Flynn - a kissing booth fan f...

By Joanne406417

46.2K 1.6K 1.2K

Ever wanted to hear The Kissing Booth story told from Noah's point of view? Well here's my take... This is fa... More

Fun and Games
Hurts (Book)
Hurts (Movie)
Seems (Book)
Seems (Movie)
Thuds (Book)
Thuds (Movie)


471 22 6
By Joanne406417

My flight back to Boston is almost a mirror image of the one I took home at the beginning of the break. I sleep pretty much from the moment the seatbelt sign is switched off, to the moment it goes back on when the pilot announces we will shortly be starting our descent into Logan airport. I'm tired, a little sleep-deprived for sure, but not in the bone-numbing way I was after the exam block. No, I think with a smirk, this time I'm just tired from a last night well-spent with my girlfriend.

I hadn't been joking when I told Elle that I had no intention to spend much of last night sleeping, and I made good on that promise. Never one to back down from a challenge, Elle was right there with me, even waking me up in the early hours of this morning with her mouth... yeah, I should probably stop thinking about that now. I need to be able to walk through the crowded airport to collect my luggage, preferably without embarrassing myself.

Suitcase in hand, I head for the T, glad the ride back to Cambridge isn't all that long. Today's been tiring in its own way, having to say goodbye to my family and Elle again. It's the worst part about going home to visit - having to leave them all over again every time. It doesn't get easier. Mom cries, Elle cries, and I feel fucking awful for having to walk away.

There's some solace I can take from the fact that Elle and I are in a really good place right now, we're more certain of each other, about our relationship. Other than that Marco-shaped blip on New Year's Eve, we had the best time together over the holidays. Whether we were just hanging out together at one of our houses, or out doing something fun, like the day we spent at Disney, or the game we went to, it felt good just to be with her. Elle makes me feel calm like nobody else can.

The way she settles that little bit of anxiety in me is hard to really put into words. It's like I just can't find it in me to worry about all the small stuff that normally swirls around in my head, because there's an overwhelming amount of good right there in front of me. Elle carries this light that seems to chase away all the little shadows, back to the forgotten corners of my mind.

I roll my eyes at myself and shake my head. Clearly all those readings I had to do for lit class last term wormed their way inside my brain and stuck. I need to stop waxing poetic about my amazing girlfriend and just call her already, let her know I got here safely. It takes all of five seconds for Elle to answer, and the happiness I hear in her voice makes me smile.

"Hey, you."

"Hey, yourself."

"You back in your dorm yet?"

"Not quite. Just changed over to the Harvard line, though, so not long to go now."

"Good," Elle yawns. "I kind of hate you for the time difference right now, you know?"

"Oh, yeah?" I grin. "Why's that?"

"Because by the time you get to your dorm and have a shower and stuff, it'll almost be an acceptable time to go to bed, whereas I'm stuck having to pretend like I'm not a zombie for hours yet."

"Can't you just hide out in your room until dinner?"

"Ugh, I wish," she groans. "Dad is guilting me into spending time with him and Brad this afternoon since I've been so absent the last few days. I managed to sneak away up here to take your call, but I'll have to go back downstairs again when we hang up."

"Well, Shelly, I could say I'm sorry for monopolizing all your time, but it'd be a lie. Because I'm not, not even a little bit."

"Me neither," Elle breathes, and suddenly my mind fills up with images of her last night, all breathy, skin glowing in the lamplight.

Jesus. I need to tamp down that particular train of thought until I'm having that shower she spoke about earlier. Clearing my throat, I nod, trying to convince myself that I'm good.

"So, I'm guessing I probably can't call you again later, but what about tomorrow? Can I call you tomorrow night?"

"Yeah, I'd like that."

The happiness is back in her voice and that puts the smile back on my face.

"Then it's a date. But text me in the meantime, okay? I probably will head to bed early tonight, but tomorrow I'm just gonna be hanging out, getting ready for classes to start again on Monday."

"Okay, I will. Love you."

"Love you more."

The walk from the station to the dorm is mercifully short, and before I know it, I'm back in my suite with my idiot roommates, and my visit home starts to feel like I might've dreamed it. Of course they refuse to let me crash early, insisting that we drink beer and play stupid videogames to reintegrate ourselves back into college life. I'm in too good of a mood to put up much of a fight, a fact that doesn't go unnoticed by any of them, I'm sure, but Steve's the only one with the balls to say anything to me.

"You know, Flynn, you're a much nicer person after you've got laid."

Blaine and Eli both crack up with laughter, and I just shake my head at them, taking another swig of my drink.

"Like that for instance," Steve continues, unwilling to let this go. "You would've scowled and stomped off to your room if I'd made a crack like that a few weeks back. Now you're all zen and shit."

"Yeah," Eli pipes up, bolder now that I'm obviously in no mood to argue. "Seriously, man. Did your girlfriend suck all the--"

"Watch it," I cut him off sharply, my voice full of flint. "I might be in a good mood, but you're getting close to the line."

"Ah," Blaine claps me on the shoulder. "There he is! The moody bastard we know and love." Looking around at the three of us, he smiles serenely. "Suddenly it feels like everything is right with the world again."

Steve and Eli chuckle at that, and even I have to huff out a wry laugh. Yeah, I might have a reputation for being a little moody, but nobody talks shit about Elle. Ever.

I'm on my way to the dining hall the next morning, feeling just a little fuzzy from the beers I consumed last night, when I hear a familiar screech from my left side. Thank God I do, because it's my only warning before Chloe launches herself at me, throwing her arms around my neck.

"Hello, handsome!" she smiles broadly. "Did you miss me?"

"Nope," I grin, hugging my friend back. "Absolutely not."

Chloe draws back then, swatting my chest.

"Beast. Not that I can blame you. Did you and Elle have a good break?"

"Yeah," I nod happily. "It was great."

"Aww, I'm so happy you two are good. Now," she claps her hands. "Are you ready for this new term?"

"Yes, ma'am," I nod. "But first, breakfast."

"And coffee," Chloe nods. "Lots of coffee."


She threads her arm through mine and we continue on to the dining hall.

"So, how was your visit home?" I ask carefully.

"Oh," Chloe waves her free hand back and forth dismissively. "It was fine."

"Hmm. Was it really?"

"Well, it was pretty much your standard Christmas at the Winthrop house. Uncle Arthur drank too much and nearly fell asleep in his pudding, cousin Alastair was absent because of his 'nerves'." She puts little air quotes around that word, before leaning in to whisper. "Which of course everyone knew meant that he was doing another stint in rehab after being sprung partying just a tad too hard in London."

Chloe's expression tightens a little before she sighs.

"And, you know, my parents bickered all day and made the whole event incredibly awkward for everyone."

"Fuck, I'm sorry, Clo."

She shrugs and my heart squeezes at her obvious despair.

"It is what it is, you know?"

Pushing open the door to the dining hall then, I usher Chloe through, nodding even though I have no idea what that family dynamic is like. My family isn't perfect, I'm not sure anyone's is. But for all our faults and petty arguments, I'm learning that we might just be as close as it gets. Not that I'll be telling Lee that anytime soon, of course. My newfound sentimentality has its limits.

By the time we've eaten breakfast and started in on our second coffees, Chloe's mood is back up on a high. Despite her family drama, it seems like she too has come back from the winter break fully rested and ready for the new term. We linger a little longer, going over our schedules, planning times when we'll be able to catch up for study sessions. I know I need to maintain that focus that I finally built last year in this term, to keep up in my new classes, and avoid falling behind from the start.

"Don't look so worried, Noah," Chloe says reassuringly, patting my arm with an understanding look. "You're going to do great, you know that, right?"

"I hope so, Clo."

"I know so. You know what you're in for now. You know you can't avoid any issues that crop up, hoping they'll go away. You're better prepared, and you're in a better headspace this term. You're rested, you and Elle are good, right?" I nod and she continues, a slow smile spreading across her face. "Plus, you don't have football to distract you anymore."

Narrowing my eyes, I level my friend with a look.

"Football is not a distraction. But I won't have so much time tied up in practices this term, it's true."

"Exactly," Chloe beams. "No more early morning practices, no more lost weekends for away games. Hey, you might even be able to have a life!"

I offer her a wry smile at that suggestion.

"Well, let's not get too carried away. I'm still gonna have to keep up with the fitness training."

"Sure," she nods, her expression turning speculative. "Think you can swallow your pride enough to get beaten on a run?"

"Anytime you wanna throw down, Clo, I'm in."

"Ugh, you're so cocky, it's going to make beating you sooo much sweeter."

"You talk a big game," I chuckle. "But you haven't named a time or a place yet."

"Fine!" Chloe slaps her hand down on the table. "Friday morning, 7am. Meet me out the front of Elliot House. We can do the river loop."

"Fine by me," I grin, leaning back in my chair and linking my fingers behind my head.

Chloe narrows her eyes at me, leaning across the table.

"You're going down, pretty boy."

"You know, you seem very confident in your abilities. But are you willing to put your money where your mouth is?"

"Did I hear someone say wager?"

A voice intrudes, and we both look sideways to see Aiden standing there, with Caleb not far behind. Both our friends are wearing almost identical grins and I know instantly this whole situation is about to get way out of hand. But hey, what else is new? When I glance back at Chloe, she's grinning at me like the Cheshire cat, and I groan, audibly.

"Well, you see boys," she says, spreading her hands in front of her as they pull up chairs. "Noah here has just challenged me to a footrace."

I hold one finger up. "Point of order, it was you who challenged me. I merely asked if you cared to make it interesting."

"Details," Chloe waves off the distinction. "The real issue at hand now is how interesting are you willing to make it?"

"Yes," Caleb leans in now, rubbing his hands together. "The how of it is the interesting question, Flynn. Are we talking cash, goods or services?"

See? This is exactly what I was afraid of. One wrong move here and one of us could end up doing the other's laundry for the entire term. But I'm willing to be a good sport about it, so I defer to Chloe, with a smirk of course.

"Ladies choice. Within reason," I qualify.

"Hmm..." Chloe taps the nail of her index finger on her bottom lip as she considers her options. "I'm not sure. It needs to be something that causes a little discomfort, otherwise what's the point? But, on the other hand, it can't be so bad that you get all grouchy about it, because that would be fun for exactly nobody."

"You're still very confident in your chances, huh?"

"Oh, yes," she nods seriously, the guys egging her on. Suddenly, her eyes flash with excitement. "I think I've got it!"

"Oh, yeah?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. "Well, by all means, do tell."

"The winner of the race will be granted three wishes, but there are conditions."

"Of course there are," I smile wryly.

"The wishes don't have to be revealed then and there, they will be granted in the form of IOU's, if you will."


"So, three different kinds of IOU's." She holds up a finger. "One, the winner can ask the loser to do something for them. It could be anything, or anything legal at least."

"Do we need a morality clause?" Caleb chuckles.

"Ha! Probably," Chloe laughs. "But I'm thinking we can keep it clean. More along the lines of getting the winner coffee from their favorite place, even if it's forever away. Or fetching their hangover meal of choice and personally delivering it, that kind of thing."

"You know there are delivery services available for that, right?" I ask, waving my phone at her.

"Yeeessss," Chloe drawls. "But that's beside the point. The idea is to inconvenience the loser, which brings additional joy to the winner, along with the goodies."

"Fine," I concede. "What's the second wish?"

"So glad you asked. The winner can ask the loser to go somewhere with them."

"What's the catch?"

"Well, it could be to anything. For instance, I could ask you to go to an art exhibition or... the nail salon."

Aiden cracks up with that comment and I roll my eyes.

"Fine. What's the third one?"

"The third..." Chloe's grin turns evil and I start to really question the wisdom of initiating this whole betting thing. "The winner gets to choose the loser's outfit for one whole day. Any day of their choosing. Or night, for that matter."

"Oh, God, really?"

"Yes, really."

"Okay, but this needs boundaries." I tell her. "No costumes, and no cross-dressing."

It's Chloe's turn to roll her eyes now. "You're such a spoilsport, but fine. I'm quite sure I can still have some fun with it."

"Again, you're very confident in your chances," I chuckle.

"Yes, yes I am," she nods.

"And here I thought I was supposed to be the cocky one."

"So, we're agreed?" Chloe asks, holding out her hand.

I take it, shaking it firmly, just once.
"You've got yourself a bet."

Our little peanut gallery cheers, and I wonder again if I'm going to live to regret this.

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