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Severus started coming over almost every night. He would sit with me through my detentions and eat supper with me and the twins. The only day he did not do this was on Wednesday, which he left open for me and Professor McGonagall. We often graded papers and worked on potions together, just like we use to. After a month, Severus allowed Julie to come work on potions with us, which she was extremely thrilled about. So thrilled she hugged him. Thankfully, he didn't kill her, nor throw her off him. He didn't hug back either. He growled for her to get off of him, which she did quickly. Julie and Severus both sat in and listened to me tell the kids stories of their dad and the others, sometimes Severus would be the one to tell them stories.

Jessie and I had started writing to each other through Severus, which he was annoyed by. Sirius never wrote nor did he say anything to Jessie about it as far as I knew. I had missed her dearly. One night, Severus and I were laying on top of my bed, which was still made. I felt weird because it was very rare I actually used the bed. We had been discussing a potion when Severus turned over to look at me.

"You miss him."



"I do."

"I miss him too, believe it or not."

I looked at Severus oddly. "He was your friend, of course you miss him."

"Im sorry you lost him. I really thought the deatheaters would follow your orders."

"I didn't expect them all to follow my orders, which was why I had Voldemort order it as well."

"I wish he were still alive. He made you happy."

"He did. I wish he was still here as well. The kids would love him. He would also like this school."

"I went to your house two months after the war. It was empty."

"I haven't been back there since I picked up the kids and Silky after the war. It's just me and the kids now. I don't see the point in living in such a big house." I said.

"You were right. I needed to blame someone and I always blamed you. It took me two months to realize how wrong I was, for everything I blamed you for in the war. I came to apologize, but I couldn't find you."

"You knew Harry knew where I was at. So did Albus. You could have asked."

"I almost did a few times. However, Harry always made it a point to tell us you were happy, I didn't think you wanted me back."

"I made Harry tell you all that for Jessie." I said.

"You hid from me when you realized I was in this school."

"Severus, of all the things that has happened to me, three things still haunt me. Losing Remus, not being a Marauder anymore and losing you. I couldn't face you, knowing you hated me."

"I don't hate you. I never have. What about losing Jessie?"

"I haven't lost Jessie. She would have followed me here if I'd have let her."

"Why didn't you?"

"Sirius needs her more." I said.

"I don't think so. You needed all of us, and we left you. I'm so sorry Amy."

"Don't be. It's over and done with. I forgave you all long ago."

"You still hurt." Severus whispered.

"Severus I don't hurt anymore. I just feel so empty. Having you back in my life has helped fill the hole, but I don't think I'll ever be complete again."

Severus's Love, Harry's ProtectorDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora