Severus's Love, Harry's Prote...

Bởi ChristinaPosey3

53.4K 1.4K 247

This is a story of one girl, Amy Links, and how her life, along with the life of Harry Potter and Severus Sna... Xem Thêm

Amy's Decision
Becoming Attached
New Friends
A Surprise for Amy
Changing Times
Saving Harry
Starting Life in 1990
Christmas 1990
Finishing The School Term
The Marauders and the Future
Severus and Moony
Christmas 1973
Times Get Harder
Summer Vacation
Malfoy and Wormtail
Hermione Granger and Narcissa Malfoy
The Stone
Prank of the Year
Joining the War
Tragedy Stirkes
Growing Up
Working Things Out
Back To Hogwarts
Going Out With a Bang Part 2
Amy Breaks
Getting It Out
The Marauders are Back
Another Year Gone
A New Plan
Saying Goodbye
Time With Moony
Cedric and the First Task
The Yull Ball Part 1
The Yull Ball Part 2
Severus and Amy
Moldy Voldy
Molly and Amy
The Marauders Tale
The Marauders Tale part 2
The Pink Toad
Amys Revenge
Getting Married
Christmas & Voldys First Move
The Ministry
The Full Moon
The Resurrection Stone
Bringing in Allies
Voldys Wrath
Playing with Werewolves
It Begins Again
Broken part 2
Life Goes On
Wednesday Tea
That Meddling Old Fool
A Dangerous but Brilliant Idea
Introducing the Marauders
Untold Tales
More Untold Tales
Severus's Decision
Moving On
Finally at Peace

Amys Betrayal

282 11 0
Bởi ChristinaPosey3

Voldemort was not happy all his werewolves were dead. He was set on finding who did the job so we could kill him. I informed him two more soldiers from America had joined the war and that I had fought along side them many times and knew they were good. I didn't tell him I had Chris getting more American soldiers ready to join the war as well. Starting back up at Hogwarts was a complete bore to me, however, with each passing day I began to distance myself from the others. I could tell Draco was getting close to accomplishing his goal, whatever that was. I could also feel in my gut that the time was coming. Voldemort would have Hogwarts soon. Remus could tell I was distancing myself from the others and knew something was coming by my actions. Though, he was not worried about who was going to die, nor who was going to turn their backs on me, he was more worried about our children.

"Remus, stop freaking out. Silky will have them safe in America, before it happens. I already have her prepared to take them." I told him, one day in late march.

"Are you sure you can get them out in time?"

"Im positive, trust me okay."

"I do trust you Amy, I can't help but worry. What about you, what are you going to do?"

"Im going to block our house from Order members, including Harry and his friends. You'll be the only one that can come, if you still want to live with me anyway, if not, I'll block you as well." I said.

"Of course I'll still want to live with you. However, let's say I don't, would you really keep me from our kids?" Remus asked.

"Of course not, if you chose not to live with me, you'll get the kids."

"Are you sure you can handle that?"

"Not at all. It will kill me, however, they'd be safer with you, their safety is all that matters."

"I don't think Severus understands the impact it's going to have on everyone."

"He does, however, he doesn't understand the impact it's going to have on Harry. You must remember, Severus has grown to think of him as his son."

"He is Severus's son."

"How would you feel if your son hated you?" I asked and Remus was left with nothing more to say.

Dumbledore soon called me to his office, alone. I didn't like that it was just me he called, it was never a good sign. I walked into the office to see a very grave Dumbledore sitting behind his desk. I sat opposite of him.

"Amy, my dear, I think it's getting close to time." Albus said.

"It is. We do not have much longer."

"Are you ready to kill me?" Albus asked.

"I am not sure I fully understand why you have to die. I can hide you."

"I know you can, but if I am hidden, everyone will know I'm safe, including Harry. We have to use his emotions agaisnt him. The betrayal and the loss will help him to decide what to do. I will be telling him he is a Horcuxe soon."

"We still don't have the locket, nor do we know where the one in Hogwarts is at." I said, annoyed.

"We will get them in due time my child. There is one more thing you should know, and that is when I plan to tell Harry."


"The night you kill me. He will be with me when I die."

I felt my anger flare up. "You want him to watch me kill you! Do you know what that's going to do to him!"

"I do."

"I hate you Albus Dumbledore!" I yelled and stormed out, bumping in to Harry.

"Aunt Amy?" Harry asked.

"How much did you hear?" I growled.

"Just you telling him you hate him." Harry said, terrified.

"Good, goodnight." I said and stormed off, leaving a very confused Harry behind me.

I walked out into the night air and noticed Severus was sitting outside. I walked over to him and sat down. Neither of us said anything for well over an hour. Then Severus whispered so low, that once again if I had not been a wolf, I would not have heard him, "I miss you."

I didn't respond right away, I was still quite pissed off at Albus. After a moment though, I said, "I miss you too Severus."

"Why did you marry him?" Severus asked.

"Because I love him. I need him."

"What about me?"

"I love you Severus, everyone can see that but you actually. I do need you, but it's like I told you that night, you look to blame me for all the bad, and there is so much more bad coming to our lives. I can't handle that Severus. It hurts enough without the two of us being married or together. I honestly don't know how much more I can take. Not just of you blaming me but of everything that's about to happen. Remus knows and understands this. While I'm busy being strong for everyone else, Remus is busy being strong for me. That's why I married him and not you. I need someone that's going to be there for me, like I am for you, and you can't do that when you're busy blaming me."

Once again, we both sat in silence for a long while. I could hear Severus's unsteady heart beat and knew he was crying. I wanted to comfort him like I usually would, but I didn't. I had moved on, it was time he did the same. After a long while Severus stood up and looked down at me, when he spoke, his voice was cold and heartless, like when he was teaching or around students and I was around him, "What happen to never breaking a promise? What happened to always standing by me? What happened to forever!"

He then snatched his necklace off and threw it at me, I held it in my hands, my own tears falling as I watched him walk away. I repaired the necklace and slipped it on next to mine. I did not move from that spot until I noticed the sun coming up, and the only reason I moved then is because Kreacher appeared in front of me holding out Hufflepuffs goblet.

I took the Goblet in shock. Kreacher bowed low, "Kreacher sorry Kreacher took so long. Bellatrix did not trust Kreacher at first."

I picked the ugly house elf up and swung him around hugging him close. "Oh Kreacher you did wonderful! Thank you Kreacher! I swear I will reward you for this. Anything you need or want, you just ask, you hear."

I then put a very frightened house elf down and ran into the castle and to Gryffindor Tower and pounced on Harry, waking him up.

"Mom? What is it?" A very groggy Harry asked.

I showed him the cup and his eyes lit up. He then hugged me, which I returned. "Bloody hell, we only have one more to find before we go after Voldemort himself."

"We know it's in this castle, I wish I knew where."

"I've been thinking about that, you know it's here and I believe you fully, but you can't smell it. What if it's in the Room of Requirements?"

It was my turn to be surpised, "Harry that's genius! But, if it's in there, we may never find it. How would we know what Voldemort asked the room to be?"

"That's what has me stuck. I have no idea." Harry admited, our moods dampened.

"Let's go tell the other we have the Goblet." I said and we woke Ron up, then I woke Hermione and we made our way to Houses United where I told the others to meet us.

Everyone was excited to see we had the cup, everyone was also curious to know where Severus was. "Don't worry about Severus right now. He needs his alone time."

"What happened?" Remus asked, looking at me worried and I pulled the two necklaces out from under my robes.

"We got into another fight last night and I was not the nicest to him."

"What did you say?" Jessie asked.

"The truth. Nothing but the truth and that's all you need to know. I made my choices and now he's made his. Leave it be." I said, not wanting to start crying again.

"It's for good this time, isn't it?" Ron asked, eyeing the necklace.

"I do believe so." I said and Remus wrapped me in a hug. I kissed him, "I'm okay Remus, it's probably better this way."

I didn't attend potions class after that day and avoided Severus at all cost, which he also did with me. It wasn't until a month before end of term that I had to face Severus again, and it was me that went to him. I woke up that morning feeling nothing but dread. I quickly woke Remus up and called Silky to me. We both hugged and kissed the twins goodbye.

"Bye bye mama, bye bye dada." They both said. I smiled at how far they had come with speech. Their birthday was coming up and I wished I could throw them a proper 1st birthday party, but I knew I couldn't.

I then ran to Severus's chambers and walked in, surpised the door still opened for me. There were empty beer and whiskey bottles all over the place, I quickly cleaned the mess up with my wand and walked to his room where he was spread out on his bed, in just his boxers, passed out. I couldn't help but smile for a second at him. Then I remembered why I can and went and set on his bed and placed my arm on his shoulder, waking him up instantly. He didn't move, or jump or push me away. He didn't look angry. His eyes held nothing but pain and it killed me. It took all I had not to bend over and kiss him, or wrap him in my arms and tell him everything would be okay. I took a deep breath and realized I once again had tears rolling down my face. I quickly brushed them away.

"I'm sorry. Forgive me for intruding but today's the day." I whispered, unable to truly control the tears.

He sat up, wiped the tears that were currently coming down away and kissed my cheek. "I'm sorry." His voice was a whisper and full of pain.

I shook my head, "No Severus, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so harsh with you."

He pulled me into a hug and I held him for a moment, knowing there was no point in us making up when tonight, he would walk right back out of my life. I took a deep breath, the tears now coming faster, and stood up. "Do me one favor Severus, promise me, no matter what happens next in our life, you'll always remember one important thing. I do love you, I did want to marry you, I will never stop loving you like I do. Never."

Severus looked at me for a moment with his own tears and nodded, "I promise."

With that, I got up to leave, he pulled me back down to him and kissed me on the lips which I pulled away from. "Severus no. I'm married."

"I know. I want you to know that I'm still in love with you. I know I keep messing up, and I'm probably going to again, but my feelings for you have never changed. I love you Amy Lupin. You don't forget that, no matter how much I screw up."

I started to walk out and turned back to him, "Oh Severus, I promise, I'm the one that keeps screwing up, not you."

"How can you say that? You're right, I always blame you." Severus said.

I laughed, "You know, Remus and I once talked about you and me. I told Remus that if I'd just lived one time line at a time, I would have ended up with him a lot sooner then I did. I was wrong, although I didn't see that at the time, because if I'd have lived in one time line at a time, I would have never known the outcome of the war and you'd have never blamed me. Yet, here I am, once again hiding important information from you, even though I know you'll hate me for it."

"Then why hide it?"

"Because we have a job to do tonight, if you fail, I fail, if we fail, we die. I'm selfish, you'll learn. I can deal with me dying, I can't deal with you dying." I said and walked out.

I made my way to Gryffindor Tower and woke Harry up. "You still have that luck potion?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Tonight, Dumbledore is going to tell you the secret of the prophecy I have kept from you. Bad things will happen at this time. Take a tiny bit of that potion and share it with DA members. You'll know when." I said and Harry nodded and I wrapped my arms around him. "After tonight, I'm not going to be able to help you like I have been. If you even want my help. You're going to want to know why, so I'm going to tell you the why now, it's so Severus doesn't die and Draco doesn't hold something way to big in his hands. I love you Harry, remember that."

I then ran out before he could say anything and made my way back to Remus. He was in Houses United sitting on the couch. I sat next to him.

"I informed Chris and the others." Remus told me.

"Severus kissed me."


"Severus kissed me."

"Did you kiss him back?" Remus asked, and I could see the worry in his eyes.

"No, I pushed him away and told him I was a married woman. Just thought you should know." I stated and Remus laughed. I looked at him like he was crazy. "Is this really a time to be laughing?"

"Is this really a time to be worried about Severus kissing you?" Remus asked.

I laughed, "You're right, bad timing." I said.

The day past by faster then I could believe and before long I noticed deatheaters in the castle. Draco ran past me followed by others and I ran after him. Severus caught up to us pretty quick and we walked in to see Draco pointing his wand at Dumbledore on the Astronamy Tower. Dumbledore had already been disarmed. I couldn't see Harry, but I could smell him. Albus looked me in the eye.


I nodded and Severus and I shot the killing curse at him at the same time. I watched as Dumbledores body fell out the window, lifeless. Bellatrix jumped for joy and shot off the Dark Mark into the sky. I took a deep breath and faced where I knew Harry was at. He took the cloak off as the other Deatheaters left the tower. Severus saw this and gasped.

Harry had tears rolling down his face, "How could you!"

"Im so sorry Harry. I truly am." I said, tears rolling down my face.

"Run Amy. Run now before I change my mind, but know this, I will find you, and I will kill you."

I nodded to him and Severus and I left.

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