Drama Of A Teen (completed, u...

By yourgirl_draya

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This story is about the drama of what a teen girl named Adrienne Scott goes through. She has issues with her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Lost but Not Forgotten
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Authors Note
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 58

60 7 25
By yourgirl_draya

Sorry if its short. Excuse mistakes

" Now you decide to show up?" Diane mumbled as she saw her mother, Elbernita and her father, Frank walking into the facility, that Max's body was being held. " I called you hours ago."

Jason was at her side waiting with her. Even though a shooting was reported at the cabins the Daniels own, Jason trusted that his team could handle it as he helped sort out things with Diane.

" We came as fast as we could. We had to shut down the diner. "Her mother rushed out.

" Diane..." Frank started but Diane immediately cut him off. Her emotions were reeling from the back to back news. She had yet to explain to her mother how Max attacked her family let alone that Max was found dead in her cell that morning.

" There's a lot to discuss before going in. I'm sure you two want to know what's going on so you guys can go on with your lives..."

" Diane..." Elbernita tried to interrupt with a warning laced in her voice. Yet again Diane continued talking, her attitude prominent in every syllable she spoke.

" I'm trying to explain to you what's going on if you would let me..." She became frustrated as she blurted out the inevitable. " Max is dead."

Jason's hands found Diane's waist as he moved behind her. He pulled her close as he watched Elbernita's and Frank's face change. Frank immediately began to cry as he sat himself down in a share. Elbernita however stood there in disbelief. Although there were tears in her eyes, her astonishment didn't seem like she was surprised her daughter was dead but that it happened so soon.

" What happened?" She said barely above a whisper. " Why was she here?"

Diane stared at her mother not knowing where to begin. She did all that talking in the beginning and now she didn't know what to say. How can you put into words that the sister you just met killed your grandchild?

" She killed our grandbaby." Jason spoke for her. " Listen, our lawyers can explain everything to you. The facility would like for one of you to identify her body and her belongings."

"That's it?" Frank protested as he stood to his feet. " Max is dead and she was under your care. How on earth does she supposedly kill a baby? Max wouldn't hurt a fly." Elbernita held Frank back as she tried to calm him down.

" Under my care? That girl was 19 years old, she didn't need me to take care of her. If you were so pressed about her whereabouts, why didn't y'all come down here to get her? It's not like you didn't know where I was. We called and called, so this is on you. I have my own shit going on, this did not need to be added." Diane fussed as her anger began to boil. " You didn't even have the decency to tell me who she was."

Elbernita took in Diane's words. She was right, she should have said something, but Diane had just come back into her life. She had already sprung on the fact that Frank was her father. Elbernita did not know how to deal with Maxine's illness but she did all she could to protect her when she showed up on her doorstep. She always felt that something was off with her so when she asked Maxine about it, Maxine was honest about it and let her know that she was on medication for a mental disorder.

Frank on the other hand was oblivious and was noticeably upset. " You have to see how crazy this seems." He argued.

" Just as crazy as the day you rose from the dead." Diane gritted through her teeth with pure disgust. She looked at her mother one last time before walking off angrily.

No one dared to stop her, not even Jason. She had every right to be upset. The unnecessary drama consumed her life as she waited to be spit back out to reality. A reality where it's just her and her family living in bliss. Unfortunately that reality doesn't exist.

Elbernita and Frank were able to identify Maxine's body and her belongings before heading out the door. The sight of Maxine was unbearable even for Diane who had a reason to loathe her sister's existence. The lacerations along her neck was the evidence of her suicide. The tears that stained her cheeks represented her pain while her sleeping pale like figure mirrored innocence. They didn't go far considering they were under investigation for the sake of Maxine's apparent suicide.

Jason, Boss man and Dr. Figgs who was there as a behavioral analysis consultant, were the only ones left in Maxine's room. The body had already gone to coroner for an autopsy.

" Do you see what I see?" Dr. Figgs to no one in particular. The team were doing there own thing in there investigation while Dr. Figgs stood in the middle of the room.

Boss Man stopped his task from investigating the various items scattered on Maxine's desk. " I think I do. Either she was fighting with herself or this was a murder."

"Absolutely, now only to figure out which of the two. Considering her identity disorder, we can not eliminate that factor, especially since we know little about it.''Dr. Figgs explained.

"Okay say we take the mental illness out of the equation, what makes you think that this wasn't a suicide?" Jason asked, folding his arms, not understanding what they were seeing.

"Well, there's no note for one." Boss man answered.

" So?"

" But one was started" Dr. Figgs began, as she picked up Maxine's journal that was on the bed." Dear Diary, I wish I could take back what I've done. I don't know what came over me. I wish I understood the evil inside. I wish I...Then the entry stops from there. She seems to write an entry every night and morning so I don't see why she wouldn't keep up with routine."

The team continued contemplating if this was indeed a homicide when Oscar called boss man about multiple shots being fired at Dan's cabin.

Everyone packed up to head over there while Dr. Figgs stayed behind to finish her assessment. Jason didn't hesitate in calling Diane in making sure her, the kids including Derek and his hot- headed friends were safe at his home.

" Something weird is going on, baby. I don't want to take any chances of any of you getting hurt." Jason explained on the phone with Diane. He was in the passenger side of Boss man's car, headed towards the shooting.

" we're safe, baby. I promise. I'm sorry about how I blew up earlier, it's just..."

" I understand, baby. You don't have to explain to me. I got your back forever, You hear me?"

Diane sighed into the phone, feeling uneasiness in her stomach. " I hear you baby. I love you"

" I love you too."


"Help! Help!"

The team barely made it to their destination when they heard a scream for help. The voice was a female voice that was unfamiliar to them. The voice was coming from the back of the cabin, so some officers went through the cabin to clear it while the team and other officers surrounded the property.

"Somebody please help me" The woman cried.

" Looks like one male down and a injured female. Ordering a bus, all clear to proceed." They heard over the radio.

Approaching the couple, they saw Dan laying in his own blood with his sister, Shuga hovered over him. She appeared to be shot as well but it looked like it went through her shoulder.

" What happened?" Oscar asked as he took off his shirt to give to Shuga, who was half dressed. She had use her shirt to try to stop the bleeding that was coming from Dan's side. Jason took over in holding Dan's wound who's eyes were glazed over. With the amount of blood that was gushing out of his side, there was no way he was going to make it, but of course anything could happen. If God was passing out miracles, who were they to stop it.

" He shot up the place and took her. He took my baby. He took Chloe" Shuga cried.

" Who?" Jason asked. " Did you see his face?" Shuga quickly nodded and yelped in pain when another officer put pressure on her gunshot wound.

" Suspect has a hostage be alarmed." Boss man shouted to the rest of the crew as some of them retreated and went to search the woods and other cabins.

" Oh God, don't let him die." She cried as she heard Dan gasp in pain. " He didn't deserve this."

" Hey!" Oscar said loudly." Stop stalling and Tell us who did this? You want your kid to die?"

Jason gave Oscar a look to ease up. Obviously, Shuga was scared to speak up. Shuga then looked at Jason as if she was pleading and apologizing whatever she said next.

" It was Andre."

Everyone looked at her shocked. Andre couldn't have done this, he's in a federal prison.

" Stop playing who did this." Jason said wide eyed. With his other hand that was not holding Dan's side, he grabbed his phone to call Diane.

" That's impossible. Andre is in Prison."

"It was Andre. We tried getting away through the back door because he kept shooting bullets through the house. He has a crew with him. He said he's going to make everyone suffer for hurting her. I swear to you that I didn't think any of this would happen. Back then I made it hard for Diane but that was years ago. I've moved past it but Chloe..." Shuga stopped and cried. " Chloe is ruthless"

Jason thought about Derek's visit to Andre. Truth was Andre never called him about Derek visiting him. The truth was that Jason saw his visiting pass on Derek's dashboard when Derek pulled up to the house. He only said Andre called to get Derek to open up. It just so happened that he and Diane were discussing their worry about Derek and his calm behavior when Jason got a notification that a car pulled up to the property. Jason cursed himself for not pressing Derek further about his visit.

Oscar took over in holding Dan's wound as Jason got up to call Diane. " Hey baby, You okay?"

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