Auror's Son | Book 4 Harry Po...

By Mordecur

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Raven puts the vision he had last year in the back of his mind, hopeful towards the future. The Quidditch Wor... More

Chapter 1: The Burrow
Chapter 2: Portkey's and Tents
Chapter 3: Veela and Death Eaters
Chapter 4: Winky
Chapter 5: Godfather
Chapter 6: Ferret
Chapter 7: Discomfort and Flashbacks
Chapter 8: The Goblet of Fire
Chapter 9: The Champions
Chapter 10: Support
Chapter 11: Rita Skeeter
Chapter 12: Norberta
Chapter 14: The Yule Ball
Chapter 15: Hogsmeade with Mum
Chapter 16: Mermaid's Lament
Chapter 17: Suspicions
Chapter 18: Daphne's Birthday
Chapter 19: Pensieve
Chapter 20: The Calm Before the Storm.
Chapter 21: Agony
Chapter 22: Grief
Chapter 23: Hope
Chapter 24: Raven
Chapter 25: Memories

Chapter 13: Getting Dates

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By Mordecur

3rd Person POV

Raven departed from Daphne, Ron and Harry to the Ravenclaw common room when they made it back to the castle.

Upon entering his common room, he was met with congratulations from his house. Everyone was clapping and cheering, even the one's who were talking behind his back before.

"The way you backflipped over the dragon's tail was awesome!" A fifth year boy said.

"You were so cool!" Lisa Turpin said, touching his arm flirtatiously.

Those who gave him sour looks and talked behind his back apologized countlessly. "Don't worry about it." Raven assured them. Them apologizing so much was a little more annoying than when they talked badly about him.

"Alright, Raven." Jasper spoke up. "Open the egg, let's see what the next clue is."

"Can you hold it for me?" Raven asked him, as he only had one usable hand. Jasper nodded taking the golden egg from Raven's grasp and holding it out for him to open.

Raven brought his left hand to the top of the egg and opened it. The moment it opened, there was a loud screeching noise. Everyone in the common room groaned covering their ears.

"Shut it!" Jasper bellowed, almost dropping it to cover his other ear. Raven quickly shut it.

"What kind of bloody clue is that?" Terry Boot asked.

"That was awful!" Cho shrieked.

"I think something's going to scream at you in the next task." Padma Patil said.

"Well a silencing charm would solve that real quick." Raven said bluntly. "That'd be too easy, though, there's more to the clue than we're seeing. But I've got three months before the next task, so let's celebrate!"

Cheers erupted and everyone started dancing to the music that was put on. Raven sat the golden egg on a nearby shelf, and joined his housemates, dancing to the beat.

"How's the hand?" Mandy Brocklehurst asked, as she was dancing next to Raven.

"Broken." Raven replied. "But should be good in a no time."

"How about your chest?" Lisa Turpin asked, who was on the other side of him.

"It'll heal, but I've got some scarring." Raven replied. He had to dance slowly as he didn't want to reopen any wounds. It seemed that he was gaining some new admirers after his battle with Norberta. He found it as no surprise considering they were probably impressed by his performance, as well as inheriting his parent's good looks.

Raven had to stop dancing and mingling and sat down to take a break. "Feeling alright?" Luna asked him, as she came over with two bottles of pumpkin juice.

"Yeah, just need a break." Raven said, taking one of the bottles. "Thanks." Luna smiled and sat next to him. "Can you help me with something?"

"Of course." Luna said. "What do you need."

'Well, I want to write a letter to my mum, but I can't exactly write with my left hand, so do you mind writing it for me?" Raven asked.

"I don't mind." Luna said, setting her pumpkin juice down and getting up. "I'll be back with a quill and some parchment." Luna walked off to her dorm and came back a few moments later.

She set the parchment down and dabbed some ink on her quill. "What would you like to write?" She asked.

Dear Mum

Hey there, Mumma Bird, Luna's writing this letter for me since I broke my hand battling the dragon. Don't worry though, I'm more than okay. I just wanted to let you know that I got past the dragon, and any wounds will heal. My friends have been very supportive of me and a tremendous help. I hope you're doing well, and can't wait to hear from you. I love you.


Little Bird.

"That's about it." Raven said, and Luna set her quill down. "Thanks for you help."

"No problem." Luna said, folding the letter. "There's still time before it get's too dark, do you want to head to the Owlery together and send it?"

"Yeah, that'd be great." Raven said getting up. "Most people have gone back to their dorms anyways. Let me put the golden egg in my dorm and I'll meet you back here." Luna nodded and Raven headed off to his dorm.

Upon returning, Luna was already waiting for him, letter still in hand. "Ready?" She asked, as Raven walked up to her.

"Yep." Raven said, and they set of to the Owlery.

Talking on the way, Raven and Luna successfully got the letter sent and made it back to the castle before the front doors closed. "Thanks again for you help, Luna." Raven said, as they made it back to their common room.

"Anytime big bro." Luna said, nudging Raven. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Luna." Raven said, as they departed to their dorms.

Raven went to the hospital wing as Madam Pomfrey made him go there for a check up. "Hmmm." Madam Pomfrey said removing the bandages from Raven's chest. Raven saw three claw mark scars on his chest and he thought they looked cool. "It seems your chest should be fine for removing, but do take it easy. As for your hand goes, I recommend keeping it on for one more day, then come see me again tomorrow morning."

"Got it." Raven said, as Madam Pomfrey helped him put his shirt back on.After his check up, Raven headed to the Great Hall for breakfast. He went and sat at the Gryffindor table with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. "Morning." Raven said, sitting down next to Harry.

"Morning, Raven." All three of them greeted.

Daphne came up to the table with her sister Astoria and sat opposite of Raven. "Morning, everyone." She said.

"Morning, Daphne." They all said.

"Raven, this is my sister Astoria, I've haven't introduced you two yet." Daphne said, gesturing toward Astoria.

"Hello, Astoria." Raven said, sticking out his left hand to shake hers. Astoria looked different from her sister. She had brown hair and hazel eyes. "Daphne's mentioned you."

"Nice to meet you, Raven." Astoria said. "My sister's talked about you too." Now I know how Mum feels shaking people's hand with her left one. Raven thought, as he let go of Astoria's hand.

"What's she mentioned?" Raven asked, curiously.

"Well she almost never shuts up about-" Daphne had slammed her hand over her sister's mouth.

"Never shuts up about me, eh?" Raven teased, smirking at Daphne, who had gone red.

"W-well, you-you know, we study together and we work on our project in Hagrid's class together, you know, things like that-and-and we're really good friends." Daphne stammered.Raven enjoyed the teasing and Astoria seemed to enjoy it as well. "Yeah, I enjoy those things we do together, and I'm glad to have you as a friend as well." Raven said, smiling and taking a bite of his porridge.

Daphne gave a bright smile and went back to her breakfast. "You're right, sis, he's better looking up close." Astoria whispered teasingly to her sister. Daphne blushed and elbowed her sister in the ribs. Astoria gave a small grunt, and rubbed her side.

Parvati and Padma walked behind through the Great Hall, "Hi, Harry and Raven." They said in unison walking by. Harry and Raven looked behind them, and saw them walked by. Daphne gave them a jealous look.

Harry caught sight of Cho at another table. "Cho, Harry's looking at you." The girl across from her said. Cho and another girl sitting beside her turned around, and she smiled at Harry who had taken a drink from his goblet. Harry went to say something and he spit out some of his juice on himself, causing the girls to giggle at him.

"Smooth, Potter." Raven said chuckling. Harry couldn't help but laugh, cleaning his mess.Raven looked down at some toast and then his hand. He sighed and said, "I had to punch you with my good hand didn't I, Norberta."

"Do you want some help?" Daphne asked hopeful.

"That'd be great, thanks." Raven said grateful.

"Toast?" Daphne asked. Raven nodded. Daphne picked up some toast. "Grape jam right?"

"Correct." Raven replied. Daphne got a knife and spread grape jam on it.

"Here you go." Daphne said, handing it to Raven.

"Thank you." Raven said, taking the piece of toast.

"You're welcome." Daphne said, smiling brightly at him.

"Wow, it's like your practically married." Astoria mumbled. Daphne heard it and stomped on her sister's foot. Astoria gave a noticeable groan.

"You okay?" Raven asked curiously.

"Yeah, yeah, foot fell asleep." Astoria lied, frowning at her sister. Daphne gave her a look that said, 'shut up or I'll do it again.'

Nigel Wolpert then came up carrying a package. "Parcel for you, Mr. Weasley." He said handing the package to Ron.

"Oh, thank you, Nigel." Ron said taking it. Nigel then looked at Harry and Raven like he wanted something. Harry looked at him awkwardly while Raven just raised his eyebrows. "Not now, Nigel." Ron whispered. "Later." Nigel then walked off and everyone looked at Ron curiously. "I told him I'd get him Harry's and Raven's autographs."

"I'll sign his forehead." Raven snickered.

Ron the opened the package and said, "Oh look, Mum sent me something." Ron pulled out what looked like a dress. He stood up and examined it. "Mum sent me a dress." He said.

"Ron, did you plan to surprise us by crossdressing?" Raven questioned slyly.

"It matches his eyes too." Harry teased. "Is there a bonnet?" He put his hand in the package and picked one up. "Aha." He chuckled.

"Nose down, Harry." Ron said, and he walked to Ginny. "Ginny, these must be for you."

"I'm not wearing that, it's ghastly." Ginny said. Hermione then began to giggle.

"What are you on about?" Ron asked.

"There not for Ginny, they're for you." Hermione said, and everyone burst into laughter. "Dress robes."

"Dress Robes?" Ron questioned. "For what?"

"I guess we'll find out soon." Raven said.

Professor Moody then came up to the table carrying a package. "Here, Raven, it's from you mother." He said setting it down next to Raven, before walking away. Daphne and Astoria helped him open it since he only had one hand available. Upon opening it, Raven found a letter sitting on some robes. He took and and flipped open the letter, reading it to himself.

Dear Raven

Hey there, Little Bird. Thank you for writing to me about how your first task went. Tell Luna I give her my thanks for helping you with it as well. With Madam Pomfrey there, I know you'll be okay. I'm glad you made it through the first task in one piece, it's puts some relief in my heart. In this package is some dress robes for you, for the dance.

Dance? Raven mentally questioned.

I always know your size so they'll fit perfectly. Now go out there and show that girl a good time. Be a gentleman like I taught you, and have fun at the dance, and be sure to take some pictures. Also, I'm free on the day of your next Hogsmeade visit, so write me back if you'd like to meet up and have a mother-son day. I love you, have fun and good luck on your next task.


Mumma Bird

P.S. If things go too far with your date for the dance, use protection. ;)

Raven groaned and facepalmed reading the postscript message. "What's wrong?" Daphne asked.

"Nothing." Raven said, smiling and shaking his head. "Just Mum being Mum." Raven was more than happy to meet up with his mum his next Hogsmeade visit though. He made a mental note to write to her later.

Raven pocketed the letter and grabbed his dress robes. Harry helped him pick it up and noticed how soft it was.

"Wow, those look nice." Daphne said, admiring Raven's dress robes.

"At least your mother loves you, Raven." Ron groaned, as he was jealous of Raven's dress robes.

"Pros of being an only child." Raven said slyly, examining his dress robes. "And having the best mum in the world."

Later that evening, Professor Flitwick had all the Ravenclaw students, fourth year and above enter a big empty classroom with chairs on both sides. He separated the boys and girls on each side.

"Now as you may or may not be aware, the Yule Ball is approaching." Flitwick said. "It is a traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament and an opportunity for us to socialize with our foreign guests. Now, the ball will be open only to fourth years and above-although you may invite a younger student if you wish. Dress robes will be worn and the ball will start at eight o'clock on Christmas Day, finishing at midnight in the Great Hall."

"Now." Flitwick said, clapping his hands together. "If I could have volunteers-"

"Say no more, Professor." Raven said, standing up and approaching him. Raven bent down and picked Professor Flitwick up with his good arm, and started swaying back and forth. Everyone in the room burst into laughter.

"M-Mordecur! What on earth are you doing?!?" Flitwick asked, completely flustered.

"You wanted a dance partner, isn't that right?" Raven teased.

"Put me down, Mordecur!" Flitwick ordered. "I would give you detention if you weren't a champion!"

"Alright, alright, I've had my fun." Raven chuckled setting Professor Flitwick down, and returning to his seat.

The laughing died down and Professor Flitwick spoke again. "Now, as I was saying, could I have two volunteers, one boy and one girl please?"

All the girls got up and some were eyeing Raven. Sure he wanted to dance, but he gestured to his right arm that was still in a cast, and the girls that were looking at him gave pouted faces, resorting to having to dance with one of the other guys.

After the demonstrating was over, Professor Flitwick dismissed the class. "Mr. Mordecur, a word." Flitwick said, before Raven left. Raven walked up to Flitwick after everyone had left. "Mordecur, each champion will require a partner for the Yule Ball. It's tradition that the champions start the Yule Ball dancing first."

"Alright, I'll keep that in mind." Raven said casually. "I enjoy dancing."

"Fantastic!" Flitwick said, clapping his hands together. "You're a strapping young lad, I'm sure you'll have no problem finding a partner."

Flitwick wasn't wrong either. Raven suspected with his good looks, he was going to be bombarded by ladies asking him to the Ball tomorrow.

The very next morning, Raven respectfully declined Mandy Brocklehurst, who asked him before he left the common room, and Lisa Turpin, who asked him as he was heading to the hospital wing.

"Try giving your hand some movement." Madam Pomfrey instructed, after she removed Raven's cast. Raven moved his hand around and brought it into a fist. "How's it feel?"

"Like it was never broken." Raven said. "Thank you."

"Good, now off you go." Madam Pomfrey said.

Raven left the hospital wing on his quest to get a date to the Yule Ball. C'mon, Raven. You survived a life size chess set your first year, you fought a basilisk your second, you fought off dementors your third, and you just battled a bloody dragon, surely you can get a date. He told himself. And he had only one person on his mind that he wanted to ask.

Before he had to go to Care of Magical creatures that day, he got asked by Hannah Abbott of Hufflepuff and a third-year Gryffindor. He politely declined them and made his way down to Hagrid's.

There we now only ten Skrewts left, one of those ten being the female Skrewt Raven and Daphne worked on, and they decided to name her Sylvie. Hagrid wanted them to put the Skrewts in boxes that had pillows and fluffy blankets in them. Every Skrewt but Sylvie disagreed with this though. They all started crashing and destroying everything.

"You're a good girl aren't you, Sylvie?" Raven said sweetly, kneeling down to Sylvie. Daphne wanted to say something as well, but she had been acting shyly around Raven ever since the announcement of the Yule Ball. She wanted to ask him if he would go with her, but she also wanted to wait for him to ask her. She also worried that he already had a date. Raven also wanted to ask Daphne, but he wanted to ask her when they were somewhere alone.

Everyone but Raven, Daphne, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Hagrid had gone into the safety of Hagrid's hut. While Raven and Daphne stood there with Sylvie, the others were doing their best to gather the remaining nine Skrewts.

"Um, are you going to help them?" Daphne asked, whispering.

"Nah, I'm kind of enjoying the show." Raven chuckled, causing Daphne to let out a snort, as she was kind of enjoying watching them struggle too.

After the others got the Skrewts on leashes, they left and Rita Skeeter came up and started asking Hagrid if he'd like an interview about the Skrewts. He agreed and Raven knew she was hoping to get dirt on him and Harry.

After Raven's next class, which was Divination, he was free to go look for Daphne and ask her to the Ball. Trying to find Daphne, he turned down four more girls. Two were from Beauxbatons and the other two were from Durmstrang. He could see why he was getting constantly asked, but it was getting a little annoying, as it was delaying his chance to ask Daphne.

As he continued walking, Daphne was about fifteen feet behind him. She was about to call to him, but someone beat her to it. "Hello, Fleur." Raven greeted. Fleur Delacour, who was with two other girls from Beauxbatons had come up to him. Daphne hid behind a wall, peeking around it watching.

"Raven, would you do ze 'onor of going to ze Ball wiz me?" Fleur asked. Raven was a little surprised that she would ask him of all people. Every other boy in this school was practically begging for her attention.

Oh no, I've ruined my chance. Daphne mentally panicked. I should of just asked him when I had the chance. There's no way any guy would turn down Fleur Delacour.

Daphne was shocked and happy at Raven's next words. "I'll have to decline, Fleur. I wish to attend the Ball with someone else." Fleur was shocked, was her veela charm not working on him? "I've got to go, bye." Raven said, then began walking away.

Fleur walked off with a frown on her face and her friends followed. Daphne then ran to catch up to Raven.

Yes, now's my chance! She thought.

"Raven!" Daphne shouted, gaining his attention as he turned around.

"Daphne!" Raven beamed. "I was just looking for you."

"Y-you were?" Daphne asked, surprised.

"Yeah." Raven said, grabbing her hand, causing her to blush. "Let's go somewhere a little more private." Raven led her to a corridor where there were no other students.

"So, what's up?" Daphne asked.

Please ask me to the Ball, please ask me to the Ball. Daphne mentally pleaded. If you don't I will.

"I was wondering if you'd like to go to the Ball with me?" Raven asked, still holding her hand.

"Yes!" Daphne said, a bit too eagerly, surprising Raven, and tightening her grip on his hand. "Sorry." She said, loosening her grip and stepping back slightly. "But, yes, I'd love to go to the Ball with you, I've turned down three other boys waiting for you to ask me."

"Really? I've had to turn down nine girls, just so I could find the right moment to ask you." Raven said.

I can see why they'd want to go with you. Daphne flirtatiously thought.

"Soooo, I'll see you at the ball then?" Daphne asked, biting her lips and swaying her hand and his back and forth.

"Well, we'll still see each other in our classes before then, but yeah, I'll see you then as well." Raven said.

"Alright...bye." Daphne said, letting go, skipping away. She was screaming with joy in her head. 

She went to the Slytherin common room to tell her sister the good news.

"Sooo, did you ask him?" Astoria asked, as Daphne made it back to her dorm.

"No." Daphne replied, with a smile on her face.

"Then why are you smiling?" Astoria asked.

"Because he asked me!" Daphne beamed. Astoria squealed with excitement.

"Oh, sis, I'm so happy for you!" Astoria said, jumping.

"I can't wait." Daphne said. "I've go to find what I want to wear, what makeup I should put on." She then sat in front of her mirror, going through her makeup accessories.

"I'll help you, you need to look good for your boyfriend." Astoria cooed.

"He's not my boyfriend." Daphne said, blushing. "At least not yet." She mumbled.

"Yet?" Astoria asked, slyly.

"Well, I want him to be." Daphne said. "But I need to find the right moment to ask him."

"I'm sure the moment will present itself." Astoria said. "But first, let's see what we should get you so you look hot!"

"What about you?" Daphne asked.

"No one's asked me to the Ball." Astoria said sadly.

"Oh, Astoria." Daphne said, hugging her sister. "Well, whether you get a date or not, I can ask Raven if he could save you a dance, would you be okay with that?"

"Would you be okay with that?" Astoria repeated.

"Of course." Daphne stated. "You're my little sister, I want to make sure you have one dance at least, and I'm sure Raven wouldn't mind. Just don't mention me having a crush on him please, I want it to be special, and tell him myself."

"Don't worry, sis, I won't say anything to him about that." Astoria assured. "And thanks for looking out for me."

"Anytime, Astoria." Daphne said, as the hugged each other. "I love you."

"I love you too, sis." Astoria said.

A.N. It'll likely be a while before I start the next chapter, as I'll be too absorbed in playing Hogwarts Legacy. I'm enjoying it a lot so far, and I've decided to make Wren for my first playthrough. Here's photo of her in the game. I'm so glad they had an option for purple eyes.

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