Hiding My Heart - One Directi...

By ocwise12

42.3K 540 85

Kendall was born and raised in the USA! I mean... At least she thought. Kendall only lived with her mom, Am... More

Chapter 1-The Concert
Chapter 2-She Can't Find Me
Chapter 3-The Papz Never Fail
Chapter 4-Kendalls Story
Chapter 5-Prince "Charming"...?
Chapter 6-Reunited
Chapter 7-"Promise you won't leave her."
Chapter 8-Secrets
Chapter 9-Opened Hearts & Envelopes
Chapter 10-"I'm so sorry Ry"
Chapter 11-Friend or Foe?
Chapter 12-Would He Say He's In L-O-V-E?
Chapter 13-Well What's The Craic, Ireland?
Chapter 14-"Does This Mean I Love Him?"
Chapter 15-Moment of Truth
Chapter 16-"There is no time limit on love."
Chapter 17-"Whenever You're Ready."
Chapter 18-Peazer
Chapter 19-Peazer, Part 2
Chapter 20-Happy New Year...?
Don't hate me! (:
Chapter 21-Harry's New Year Resolution
Chapter 22-Tommo The Tomato!
Chapter 23-Payback
Chapter 24-Oh The Irony
Chapter 25-It's a Promise
Chapter 27-Divine Intervention
Chapter 28-Mystery Song
Chapter 29- "Simple, but effective."
Chapter 30-Jumping To Conclusions
URGENT Please read the whole note.
Chapter 31-Puzzle Pieces
Quick note!!
Chapter 32-Fake A Smile
Chapter 33-Honest, Sweet & Gentle
Chapter 34-Best Birthday Ever

Chapter 26-It Runs In The Family

849 7 1
By ocwise12


Sorry I have no idea why I haven't written anything, I was just busy lately and I have had horrible writer's block and I don't even know what this chapter is going to be about. I just have to update SO. BAD. that im sitting at my desk hoping ill start writing something.

You guys are all amazing and thanks for all the reads and feedback and voting and everything!! my school has a snow day today so hopefully I will be able to write more than this chapter!

Also I am going to try to focus a lot more on Harry and Kendall too so don't get angry when I start to write in pretty much only their pov.

And another thing, who is your favorite couple? or who would you like to be a couple...? Just curious!


Harry's POV:

It was just getting dark when we were on the way home from all the meetings and publicity interviews for that day. Even though we didn't do much but just sit there and answer questions and talk, we were all tired and couldn't wait to get home.

It's been awhile since we have all been to the house here in London. I know that it was re modeled and furnished though so hopefully the girls were able to find their way around and know whose room is who's. Either way they probably just dumped their bags in our rooms signaling they would be sleeping with one of us. Obviously Eleanor and Lou would sleep together, while Rylan would probably sleep with Liam. And hopefully Kendall followed their steps and put her bags in my room.

She seemed a little off when I told her we had to leave as soon as we got off the plane, for some reason I just felt like she was upset with me. That's why I'm worried if she went in a room of her own or not.

We pulled up to the house, stopping in the drive way. Slowly and sluggishly we un buckled our seat belts and eventually made our way out of the car and up to the door, Liam unlocked the door and groaned in exhaustion while dragging his feet to the new couch in the living room. He plopped down right next to Kendall who was curled up in a ball with a blanket covering her while she was sleeping, the television on as it glowed different colors onto her face and around the room.

It was dark and you could barely see anything, while the only light being on was the hall light and again, just the glow from the television. Zayn went to turn on a lamp, Niall and Lou went to make dinner and Liam was still a bit to close for my comfort to Kendall while he was starting to doze off into sleep.

I walked over closer to Kendall to where she was laying on the side of the couch, her head was on the arm rest with her hair covering half of her face.

"Kendall, do you wanna come up to my room to sleep with me?" I asked leaning down to whisper in her hair while gently moving her hair out of her face.

She groaned in response.

"Babe, I don't want your neck or back hurting tomorrow from sleeping on this, you can stretch out in my bed and be more comfortable." I whispered to her again while stroking her hair.

A smile started to appear on her lips while she blinked a few times, beginning to sit up.

"I'm so tired Harry." She mumbled with her eyes closed and lifted her arms in the air.

"Can you carry me... please?" She said quietly with her eyes still closed.

"Its just a few minutes passed 9:00, how could everyone be so exhausted?" I said out loud to myself while I leaned forward to pick Kendall up. I removed the blanket from her which caused her to apparently become pissed and upset.

"I wanna bring it upstairs with me its super soft and you don't have one like it in your room and I want it because I like it and its soft and I want it upstairs with me!" Kendall said crossing her arms, eyes still closed, and she had a pouted look on her face. Zayn came back in the room after turning on some lights and couldn't help but laugh at the way how Kendall was acting, and is started to laugh also.

"Harryyyy why is everyone laughing at meeee! stop it nooww!!" She said curling in a ball again, Liam was still awake since Kendall was having a tantrum so he was laughing with us also, and since the kitchen was right by the living room, Lou and Niall heard the whole thing, so of course. The whole house was laughing now.

"Ugh I just wanted the blanket upstairs and I wanted you to carry me cuz I'm too tired and I just wanna cuddle and go to beeeEEDDD!" She said barely opening her eyes while holding onto the blanket like her life is depending on it.

"Gee, she sounds a lot like someone else I know that acts like a child when they are woken up from a deep sleep too!" I said looking straight at Niall who was standing in the kitchen while I was still standing in front of Kendall.

"HA HA. very funny Harry." Niall said sarcastically.

"Its true though, Niall throws a fit when he's half asleep too!" Zayn said laughing a bit.

"I DO NOT!" Niall yelled jokingly.

"YEAH! AND I DON'T ACT LIKE A CHILD EITHER! AND STOP PICKING ON MY BUBBY!" Kendall yelled at us along with Niall causing even him to laugh as well.

"First phase is always denial, ,my darling." I said with a smirk while bending down to Kendall's height on the couch as I stroked her hair back again behind her ear.

Only Zayn and Liam were able to hear me so they were the only ones laughing while Louis and Niall finished making us all our late dinner.

"Put your arms up so I can carry you to bed babe." I said to Kendall while her arms will still corssed with the blanket in between them.

"Okey okey. But wait I need to say good night to everyone Harry!" She said while she snuggled into my neck as I held her bridal style.

"Night night  Li Li." She said as she patted his face.

"Oh dear god that hurt! I feel like my hand was just cut off! when the hell did you start growing facial hair Li?!"

"I've been trying for 19 years now babe. There is no way its coming off now." He said while we all laughed.

"Yikes" Was all she could respond back causing us all to laugh again.

I continued the 'Night night' route while walking over to Zayn.

"Hi Zayn." She said.

"Hi Kendall." He said back, trying not to laugh, knowing that she is basically asleep.

"Okay night night Zayn" She said while she patted his cheek also.

"Damn do any of you guys shave your face or what?" He finally laughed while we walking into the kitchen.

"HI GUIZE." She yelled jumping out of my arms and crashing into Niall and Louis' for a hug, seeming wide awake now.

"Are you alright Kendall...?" Niall asked pulling back from her seeming concerned.

"Well us girls were all going to go out and meet some of Eleanor's friends up at a club, and when we were all about to start getting ready I just started to feel like staying at home and resting and getting to know the house better. So Rylan and Eleanor went out, and that's where they are now. But I wasn't able to fall asleep so I took this one medicine I have that helps me sleep but I took like a huge dose of it so I was like KNOCKED OUT right and then now I have this huge burst of energy and good moods flying in me like WOW!! okay."

**(AUTHORS NOTE:*** ALRIGHT so In that part there ^^^ Kendall is not high or anything. I have been that way many times before when I wake up from a deep sleep, its quite funny actually haha. I also had to take a medicine that helped me sleep because if I didn't, my meds for my ADD would just end up keeping me up all night. The meds I took was an anti-depressant, and when it was in my "system" I literally felt like I was hit by a semi truck and I couldn't even walk or talk when I took the meds. but it just made me depressed and go insane with all these weird thoughts, so I take melatonin now. but I just wanted to make it clear the Kendall isn't high or messed up or anything! and when the meds would wear off I would be in a really good mood and then it made me all depressed and yeah, but I haven't self harmed or anything so I'm alright, no need to worry everyone! lol anyways on with the story***)

"Um... what is it... this stuff you're taking..?" I asked her causing her to turn around to look at me.

Her face kind of looked guilty or scarred for a minute before she answered.

"Oh, well see... well its just nothing, I am totally fine and I got it prescribed to me and also got enough bottles filled before we left so I have enough for when we go on tour. So yeah don't worry babe I'm totally fine. Totally." She said nervously, and making it very clear that she was fine and that she obviously did not want to talk about it.

Niall and Louis had questioned looks on their faces, but Kendall wasn't able to see since she was still facing me.

I guess my facial expression made it clear to her that I knew something else was up, but I didn't want to have to make her talk about it in front of everyone else.

She lifted her arms up indicating she wanted carried again. I swooped her back into my arms, holding her bridal style.

"WELL ALRIGHT LETS GO TO BED I WANNA GET COZY!!! otay guize I wuv u all so much otay. Night night to all of youuuuu!!"

She said as I walked out the kitchen and through the living room, turning to go up the steps.

I knew something was wrong with her.

And I needed to know soon.





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