Auror's Son | Book 4 Harry Po...

By Mordecur

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Raven puts the vision he had last year in the back of his mind, hopeful towards the future. The Quidditch Wor... More

Chapter 1: The Burrow
Chapter 2: Portkey's and Tents
Chapter 3: Veela and Death Eaters
Chapter 4: Winky
Chapter 5: Godfather
Chapter 6: Ferret
Chapter 7: Discomfort and Flashbacks
Chapter 8: The Goblet of Fire
Chapter 9: The Champions
Chapter 10: Support
Chapter 11: Rita Skeeter
Chapter 12: Norberta
Chapter 13: Getting Dates
Chapter 14: The Yule Ball
Chapter 15: Hogsmeade with Mum
Chapter 17: Suspicions
Chapter 18: Daphne's Birthday
Chapter 19: Pensieve
Chapter 20: The Calm Before the Storm.
Chapter 21: Agony
Chapter 22: Grief
Chapter 23: Hope
Chapter 24: Raven
Chapter 25: Memories

Chapter 16: Mermaid's Lament

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By Mordecur

3rd Person POV

Raven had barely begun to scratch the surface on getting the Bubble-Head Charm down, before he went down to the Great Hall for dinner.

Raven and Daphne joined Harry, Ron, and Hermione at dinner. Hermione began to tell them that she was furious at Rita Skeeter for making Hagrid feel bad, and that they were going to go down to Hagrid's cabin and let him know that they didn't care that his mother was a giantess.

Raven and Daphne agreed to accompany them down there. Though Daphne had never been in Hagrid's cabin before or as close to him as the others, she still wanted to help.

And so after dinner, the five of them made their way down the school grounds. "Hagrid!" Hermione shouted, pounding on his front door. "Hagrid, that's enough! We know you're in there! Nobody cares if your mum was a giantess, Hagrid! You can't let that foul Skeeter woman do this to you! Hagrid, get out here, you're just being-"

The door opened. "About t-!" Hermione said, but stopped herself when she saw that Dumbledore was face-to-face with her.

"Good afternoon." He said pleasantly, smiling down at them.

"We-er-we wanted to see Hagrid." Hermione said.

"Yes, I surmised as much." Dumbledore said. "Why don't you come in?"

"" Hermione said.

All five of the students followed Dumbledore inside, and Fang launched himself upon Raven. "Hi, Fang." Raven said, kneeling down and giving him pets. "I missed you too, buddy."

"Hi, Hagrid." Harry said.

"'Lo." Hagrid said in a very hoarse voice.

"More tea, I think." Dumbledore said, using his wand to make it for them. Everyone sat down and a tea tray appeared on the table along with a plate of cakes. "Did you by any chance hear what Ms. Granger was shouting, Hagrid?" Hermione went slightly pink, but Dumbledore smiled at her and continued. "It seems all five of these students still seem to want to know you, judging by the way they were attempting break down the door."

"Of course we still want to know you." Harry said. "You don't think anything that Skeeter cow-sorry, Professor." He added quickly, looking at Dumbledore.

"I have gone temporarily deaf and haven't any idea what you said, Harry." Dumbledore said, twiddling his thumbs and staring at the ceiling. Raven let out a small laugh.

"Er-right." Harry said sheepishly. "I just meant-Hagrid, how could you think we'd care that-woman-wrote about you?"

"You even told me you were a half-giant from your mum's side the day I met you, and I thought it was cool." Raven stated.

"And I may not know you as well as the others-" Daphne said, gesturing to Raven, Harry, Ron, and Hermione. "-but knowing that you're a half-giant doesn't make me think any less of you."

Tears began to leak out of Hagrid's eyes. "Living proof of what I've been telling you, Hagrid. " Dumbledore said. "I have shown you the letters from countless parents who remember you from their own days here, telling me in no uncertain terms that if I sacked you, they would have something to say about it, your mother among them, Raven."

"Not all of 'em" Hagrid said hoarsely. "Not all of 'em wan' me ter stay."

"Really, Hagrid, if you are holding out for universal popularity, I'm afraid you will be in this cabin for a very long time." Dumbledore said, peering sternly at Hagrid. "Not a week has passed since I became headmaster of this school when I haven't had at least one owl complaining about the way I run it. But what should I do? Barricade myself in my study and refuse to talk to anybody?"

"Yeh-yeh're not half-giant!" Hagrid said croakily.

"Hagrid, look what I've got for relatives!" Harry said furiously, Look at the Dursley's!"

"An excellent point." Dumbledore said. "My own brother, Aberforth, was prosecuted for practicing inappropriate charms on a goat. It was all over the papers, but did Aberforth hide? No, he did not! He held his head high and went about his business as usual! Of course, I'm not entirely sure he can read, so that may not have been bravery..."

"Come back and teach, Hagrid." Hermione said. "Please come back, we really miss you."

"I refuse to accept your resignation, Hagrid." Dumbledore said, leaving. "I expect you back at work on Monday. You will join me for breakfast at eight-thirty in the Great Hall. No excuses. Good evening to you all."

Dumbledore left the cabin, and Hagrid began to sob into his hands. Hermione kept patting his arm, and Hagrid looked up and said, "Great man, Dumbledore...great man..."

"Yeah, he is." Ron said. "Can I have one of these cakes, Hagrid?"

"Help yourself." Hagrid said, wiping his eyes. "Ar, he's right, of course-you're all right...I've been old dad would've been ashamed of the way I've been behaving. Never shown you a picture of my old dad, Have I? Here..."

Hagrid got up, went over to his dresser, opened a drawer, and pulled out a picture of his dad, who sat on the top of Hagrid's shoulder. "That was taken just after I got into Hogwarts." Hagrid said. "Dad was dead chuffed...thought I might not be a wizard, see, cause of me mum...well, anyway. 'Course, I never was great shakes at magic, really...but at least he never saw me expelled. Died, see, in me second year.

"Dumbledore was the one who stuck up for me after Dad went. Got me the gamekeeper job...trusts people, he does. Gives them second chances...that's what sets him apart from other Heads, see. He'll accept anyone at Hogwarts, as long as they've got the talent. Knows people can turn out okay even if their families weren't...well...all that respectable."

That's what worries me. Raven thought, thinking about how easily Dumbledore let both Snape and Karkaroff into Hogwarts.

"But some don't understand that." Hagrid continued. "There's some who'd always hold it against you...there's some who'd even pretend they just had big bones rather than stand up and say-I am what I am, and I'm not ashamed. 'Never be ashamed,' my old dad used to say. 'there's some who'll hold it against you, but they're not worth bothering with.' And he was right. I've been an idiot. I'm not bothering with her no more, I promise you that. Big bones...I'll give her big bones."

Only Harry, Ron, and Hermione knew what he was talking about. Raven and Daphne were thinking he meant Rita Skeeter, but he was talking about Madam Maxime. Harry and Ron had overheard him and her talk the night of the Yule Ball and told Hermione the next morning in the Gryffindor common room.

"You now what, Harry, Raven." Hagrid said, looking at them. "I'd love for you both to win, or at least one of you. Really show them all. You don't have to be of age and know everything, you both can beat those that are older than you. How are you two doing with the egg?"

"Great." Harry said. "Really great."

"Yep, we've almost cracked it." Raven said, and Hagrid's face broke into a wide smile.

"I knew you two could do it!" Hagrid beamed. "You'll show them."

"Please tell me you have a way for us to breath underwater, Raven?" Harry asked, as the five of them made their way back up to the castle.

"Possibly." Raven replied. "But I need to understand it first before I can help you get it down as well, so try and see if you can manage to find another way for the moment."

"Alright, we'll see what we can find." Harry said.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione departed toward the Gryffindor common room, while Daphne stopped Raven so she could say something. "Raven if you need any help getting the charm down, know that I'm here for you." She said, smiling at him. "Even if you just need me for a morale boost, let me know, okay."

"I will, thanks, Daphne." Raven said, smiling back. "Good night."

"Good night, Raven." Daphne said, and they departed to their common rooms.

One morning, Harry told Raven that Sirius wanted to know the day of the next Hogsmeade visit which made it seem that Sirius was going to make an appearance. Raven, getting the hint, decided to write to his mum to see if she could join them that day, as her and Sirius haven't seen each other since her wedding, and she now knew that Sirius was innocent.

After that, they headed down to Care of Magical Creatures, and Hagrid was continuing the unicorn lessons, as there were only two Skrewts left, one being Sylvie. Today he had managed to capture two unicorn foals, that were pure gold. Daphne gasped in awe standing next to Raven when she saw them.

"C'mon, lets go pet them." Raven said, taking her hand guiding her to one.

"Easier to spot than the adults." Hagrid told the class, as they began petting them. "They turn silver when they're about two years old, and they grown horns at around four. Don't go pure white till they're full grown, around about seven. They're a bit more trusting when they're babies...don't mind boys so much...give them a few of these sugar lumps..."

Raven and Daphne grabbed a couple of sugar cubes and began feeding one of them. "Oh, they're absolutely gorgeous." Daphne said in complete awe, as the unicorn ate her last sugar cube.

"Yeah, they're amazing." Raven agreed.

The next day, a letter arrived from his mother. Raven took the envelope from Izanami, took out the letter in it, and read it to himself.

Hey there, Little Bird. Included in the envelope is this letter, of course, but also the pictures from the Ball. They turned out really well, and I've already got the one of you and Daphne standing together with the lake behind you, framed and sitting on the mantle of the fireplace. I hope you're making progress with the second task, and I wish you luck with it. I am able to join you in Hogsmeade again during your next visit. Thank you for telling me about it. It'll be good to see Padfoot again, especially now knowing that he's innocent. I love you, and I'll see you soon.


Mumma Bird

Raven pocketed the letter and took a look at the photos. He admired the scenes of him dancing with Daphne and Astoria, and the ones where he and Daphne were standing side by side, arms wrapped around each other smiling. He got up from his table and headed to the Slytherin table where Daphne and Astoria were.

"Hey, Raven." Daphne greeted, noticing him come up. "What's that you have behind your back?" She asked, as Raven had his hand behind him.

"A little surprise." Raven said, smirking.

"Well don't keep us waiting!" Astoria said, giddy with excitement.

"Alright." Raven said, bringing his hands in front of him, though he still had them covered. He reached and put his hands in front of them and set the photos down. He removed his hands and said, "Surprise!"

Daphne and Astoria gasped when they saw the photos. "You got them today?" Daphne asked.

"Yeah, Mum sent her owl just a little bit ago." Raven replied. "All yours now, ladies."

"Really? We can keep them?" Astoria asked, looking at the one of her and Raven dancing.

"Yep, enjoy." Raven said, admiring there excitement.

"Thank you, Raven." Astoria beamed. "I need to go put these in my dorm." She got up. "Tell your mum I said thank you as well." Astoria ran off to her dorm, carrying the pictures.

"Thank you, Raven, these are wonderful." Daphne said, with one hand on her cheek as she smiled at the photos. "Say thank you to your mum for me as well."

"I'll be sure to." Raven said.

Raven began practicing on getting the Bubble-Head Charm down every chance he got. Daphne, Luna, and Jasper were all there to help support him, and Daphne stayed longer than the others as he practiced at the shore of the Black Lake. It of course wasn't cold to him at all, though the others managed to feel it. Raven did help Daphne stay warm by offering his scarf and jacket to her, to which she happily accepted. Jasper said that he was never good with this Charm, but to not focus too hard. Instead, keep your mind clear and just get the feel of it.

"How long was that?" Raven asked, as he emerged from the water.

"Twenty minutes." Daphne replied. "You're getting better."

Raven let out a frustrated sigh, he wanted to get the whole hour down.

"Hey, c'mon, you've been at it for hours, lets head back up to the castle before dinner is over." Daphne said, standing up. "I'm getting hungry and you could use some food too."

"You go ahead, I can sneak back in if I need to." Raven said.

"If you're staying then so am I." Daphne stated. "Are you going to make me stay in the cold all night and have me go hungry?"

Raven sighed, then stepped out of the water. "Fine you win." A smirk formed on Daphne's lips. "Scourgify!" Raven's clothes were now dry.

"Now c'mon." Daphne said, handing him back his scarf and jacket. "I hear there's butterbeer ice cream."

"That actually sounds good right now." Raven chuckled, as they headed back up the castle.

They were at it again the next day and it was the day before the final task. Raven skipped lunch and when Daphne came back down to the lake, she brought him some food, his birthday gift, and a little friend.

"Hey, Bubblehead!" Daphne called out to Raven as he emerged from the water.

"Bubblehead?" Raven repeated confused.

"Get your butt over here and come eat." Daphne ordered, holding up some food. Raven's stomach growled and he looked down to it. Deciding he should probably get some food, he got out, dried himself off, and walked over to Daphne, who was under a tree.

"Bubblehead, huh?" Raven said, sitting down.

"It just slipped out." Daphne giggled. "But it got your attention, and...I brought a friend." She reached behind her, and when her hands came back in front of her, a black and white ferret was in her hands.

"Chase!" Raven beamed, smiling. Daphne set Chase down and he ran and climbed on Raven's shoulders. "For a split second I thought it was Draco." He and Daphne burst into laughter.

"Chase has missed you." Daphne said, admiring them.

"I missed him too, it's been a while." Raven said, giving Chase some pets.

"Now-" She handed him a plate of food. "-eat up, you're going to need it."

"Yes, ma'am." Raven said, and began digging in.

"How long can you hold the Charm now?" Daphne asked, taking a bite of a croissant.

"Forty minutes so far." Raven replied, taking a bit from an apple.

"Hey, you're improving." Daphne said. "You're almost there."

"Yeah, but the task is tomorrow, I need to get it down now." Raven sighed.

"Hey." Daphne said, putting her hand on his. "You will get it down, I know you can do it and you know you can too. Remember what Jasper said, 'keep your mind clear and just get the feel of it.' All the frustration and worry will only hinder your progress."

"You're right, thank you." Raven said, feeling much better.

"Also," Daphne said, reaching into her bag. "I know it's a little late, but happy birthday!" She pulled out a wrapped package.

"And here I thought you forgot." Raven said slyly.

"You know most people say 'thank you.'" Daphne said. "I could keep it you know." She held it away from Raven's hands.

"I mean, thank you, how considerate of you." Raven corrected, giving a small bow.

"That's what I thought." Daphne said smirking, handing it to him.Raven opened it to find a book behind the wrapping paper. It was titled Troll Adventures. "Troll Adventures?" Raven questioned reading it.

"Yeah, it's about a wizard befriending a troll and they go on an adventure together." Daphne explained. "I remember you saying you like adventure books so I thought I'd get this for you."

"Thank you, Daphne. This is really nice." Raven said smiling.

"You're welcome, I'm glad you like it." Daphne said smiling back. "I don't think it's based on a true story, because I don't think there's any wizard that's befriended a troll before."

"I might give it a go one day." Raven said thinking about it.

Daphne huffed out a laugh. "I can honestly see you doing that." She said. "Now, go on read a chapter before you get back in the water, it'll help take your mind off things and relax it a little."

After finishing his lunch, reading the first chapter of his new book, and playing with Chase a bit, Raven was back at it. It was getting late and he managed to get fifty minutes down before Astoria came down looking for Daphne.

"Hey, Astoria, what's up?" Daphne asked.

"Professor Snape's looking for you." Astoria replied. Daphne looked to Raven worried.

"Why does he need me?" Daphne asked, feeling skeptical.

"I don't know, but he said it was imperative." Astoria replied.

"Go on, I'm sure it'll be fine." Raven assured her. "I've almost got it down, I shouldn't be here much longer. I'll see you in the morning, and thank you for your help."

"All right, good luck, Raven. I'm always happy to help." Daphne said, smiling at him. "Astoria, can you take Chase back to my dorm for me?"

"Sure thing." Astoria said, picking Chase up. "Good luck tomorrow, Raven." Raven waved goodbye to the two sisters. Once they were out of sight, Raven began practicing some more.

Raven managed to keep the Bubble-Head Charm for an hour and fifteen minutes by the time it reached midnight. "Bloody hell, I did it!" Raven cheered to himself. He check his watch and said, 

"Guess I gotta sneak back in."

He dried himself off and used a Disillusionment Charm to avoid Filch, as he got back inside the castle. It wasn't perfect as he still needed to work on it, but he managed to successfully sneak back to his common room.

"Alright, Uri." Raven whispered to her. "Since they're going to take what I'll sorely miss, which I think is going to be you, cuddle close and wake me up if you feel someone's coming." Uri gave a meow to affirm an answer.

I hope Harry's found a way. Raven thought.

They morning came sooner than Raven had suspected and he was honestly a little tired. He looked down to see that Uri was still cuddle up next to him.

I guess she wasn't the target. Raven thought.

He got up, rummaged through his bag, and took out an Invigoration Draught. He took a sip feeling wide awake.

You're the best, Mumma Bird. Raven thought, as his mother supplied him with plenty of useful potions.

Raven got dressed into his champions uniform, which was a blue tank top with the Ravenclaw symbol on it, black swimming trunks, as well as a wand strap over his left ankle. He wore a hoodie, which was the same design as his tank top over it, and put black sweatpants on over his swimming trunks. After that he headed down to breakfast and people wished him good luck as he made his way. Once he was there, he saw Harry at the Gryffindor table alone, and he looked tired.

"Hey, Harry, where's Ron and Hermione?" Raven asked, sitting down across from him.

"I don't know, they didn't come back to the common room last night." Harry replied.

"Hmm, that's weird." Raven said. "Anyway, did you find a solution for the water?"

"I did." Harry said. "Dobby gave me some gillyweed and said that I'd be able to breath underwater for an hour after eating it."

"Good." Raven said. "If you hadn't found a way, I would've cast the Bubble-Head Charm on you underwater."

"Well if the gillyweed doesn't work, please do." Harry said.

"Sure thing, now, drink this." Raven said, handing Harry the bottle with the Invigoration Draught in it. Harry took a sip and felt awake.

"Wow, thanks." Harry said grateful. "What is this?"

"An Invigoration Draught, wakes you up right way." Raven explained, taking it back.

Just then, Astoria bolted up to Raven. "Hey, Raven, Daphne didn't come back to the common room last night after she went to Snape's office." She said. Raven's eyes widened. "I'm worried, do you think something happened to her? She told me what Snape used to be."

Raven looked around the Great Hall, Daphne wasn't among the students there. She would've definitely come up and sat with him if she was. He looked to the staff table and saw Snape casually eating his breakfast like nothing was wrong.

All of a sudden it clicked. Daphne, Ron, and Hermione weren't here as they were probably hostages for the champions. They were what they'll sorely miss. Ron was probably for Harry, Hermione for Krum, and Daphne for him. "Rest assured, Astoria." Raven said, patting her on the back. "I think I know where your sister is."

Everyone began to make their way down to the Black Lake. They had boats prepared to take them to the center of the lake that had three towers for spectators. Raven and Harry got in aboat with Astoria and Neville.

Astoria was worrying about her sister the whole time, as Daphne was currently at the bottom of the lake. Raven assured her that Daphne would be alright, he wouldn't let anything happen to her. He did silently worry for the hostages if they ran out of time. Surely Dumbledore wouldn't actually endanger the students, but recent actions from the Headmaster made Raven think otherwise.

Once the champions were on the platform, Raven and the other champions undressed so they were just in a tank top with swimming trunks, and Fleur into her one-piece bathing suit.

Bagman pointed his wand to his throat and said, "Sonorus!" His voice echoed.

"Put that thing in your mouth." Moody growled to Harry. Harry shoved the gillyweed in his mouth and began chewing, and coughing. Moody kept slapping his back to help stop him from chocking.

Eugh! I'm glad Dobby didn't give me one of those. Raven thought.

"Well, all our champions are ready for the second task, which will start on my whistle." Bagman said. "They have precisely and hour to recover what has been taken from them. On the count of three, then. One...two...three!" The whistle echoed and the champions dove into the water, except Harry who belly flopped in while struggling with the gillyweed.

While the other champions swam off in different directions, Raven cast the Bubble-Head Charm on himself, and stayed near the surface to make sure Harry was okay.

Once Harry stopped struggling, Raven swam over to him. Raven was able to talk with the Bubble-Head Charm, so he asked, "Are you good, Harry?" Harry couldn't speak so he just gave Raven a thumbs up. Raven gave him a nod and turned to start finding the hostages.

Raven went into Instinct Mode, and tried to find the source with the greatest energy. Raven could sense many energies in the Black Lake, but he managed to find the direction where it was the heaviest.

It was dark in the Black Lake so it wasn't easy to see, but Raven had the advantage with being able to sense magical creatures, so he kept swimming towards the heavy energy, and luckily any Grindylows he came across ignored him.

As Raven kept swimming he heard the mersong, the same one from the egg.

"An hour long you'll have to look,
And to recover what we took..."

Raven swam faster towards the direction of the melody. He saw merpeople carrying spears and chasing the giant squid.

There's something you don't see everyday. He thought, looking at the giant squid. Though, I 

reckon most people would freak if they did.

"...your time's half gone, so tarry not
Lest what you seek stays here to rot..."

Raven quickened his pace one again, following the tune. It had already been thirty minutes and he wasn't going to let Daphne rot down here.

As he swam even further for about ten minutes, he saw multiple merpeople all around, and among them, he saw the five hostages. He swam in their direction and saw who they were: Daphne, Ron, Hermione, Cho, and a little blonde girl who looked no older than eight, each in a deep sleep with a Bubble-Head Charm around their head so they could breath. Raven could sense veela energy from the little girl and figured it was Fleur's sister. Their legs had seaweed around them and were tied to a giant stone merperson.

Raven waited a bit before setting Daphne free. He looked around among the lake, waiting to see if any of the other champions were coming. He didn't want to leave any of the hostages if he could help it.

Upon seeing another human figure start swimming towards his direction, he turned back towards Daphne, pulled out his wand, pointed it at the seaweed, and said, "Diffindo!" The seaweed around Daphne's leg broke apart.

Raven put his wand back on his wand strap, grabbed Daphne by the waist, and began to swim towards the surface. He made a mental note to come back down if the others were taking too long, or if they had forfeited.

Raven could see the light peer from the surface of the lake. Just inches away, and finally he broke free, his and Daphne's Bubble-Head Charms popping, and both taking in a breath, as Daphne had woken up.

"Hey, you okay?" Raven asked her, as his pupils relaxed.

"Yeah." Daphne huffed, catching her breath. She then realized how close her face was to Raven's. His arm was still around her waist and she realized how amazing his hair looked when it was wet. Her face went beet red at the sight. "U-um, let's get t-to the platform." She said, looking away.

"Right, let's go." Raven said, and the two began swimming.

"Daphne!" Astoria cried they made it to the platform. Astoria grabbed Daphne's hands helping her up as Raven helped her by holding her waist. Astoria quickly wrapped a blanket around her sister, and embraced her in a hug. "I was so worried."

"I'm okay, sis." Daphne said, returning the hug, as Luna and Jasper helped Raven up.

"You're the first one back with your hostage, Raven. And you're just barely in the time limit." Luna said, wrapping him in a blanket. Raven took it off and wrapped it around Daphne.

Raven took his wand out, pointed it to Daphne and said, "Scourgify!" "Better?" He asked her.

"Still a little cold, but thank you." Daphne said, smiling at him.

"Look, there's Cedric." Jasper pointed out. Cedric had emerged with Cho just one minute outside the time limit, and began swimming to the platform.

"Thank you, Raven!" Astoria cried, embracing Raven in a hug.

"There there." Raven said, patting her on the back. "I told you I'd get her back."

A few seconds later, Krum emerged with Hermione. Raven looked around the platform and saw that Fleur was up here, but her sister wasn't.

Raven was getting worried, looking intently at the water. He also wondered what was taking Harry so long. "I'll be back." Raven said, diving straight back into the lake.

"Raven!" Daphne gasped, watching him go.

Raven looked down toward the murky bottom of the lake and saw Harry carrying both Ron and Fleur's sister, though his gillyweed had just run out, and he was struggling for air. grindylows were surrounding him, so Raven cast the Bubble-Head Charm on himself and swam down towards him.

Upon reaching him, he flung Ron and the girl up to the surface with all his strength, and went into Instinct Mode to scare away the grindylow's that were around Harry. Raven wrapped his arm around Harry's waist who was now slowly losing consciousness, pointed his wand up and said, "Ascendio!"

Raven and Harry soared up through the water, broke the surface and flew through the air to a platform. Raven brought himself under Harry so he would break his fall. As they landed, Raven grunted as Harry landed on him pretty hard. Harry rolled off Raven coughing water out of his mouth.

He looked to Raven who was just grinning at him, while holding his side. "Let's...never do that again." Raven grunted.

"Agreed." Harry said back, and they both chuckled.

"Harry! Raven!" Hermione cried, as her and Ron came up to the both of them and wrapping blankets around them both. Raven once again, took it off and gave it to Harry.

"I don't get cold, Hermione, remember." Raven said.

"Right, forgot." Hermione said. "But you both did wonderfully."

"I placed last Hermione." Harry sighed.

"At least you're alive." Raven stated.

"Raven!" Daphne gasped, coming up to him along with Astoria, Luna, and Jasper, and she gave him a hug. "You scared me there for a second." She said separating from him.

"Aww, did I make your heart skip a beat?" Raven cooed, smirking. Daphne blushed and was at a loss for words. She tried to speak but nothing came out. "Hey, I'm alright." He chuckled, patting her arm.

Daphne regained herself and Fleur came up to Harry. "You saved 'er." She said breathlessly. "Even though she was not your 'ostage." Fleur bent down and kissed Harry twice on each cheek. She then turned to Ron, "And you too-you 'elped-"

"Yeah, a bit." Ron said, and she kissed Ron on each cheek as well.

"You as well." Fleur said, turning to Raven.

She stepped to Raven but Daphne got in front of him. "No more kisses!" She said firmly. "No offense, but we just say, 'thank you' in our country."

Someone's jealous. Astoria mentally cooed.

Fleur seemed to get the message and said, "Zank you, Raven."

"You're welcome." Raven said, smiling at her.

Ludo Bagman's magically magnified voice boomed out beside them, making them all jump, and everyone went quiet. "Ladies and gentlemen, we have reached our decision. Merchieftainess Murcus has told us exactly what happened at the bottom of the lake, and we have therefore decided to award marks out of fifty for each of the champions, as follows...

"Fleur Delacour, though she demonstrated excellent use of the Bubble-Head Charm, was attacked by Grindylows as she approached her goal, and failed to retrieve her hostage. We award her twenty-five points."

The crowd clapped. "I deserve zero." Fleur said throatily.

"Raven Mordecur, who also used the Bubble-Head Charm, was first to reach the hostages, as well as the first to return with his hostage, and the only champion to return within the time limit. He also helped out the last two hostages as well as another champion. We therefore award him with fifty points."

Cheers erupted throughout the stands. Raven looked surprised that he got full marks. "Fifty points, way to go, man." Jasper said, patting Raven on the back.

"Cedric Diggory who also used the Bubble-Head Charm, was second to return with his hostage, though he returned one minute outside the time limit. Therefore we award him forty-seven points."

"Viktor Krum used an incomplete form of Transfiguration which was nevertheless effective, and was third to return with his hostage. We award him forty points."

"Harry Potter used gillyweed to great effect. He returned last, and well outside the time limit. However, the Merchieftainess informs us that his delay in his return was due to his determination to return all hostages to safety, not merely his own."

"Most of the judges." Bagman gave Karkaroff a nasty look. "Feel that his shows morale fiber and merits full marks. However...Mr. Potter's score is forty-three points."

"Harry!" Raven said, as the crowd broke into cheers. "You and I are now tied for first place with Cedric." Harry looked happier than he had in a while and they two high-fived each other.

"The third and final task will take place at dusk on the twenty-fourth of June." Bagman said. 

"The champions will be notified of what is coming precisely one month beforehand. Thank you all for your support of the champions."

Raven gave out a sigh of relief. He didn't have to worry about figuring out any clues and could take some time to relax and enjoy it with his friends.

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