Young Justice: The Lightning...

By young-warrior120

39.9K 835 159

(Season 1) ✅After Black Canary and Green Arrow discover a boy with no memory of his life, Canary takes the bo... More

Independence Day
Welcome To Happy Harbor
Drop Zone
Showdown With A God
Family Matters
Movie Night
The Last Prophecy
Usual Suspects
Auld Acquaintance
Announcement (im really getting tired of this)
Season 2 BIO
Happy New Year
Vote (not a chapter)
Stage Three
Before The Dawn
The Truth
Story Of Ragnorak
Death Of A God
The Summit
Season 3 BIO
A Luxury
The New Lightning Rod
Two Years Later
The New Prophecy
The Future
A Fate Far Worse Than Death
It's In The Past
The Tragedy Of Patrick Lance
Earth 68
The Day
A Few Minutes Left
He's Back
Season 4 bio
Starting Over
The Party
The Wedding Of The Century
The Titan War
Mother And Son
True Lesson
Final author message


1.6K 33 2
By young-warrior120


Project Cadmus

3rd person POV

Desmond was pacing around his office frantically awaiting the call he was about to receive, his genome just watching him when suddenly eight blue screens emerged from the ceiling.

Unknown 1: Dr. Desmond, you require an audience with the light?

Desmond: yes, very sorry to disturb you at this late hour

Unknown 2: just speak the report

Desmond: Sir, of course. We had a small fire here at Project Cadmus, the origin of the incident is still unclear, but it seems to have attracted some unwanted attention from four sidekicks. It seems Robin, Aqualad, Kid Flash and Lightning Rod, breached security, they found and unleashed the weapon, the Superboy. However, the clone is still under our telepathic control as ordered, the clone turned against his would-be liberators. The four are contained and we do not believe the league know they're here.

The scientist pauses for a moment.

Desmond: uhm, what should I do with them?

The eight leaders contemplated for a moment before the fourth answered.

Unknown 4: clone them

Unknown 1: the clones will serve the light, and only the light.

Desmond: and the originals?

Unknown 1: dispose of them, leave no trace.

Every screen disappeared one by one until only the eighth leader was left. The doctor was unaware of which of the leaders this was.

Desmond: is there something else?

Unfortunately for him this was the last member he wanted to hear. This was the one who rarely spoke, but the doctor hated it when he did. He started to talk, his voice sounded horse and deep, it sounded like someone stuck a rock down his throat.

Unknown 8: yes Doctor, I have something I would like you to follow up on a request, completed with discretion.

The doctor shivered slightly but gave in

Desmond: Yes of course, what do you need?

Unknown 8: I would request that the Lightning Rod be kept alive and brought to me.

Desmond: uh, may I ask why?

Unknown 8: I merely wish to talk with him; he has questions and I have answers

The screen cut off leaving Desmond to sigh in relief. He began walking down to the sub levels to begin.

Patrick's POV


Star City

One year earlier

I was sitting on a roof top after stopping a drug deal in a warehouse. This was one of my favorite spots in the whole city. It's just a nice and peaceful place. I heard footsteps walking behind me.

Dinah: Wow, you were right, it is a beautiful view.

I smiled slightly at my motherly figure

Patrick: told you.

She took a seat right next to me. I looked down gloomily causing her to look at me with sympathetic eyes.

Dinah: Patrick, I know it's been hard-

I scoffed cutting her off and replied bitterly

Patrick: yeah, like you know, all I remember from my past life is the name "project thunder" and I don't even know what the heck that means 

I looked at the woman with sour eyes

Patrick: I just want to know where I came from, where these powers came from.

The Canary looked me with compassion on her face

Dinah: I wish I could help you Patrick, I really do, ever since me and Ollie brought you home, I've wanted nothing more than for you to understand the one thing that might make you more happy. I don't have any answers for you, but I know it'll come to you in time. You just need to be patient.

I looked at her with slight hope

Patrick: Do you think so?

She smiled

Dinah: I know so kid

We both looked out on the city's beautiful lighting

Dinah: I know so...

Present day

Patrick's POV

I woke up to a loud and booming voice in my head

Voice: you must awaken, you must awaken now!

I jolted awake with a gasp. I looked to my left and saw Aqualad, Robin and Kid Flash in glass pods similar to the one I was in. There was a giant console In front of me. next to it was the guy who helped put us in here. Superboy.

Kid Flash: what, what do you want?!

The clone of Superman just stared

Kid Flash: quit staring, you're creeping me out!

Robin: uhm, KF, how about we not take off the guy who can fry us with a look.

Meanwhile, 3rd POV

Desmond was talking with another scientist to guardian

Desmond: prepare the cloning procedure for the new project sidekick. Now!

He walked up to the room that formerly held project KR and the pod for project thunder. The researcher noticed that KR's pod was empty.

Desmond: where's the weapon?!

Guardian: Superboy? He carried all the intruders to the cloning chambers.

Desmond: we have Genomorphs for that! Get the weapon back into its pod! Now!

Guardian: I don't see the harm in letting the kid stretch his legs.

Desmond: don't you now?

The genomorph on his shoulder suddenly started to glow, communicating with the one on guardian's shoulder. Suddenly the head of security's face went blank

Guardian: that clone belongs in a cage!

He started to walk away towards the cloning center.

Meanwhile, Patrick POV

Aqualad: we only sought to free you

Kid Flash: yeah,   we free you and you turn on us! How's that for gratitude-

Lightning Rod: Kid! Please shut up now. I believe our new friend, was not in full control of his actions.

Superboy: Wha- what if I wasn't?

Kid flash: he can talk

Superboys fist clenched at that remark

Superboy: Yes, he can

Lightning Rod: dude you need to shut up, for the love of God

Kid Flash flinched

Kid Flash: not like I said it...

Aqualad: the Genomorphs taught you telepathically

Superboy: they taught me much, I can read, write, I know the names of lots of things

Lightning Rod: but have you seen them for yourself? The sky? The sun? The sea?

Superboy: images were planted in my mind, but no. I have not seen them

Aqualad: Do you know who you are? What you are?

Superboy: I am the Superboy, a Genomorph, a clone made from the DNA of the Superman. Created to replace him should he perish. To destroy him should he turn from the light.

The three sidekicks looked at each other in shock. But I kept glancing at him

Lightning Rod: to be like Superman, is a worthy aspiration. But like superman you deserve a life of your own. Beyond that solar suit. Beyond that pod. Beyond Cadmus

Superboy glared

Superboy: I live because of Cadmus; it is my home!

Robin: your home is a test tube

Lightning Rod: we can show you the world

Aqualad: we can show you, introduce you to Superman

At that Superboy's eyes began to light up but were interrupted by a voice.

Desmond: no, they can't, they'll be otherwise occupied. Activate the cloning process.

Robin: pass, Batcave's crowded enough.

Desmond: and get the weapon back in its pod!

Kid Flash: hey, how come he gets to call Supey an it!

The Guardian began to walk to Superboy and put a hand on his shoulder, he looked up at me.

Lightning Rod: help us

Superboy shook Guardian off his shoulder and glared at him. Desmond walk up from behind him.

Desmond: don't start thinking now!

As he walked past a Genomorph he jumped on his shoulder and let out a hiss.  His horns glowed red causing Superboy to flinch and his emotions dropped. Desmond walked in front of him.

Desmond: see you're not a real boy, you're a weapon, and you belong to me, well, to Cadmus. Same thing! Now get back to your pod!

Superboy walked away through the closing doors. Desmond motioned for his assistant to push some buttons. Suddenly two metal sticks emerged with an electrical shock. I smiled. They must have forgot I wa-

Desmond: not Lightning Rod. The sticks won't work on him and I have orders to bring him alive

I sighed in defeat as the sticks started to shock my friends and extract their blood.

Desmond: where is Dubbilex

A horned humanoid creature suddenly emerged from the shadows scaring Desmond

Desmond: ohh, lurking, as usual, get the Genomes to download their memories. Once that is done, delete the source material 

The three sidekicks groaned in agony as I trashed around trying to get out when I got an idea.

Lightning Rod: Superboy, you live, you may not believe it now, but there are people willing to help give you a life, between you and me I was just like you, I thought I would never live. Never be able to choose my own path, but you can as I did. Are you a weapon, or a person? The choice is yours.

Suddenly a few minutes later, I heard a crash on the door and saw Superboy ripping it open. The process stopped. The guards tried to stop him to no avail. We all stared at the boy.

Kid Flash; you gonna help us or fry us?

Superboy: well, I don't have heat vision, so I guess helping is my only option

Suddenly Robin's pod snapped open, and he came flying out

Robin: uh lucky Batman isn't here, he'd have my head for taking so long.

Kid Flash: seriously? That's what you're worried about? The whole League will have our heads after tonight!

Robin pushed a button on the console and all our pods opened

I looked at Superboy

Lightning Rod: thank you

Robin threw three explosive shrinks at the canisters containing their blood and blew them up

We all started to run out the door towards the elevator when suddenly the eggs all over the wall started to spit out giant Genomorphs. We each spread out. I launched a Lightning Bolt at one of them knocking it out. I spotted Aqualad backflip over one of them. I heard a roar of rage. I looked to my left and saw Superboy throw one of them to his buddies and knocked them all down. The four of us regrouped, me and Aqualad forced opened the elevator door. Everyone was here, well except for Superboy, who was still fighting the giant Genomorphs

Aqualad:  Superboy! The goal is to escape, not to bury ourselves here!

Superboy: (turned around with rage in his eyes)

You want to escape!

Robin and Kid Flash grappled up the shaft, I just jumped from wall-to-wall and that was easier said than done. Superboy grabbed Aqualad and the two began to fly but as I looked down I saw superboy start to fall

Superboy; I'm, I'm falling.

Robin noticed this and threw a shrink at the wall, Aqualad grabbed it still trying to hold Superboy

Superboy: Superman, he can fly, why can't I?

Kid Flash: don't know. But it looks like you can leap from tall buildings in a single bound, still cool.

I looked up, my eyes went wide in terror at the elevator the was approaching our level

Lightning Rod: guys! This'll have to be our excited

Superboy punched open one of the doors and we all ran through it into an orange hallway. More Genonmorphs charged us from the front hall, so we ran to the left. I blasted a lightning bolt causing smoke to emerge Infront of them as we continued to run.

Superboy: (Superboy suddenly looked conflicted)

go left!

We followed his instructions and took the left

Superboy: right!

Not having much choice, we followed him to the right. Leaving us with a dead end, I groaned.

Kid Flash: great directions, you trying to get us re-podded?

Superboy: no I-I don't understand

Robin: don't apologize! This is perfect!

We all got in the vent on by one before the Genomorphs arrived

We started to crawl to God knows where through these vents

Lightning Rod: argh this is annoying

Kid Flash: agreed

Superboy: shh, listen

We all looked down the vent and saw those tiny little Genoms running away from us. I raised an eyebrow

Lightning Rod: (looked back confused) where are they going?

Robin: (Robin turned back smiling smugly)

I hacked the motion censors

We all exited the vent and began to run up the stairs, Kid Flash ran ahead knocking them all out

Robin: more behind us!

I turned around and blasted the stairway with lightning sending them all back down

When we reached the top floor, I saw Kid Flash on the ground with a giant blast door in front of him the entire hallway was glowing red.

Aqualad: they cut us off

Kid Flash: really? Didn't notice

Me and Superboy began to try and force the door open no avail.

Aqualad: Robin! Hack!

Robin: trying, is going a little slow

I heard growling, turning around I saw those giant genomes approaching

Robin: this way!

He kicked down a door and we all followed him inside. We were stopped by Guardian leading the mini army. Aqualad drew his water bearers, I charged up a lightning bolt. Suddenly the genomes horns glew red and everyone was unconscious beside me and Superboy.

I saw the horned one walking in front. The one Desmond called Dubbilex. His mouth wasn't moving but I heard his voice in my head

Dubbilex: For the sake all Genomorphs, our brother Superboy, should make up his own mind. As for Thunder, he should know the truth.

I suddenly heard Superboy's voice as well.

Superboy: It was you.

Dubbilex: yes brother, I set the fire and lured your new friends into Cadmus, woke them when they were in danger, and as for Thunder I was the one that released him from his pod three years ago.

Lightning Rod: so that's what that pod was, I was right?

The horned telepath looked at me.

Dubbilex: yes, though you were not breed by Cadmus like us, you were found in a field.

Lightning Rod: then where do I come from? Why don't I remember this place? Who am I?

Dubbilex: ( he spoke solemnly) your memories were always taken from you after you would train with us. The wiping of memories before transport was a standard procedure. As for where you come from and who your parents are. That remains unknown.

I sighed but relived I knew why I had no memory of of most of my life

Superboy: Why did you guide me?

Dubbilex faced Superboy

Dubbilex: because you are our hope, the Genomorph hero. You will light the sparks that will mean freedom for all our brothers

But you much choose

I heard Aqualad, Robin and Kid Flash groan and wake up

Dubbilex: what is your choice brother

Superboy closed his eyes thinking intently before opening them back up again

Superboy: I... chose...freedom

I looked over at Guardian who was clutching his head

Lightning Rod: Guardian?

Guardian: go, I'll deal with Desmond

Desmond: I think not.

The genomes made a path clearing the view of the scientist who was glaring ferociously.

Desmond: Project Blockbuster, will give me enough power to restore order to Cadmus

He drank a blue substance contained in a vile and instantly hurled it clutching his stomach. He started to scream in agony as Guardian back up defensively. His skin started to rip shocking all of us when a grayish monster with black eyes was all that remained. It let out a loud roar that probably woke Superman

It started to glare at us menacingly

Guardian: everyone back!

He charged the creature only to be back handed to the side and knocked out. Superboy let out a cry and charged letting a few punches hit it but was quickly knock to the side and flown upwards through the ceiling,

Kid Flash: you think scientist guy planned that?

Lightning Rod: I doubt he can even think straight right now

We saw Superboy getting bear hugged from the creature he freed himself as I shot a lightning bolt at it causing it to turn around and smack me across the room. Everyone grouped up next to me as I recovered, and we stared it down. We ran at it together, Kid ran ahead and jumped over it, it turned around and tried to punch it only to be double punched by Superboy and Aqualad. Before it had time to recover, I was zapping it we a massive lightning bolt causing it to stumble back. Robin jumped over me as I stopped and hit it with explosive shrinks. He recovered and tackled Superboy, destroying a pillar.

Robin: of course! KF, LR get over here! 

I ran towards him; he had a screen with five pillars on in. I instantly understood

Lightning Rod: Got it!

I charged up a lightning bolt and shot it at two of the pillars

Aqualad put out a giant puddle of water under Desmond and I responded by letting the electricity fly through it causing it to howl in pain

Robin: move!

We all did so and ran behind a desk and robin's devices exploded the remaining pillars causing the budlings to collapse on the monster

A few minutes later Superboy was lifting a giant piece of rubble off of us we were all panting

Lighning Rod: we actually did that?

Robin: you had doubt?

He high fives Kid causing them to groan from pain

Kid flash: see? The moon

Superboy looked at it but his eyes narrowed

Lightning Rod: and Superman

Kid Flash: see we do keep our promises

Every other member of the league started to show up surrounding us. Green Lantern flew in with Batman, Green Arrow, Black Canary and Aquaman in tow. Batman and Canary walked up to us. Next to Superman, Flash zooming in as well.

Superboy walked up to the man of steel and showed his now ripped emblem.

Batman: is that what I think it is?

Lightning Rod: he doesn't like being call "it"

Superboy: I am the Superboy, created from the DNA of Superman.

Superman's eyes widened in shock, he backed up slowly and whispered something to Batman before he walked to a few other members. The four of our mentors stepped towards us glaring like parents who found their kids not doing homework

Batman: while what you did here was good, you still hacked justice league technology and disobeyed direct orders

Aquaman: you will go home and never do this again

Lightning Rod: I'm sorry to say but we will

The four league member were taken aback but I spoke again before they could respond.

Lightning Rod: we did good here today, we solved a case together and stopped someone from using his army against the world, I'm sorry, but we will be working together again.

The three glanced at each other, Black Canary was sporting a proud glance. After that each side kicks went with their mentors back home.


Thrid POV

Star City

Patrick and Dinah were in the park bench surrounded by trees, in civilian clothes and drinking Coffee

Dinah: I'm proud of you Patrick.

Patrick: well glad I'm not the only one

Dinah let out a giggle and put her hand on her adopted sons shoulder

Dinah: so? Project Thunder?

Patrick: yeah, I was a Cadmus experiment apparently. Memories wiped every few days

Dinah glanced at him

Dinah: but that's not enough, is it?

Patrick: well like you said, the answers will come in time.

Dinah smiled proudly and the two enjoyed the meal and then walked back home.


Happy Harbor

Third POV

The five young heroes were standing in front of batman in civilian clothes. They were standing in a wide-open cave with not much in it. Green lantern was moving some debris. It had Two Zetas tubes in the back.

Batman: this cave was the original Justice League Sanctuary; we're calling it into service once more. Since you five are determined to work together and fight the good fight, you'll do it on league terms; Red Tornado volunteered to live here and supervise you, Black Canary will oversee training. I will deploy you on missions.

Robin: real missions?

Batman: Yes, but covert ones.

Flash: the league will still handle the obvious stuff; we wear these costumes for a reason.

Black Canary: but Cadmus proves the bad guys are smarter than we thought, we need a team that can deal with this discreetly

Batman: the six of you will be that team

Robin: cool!

Lightning Rod: wait six?

Batman shot a glance behind them. Martian Manhunter walked out with a girl about the same age as the others, beside Robin, she had red hair but what stuck out was her green skin and she had a white shirt with a red X shape on it.

Batman: this is the Martian Manhunter's niece, Miss Martian.

The girl smiled at them

Miss Martian: hi...

Wally: liking this gig more every minute, uh welcome aboard. I'm Kid Flash that's Aqualad, Robin, Lighting Rod and Superboy. Its ok if you don't remember their names.

Miss Martian: I'm honored to be here.

The four sidekicks, minus Superboy ,went to greet Martain. Superboy just looked down with a blank exspression not knowing what to do. Patrick saw this and smiled.

Patrick: hey Superboy, come meet Miss M.

Superboy just strolled over in front of the girl. Miss Martian smiled, her white colored shirt changed to a red and black tee shirt

Miss Martain: I like your tee shirt...

Superboy smiled and was nudged by Robin. Kid Flash zooming over and put his arm around the clone.

Patrick: today is the day...

Meanwhile in the Light meeting room

Eight screens we're facing each other. No one saw who's they were, but the first voice spoke.

#1: can the light afford to leave Guardian in Charge of Cadmus?

#2: we have subtler means of control.

#3: what concerns me, is the children. We now know the League is willing to send younger heroes on missions.

#8: a twist even I didn't see coming.

#1: yes...though I must know, why did you want Lightning Rod alive.

#8: I could sway him to our side. Because once the boy learns where he comes from, who his parents are, the boy cannot be on their side. He is much more powerful than any of those heroes know.

#1: and how do you know this?

#8: because sir, I have an intimate knowledge of the boy. More than most understand.

And that's a wrap, this chapter took a long time and I hope you enjoyed reading it. #8 is another OC btw who will be revealed later down the road. Hope you enjoyed. Peace. :)

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