Forgive and Forget | Harry Po...

By xxgenwritesxx

145K 2.8K 175

Amelia Black, daughter of Isabella Black. Starting her third year at Hogwarts, things begin to change. Previo... More



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By xxgenwritesxx



One more week of school. That's all they had left before the summer- one week. And what a busy week it would be.

With their exams finally coming to an end and one final quidditch match Amelia would not have much time to sit down and rest.

Despite the upcoming week being filled with events she was extremely excited for summer to finally begin.

Amelia wanted nothing more than to be able to chill out without any worries.

The school year had certainly been exhausting with all her family drama and she thought she deserved a well deserved vacation from it all; she wanted to leave everything that happened during her third year in third year.

Summer was the time of year she could truly forget about it all and instead focus and spend her time with her friends.

Even if she had to put up with Draco for six weeks she was more than delighted to go back to a place she could call home.

"Black!" A voice shouted, disturbing her from her daydream. Her head shot up at the familiar sound, it was Pansy.

"Hey Pansy!" She greeted, sitting upright on her dorm bed.

Like per usual the dorm room, which she shared with Pansy, Daphne and another girl called Millicent Bulstrode, was a mess. Clothes were over the floor along with books and half the beds weren't even made.

Amelia personally wasn't close enough with Millicent to call her a friend but she still had a decent amount of respect for the girl.

She was a Slytherin after all that automatically meant she'd have her back if another house decided to aggregate or annoy her.

That's what Slytherins did, they protected one another from harm.

Pansy sat on her own bed, across from her friend. In her hands she had some of her toiletries and judging by that and her hair still being slightly damp it was smart to assume she had not long been out of the shower.

"What's up?" Asked Amelia, fidgeting with her satin green blanket that was lied out neatly at the end of her bed.

Her friend smiled. "I met Draco on the way"

"You met Draco on the way here?" Amelia's eyes were raised slightly, theories and thoughts running through her mind.

"Yes I met him on the way here! Can I please carry on now?"

Amelia started laughing, "You met Draco on the way here? From the showers?"

Pansys confused face quickly turned to realisations and then to disgust. "Ew! Gosh no! Id never date Draco, gross."

She pulled a face at her friend and threw a book at her, still Amelia continued to laugh.

Eventually she calmed down enough to be able to have a conversation with Pansy. "Sorry. I've stopped, what were you saying?"

With an eye roll she spoke, "He wanted to tell me to tell you that he wants to speak to you."


Pansy shrugged as she picked up the hairbrush that was conveniently placed on her bed side table. "He never said."

"That's always helpful. I suppose I'll go find him now then."

With a sigh and a huff she got up and analysed the room. She shook her head when she realised the mess the girls, including her, had made and decided upon cleaning up her mess at the very least.

"Might want to tidy up your things, we'll be starting to pack up anyway soon for the summer."

"I'll tell the others." Amelia saw Pansy rolling her eyes yet didn't say anything about it, Amelia had always been forced to be the most responsible out of those living in the dorm room.

It was always Amelia who told them to make their beds in the morning or to tidy up after themselves. Growing up in a pureblood house gave her this; the need to be responsible.

She never wanted to disappoint her family and yet here she was, with one parent dead and the other not contact with her.

Not really anyway, she wasn't going to count the one letter James had sent.

After she deemed her side of the room cleaned up enough she exited the dorm and out the common room in an attempt to find Draco.

The teenager had been walking endlessly in the corridors for the last half an hour and still there were no signs of her cousin.

She had even asked multiple students if they'd seen him; each one of them hadn't but assured her that if they saw him they'd tell him she was looking for him.

Amelia appreciated that then moved on.

Eventually she found the boy she as looking for, he was sat by himself just outside the castle. Amelia promptly joined him and sat by his side, staring off at the forest that laid before them.

Draco seemed distracted by something and Amelia wasn't able to figure out what was wrong just by looking at him.

Usually she was able to, after spending so much time with him it was a skill she picked up, being able to read him like a book.

The pair sat in silent for a few moments until Amelia couldn't bear it any longer and needed to know what was bugging him. "Pansy said you wanted to tell me something."

"I do." His answer was vague and Amelia expected him to carry on with his sentence but he never did.

"Are you going to tell me? Or are you going to wait for me to suddenly become a mind reader?"
She spoke in a playful way, trying to brighten up his mood.

It didn't work.

"Potter sent my mother a letter yesterday morning."

Amelia was confused, why would he need to contact Narcissa?

"What did he say?" She asked,

Draco looked at her. "Just talked about what's happening this summer."


His mouth opened, then closed again then opened. It was like he didn't know what to say without hurting her feelings. "They want you to stay at theirs for the duration of summer. Something about getting to know you and becoming a family. But he did assure my mum that you have permission to come to the Quidditch World Cup with us."

Her heart stopped momentarily. For some bizarre reason this came as a surprise to her, she should've seen it coming but she never did.

"Oh." Was all she managed to spit out, her brain was rushing with thoughts going in one way and out the other.

Draco sighed. "I'm sorry Amelia, I know how much you despise them at the moment."

"Despise is putting it politely." She scoffed, regaining her attitude and control of her thoughts. "It's ridiculous. He asked me what I wanted to do, I told him and now he's going against my wishes. It's infuriating."

"I know, I completely agree. It's so unfair. They're forcing you to become closer with them, you deserve the choice whether or not you want them in your life."

Amelia was annoyed and most of all she was fed up. Fed up of all the drama going on in her life at the moment.

First her mother dies and her grandmother isn't on the radar and then her father shows up out of nowhere and demands she gets along with the family he already made without her.

She was tired; the summer was the one time of the year where she had the opportunity to relax and not have any major worries.

Now, that had been taken away from her as well. Just like everything else had. She had nothing.

She wasn't friends with any of them and so her summer would be spent locked away in a room that wouldn't even feel like hers.

Amelia would've much preferred staying over at Sirius' or even Regulus' at least they would've given her more of a choice.

Draco didn't say another word, instead he hugged her, giving her all the comfort she needed in that moment.

It reminded Amelia that as long as she had at least Draco everything would be alright and nothing could harm her. He would never allow it.

After a while Amelia sat up once again, "Come on we have a long day tomorrow, after all it's the last Quidditch game of the year." She offered Draco a hand, which he gladly took and followed her back to the castle.

Trying their best not to think too much about the summer ahead of them.

The next day Amelias worries about summer were replaced with nerves about their upcoming Quidditch match.

Being the last one of the season meant a lot was at stake; Slytherins desperately wanted this win. They wanted to beat Gryffindor.

Amelia didn't eat much at breakfast, not wanting her stomach to disagree with her and she certainly didn't want to throw up in the middle of the match.

As they ate multiple people, Slytherins, would come up to the group, give them a pat on the back and wish them luck.

This didn't help her nerves, instead they magnified more.

"Right come on." Their captain said to them, practically dragging Theo by his ears.

Amelia laughed slightly at the sight. "Bye Pansy, Daphne, Blake."

"We'll be in the stands!" They all shouted simultaneously, waving frantically as the Quidditch players walk off towards the pitch.

Theo was beside her, the pair being at the back of the group. "Ready for today?"

Amelia just shrugged, "As ready as I'll ever be I guess."

Before the game actually began they spent the remaining time they had preparing and forming up a plan in simple words they're plan was to score points and win.

The closer the time got to the match, the louder and louder the crowds became. Peeking outside the curtains, Amelia could tell majority of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff had decided to support the Gryffindors, this was expected.

None of the houses truly liked the Slytherins, believing they were all destined to be evil.

When the whistle blew, they knew it was time for them to go onto the pitch. The team held their heads high with their broom in their hands and with one last glance at one another they made their way onto the pitch.

Cheers could be heard from all around them. The Gryffindor Quidditch team were also walking out and both the captains met in the middle.

Madam Hooch had also met the captains in the middle and ordered both to do the same handshake she made each team captain do every single match.

Whilst Hooch was on a tantrum about the rules and regulations, Amelia found herself looking in the stands - in the Slytherin stands she found Daphne and Pansy right at the front, with smiles on their faces.

Amelia wasn't surprised in the slightest to see that Blake had smuggled her way into the Slytherin stands to stand with Pansy and Daphne.

Next to the Slytherin stands were the teachers and professor stand. In that stand she saw the Black, Lupins and Potters all there. Each of them were talking happily amongst themselves.

She suspected they were there for their own kids, cheering and rooting for them.

"Players mount your brooms!" Madam Hooch declared, walking to the side lines.

Every one of them did as they were told and promptly mounted their brooms, lifting up to the sky and into their respected position.

Amelia gave a quick nod to Theo who returned the gesture. Her face then turned into her classic poker face.

She waited for the whistle to be heard, waiting for the signal for the game to begin. At last it was heard and the balls were released.

Immediately Amelia chased for the quaffle, the Gryffindors had reacted slowly giving her the chance to receive the ball first, which of course she did.

"Black is in possession!" Lee shouted, despite his obvious biased opinions on Gryffindor he somehow tried to act enthusiastic about commentating. "Look at her go! She's like the flash on that broom! I mean seriously, it's clear to see her skill. Must be the genes. Black and Potter Quidditch skill that is!"

If Quidditch had only one rule it would be not to listen to the commentary, the only reason it was there in the first place was to distract the players, their job was to provide entertainment for the audience and if they had to distract and possibly injure players to do that they would.

As more time passed Amelia grew more and more tired and relentless. Neither Draco nor Harry had caught sight of the snitch and the match was beginning to drag.

The Slytherins were beating the Gryffindors but they still had a chance of winning if Harry caught that snitch before Draco.

"Get the fucking snitch Draco!" She shouted over the cheers to her cousin, then she flew off chasing, or flying, after the ball.

Fred and George kept targeting her with the buldgers yet the more of them she dodged the cockier she became.

"Your not going to hit me with them Weasleys." She would tease after them yet again failing to hit her with one.

They never gave her a response which made her just laugh and smirk even harder.

"Malfoy has got eyes on the snitch!"

Hearing this Amelia rushed towards the ball, knowing that the Gryffindors were in shock and that meant their defence would be down.

She was able to score bringing the score to 90-70. The Gryffindors played good but the Slytherins played even better, perhaps it helped that most of them were friends and in the same friend group or perhaps they were all just that good at Quidditch.

Before she was able to score once again the game was stopped.

"Malfoy has caught the snitch, Slytherin wins." Compared to the start of the game Lee'a voice was monotone, he was clearly annoyed that his house had lost.

Unlike him Amelia was jumping up and down with Theo and Blaise.

All the players had now landed onto the ground. Whilst the Gryffindor team were sulking the Slytherins were partying.

Amelia was beyond delighted, they had won the Quidditch cup for the second year in a row - what more could she want?

"We did it!" Theo's grin was contagious and Amelia had no other option than to smile.

"We did."

He then pulled her into a tight hug, ignoring everything else that was going on around them. Nothing else mattered in that moment. Nothing.

They pulled away and Amelia turned around, expecting to find Draco.

"You were great out there!" It was Sirius. Of course it was.

They always had to ruin her moments.

"Thanks." Her smile had left her face but at least Theo was still besides her.

James, Remus and Regulus had also shown up besides him now, they still displayed the same happiness that they had earlier. Similar to them, Amelia's friends had all shown up by her side.

"I agree with Sirius," James said, "You all played well."

The group of Slytherins looked at each other, none of them knowing what to say. Blaise widened his eyes and nodded his head towards them once he caught Amelia's eye, she simply shook his head when she figured what he was trying to tell her.

She did not want to speak to them. He sighed, realising she wouldn't speak.

"Thank you." Blaise told them, not really sounding sincere.

"You got the good Quidditch gene, Amelia." Sirius pointed out, still smirking

She scoffed. "Or maybe I'm just talented with or without my biological DNA."

If there was thing about Amelia, she hated when people claimed her intelligence or skill was down to her parents.

She hated it.

Growing up, she was taught that her last name could virtually get her anything she wished in the wizarding world.

Amelia had never embraced that and tried her best not to use her name for anything.

Then she turned on her heel and walked off, towards the crowd of celebrating Slytherins.

"Sorry about her." Theo whispered to them before joining her side again.

Of course he wasn't truly sorry, he was simply being polite. He didn't like them after forcing her to spend the summer with her, something he knew she had no intention of doing.

At least for now Amelia was able to spend the next few days with her friends and celebrating their achievements with their house.

Only after that would she have to worry about summer and what would happen to her. But not yet, not now.

She was with Draco, Theo, Blaise. Her friends. Blake, Pansy, Daphne. All of the people she cared about were with her. By her side.

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