Life Goes On

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I walked through the wooden door and slammed it shut behind me, the loud room immediately grew silent as I made my way to the front. I turned to face my class.

"You will open your books to page 117 and read the chapter. Once you have finished, close your book and I will give you what you need to do the spell. There will be no talking." I ordered, my voice cold and hard.

Everyone did as I said without a word. I sat down at my desk and pulled a stack of papers towards me to grade. It had been a year and six months since the war ended. I had only returned to England to go to the funerals of those who died in the war, and even then I talked to no one. I also used poloyjuice potion and a hair from one of my coworkers so no one would know it was me. Harry knew, and he took the twins so I would not have to break my promise to Severus, Sirius and Professor McGonagall. As far as they knew, I had not returned to England since I left. Jasmine and Jr were now in a muggle elementary school as well. They both loved their classes and I enjoyed knowing they were busy while I was working. Every night I would tell them stories of Remus and make sure they knew how much he loved them. Though neither one remembered him as well, they loved the stories and they loved their dad.

Harry would normally come get the twins on weekends or school holidays (other then Christmas Day) and take them to England. While there, they would spend time with all their relatives. Sirius spoiled them more then he should most of the time. Other then Harry, Albus and the Weasley twins would some time visit. Frank and Alice had came to visit a total of three times, and Neville came once. The people at Georgia Magic knew nothing of my past. I never really talked to anyone and I never gave the Headmaster more information then he needed. In truth, I felt dead inside. It was only when I was with my kids, including Harry, that I felt even a tiny bit alive. I always felt so numb on the inside. It took me two months to stop crying, and I haven't cried since.

I rarely ever slept anymore. Sleeping normally brought nightmares and pain that I had tucked away. All the students in the school were terrified of me, and non of the staff liked me. They found me creepy and often wondered if I was a mass murderer, which I found funny, but I did not laugh. The only time I smiled or laughed was with my children, though I'm pretty sure Harry knew I was faking. Albus informed me at the beginning of the school term this year, that he wanted to call the school of Hogwarts together for a better understanding of the war. I thought this was a good idea because I still received the Daily Prophet and the lies I had seen where unreal. Albus also asked me to come, which I refused. He sent me a letter weekly asking me to show up, and I replied 'never' every week. He would be hosting this event on the 2nd anniversary of the war.

Actually, because of the lies I had read in the Daily Prophet, I knew Severus was going through a lot, and I sent Silky to bring me his papers to grade, without him knowing. This was what I did during my classes and I graded mine at night. I knew Severus knew it was me grading them, we had been around each other enough for him to noticed my handwriting, obviously. However, he never once complained nor communicated with me at all. He did leave Silky snacks though.

Jessie was someone I missed more then my heart could take. I honestly didn't know how to move on without her. Every night, when I finally would lay down, I would crawl under my bed and look into the darkness. This was something I use to do when I lived with Tim. It was my safe spot. Every night I expected to hear Jessie say, "little one." Like she use to when I lived with Tim. Sometimes I would try to cry, thinking this is what I needed, but the tears never came. My only guess was that I had ran out of tears, though I knew this was impossible.

After my classes for the day were over, I would go and pick up the twins and take them back to Georgia Magic. From there I would head to my classroom and start whatever detentions I had while the twins did their homework. We would then make our way to the lunchroom and eat supper, then head back to my room where we would play and they would tell me about their day. I had them in bed by 9 every night, and their bedtime story would be of their dad, mostly tales of the Marauders which they had heard over and over. This was their favorite time of day though, as was it mine.

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