Enemies with Benefits | Vmin

By Vmnieee

16.3K 1K 553

"I'd rather kiss Satan's ass than miss you!" "Oh, so you know you're going to hell?" ~ Park Jimin and Kim Tae... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 19

636 42 64
By Vmnieee

The days went by in a whim and Friday came up in a blink of an eye.

Friday, October 13th, is Jimin's 18th birthday.

It wasn't anything special when he woke up this morning.

Instead, he felt extremely exhausted because of the intense practice sessions going on these past few days.

Miss Lisa ended up making up her own choreo for the fest. Not that Jimin and Taehyung complained, instead they were relieved.

Whatever choreo the two had managed to make in the short span of time, she added it to her version of it.

Now, being the perfectionists they both were, they practiced vigorously for hours.

Jimin had to deal with the aftermath now as his legs begged him to sleep in today.

Obviously, he never listens.

The only good thing about this morning was a little ball of fluff curled up on top of his stomach, snoring soundly.

He smiled and petted the cute little feline sleeping away without a care.

"Gangie...you know what day it is?"

The kitty's ears perked up at her owner's voice as she swished her tail to let him know that she was awake and listening.

"It's our birthday today. We're gonna have lots of gifts, are you excited Gangie?"

Speaking of her favorite word, the kitty opened her eyes revealing her gorgeous hazel orbs.

Gifts had always been her favorite and Jimin has never held back from spoiling her.

Even though Mr. Shin was the best babysitter ever, she wouldn't deny the opportunity of getting luxurious toys and food from her owner.

Gangyang meow-ed in joy as she stood up on top of her owner, waiting for her gift.

Getting the hint, Jimin leaned down and pressed a chaste kiss at the feline's little head.

The kitty hissed and jumped from her spot to the floor, furiously meowing her way out the slightly ajar door.

Jimin laughed and wondered what kind of curses he was receiving in her language.

His cat had always been like this, since the day he adopted her a year ago.

She would hiss, snarl, and even scratch Jimin's face when he tried to show the slightest bit of physical affection.

Thanks to Mr. Shin, she had learned to open up more and allow Jimin to scratch or at least pet her head.

Although, Jimin always knew she was a sucker for physical affection as much as she showed to hate it.

He got out of his bed with a huff, wondering what gifts he should get Gangyang for their shared birthday.

It's not really her birthday today, Jimin doesn't even know when it is.

He just deemed it to be on his birthday because he had no idea when else to celebrate it.

During his whole morning routine, he just planned what to get and what not to get for his little kitty since she can be pretty choosy.

So, before he knew it, he was already walking inside the school, heading over to his locker.

He opened the locker and the first thing he noticed was an invitation card which was for his own birthday party.

Jackson must have slipped it in through the tiny slit in the locker door.

However, the moment his eyes landed on the next thing, he was shocked.

It was a tiny pink box wrapped with red ribbon along with a folded note stuck on top.

He took the note off carefully and opened it to see what was written there.

To The Most Beautiful Person
Dear Jimin,
Happy 18th birthday. May this special day be the happiest day of your life, as it should be.
I hope you'll like my gift.
Take care.
From your admirer

Jimin frowned and reached out to open the box.

It was full of his favorite chocolate ice cream mochi.

"Jimin-ssi! Happy birthday!"

The said boy whipped his head to the side and saw Jungkook walking towards him from a distance.

"Call me that again and your tongue will be in my jar of collections."

Jungkook winced at the thought of his precious tongue inside a jar full of  sea-shells.

"Aish, it's your birthday, let's be a bit more cheerful today, yeah? What's got you all worked up?"

Jungkook asked while opening his own locker which was 2 lockers away from Jimin's.

"This!" Jimin pointed at the note he was holding the whole time.

Jungkook closed his locker to get a good look at thing the older held up.

"Ahh, It's just a normal love letter. It's been a while since you got one, are you surprised?"

Jimin gave a light kick at the younger's shin.

"You brat. Come here and see this."

Jungkook did as told, walking towards Jimin's locker and taking a peek inside.

"Ooh, ice cream mochis!"

He squealed and picked up one of the sweet treats, shoving the whole thing in his mouth.

"Hey! That's mine!"

Jimin whined while the younger ate another one in joy.

"Hyung, you see, the universe has decided that whatever's yours, is mine too."

Jimin scoffed.

"And when did the universe decide that?"

"The day I was born."

And another smack was landed across his head by the birthday boy.

"Ouch. Alright, what are you worried about? It's delicious." Jungkook rubbed his head.

"I'm worried because whoever got these for me must have opened my locker to put it in. It's impossible to get this box in there through the slit in the door. Also, the lock was just fine when I opened it."

Jungkook examined the locker door before grabbing the box and trying to fit it through the slit.

"You're right, 't doesn't fit."

Jungkook stated, taking another mochi in his mouth.

"No shit. It's pretty obvious it doesn't fit, Mr. Holmes."

Jimin sassed before snatching the box from the younger's hands, preventing him from eating any more.

"I think you've had enough."

Jimin popped one mochi in his mouth and nearly melted at the taste.

"So, who do you think did it?" Jungkook asked.

"Probably another creep who thinks they love me but just want to get in my pants."

They laughed as they headed toward their first class.


Classes went by in a whirl, it was lunchtime now.

Jimin was getting tons of birthday wishes from everyone he knew and also from a few of his admirers who he couldn't recognize.

"Hey, Jimin-ssi! Happy birthday."

Jimin smiled as he realised the voice belonged to the student council president, Kim Namjoon.

"Thank you so much Namjoon-ssi! You don't need to be so formal with me, just call me Jimin."

The older laughed in the most endearing way a human being can ever do.

"You can just call me hyung too. Here, I got you something."

Namjoon handed a small bag to the younger.

Jimin accepted it and took a look inside, spotting a book.

"It's nothing much, just a book about the history of dance forms. I heard you really love to dance, so I assumed you'd like it. Hope it's not too boring."

Namjoon laughed goofily and Jimin swore he saw heaven.

It was a shame that Namjoon was taken. It's not that Jimin hates Seokjin, he was just a little jealous of him. Maybe more than just a little but, shh, nobody knows.

Speaking of which,

"Jimin-ah! Happy birthday!"

Seokjin wished the birthday boy as he walked towards them.

"Thanks hyung!"

"Sorry I didn't get you anything. I don't really know what you like but I'll definitely treat you with my delicious food later."

Seokjin is the excel of home science and culinary. He is an expert at making exquisite meals given that his family owned one of the fanciest three micheline star restaurant.

"That'll be the best gift, hyung! Thank you so much!" Jimin squealed in joy.

He could already fantasize about the mouth-watering meals the older makes.

"Jimin-ah. Happy birthday, kid."

He turned around to find Yoongi approaching them with a small smile.

"Yah! Who are you calling a kid, he's 18 now!" Hoseok said from behind the birthday boy and Yoongi agreed with heart eyes.

Jimin giggled at the cute couple. He was glad that Hoseok accepted to date Yoongi.

Behind Yoongi, followed the spawn of Satan himself, who Jimin gravely despised.

His eyes were glued to his phone while he sipped on a can of coke.

He walked past the friend group and sat on his usual seat, completely ignoring Jimin's presence.

The smile on Jimin's face faded and a frown found its way on it instead.

"Taehyung-ah," Seokjin called out, "Don't you have anything to say?"

The said boy looked up from his phone and stared at them.

He glanced at Jimin for a split second before answering Seokjin,

"Do I?"

Jimin looked away from the blue-haired boy and, instead, looked through the book Namjoon gave him.

Seokjin sighed and shook his head in disappointment.

"Taehyung, it's Jimin's birthday. Don't you think you should say something?"


Taehyung looked back at the pink-haired boy who only took small glances of him from behind the book.

"Congrats...on being born, I guess."

He went back to scrolling through his phone after wishing—or rather, congratulating the older.

Jimin huffed and stabbed his food with the fork before eating it.

Seokjin just sighed while Jungkook and Hoseok glared at the ignorant boy.

"I'm so sorry for his attitude, Jimin. You know how he is." Seokjin apologized on Taehyung's behalf.

"You don't have to be sorry hyung, it's not your fault. I know how he is, I don't pay him any mind." Jimin replied with a smile.

"Alright, Jimin. I gotta to get back to the student council room for a meeting. See you at the party." Namjoon announced.

He walked out of the canteen while waving at Jimin who waved back with a big smile.

The rest of the lunchtime was spent with Jimin getting along with Seokjin and exchanging deathly glares with Taehyung.

After lunch, Jimin's day was pretty much over after two more classes. Since it was a friday, he had less classes compared to other days.

The bell rang indicating that his last class was finished and he could go home now.

He was excited because Jungkook and Hoseok wanted to take him shopping for the evening's party. Jungkook even said he'd pay for everything!

Just as the teacher dismissed the class, Jimin dashed out with excitement.

He couldn't wait to just the rob the bunny boy who was free-loading on his money.

He reached his locker and hurriedly placed all the files and books he was holding inside.

He was about to leave when he got a text,

2 new messages from V

Meet me in the practice room.
Sent 4:32

For practice.
Sent 4:32

Jimin cursed under his breath.

I'm busy rn
Seen 4:33

Miss Lisa told us
to practice everyday
Sent 4:33

Can't we practice tmrw?
Seen 4:33

Do you want me
to tell Miss Lisa about
Sent 4:33

Jimin scowled. He knew that asshole was doing this on purpose.

Fine, i'll be there
Seen 4:33

Good boy
Sent 4:34

Jimin slammed his fist on the locker, startling a girl across him.

He stomped his way back inside the the school, towards the practice room with flaring nostrils.

Once he reached, he slammed open the door to find a certain jerk sitting on the floor.

The jerk didn't flinch at the loud noise. Instead, he smirked.

Jimin went inside and closed the door just as loud.

"Ah, don't be so loud, Jiminie. You're contributing to noise pollution." Taehyung said, calmly.

"Let's just start. I want to get this over with." Jimin said through gritted teeth.

"Sure." Taehyung got up, still smirking.

And they started, both of them getting serious and determined to perform the steps correctly.

A few minutes into it, Taehyung abruptly stopped the music, causing Jimin to hault midway.

"Why'd you turn it off?" Jimin asked, turning around.

"You're too stiff." Taehyung pointed out.

Jimin frowned,

"What do you mean? I'm doing just fine, like I normally do."

Taehyung shook his head.

"No, your body is too tense. You're not moving fluently like usual."

Jimin smacked his teeth, "What are you saying? Stop spitting bullshit Taehyung, you're probably just jealous that I'm outdoing you."

"You're not even close."

Jimin gasped, his face totally scandalized.

"What the fuck did you just say? Don't forget who beat your ass in the dance battle last month."

Taehyung scoffed, "The winner was chosen by someone who knows nothing about dance. You won because he was ogling at your ass the whole time."

"Namjoon hyung didn't choose the winner himself, he discussed it with the cultural captain. Also, mind you, he was not ogling at my ass. He has a boyfriend, for god's sake!"

"As if you mind the fact that he has a boyfriend." Taehyung snickered.

Jimin's breath hitched. Did he find out about his tiny crush on the student council president?

"W-What do you mean?"

"You think you're too slick with all the flirting and sweet talk? Didn't expect you to be such a homewrecker, Park." Taehyung mocked.

Jimin scowled but said nothing. Without breaking eye contact, he picked his bag up from its spot and walked towards the door.

"Where are you going? We're not done ye-"

"I'm done!" Jimin interrupted the younger, turning around to face him.

"I'm done with this shitty practice and I'm done with you."

"I'll tell Miss Lisa about-"

"Tell whoever you want, I don't care."

The pink haired boy grumbled out as he headed out in a rush but he soon regretted it when he crashed into someone and fell down on his butt.

The person also seemed to have fallen down as he heard a lot of books falling between them.

Jimin finally looked up to see a gorgeous boy with shiny raven hair scrambling to gather all the pages (he realised, not books) together.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry for this!" Jimin stuttered out an apology and started collecting the loose papers on his side.

"Oh no, why are you apologizing? It was my fault, I thought I could take these papers at the art room all at once but it blocked my vision and we ended up like this. So sorry!"

When the boy looked up to apologize, Jimin swore he saw the ocean in his eyes.

"No need to apologize, it's all good. It was partly my fault too since I wasn't looking." Jimin smiled, stacking the loose papers.

"I'm Andrew, by the way." The boy introduced himself, trying to hold his hand out but failing because of the papers.

"Nice to meet you Andrew, I'm Jimin." Jimin gave a slight bow.

"Yeah, I know. You're Park Jimin, you may not know this but you're really famous here." Andrew said, making the latter blush.

"Oh, really? I've never noticed."

If it were any other person, Jimin would have sassed and said this same statement in a sarcastic tone for stating the obvious.

But this boy, he makes Jimin want say it in a small shy mumble.

"How could you not? You're so beautiful, and you're known as the dance prodigy here."

Jimin blushed, "You're not serious."

"I am. Trust me." Andrew smiled and got up from the floor, Jimin following his actions right after.

"Well then, I guess I have to go now and deliver these papers. I'll see you around?" Andrew looked at him expectantly.

"Oh! Uhm..."

Jimin hurriedly dug into his bag before pulling out the invitation card which was in his locker.

"Today is my birthday, and my friends are hosting a party. I'd love it if you come by for some cake." Jimin handed him the card with small shy smile.

"Oh, that's great! Happy Birthday Jimin. I'll make sure to come by and definitely get biggest piece of cake." They laughed before Andrew took the card and walked away.

Jimin watched the figure walking in the distance with a smile until it disappeared around the corner.

Just then, the door to hell (practice room) opened and a certain devil came out.

"You're still here? I thought you were busy." Taehyung asked, breaking the smaller's smile.

Jimin rolled his eyes, "I don't wanna talk to you, jerk."

He turned around and walked away towards the exit.

Taehyung watched him leave with a smirk.

"Andrew, huh?"

A/N: For anyone who is curious about Taehyung's friends!
Taehyung actually does not have friends. Yoongi is his cousin so he stays with him during lunch. Seokjin and Namjoon are Yoongi's friends who are not really close to Taehyung but still talk to him.

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