Blinding Flashes( Valorant X...

By buckjones123

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A burning desire. An uncontrollable power. It all collides into something great, a piercing light. When you f... More

Character Info
It all Began With A Spark: Chapter 1
It Started The Flame: Chapter 2
Flammable Gas: Chapter 3
Sparked Courage: Chapter 4
Sacrificing Everything I Knew: Chapter 5
You Have The Spark We Need: Chapter 6
Agents Of Valorant: Chapter 7 Arc 2
A Sage's Advice: Chapter 8 Arc 2
The Plan/ I'm Fire, Your Brimstone... Let's go: Chapter 9
Split Powers: Chapter 10 Arc 2
What Do You See Before It's Over?: Chapter 11 Arc 2
A Recruit's Dream: Chapter 12 Arc 2
Room Tour: Chapter 13 Arc 2 Finale
Meeting The Others: Chapter 14 Arc 3
Teamplay: Chapter 15 Arc 3
The Phoenix Vs. Rolling Thunder: Chapter 16
Recovery, Wind Girl: Chapter 17 Arc 3
Snake's Training: Chapter 18 Arc 3
Shower Showdown(Lemon): 200 Follower Special
Chapter 19: Mission Details Arc 3
Moving Towards The Future: Chapter 20 Arc 3
What Does It Mean?!: Chapter 21 Arc 3
Flame In The Dark: Chapter 22 Arc 3
Phoenix Vs. Roni Dorian: Chapter 23
Phoenix & Sova Vs. Roni Dorian: Chapter 24 Arc 3
Heal Please!: Chapter 25 Arc 3
Winds of Victory: Chapter 26 Arc 3
What Does it Mean to be Patient?: Chapter 27 Arc 3
You Aren't Part of it!: Chapter 29 Arc 3
Dinner Date: Chapter 30 Arc 3
Cold Nights: Chapter 31 Arc 3
What Does it Mean?!: Chapter 32 Arc 3
Agent 8: Chapter 33 Arc 3
Feelings Unearthed: Chapter 34 Saga Finale!
Fan The Flames: Chapter 35 Saga 2 Beginning
Hard Work, Paid Off: Chapter 36 Saga 2
First Meeting, Real Friends: Chapter 37 Saga 2
A Certain Pinoy, Viper and Company: Chapter 38 Saga 2
The Squad!: Chapter 39 Saga 2
Inside the Facility: Chapter 41 Saga 2
Frosty Visions: Chapter 42 Saga 2
Phoenix And Jett Vs. Frost: Chapter 43 Saga 2
The Gang's all Here!: Chapter 44 Saga 2
Brilliant Radiance(18+): Chapter 45 Saga 2
Small Conversation: Chapter 46 Saga 2
It has Been Done... It is Ready: Chapter 47 Saga 2
The Healer's Words, An Omega Revelation: Chapter 48 Saga 2
He is...Gone?: Chapter 49 Saga 2
Return to HQ, Please Don't Hurt me Viper!: Chapter 50 Saga 2
Is it Wrong to Talk about Sex with Her? Chapter 51 Saga 2
A Quick Thought, Looks Like we need Valorant: Chapter 52 Saga 2
Move, Move!, Phoenix and Phoenix...: Chapter 53 Saga 2

Airplanes in the Night Sky like shooting stars!: Chapter 40 Saga 2

1K 37 6
By buckjones123

Narrator POV

A Day Later

Brimstone watched as all the agents started to board the VLT/R as they all brought weapons of all sorts. Viper was sorting through her poisons as Sage and Skye both boarded the aircraft.

Brimstone: Are we ready to depart?!

Sova: Everything is prepared and ready to leave sir!

Viper: Brimstone.

Viper walked over to Brimstone as KAY/O was carrying Raze and Killjoy in the aircraft.

Brimstone: Yes?

Viper: I think I should stay behind as well.

Brimstone: For what purpose?

Viper: You made a good point, we do not have all the information on them, so it's hard to know what will happen. It will be better to have another experienced person here so that nothing will go wrong.

Brimstone looked at her intently as she showed no emotion. Then, Brimstone was sent into a fit of hearty laughter as he moved closer to the VLT/R.

Brimstone: You worry about both of them, don't you?

Viper didn't respond, only sighed as she knew where this was going.

Viper: Of course, I do, I care... Most of the people on this team.

Brimstone: But not this much, eh Sabine?

Viper: It's different I think. I worry about what will happen when this goes wrong, if it does anyway.

Brimstone: Never thought you could worry about people before, not this much anyway.

Viper: Keep talking about It and I won't anymore.

Brimstone: What I mean is... It was different years ago, wasn't it? We never had to think about things like that, only the absolute necessities. When we started this, I never thought we'd have such a color group of characters... But here we are.

Viper: I guess there are merits to it... Although calling them just "colorful" seems like a disservice.

Viper looked back at Raze as she put a kick me sign on KAY/O as he was trying to remove it from his back. She then looked towards Reyna as she was sitting peacefully near Skye as it seemed like Skye was telling her something as she laughed it off.

Viper noticed that Reyna noticed this as they stared back at each other, for that single moment, there was something inside of Viper... She couldn't put her tongue on it. She shook the feeling away as Reyna looked away.

Viper: Then there are others...

Brimstone: I know what you are saying, but they are just as important as using them for... I wouldn't have it any other way.

Viper: I guess...No, maybe you have a point. But... I wish I could change so much sometimes.

Brimstone: You got let that stuff from the past go, Sabine. What have those things from all that time ago stuck with you all this time?

Viper: You.

Brimstone: What else?

Viper: These feelings.

Brimstone: Good, remember them, but do not let them harbor and manifest into something else. You know better than all of us that destruction is only one thing... A horrible end.

Viper: I... Know. I need to look at what I can change, not anything else..

Brimstone: Good, let's get going.

Viper looked to Brimstone who was already walking into the VLT/R as she looked back to the aircraft bay outside of the base. Viper looked to her phone as she got a message from a person named: Y/N<3

Y/N: Good luck! Show them your bite!

She smiled to herself as she boarded the VLT/R, and sat down as the aircraft took off into the night sky.

She was ready to see the future, at least a little.


Within the space of the headquarters, Y/N laid on a couch that was sitting within what the agents called the common living room. It was a decently sized room with a large soft couch that could hold at least 10 or so people in it. In front there was a large T.V that sat atop a desk that held DVD's and other such discs of games and movie boxes.

Y/N swiped in front of him as the T.V moved to the next channel every time he did so. He was sitting there bored, since he had finished his training for that day and he was left with some time to relax.

He was tasked with the duty of watching the security cams every now and then for something showing up in the air around the base. In the day there was absolutely nothing as he looked back to his phone which showed the VLT/R taking off into the sky.

Y/N: Guess they are gone... What do I do now?

He saw he got a text from a contact named: Sabine. He laughed at the photo he made as her contact, it was a picture of her cracking her back, but she was screaming in pain from the movement at the same time, making her look like she was screaming at the same time.

Sabine: Thank you, I'll make sure that you can get more missions in the future. Show them what you are made of.

He laughed at her seriousness, almost like he could hear her say the same thing. He looked up as he heard some movement from an entrance through the door from the south.

Jett: There you are!

He knew it was Jett as she came flying over the couch as she slammed into the couch as he went up a little bit and came soaring down onto the floor. He grabbed his phone as he sneered at her.

Y/N: I was relaxing!

Jett: And I am bored, I think we can make something work here.

Y/N: You finished analyzing everything on the sea?

Jett: Pshh, Yeah... Well, sort of. I mean I did it for like the last 3 hours, and I needed a break. You understand.

Y/N: It's our job, Jett. But I assume that's the same for all the other nights when someone else is watching the post.

Jett: You get it! We should do something!

Y/N: Like what?

Jett: I have an idea, I noticed you like to spray paint.

Y/N: No way...

Jett: Follow me.

Y/N got up quickly as he ran towards Jett as they both went towards the entrance to the headquarters. Leaving the front entrance, Y/N could now see the dense jungle that surrounded the entire island itself, with the volcano that surrounded their base in full view.

Jett: There's a spot I've been working on.

Jett turned to the left as she and Y/N went to the west side of the volcano. Y/N then began to notice that within the jungle itself, there were signs of buildings and other such facilities that looked newer than he would have thought.

Jett then stopped as you noticed a spot that lingered in between the base and the outside, almost like an alleyway that stood between the two. There he saw the art.

It was a spectacle of all sorts of things, arts of all kinds with so many kinds of emotions and ideas that stood up on the walls that surrounded the place. He saw even items left within the space.

Jett: Welcome, we call it the home away from home: 우리의 천국.

Y/N: Our heaven?

Jett: You speak Korean?

Y/N: I know bits, I had to take a lot of languages when I was in college. But I didn't really get to finish any of them. But this is awesome! You gotta let me do something.

Jett: Why the hell did I take you here then! Go ahead, take some inspiration.

Y/N: Yes!

Jett pointed to the cans of spray paint and other accessories like paints and brushes that any artist could use. He grabbed a few cans as he looked around, as he noticed some familiar things. Things like explosions and bright colors already showed an array of emotions.

What really impressed him was that he saw some spray painted names of Agent call signs, like Raze, Yoru, Jett and even Reyna, however some of them like what assumed Yoru's was in a different language.

This sparked Y/N's creativity as he took a few colors of orange and white as he began to spray around. His hands flowed freely as Jett blasted some of her own music as he was getting into a groove.

What caught Jett most of all was his work, as much as it was fun to watch the man move his body and watching his expression as he worked on his work.

Jett saw people's expressions, something she noticed out of most things from people she knew. She loved to smile, it made her feel like regardless of what was happening, there was nothing to worry about. It became so much about her, that she had to be in a good mood in order to use her power, which she usually was.

Y/N was the same to her, she noticed a lot how awkward he could be, but she saw through that quick enough. She sensed an inner wild child inside of him, something that she knew well. So when she saw him smile and laugh with her for the first time... It made her heart alight.

She saw him as her good friend, despite them knowing each other for such a short time, but more importantly, she saw him as a partner. A person she once wanted to long ago, but she saw within him. She cherished the moments they had, even if they weren't very long.

She knew it was something more... But she feared something more than her lack of words for love. She saw him with Viper, a real woman... Someone that she never thought could have her heart done away with... Even in that moment, she knew Y/N was special, a special man who could steal away even the coldest woman's heart.

Y/N: Done!

She snapped out of her trance as she looked upon the wall. She saw the name "Phoenix" going down the wall four times. It had a very detailed flame going through the words as it was interrupted. She liked how the simple colors almost contrasted the words she saw. There was an elegance to it, but more importantly, she felt like she could do nothing but stare.

Jett: Nice shit, Phoenix! Looks a little bland next to mine, but it works.

Y/N: You wish, mine has a certain style to it. Like a star!

Jett: Mhmm, and what about the rest of them? Any thoughts?

Y/N: They're pretty good, I love how everyone can be so expressive, it's easy to read the room that way.

Jett: Exactly! Me and you have a lot more in common.

Y/N: Sounds like you like copying my style.

Jett: Yeah right! Anyway, you finally have a place among us...

Y/N: Don't, I know you too well.

Jett: No fun. So what now?

Y/N: You're asking me?

Jett: I showed you something now... We gotta find something else to do while we wait for them to come back and say they won.

Y/N: Man... Do you play anything?

Jett: Do I play anything? Man you gotta be specific.

Y/N: It was supposed to be an all encompassing question. Games, Instruments... I don't know with you?

Jett: You going straight to those!? You're more hardcore than I thought, I like it.

Y/N: Well?

Jett: I know electric guitar pretty well, but without Raze or Killjoy, we are missing our drums and keyboard. You?

Y/N: Vocals, I like to rap and stuff

Jett: Still missing the two others... We got a few games in the living room, but it's things like Mario Kart and all the other ones.

Y/N: Y'all got Mario Kart?!

Jett: Yeah... You wanna go?

Y/N: You know it! I am a god at Mario Kart!

Jett: Really? Did Raze never mention the fact that I never lost to any of the other agents, cause it's true.

Y/N: Never played me.

Jett: You wanna go pretty boy!?

Y/N: Of course!

Y/N heard his stomach grumble as Jett noticed as well.

Y/N: Hunger strikes.

Jett: We got oatmeal and crackers, they forgot to stock the fridge.

Y/N: Nah this calls for something so legendary that it will knock your socks off. You guys got a Taco Bell nearby?

Jett: Man I wish, I haven't had it in like forever!

Y/N: Don't we have an extra VLT/R in the bay?

Jett looked away for a moment as she looked back at Y/N as they both laughed to each other and ran to the bay.

1 Hour Later.

The T.V blasted sounds of the Dolphin Shoals as the music was blaring loud and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe was being played on the large T.V. Jett was holding her breath as the final lap was in her sight. She quickly looked back to see Y/N comfortably in 9th place as he grabbed a double item box, as she was blazing in 1st place.

Jett: Never lose my ass, you suck.

Y/N: Just watch and learn Jett. I call it the Phoenix special.

Jett saw how Y/N had both a golden mushroom and a Superstar in his inventory. She noticed how he then sat up on the couch as she knew he was starting to try.

In an instant his speed picked up as he blasted past into 3rd place, without the use of his items. She noticed how skilled he was with the drifting as she knew it was going to get tough. She got an item box and got a banana peel as she held it behind her to make sure nothing got through it.

She saw how on the map, Y/N ( Who was playing Luigi) was already right behind her as he used his Superstar. She was getting worried as they were neck and neck, but the finish line was right there.

Jett: Doesn't matter, I win!

Y/N: Really, I think that blue shell has something to say about that!

She watched the blue shell fly over her head and slammed into her kart. Just before she could get to the finish line, she saw Y/N blaze right past her, as he still had the golden mushroom as he used it fly right past her and he won in first place.

She was still waiting to cross the line as she looked to her place: 9th. She almost spiked the controller as she realized that they were Raze's and held it steady. She heard Y/N laughing his ass off, as she then directed her anger towards her real target.

Y/N: You. Suck.

Jett: No way you did all that shit!

Y/N: Told ya, it's called item smuggling.

Jett: You were just trying to stunt on me?!

Y/N: Yeah...

He grabbed a taco from a party pack he bought as he bit into half of it and was trying to contain his laughter. Jett smiled as she snatched the other half of the taco and ate it quickly. Y/N was confused as he looked at her with a sneer.

Y/N: Ah, so you want to go over some game?

Jett: Try me!

Y/N smiled as he laughed and as Jett was already off the couch Y/N took his jacket off and threw it to the side. Jett was already reaching for another as Y/N grabbed it quicker and held it in his hand.

Y/N: Quieres?

Jett jumped into him as they both went tumbling back and the taco fell to the floor. Y/N and Jett were now both wrestling on the floor as they were knocking over things. All the rest of the food went on the floor as Y/N put her in a headlock.

Y/N: He's going for the win.

Jett: Yeah right!

Jett got out quickly as she grabbed the back of his arm as she began to twist hard. He screamed in pain as quickly lit his hand on fire so she had to let go. He jumped to her legs as she slammed back into the floor.

Punches and kicks went out quickly as Jett slammed into the couch knocking it over as Y/N leaped onto her. Jett kicked up into the air as he landed on the floor. Jett then landed on him as she was trying to punch his face.

She kept punching as the anger they once had was turning into laughter. Y/N was laughing his ass off as Jett was still angry at him punching him in the stomach and face.

Jett: What's so funny!?

Y/N: Why the hell were we fighting? I actually can't remember.

Jett stopped the punching as she was trying to use the rest of her brain to think of why they were fighting. She looked to the table, all over the place and the tacos still on the floor.

Jett: Tacos... Yeah.

Y/N:What the hell!?

He was laughing as hard as he could as it was like a howl. Jett took a moment to think about the situation as she started to do the same thing. She was laughing so hard her chest and head hurt from it. She got off of Y/N as she was on her knees laughing.

Jett: Man, we are so stupid!

Y/N: I know right!

Both of them were on the floor laughing with each other. Y/N was trying not to cry from the laughter but it just fell as Jett had the same problem, in that moment, there was only the sound of their laughter.

Y/N: Man, that was the most fun I've had in a long time.

Jett: Same... Too bad the tacos are... Fucked.

Y/N: Eh, we can get more later.

Jett looked to Y/N as he was still wiping the tears from his face. At that moment, Jett felt it again, this bond they shared. But it grew, in that moment her heart beat out of control. She looked at him as her face grew in a deep blush.

This uncontrollable feeling was so new to her, she didn't know what to do with it. Her mind was already messed up from the fight that the next thing was already decided in her head.

Y/N saw how Jett moved closer as she was now so much closer to each other. He saw her pillowy lips and the red in her face, his brain was in overdrive, but he himself, knew also what was coming next.

They spoke not a single word as both of them stood up and stared at each other. Y/N brushed himself, almost like it was an unconscious decision that he made everyday. Jett got closer as they began to embrace.

It was gentle at first, almost as if both of them didn't know how to hug, a slow gentle embrace, as Jett was pushing her head into his chest because of her height disadvantage on the tall man.

A minute passed as Y/N put his head over her's almost like they were trying to cuddle standing up. Y/N could feel her rushing heartbeat, it was like a jackhammer in her chest as he was trying to almost calm her down.

Jett: I... I'm not sure what to say.

Y/N: What's there to say?

Jett: I think... I think I've never met someone like you.

Y/N: Same here, I think. You remind me of someone, someone I used to know a long time ago, she had white hair like you, and she liked to have fun like you...

Jett felt a little insecure from that, she wasn't sure why, but in the back of her mind she heard a little voice go" You are not her".

Y/N: But she wasn't you.

She felt the ease of his words wash over her as she took in a deep breath, just to adjust herself.

Y/N: She didn't have your charm... She was always worried about something... But you find yourself always living on this wild side, like everyday could be your last. I love that about you.

Jett: What else?

Y/N: Your drive, the way your hair moves with the wind. Your beautiful accent.

Jett:.. What about Viper?

Y/N: I'm not sure... I don't know what to do with these feelings.

Jett: I get it... Then maybe... we should just test the waters.

Y/N and Jett got real close, they could both feel their breaths on each other's faces. Jett closed her eyes as they both pushed each other onto the other, as they began to kiss.

It was a gentle kiss, as slow and as soft of the ones in all the movies. They danced across each other's faces in a sea of emotions and wonder. Jett couldn't help but notice how much she had to stand to kiss him this much, as he was also leaning down to help her get close.

It lasted only about a minute as they both departed and stared at each other for a second. Y/N looked away as his mind was trying to piece together his next plan. The thoughts of Viper filled his head as his vivid memories of Jett washed into the bountiful feelings.

Y/N: I-I, I think... I'm not...

Jett: It's ok... It was just a taste, I'm not trying to keep you away from anyone. I just couldn't let go of these feelings.

Y/N: No, I get it... I'm too handsome.

Jett: Shut the hell up... We can talk about this later, we should probably just get to bed right now.

Y/N: I'll stay up for a bit, want to make sure everything is ok for now.

Jett: Cool, Cool... Catch you later then, right Phoenix?

Y/N: Y/N, that's my name, so if you want to call me that you could.

Jett: Y/N, really? That's so lame.

Y/N: Oh yeah? What about you?

Jett: Han Sunwoo, not too bad huh?

Y/N: Damn, that's a mouthful.

Jett: Shut up!

Y/N: So, Han I suppose?

Jett: Whatever you want ,Y/N!

He laughed as he left the living room, knowing that it was still in an absolute mess. Jett knew the same as they both thought the same thing.

Y/N & Han: He/She will probably just pick it up later.

Next time! Chapter 41: Inside the Facility

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