Learning to Love

By Amanda904040

213K 6.5K 544

My name is Rose, at least that's what I've always been called in school, at least for the last two years that... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65

Chapter 6

6.2K 184 14
By Amanda904040

I waited for Angie and Susanne to walk out of the room, I pretended to lie down and fall asleep, although I didn't want to close my eyes too much because I needed to keep my eye on them so that they wouldn't surprise me with a beating I was unprepared for. I heard Susanne "This poor child, she's been through so much, I hope we can find a sibling or mother, or some nice family member to take her in, she needs some love and care." Angie sighed "Yeah poor thing, I don't think she trusts too easily, she looked petrified the whole time you were talking to her." "We need to find a family member fast" they walked out of the room after that, and I couldn't hear their voices anymore.

I sat up and looked at my body, I wondered how hard it would be to take off the wires and the feeding tube, I had to get out of here like now. I slowly peeled off one of the stickers on my chest, wincing when it pulled my skin, the machine it was attached to started flashing something and I immediately tried to stick it back on my chest, and of course it didn't want to stick anymore. Angie came running back in and stopped when she saw me "What are you doing sweetie? Do you not like the sticker?" I shook my head at her, and a tear slid down my cheek. I noticed she seemed to relax a little and she slowly approached me. "Hey, it's alright, we just needed to monitor you while you were sleeping earlier, I can take them off now if you'd like?" I nodded but kept my head down, I saw her feet approach and I held my breath, she reached over to my chest and touched the other sticker. "I'm going to pull this really fast it will feel like a band aid coming off it will just hurt for a little bit, okay?" I didn't know what a band aid was, but I nodded again, and she grabbed the sticker and pulled it off really fast.

I gasped but it didn't feel as bad as the other one did that I had pulled off. She smiled down at me and I looked towards my hand and went to touch it with my other hand. Angie quickly touched it and moved my hand away from it "we can't pull that one out yet, you still need some nutrients from the I.V." I nodded guess I'd have to pull it out when she left again. I looked towards my stomach and touched the dress right above the tube I had in. "We can take that out once we see you eating and gaining some more weight, okay?" I moved my hands to the waistband above the crinkly thing I was wearing and raised my head to look at her.

"Your diaper?" I widened my eyes that was a diaper? But I nodded again anyways, I didn't like it and wanted it off. "If you can stay dry in it and not have an accident tonight, I'll remove it off you tomorrow morning, but if I take it off now and you go potty while you're sleeping, you'll get the bed all dirty and that won't feel nice for you to be lying in." I looked up at her and gave her a confused look, first off guess this was called a bed, second of all I didn't know I could wear this thing called a diaper and it would protect me from being all messy, I always went potty in my sleep, and I always got beat for it as well.

Angie smiled at me "You good now? Can you sleep a little for me?" I nodded and laid down grabbing the teddy bear and brushing it up against my nose, I loved the feeling of the bear, and a small smile made its way to my face. I wrapped my arms around the bear and closed my eyes, for some reason I felt pretty safe around Angie.

When I woke up it seemed like quite a bit of time had passed, it was dark in the room and very quiet. I sat up and looked around, no one was in the room with me, knowing this was my chance, I quickly pulled out the I.V. and moved my legs to the side of the bed, peering down at the floor it seemed a long way down, but I could do it, I knew I could. I grabbed the teddy from the bed and made a quick jump to the floor. I paused when I made a thump, but I didn't hear any running steps towards the room I was in.

I quickly walked towards the door, thank goodness it was cracked open I wouldn't have been able to reach the handle and slightly pulled it open, peeking around the small opening in the door I looked around and didn't see anyone, what luck. I walked out the door making sure I had the teddy before I closed the door.

I turned towards the exit sign in the hallway and started walking that way, making sure that no one saw me, and no one was coming down the hallway. I found some stairs and slowly walked down those, cursing my short little legs. When I got to the bottom of the stairs, I looked around, but no one was around again, I saw the exit sign again and walked along the wall until I got to what looked like the front desk, I peeked around the wall and saw a man sitting in the chair with his back towards me and the front door towards his side, he was talking quite loudly on his phone. I took this as a good sign and knew that with how small I was he more than likely wouldn't even notice me. I looked back at the door and then back at the man, I bit down on my lip and rocked on my feet for a minute just getting my thoughts together. Turning my body towards the door holding teddy close, I made a quick run for the door.  

What does everyone think so far? should I keep going? I'm so excited to publish what I've been working on so far. 

Don't be a silent reader please!

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