
By Moonlit_Jazz

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A mystery adventure type story, about an emotionless boy named Zeldris who has received a deadly curse for go... More

Chapter 1: The chosen one
Chapter 2: Repent!
Chapter 3: Restart!
Chapter 5: The Battle!
Chapter 6: Resolve!
Chapter 7: Second Wind!
Chapter 8: The Brawl!
Chapter 9: The Brawl Part 2!
Chapter 10: An Offer You Can't Refuse!
Chapter 11: Change!
Chapter 12: Modesty!
Chapter 13: A New Face!
Chapter 14: Rejection!
Chapter 15: Dissension!
Chapter 16: Denier of Free will!
Chapter 17: A Little Help!
Chapter 18: A New Ally!
Chapter 19: Strike Back!
Chapter 20: Rule Of Three!
Chapter 21: Damned!
Chapter 22: The Truth!
Chapter 23: His Decree!
Chapter 24: Club Activities!
Chapter 25: Preparation!

Chapter 4: Confrontation!

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By Moonlit_Jazz

The scene starts with Zeldris sitting on the edge of his bed, what had just happened in his previous life had scarred him..he'd never thought he'd end up in such a scary situation..he was tortured something he'd never forget. He was thankful it wasn't a mental type of torture..the type where they continuously put you in a state of panic over weeks. Zeldris had restarted the Monday for the third time, he started recognise certain patterns..but he couldn't prevent them. He couldn't warn them of what was yet to come or he'd end up being tortured once again. He couldn't follow Donny's plan either or she'd end up dead along with his mother. Zeldris started to bang his head against the wall. He didn't have a single clue on what to do...all he could do was continuously bang his head on the wall out of frustration. Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

???: "Zeldris, you'll be late! I've made you breakfast and I've packed your favourites."

Zeldris: "I'll be down in a minute."

Zeldris was slumped against the wall for a brief moment, he sat up before he moved off the bed to start his routine to get ready. Zeldris walked into the kitchen, his eyes were way darker than usual as if he was punched in both eyes.

???: "Wait a second young man. You haven't been sleeping have you? You look like a bandit when your eyes are dark like that, dear."

Zeldris looked up at his adoptive mum before tapping his face.

Zeldris: "Oh right..yeah I was up with Tak playing bit smasher most of the night..we must've lost track of time."

???: "On a school night?! You need to sleep earlier, it's good for your health. Especially for your education also, dear."

Zeldris: "I know, it's whatever."

Zeldris looked down before grabbing his lunch. Zeldris made his way out of the house but before he could walk away he was stopped.

???: "Remember dear, you're never alone."

Zeldris froze for a moment. His hands trembled as feelings began to ripple through him. He held back his emotions before he carried on walking. Today he decided to not take the bus..he needed more time to think. After a while Zeldris arrived at the school. He wasn't late but he was most definitely cutting it close. He walked inside before he made his way to his locker, he opened before placing his stuff inside. The three boys walked up to him.

Jack: "Dude..why are you so late?"

Ryo: "Jack, class has not started yet."

Jack: "You know what I mean, usually he's one of the first ones in."

Tak: "For once I agree with the big guy. It's not like you to be cutting it close man. Are you alright?"

Zeldris looked at the three boys. His deep dark bags scared them. Jack and Takeo screamed as they jumped back.

Jack/Tak: "HOLY SHIT!!"

Tak: "Dude, what the fuck? Have you been fighting with a guy that's been drinking abuse juice or something?"

Ryo: "Oh my..not to be unpleasant Zeldris, but you could go shopping with those bags."

Jack: "HAHAHA, right? Zeldris has walked into two doors."

The three of them laughed at the rather dark bags Zeldris had under his eyes. Zeldris's right eyebrow twitched as he listened to the three..he didn't have time to deal with their insults..soon it will all start again. He needed to do something or he would see a bleak future again. The bell rang. Zeldris tucked his hands in his pockets as he made his way to class. Class was relatively the same once again, the teacher droned on while students were too busy gossiping and not listening. Zeldris could feel his heart pound against his chest with each tick of the clock..time was running out and he had to think of something and fast. Zeldris couldn't think of a single thing unfortunately..continuous flashes of each death he had witnessed kept popping up in his head. He had deep breaths as he broke into a cold sweat, he started to hyperventilate as he remembered being tortured. The whole class looked over at him frightened..scared and some were worried. Takeo got up to run over to Zeldris.


Ms Godfrey: "Take your seat Takeo, I'll have someone take him to the nurses office right away."

Everything began to get blurry, the last thing he saw was Takeo and Ms Godfrey over him as he blacked out. The scene changed and Zeldris woke up in the nurses office. He was laid back in a medical chair and a white sheet was draped over him.

Zeldris: "Damn it..where am I?"

???: "The nurses office.."

Zeldris's heart dropped..he heard that voice before, it was the voice that belonged to a dead girl. The girl was sat across from him on a stool, her long twisted and creepy hair covering her face entirely. She was currently mixing something with a mortar and pestle.

???: "Y-You blacked might've been from the fact you've been staying up so much. I can see it in your eyes, your body needed the much needed rest to catch up."

The girl loomed over him. With her right hand she shone a flashlight in his right eye. She then stepped back to grab the mortar and pestle before continuing to mix the substance.

Zeldris: "What..who are you?"

???: "I'm the girl in your class."

Zeldris: "Yeah I know that, but I don't even know your name."

??? "M-My name? It's T-Tabitha..Asagao."

Zeldris looked at the girl..she really did seem creepy especially with such a nice name. The sleeves of her uniform was ripped, along with parts of her tights. Her hair was unkept..she seemed like some sort of banshee. Zeldris raised his hand out.

Zeldris: "Listen Tabitha, you can't meet Donny. You need to stay away from that meeting place."

Tabitha: "How did you know?.."

Zeldris: "Don't worry about it. Just can't go there."

Tabitha fell silent, she looked down at her hand before shaking her head at him.

Tabitha: "I can't..I can't refuse Donny. You know what he'll do if you don't do as he says.."

Zeldris: "You idiot, I'm trying to save you here. Listen, if you go there something bad will happen! I'm trying to keep you from meeting up with an asshole like that!"

Tabitha: "Why? don't even know me. You didn't even know my name until now. Why would you care to save me?.."

Zeldris looked down and gripped the bed sheets. He contemplated about telling her the real reason..the bleak futures he saw. Zeldris looked up at her before saying in a slight panic.

Zeldris: "If you go, you'll die! He will beat you up, he will hurt you. He will do horrible things to you..HE WILL KILL YOU!!"

Tabitha looked at him, her eyes widened..the two of them froze for a moment...however the silence was broken. First..a slight snicker..then it was followed with light laughter..and then hysterical laughter. Zeldris stared at her as she laughed at him. Zeldris gripped the sheets harder as he felt his blood boil.

Zeldris: "Do you think this is a joke?!"

Tabitha: "I'm sorry..I'm sorry...but don't be ridiculous. He wouldn't kill me.."

Zeldris: "I've seen it with my own eyes, I've seen you meet your end. He will kill you! Donny is a piece of shit and he doesn't give a flying crap about anyone but himself! I've seen a future where you'll die by his hand!"

She began to laugh once again..but even harder. Zeldris stared at her. His gaze was icy..why was she laughing?..he had just told her something serious yet she took it as a joke.

The girl was still laughing at him. The voice watched Zeldris's every move not allowing him to spoil anyone's fate. Zeldris bit his tongue and the final bell had was time..for the real test. The girl got up before bowing slightly at Zeldris and walking off. Zeldris jumped out of the bed and made his way out behind her. Zeldris ran down the stairs but he tripped, he smashed his left knee against the concrete stairs. Zeldris let out a grunt as pain surged through his body. Through the large windows, he could see the meeting take place..Donny and his boys were making their way there..Tabitha sat waiting for them.

Zeldris: "Now's not the time to freaking slack off! Work you stupid leg, MOVE!"

Zeldris looked down at his leg, it was unresponsive.. Luckily Zeldris dug into his adrenaline bank, he began to crawl swiftly. He dragged his left leg down stairs as he did so, after a few moments he made it outside. He looked at the two converse..but it was starting to get physical. Donny grabbed her by the shirt and held her up, the dark haired woman struggled in the air as he held her up.

Zeldris: "Let her go.." He whispered, his voice not being heard by the infuriating laughter of his goons.

Zeldris: "Let her go...let..her..go.."

His voice was still not heard, his voice fell on deaf ears. Zeldris clambered onto his right leg as he hopped toward the two.

Zeldris: "I SAID LET HER GO!"

Zeldris leaped into the air, the crowd of boys stared at him in awe as he actually had the balls to stand up to the bully. Zeldris pulled back his arm before throwing a punch into Donny's face. The group of boys made a horrified face witnessing history being made. Their gasps made the whole entire area silent. Zeldris screamed in pain as he punched his felt as though he was slamming his fist into iron..his face was tough.

Random goon 1: "WHAT THE FUCK?! Did Zeldris just punch boss?!"

Random goon 2: "Holy crap! That son of a bitch punched Boss!"

They were all impressed..all except one. Donny's head was tilted to the side slightly when his fist connected with his face. Donny looked down at Zeldris, his eyes filled with bloodlust. Donny's hands became veiny due to his anger, a vein also popped out in his forehead as he lowered his right arm to grab Zeldris by his hair. He held him up to his face before saying with a growl.

Donny: "Do you know what you just did? What you did was fucking treason against the king of the school."

Donny began to punch Zeldris in his face over and over and over again. He kneed him in his stomach before he threw him across the playground. Zeldris grunted in pain as he held his stomach.

Donny: "You pathetic little shit. Who the fuck do you think you are?! I let you handle one thing and you think you're hot shit? I will fucking hang you, I will ripe you to pieces!"

Donny shouted as he pointed down at him.

Donny:"Tomorrow. Me and you punk. In the park after school, I will fucking end you. If you're late, I'll make all your loved ones know who the fuck is the king around that I mean I'll watch their blood spill from their bodies until there's not a drop left." Donny said coldly as he turned around.

Zeldris was about to blackout again..Donny's punches were like a truck hitting you at full speed. Each time his fist slammed into his body, he felt his innards shatter..that's what a punch felt like from a twenty two year old. Zeldris's eyes began to close as he was about to blackout once again. He began to spit out blood..he felt ever so weak. The final thing he saw was Tabitha rushing over to him before kneeling down to him.

After a while, Zeldris woke up. He was met with a ceiling light that hung over him..he'd never seen that before..he wasn't at home nor school.

???: "Is this the kid?"

Tabitha: "Yes father. He was the one that stuck up for me..he got hurt because of me."

Zeldris looked around. His vision was still slightly blurred..but he could make out one figure, which was Tabitha. Zeldris only knew who the other person was due to their voice..the person that once tortured him. Zeldris woke up in a slight panic but the man placed his hand on his chest.

???: "Easy kid, you're hurt. Don't move."

Zeldris calmed down before he laying back down.

Tabitha: "I'll go get some more bandages, father."

???: "Alright. I'll keep an eye on him."

Zeldris looked up at the man..his once psychotic look seemed to be caring this time. He seemed calm and collected..but Zeldris knew the truth. He didn't say a word but he felt fear rush through his body.

???: "My daughter told me everything and what you did back there. What you did was something only a real man would do in that situation. For what it's worth, thanks Kid."

Zeldris: "It's fine..I just hate that guy..all he ever does is pick on the weak. He's a real scumbag."

???: "My daughter tells me that all the time. You've got a fight with him don't you?"

Zeldris: "Yeah..but there's no way I can win..not the way I am now. I punched him and it was like punching a brick wall."

???: "If you have doubt in your heart before the battle even starts. Then you've already lost. Remember that kid. It's not over until it's over."

Zeldris shook his head. How could he say such a thing? Zeldris was on the brink of death and they weren't even his full power punches..

???: "For saving my daughter, I'm going to train you. I will give you techniques that'll take down that bastard. You just have to be willing to put in the effort."

Zeldris thought about it. He looked down at his arms and his legs. He remembered the pain he felt..he remembered what he had done..Donny needed to be punished for his sins.

Zeldris cut his eyes at him, he was filled with determination.

Zeldris: "Alright..I'll do it. Turn me into a man that can take down a bastard like that."

He laughed before saying.

???: "That look in your eyes. it reminds me of my first mission. That determination will always crack me up. Just to let you know if you're expecting some pissant training. Then this isn't for you, these techniques in the right hands can and will kill someone. Knowing that..are you still willing to learn?"

Zeldris nodded. He'd never have a change of heart..not now at least.

???: "My name is Renjiro Asagao but as of right now it's captain to you. Got it?"

Zeldris: "Yes captain!"

Chapter end.

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