robin: (he ran behind Ivo) anyone want to play keep away?

He kicked Ivo across the room from where he was.

Lightning Rod: oh yeah, love that game!

Lightning Rod blasts a thunder bolt at Ivo who dogded.

Amazo: access, Black Canary.

Amazo let out a supersonic scream at the boy knocking him backwards into a wall.

Kid Flash: (super speeding at Ivo) oh, oh I want to play!

Amazo: access, Superman.

The machine slammed the ground with its foot sending a shock wave that launched Kid in the air. Robin threw two shrinks at it.

Amazo: Martian Manhunter

The android phased so the shrinks flew right through it. Superboy punched it, his fist phased right through its body.

Amazo: Superman.

It came out of the phase and its head exploded almost immediately. The now headless android hit the ground roughly. Robin bolted towards it.

Robin: help me disassemble him, now!

Kid Flash: dude, the guy has no head.

The door smashed open. Aqualad and Miss Martian ran inside.

Aqualad: don't take any chances.

Miss Martian held Superboy up.

Miss Martian: Superboy! Are you ok?

Superboy: (smiling) I'm fine, feeling the aster. (He looked of at Robin smiling, Robin nodded and smiled back)

Lightning Rod: has anyone seen Ivo?

Mount Justice

Aqualad was giving the briefing to Canary, Manhunter, Red Tornado, and Batman.

Aqualad: the Amazo Android is in pieces again, safely being analyzed at the two separate STAR labs. But Ivo escaped, and since he created the android, he's arguably more dangerous than it.

Black Canary: capturing Ivo will be a league priority.

Martian Manhunter: but we under stand your mission had other complications.

Batman approached the team.

Batman: complications come with the job. Your ability to handle them impressed the league.

Superboy: the whole league?

Batman: (he turned to face the boy) given time yes. Kryptonians as you know have very hard heads. For course there is no chance in asking for help. That's why it exists. Because there are some problems even the league can't fix individually.

Robin: Please! Even if we wanted help we'd never get the chance to ask! (He pulled out the arrow from earlier) Look familiar? You were following us. Babysitting!

Lightning Rod: uh dude that's not his arrow.

Robin: oh. So that means...

Kid Flash: Speedy!

Aqualad: he has our backs

Lightning Rod wanted to speak up about the very big problem with that theory but decided against it as Kid grabbed the arrow.


Kid Flash souvenir!

The end

(This was a quick on to make so ima take a small break. Thanks for reading.

Please Vote comment some hopeful stuff and enjoy your day. See ya next time.

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