Love you, Hate you

By 557damon

19.5K 1.5K 802

Once he was in love... His love was selfless, endless, extreme and had no boundaries and so is his hate.... e... More

Spilled Coffee
Locked inside
Stolen moment
Drunk boss
Evil witch
Stubborn assistant
Doom or blessing?
Rocky start
Bickering duo
Black Dahlia
Strangers from past -1
Strangers from past-2
Hooked up?
Extra: Memory or illusion
Damsel in Distress?
Sweet Torture
Do you love me?
One step forward two steps back
Distance makes heart grow fonder
Worry and Agony
Like a Moth to a Flame
Author's Note
Chains of heart
Its all you!
Things I want to do....

Bewitched by desire

416 34 12
By 557damon

Arthit opens his eyes, groaning, becoming aware of his injury. He feels like he ran over by a car. Each and every part of him feels bruised and swollen. He looks around and finds his assistant standing in the balcony, dressed in a wine red baggy woollen pajamas. His lips moving very fast, expresssion changing in flash, phone pressed against his ears.

His muscles protested as he drags himself in half sitting position. He glances at the table clock and finds it half past 10. More than 6 hours. This long he has been out. It was noon when he caught up in that accident. He has a vague memory of his assistant helping him in getting inside the car.

"You awake?", Kongpob slides the glass door, stepping inside. Putting his phone over the table, he comes over to his boss.
Arthit nodded in reply, extending out his hand," my phone"

Kongpob shakes his head, to and from," You can check your phone later. First you need to eat something. You haven't anything since noon and also have to take medicine"

The elder one rolls his eyes, whimpering the very next second as his head hurts.

Kongpob rushes to other's side," what happened? Is it hurting so bad?? On a scale of 1-10, how much is it??"

"10", the actor gritted through his teeth, clutching his forehead.

"What?? Why?? It shouldn't be hurting this much?? By any chance, did you opened the stitches? Let me see", Kongpob gently cups other's cheeks, lifting up his face, peering at the bandaged area. Sighing in respite, finding no traces of blood.

Carding his hand through the dark strands lightly, Kongpob stares at the wounded area, corner of lips drooping down," you should had been careful. Why play hero and get hurt?"

Arthit huffs in anoyance, peeking at the other from under his eyelashes," if this is your way of comforting, I must say, you suck at it"

Fingers busy playing with the silky tussels, halts mid air. The employee realising what actually he is doing and with whom. Removing his hand at once, he scoffs," as if..". Twisting the left corner of his lips before pulling back, standing straight, he crosses his arms," who said am comforting you? Am scolding you, Arthit Rojanapat. How dare you hurt yourself??"

The actor frowns, meeting gaze with his assistant," excuse me??"...has he gone dumb?...

" who allowed you to hurt yourself like that. You don't think about me, right?? Always doing whatever the hell you want. Never caring for me even once. Do I not mean anything to you, you moron selfish jerk!!"

Arthit gaps at his assistant who seems close to breaking down in sobs. He can't comprehend this version of his assistant. Who is acting worried for him, at the same time, pissed at him.

"Kongpob? What are -

"Do you have a single clue what I had gone through? What kind of thoughts I had all this while?? How can you be this much of jerk to your mother???", Kongpob snapped, angry tears moistening his dark brown orbs.

"Are you crying? For me?"

...he looks cute with that kicked puppy eyes. I wanna squish him..huh??..wa...wait what??..Arthit eyes widens as the last words rings his ears," hang on!', he opens out his palm to stop his assistant from speaking further,'.. my mother?? Where does my mother came from??"

Kongpob flicks out the imaginary lock, wiping off his fake tears, giving a lopsided grin to the elder, waggling his eyebrows playfully," yes your mother. First tell me, how was my acting?? You were totally bewitched, right??? Ain't it?"

Arthit masks the hurt, scoffing, staring at the ceiling," Yeah riiigghhhttt!!!. Now tell me why there's a mention of my mother?"

"Aun..I mean Madam has called earlier after learning about your accident. She wanted to talk to you but you were not awake. So, she ordered me to give you an earful when you wake up"

The actor swears under his breath before outstretching his hand, palm open. "Give her a call. I'll talk-

"Not before you eat something", Kongpob cuts off the other.


"No buts. You can't skip meals. You have not eaten your lunch too.", Kongpob explains.

Arthit sighed, "fine, but first I need to get out of these clothes. I am feeling gross and sweaty". He is still in the black button down and jeans in which he was shooting. He need to get chage into something comfortable. He removes the sheet off him. His face contorting in pain, dizziness spreading over him.

Kongpob can see how much in pain the other has. He scratches the back of his head, looking everywhere," do you want me to help?"

Arthit gets a whiplash by how fast he jerks his head back. Earning another spell of dizziness, the pain sky rocketing. Cries slip past him before he could clamp it down. Kongpob is beside him in next second.

"Easy there. You don't want to open your wound and get stitches again, right?"

Arthit stares at his assistant, baffled. "Were you serious?...about helping me?"

The assistant stills for a micro second, his pupil enlarging an inch before his neutral expression gets in place. If not for actor's scrutiny, Arthit would not had seen the fleeting blankness. He opens his mouth to retract back but Kongpob beats him.

"Why not? I am your PA after all. You pay me for it", Kongpob shrugs his shoulder nonchalantly, like it is not big deal. But it is. Atleast for Arthit, it is. They aren't only in a boss employee relationship. They have layers and layers of past affection drowned in burning ocean of hate and distrust and betrayal, cloaked together in a sham of marriage.

Kongpob gulps, chanting his heart to not beat erratically, as he maintains a blank expression over his face. This close he can smell the ointments and antiseptic, overpowering the woodsy with hints of cinnamon smell of his boss's everyday cologne. Yet there's no mistaking the whiff of spicy maleness which is pure Arthit. Reaching out, he starts to unbutton the first button, keeping his eyes firmly at the bobbing adam's apple, moving in a synchronized pattern. He flinches, his knuckles brushing against the strip of pale white skin teasing at the opening. His mind taking him back to the night of their make out session and his toe curls. Butterfly dives inside his belly, as he remembers the sizzling touch of other. His fingers shaky as he reaches for next button. Before he could work it open, a large palm covers his hand, engulfing both of his, making him look up and stare in the hooded eyes of his employer. Averting his eyes not a second later. Not able to meet the smoldering hazel pair.

"Don't want my help?", Kongpob faces the actor, who gazes back at him for few more seconds, his grip loosening, hand falling to the sides. Taking the hint, the assistant unravels more of the shirt, parting, giving glimpses of the smooth like butter yet hard like granite skin. Kongpob fiddles with the edge of the opened shirt, tracing the hem , his lean fingers gliding towards the broad and muscled back, stiffening instantly.

Kongpob reduces the distance between them, whispering near the curve of later's ears; which has turned cherry red, " lean on me"

Arthit is hyper aware of the proximity between him and his contractual employee. Warm puffs of breath, washing over him, sending tingles down his rigid spine. His body haywire to the barely there finger tips slipping upwards, lastly landing over his shoulders.

"Lean on me", Kongpob repeats, his mouth dry as he contemplates between placing his hand over the broad shoulder bridge or hower over them.

..gladly...inner Arthit who has once loved the man before him said, happily. But the present Arthit who has still not forgotten the humiliation, accusations and unfair treatment he and his family had to suffer, shakes his vehemently. A maniac look lurking in those dark eyes. The actor is doing everything to keep both part of him-Present Arthit and past Arthit, together. Cohabitation of both is something he has not mastered yet.

Kongpob freezes as the other closes the miniscule gap between their bodies. The bare skin glueing itself to him. His heart is thudding so loud that he can't hear anything else. A shiver runs through him as warm breaths plays with his overgrown hair resting on his nape. Shaky fingers slides the black fabric, down the defined and protruding shoulder blades, covered with silky smooth skin. Unclothing the actor. The assistant closed his eyes, as his fingers strokes down the taut skin, pulling the shirt all the way down. A burn making his insides crawl. A need to splash out his palm and feel the soft yet hard velvety texture...what the hell is happenning?? This is so not me....A panic mixed with excitement is settling in Kongpob's bones. On one hand he wants to keep things clinical and professional, on the other hand, a part of him is salivating to see the other without the barrier of clothes. He had felt the other on several occasions but never seen the hot and lithe body ; as actor's fans put it. His fingers sliding, feeling up the buffed up masses of flesh, raising goosebumps on the fair skin.
Keeping his eyes firmly shut, he backs up, sliding the shirt out of the toned arms, freeing his employer.

Bunching the shirt in his hands, the younger one thinks if it's too late to go back on his words. When he has propositioned the other, he had not thought much of the task. It was just a part of his work. Except for he has not known about his own body betraying him and acting like a horny teenager. He has not seen it coming. Eyes still lower cast, he peers from under his eyelashes, at the belt, looped around the jeans which he has offered to remove earlier. Catching sight of the inches of hairs dissapearing inside the waistband...oh Jesus!! can I?? can do it Kong. Arthit has the same anatomy as you. No need to get worked up over it. It's just work...pep talking himself, the assistant releases his hold on the poor fabric and shifts closer. His hand shooting out, brushing against the washboard abs. Tips of his thin fingers grazes Arthit in a fleeting move, rising a gasp from the actor. Next he is staring in the golden brown orbs gazing back at him with alarm.

"Does it hurt?", the actor bites his lower lip, his eyelids dropping, as his assistant flattens his hand over his center, inches away from him. He can only shake his head, his face scrunched in pain. Sexual pain. How he wishes to shove his assistant flat on the same bed, strip him of all the offending garments, spread him apart and just show him what actually hurts.

"I..I am fine. Just hurry up. I want to sleep", Arthit managed to bite back the words.

The younger one gulps, lowering his eyes as he pulls free the belt, unhooking the button. His own breath heavy, laced with something foreign. He can taste it on his tongue but can't name it. Inhaling a long breath, he holds the end of zipper with tips and pulls downward, stopping at the crotch line. The sound fills the otherwise quiet atmosphere, making it all the more erotic. The assistant starts forward to lower the jeans, catching glimpses of the boxer briefs and his brain malfunctioned...God!! I can't do's too much for my sanity...

Kongpob jumps away from the actor, fisting the black shirt. His cheeks on fire, ears scarlet, as he stammers, his eyes strictly planted to the floorbed pattern,"You can take care of rest. I'll be back in jiff"

Arthit tilts his head to the side, as he takes in the running form of his assistant, followed by slamming of the door. He finds it endearing how the younger one refused to glance up at his naked display of torso, turning red. The innocence with which he ran away from him, only makes his heart swell in affection. Even though he is aware that it's only an act on his employee's part, Arthit can't help but wonder if the guy has had any experience beside him...ofcourse you dimwit!! Don't forget he has Alec...

The words murmured by his conscience brings a bitter taste to his mouth. Litting a flame to all the affection and fondness. Making him seeth in green jealousy and anger. With jerky movement, he stands up, ignoring the pounding behind his eyes. Shuffling to the wardrobe, he takes out a navy blue jogging pants and off white shirt. He doesn't want hassel of wearing t-shirt. His whole body is sore, and aching from different places. Getting out of his jeans, he slips on the pants. He was in mid of tying strings when door to his room pushed open without warning. His assistant stop dead at the entrance, holding a large, transparent bowl full of water. An electric blue towel draped over his shoulder.

"Oh! Am sorry", Kongpob turns immediately, giving the privacy to his boss who tchs under his breath. Some part resting below his rib cage does a somersault as his brain flashes the pictures of naked body. The same desire sizzles his whole, turning into a hot lava flowing into his veins. He shakes his head..!! Quit being a pervert and help your damn boss...

"Stop with apologizing and get on with it. I don't have all night to entertain you", Arthit snarled, imaginary spikes growing all over skin. One wrong word from his assistant and there will be blood bath.

The younger one rolls his eyes, dick. "Yes sir", gritting through his teeth, he faces his boss who is now seated over the couch, holding his temple in one hand.

"What is this?", Arthit's voice cold as he side glances at the transparent Tumblr.

Kongpob touches his nose, one of his nervous tick," you were feeling sweaty and there are patches of dried blood all over your...yeah so I called your attending doctor and asked. Seeing that bathing is really not an option for now. So, I..I thought if you like a wipe down...?"

Arthit studies the other for long seconds, trying to decipher the puzzle of a person his assistant is. One minute other is running away from him and next ? Next is doing something which take them back to their beginning.

Kongpob waits but except the scrutinized examining gets no reply. All this time he has managed to keep his eyes away from the vast expanse of porcelain white skin. If not for his guilty conscience for leaving the actor on his own, the assistant wouldn't had to go through this. The feelings the elder manages to rise inside him just by a flick of tongue, a twist of lips, a raise of eyebrow....he shudders as all the occasions flashes before him. He should feel disgusted and recoil from the touches but his flesh and blood has other ideas, whenever the elder is in his vicnity. And now that he is not sure of what actually transpired that night more than 4 years ago, he don't know how to behave with the other. What if Arthit was always right and it's him, Kongpob, who was wrong? What if Arthit has never betrayed him, his father, his family and is only a victim of circumstances?? How is he gonna ask for forgiveness if everything he has hated Arthit for is nothing but just a conjurection of fake memories, built by his own brain??

Kongpob snaps out of his mind, hearing his boss who gives him a deadpan look.

"If you are just going to space out, just leave", Arthit snapped. Headache mixed with irritation is only making him grumpier with each passing minute.

The assistant mouths a sorry before approaching the other, stopping in front of him. Wetting the towel in the lukewarm water, he squeezes enough to remove excess water and started to clean the man gently. Methodically. Clinically. All his brain focussed on not jolting his boss, as per the doctor. One arm, then second, followed by torso. Next comes the turn of the legs. Upping the hem of both legs of the jogger, Kongpob gives a quick wipe, aware of the unblinking, heated gaze of his employer, fixed at him all this time. Done with all, he picks up the bowl, and strides towards the glass screen working as a divider in between the room and bathroom. Draining the used water, he fills it half with fresh water and comes back, picking up the box of tissues from the dressing table.

Arthit is now half slouched half sprawled on the sofa, wearing his shirt. His feet bent and crooked, his head thunked against the back of the couch, one arm resting over the armrest, other covering his eyes. His wound aching non stop. Light irritating the shit out of him, making him nauseous.


The elder one doesn't respond, too agitated. He waves his hand in a shooing gesture," go away"


"Just go!! I don't have energy to headbutt you anymore. Just leave", Arthit grouched, the thump of needle in his temple rusing with each passing second. The actor didn't get any comeback, only noise of footsteps..finally he is leaving... But the respite remained short lived when he doesn't heard the opening and closing of the door...he is still here??...Arthit waited for few more seconds. Only sound is ticking of clock and his labored breath. Long minutes of silence passed but the elder didn't heard any movement. To check he calls for other and gets an instant reply in soft murmur. His annoyance comes back with full roar, realising that the other is still here, rooted to the spot. Removing his arm, he scowls at the intruder," what the fuck you..whoa!!!", Arthit leans away, his head thudding against the back rest, as he finds his cheeky assistant standing just inches away from him. The haste move making his head throb more. Enticing a wince from him.

"Why are you still here?? I told you to leave", Arthit grumbled, too exhausted and strung up to react.

"I will. After making sure that you have eaten and taken your meds", Kongpob gives a soft smile to his boss. Dampening the tissue, he bends, leaning into the lying person, who blocked younger one's advancement raising a palm. Raising that dark, thick brows in question," what are you doing?"

Kongpob studies the creases around the corner of sullen mouth, the tick of hardened jaw, rising up to the eyes flickering with uncertainty and suspicion. Tracing the slight marks and scratches on the carved face. Bringing down the raised hand with his free one, he gives an assured smile to his boss who must be in acute pain to not mask his growing irritation from him. After that night, it is the first when Arthit has said more than four words and showed this much of emotions. Otherwise, it was a neutral face, blank of any expression.

"I need to treat the marks on your face else it will leave scar. Now we don't want your pretty face scarred, right?", Kongpob said in a light tone, smirking.

Hazel orbs widens, ring of iris glinting with the spatters of dark moss green, making Kongpob wonder just actually what colour is elders eyes are. He notices when the understanding dawned in those pairs and white cheeks flushes red, Arthit stuttered," wha..what?? Pretty??". His eyes giving that how dare you glower, making Kongpob snicker as he settles down on the glass table. Dabbing the skin with so much care. Even though Arthit has lost the rosy glow in his face, there's no mistaking the attracting razor shaped features of the elder. Each cut and dip are engraved with such precision, the edges sharp and pointy that if Kongpob has not met the actor in real life, he would never had believed that someone this much handsome actually exists on Earth.

"You are behaving like muffin", Kongpob remarked, rubbing the lips corner earning a hiss from the owner.

"Muffin?? Did you just compared me to our cat??", Arthit grounded out, his poker face delved into disbelief.

Kongpob nods, cleaning up the line of wounds with attention. "Yes. You forgot, how muffin used to hate getting treated whenever she got hurt while fighting other cats? She was this huge ball of energy. Except when she was not feeling well. Then she was irritated of everything and each thing, scratching, clawing anyone and everyone, growling and hissing. Not letting us touch her or pet her".

Arthit gives a rueful smile, his eyes closing as the tension around his forehead lessens. The tightening and pulling of muscles vanishes, as he relishes the cold gentle brushes over his face. His brain relaxing as his memories takes him back ages ago, when everything is simple. He was just a driver's son. Sometimes spending time with his father's employer's son. He and Kongpob were just playing around when they had met muffin. Huddled in the bushes of their garden. Covered in dirt, mud and other non mention able things. At first they both tried to shoo it away but muffin was a stubborn thing. She didn't left until they fed her. After that, it became a regular occurrence. Days passed and their group of two enlarges to three as the cat joins them. But muffin dissappeared off their life one day the same way it has appeared. Both he and Kongpob were a crying mess and that was also the very first time he felt that he don't like young master crying.

"Ow!", Arthit yelped, eyes opening as he feels sting in his cheek area. Throwing an accusatory glance towards his assistant who has his hands raised in surrender.

"Sorry. It will burn a bit", Kongpob apologises, touching tip of right ear, right eye squeezed into a wink, as he applys ointment over the cut using ear quill before moving forward, bending his face into Arthit, his tongue peeking out, moistening the lower lip as he shapes his mouth in a small O and gives a gentle blow. Again. And again.

...too close...that's what rings through the actor's mind. He can smell the addictive scent of later. A faint lingering smell of orchids and rose. He has no idea about his assistant but he is burning. There's sudden shift in temperature. All he can focus on the thick jutted out strawberry red lips. Luscious, enticing, glossy with a tinch of scarlet, giving away a mating call. Icing and burning Arthit at the same time. He feels like sinking in depth of bone chilling ocean only to meet the falming surface. His blood hot and cold. All he can think is how easy it would be to curl his fingers around other's nap, a gentle pull and he can taste those taunting strawberries...gosh how fucked up it is...he is here to treat me like a patient and am getting horny like a bitch in heat...

"I wanna kiss you"

Words were out in open before Arthit could put a lid over it. His heart lurch inside his chest. He is not meant to say it out loud but now that the cat is out of the bag, the actor has no intention to backpeddal. It has been months since they are dancing around each other, bickering, accusing, blaming each other only to find themselves wrapped in each other on more than one instance. There is just too much sexual tension in between them. He is bewitched by the other.He will combust in flames if soon he don't find a solution to dissapitate all these amorous, carnal frustrations.

The younger one stilled. His fingers halting as he lifts his gaze, drowning in the mesmerizing amber. Arthit has the most beautiful pair of eyes. Bright, vibrant and multicolored at different settings. When observed carefully, one can see more than one colour of rings surrounding the iris. He always gets awestruck, whenever the other pins him with those orbs. Which were fixed at him, swirling in hot lust. So dark and demanding, stripping him naked with the way it is raking all over the hunched form of Kongpob.

"I I......", Kongpob stops. Asking himself why is he hesitating. Ain't it what his body craves for? The physical closeness? The warmth and heat the elder provides him. Does it really have to be so complicated?? He is an adult. His boss is an adult. He won't be the first person who has a night stand..with your own husband...The younger one flicks out that voice. He and his boss are not together. They can never be. Their history is box of plethora. They don't need any more bad blood...but what if it helps in reviving that black hole his memory has?? What if closeness with the actor brings clarity to the mess of hazy and blurry images?? Isn't it worth a try??..

Arthit was already prepared for the blunt rejection. The refusal. It won't be the first, neither the last. So, imagine his shock when his assistant...his husband cups both his cheeks. His hold gentle yet firm, bringing his mouth closer...closer until the soft flesh skims against other. An inaudible, soft don't move is his only warning and next he is tasting the strawberries. So sweet. Plump and juicy. If heaven has a taste, Arthit is sure it will definitely be this. Their lips brushing, molding against each other. Heated breaths hitting him as their breaths mingles. The actor sighs, letting the younger one lead the kiss. Letting their lips identify and get acquainted with each other. He moans as a hot, long, pulsating pink tongue slides inside him, delving deeper, familiarizing itself with each nook and cranny. His own hands snakes up, one curling around the nape, other burying in the dark long locks, as he deepens the kiss, eliciting a sexy whimper from his husband. Which is music to Arthit's ears. A boost to his ego. Arthit is drunk without a drop of alcohal. He is high like a fly just by drinking on those nectar like flesh. Like a thirsty man who has not seen water in ages. He sucks and slurps, sinking his teeth repeatedly in those glossy bows.

Knock knock!! Sir food is ready.

Both figures stilled. Lips yet to unfuse. Heavy panting filling the room. Kongpob is the first one to recover from the oasis of pure bliss. Pale arms lost its grip, falling sideways, as the younger one pulls away. A string of saliva coating the full lips making it all shiny, urging the actor to pull the other in a long scorching kiss, once again. But judging by the look in the eyes of his assistant, the moment is long gone. The magic puffed in air. Arthit lets out a few colorful words of choice as his assistant comes to his feet and beelines towards the about bad timing??...


8th Mar. 2023

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