The medal hero (Kamen rider O...

Por WhiteRoseWM

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Intro: In the world of special abilities called quirks, y/n is one of the unfortunate souls who happens to be... Mais

Chapter 1: The birth of a new hero.
Part 2: The U.A qualification
Part 3: The first few days of U.A.
Part 4: The battle between Kamen Riders
Part 5: The U.S.J attack.
Part 6: The truth.
Part 7: The U.A Sports festival
Part 9: The one-on-one battle (Part 1)
Part 10: The one-on-one battle (Part 2)
Part 11: The one-on-one battle (Final)
Part 12: The student's internships.
Part 13: Y/n's internship.
Part 14: The students' final exams.
Part 15: The battle between Kamen Riders V2
Special chapter: The floating land of science.
Part 16: Summer Camp
Part 17: Hellish Training.
Part 18: Y/n's uncontrollable power.
Part 19: The attack of summer camp.

Part 8: The Calvary battle.

431 9 5
Por WhiteRoseWM

The chapter begins as the second game of the sports festival is announced and the points are appointed to everyone who pass the first game with Midorya having 1 million points.

Midnight: The second round of the U.A. sports festival first-year stage is A cavalry battle with the top 42 from the qualifier! Those at the top will suffer more. You'll hear this many times as you attend U.A. This is what "Plus Ultra" means! Izuku Midoriya, who placed first in the qualifier, is worth ten million points!

Because of that, the students stare at Midorya with glowing red eyes as they all mark Midorya as their target.

Midnight: Now then, I will explain the rules of the cavalry battle. The time limit is fifteen minutes. Each team is worth the total of its members' points, and the riders will wear a headband with that number on their foreheads. Teams will try to grab each other's headbands until time runs out, and try to keep as many points as they can. Stolen headbands must be worn from the neck up. So the more you steal, the harder it'll be to manage them! And the most important thing is that even if your headband gets stolen, or if your team falls, you're not out!

Yaoyorozu: Which means...

Boy with big lips: Since there are 44 people, there will be ten or twelve teams on the field the whole time?

Flashy looking boy: That's tough.

Pink skinned girl: One strategy could be to let someone take your points first so you'll be more free.

Asui: It's hard to say without seeing how all the points end up getting split up, Mina.

Midnight: During the game, it'll be a cruel fight where you can use your Quirks. But it is still a cavalry battle. You'll get a red card for attacks that are trying to make people fall on purpose! You'll be removed immediately!

Bakugo: Damn.

Midnight: Now, you have fifteen minutes to build your teams. Start!

We now move on to the phase where the students will have to form up their own groups for the Calvary battle. As that is happening, we see Y/n and Katashi together as they are trying to figure out who should join their team.

Y/n: I think we should let Midoriya join our team.

Katashi: That's not a good idea. With two students who have the highest score, we are going to become more of a target for the other groups. So if we want to decrease the likelihood of the headband being stolen, we are going to have to avoid him.

Y/n: I know. But I can't help but feel bad for him. I mean look at him.

The two look at Midorya who is shown to be the only one who is alone as he doesn't have anyone willing to join him.

Katashi: I understand. Though he is our friend, its just too risky.

???: Do you happen to be Y/n and Katashi?

The two look behind to see the purple haired boy who was the one who asked the question. Before Y/n could say anything, Katashi immediately reacts by covering Y/n's mouth which surprises him and the purple haired boy.

Purple haired boy: Oh? You know what my quirk is even though this is the second time we met?

Katashi nods as he didn't say a single word.

Purple haired boy: I see. Don't worry. My quirk is not activated now. You can speak if you want. Besides, you will be more useful in you aren't affected by by quirk.

Katashi slowly lets go of Y/n's mouth and Y/n gasps for air as he feels like he is about to die from suffocation.

Y/n: What gives?!

Katashi: Sorry about that. I was trying to protect you from becoming a victim of his quirk.

Y/n: Victim?

Katashi: His name is Hitoshi Shinso. His quirk allows him to brainwash anyone who verbally responds to him.

Purple haired boy/ Shinso: You're correct. How did you know about my quirk?

Katashi: You can say that I did a little homework before the sports festival. Also, it seems that we are not the first target.

Katashi points at something behind Shinso which is revealed to be Ojiro who is currently being under mind control because of Shinso as he looks like his mind is completely blank.

Shinso: Well then. I suppose that means that you don't want to join me.

Katashi: Actually, quite the opposite. I was thinking that we should work together on this one.

Shinso is surprised with the response, but he compose himself before he can continue speaking.

Shinso: Hate to break it to you, but my quirk won't be of any help to you all when it comes to the Calvary match.

Katashi: If that's the case, then you will the one with the headbands while the rest of us will carry you. What do you think?

Shinso: It's acceptable. I'm in.

Y/n: Welcome to the team.

Present Mic: Now then, it's about time to get started! Come on, wake up, Eraser! After fifteen minutes to form teams and talk strategy, twelve cavalry teams are lined up on the field!

Aizawa: There are some interesting teams out there.

Present Mic: Now, raise those battle cries! It's time for U.A.'s bloody battle!

We see many different groups with some of them consisting of students from different classes. For Y/n's team, it consists of Shinso and Ojiro along with Kamen rider Birth who is at the bottom right position and Kamen rider OOO in his Gatakiribi form who is in the front position.

Present Mic: All right! You've made your teams, right? I'm not gonna ask if you're ready or not!Now, let's go! Counting down to the brutal battle royal! Three! Two! One!

Midnight: Start!

The battle begins as we see all the group charging towards their targets. As expected, some of the groups are going straight for OOO's group given that he got the second highest score.

Birth: OOO!

OOO: Got it!

As he said that, OOO summons many clones of himself as they all block the other groups path so that they are unable to get to OOO. With the other groups being occupied, the group makes their move as they attempt to relocate to a less busy area so that there will be less opposing groups to handle. While they are on the move, they notice Midoriya's group is flying in the air thanks to a jetpack that Midoriya is wearing.

OOO: Is that Midoriya's group? How are they flying?

Birth: He must have gotten Hatsume from the support course.

Shinso: Look out!

OOO and birth look at where Shinso is looking to see Bakugo by himself as he propels towards the group with his explosion quirk. OOO summons more of his clones as they all try to stop the approaching Bakugo, but Bakugo manages to blow them away with his quirk. In the end, Bakugo is about to reach for Shinso's headband as OOO doesn't have enough time to stop him.

Crane arm!

As all hope seems lost, a hook suddenly appears and is about to hit Bakugo which causes him to take action by blocking the hook both his arms. After that, the hook hits him and pushes him away from the group before he gets grabbed by a huge tape and pulled away from the group and towards his own group. The hook retracts as it goes back to where it came from as we see Birth with his crane arm.

OOO: Nice work, Katashi!

Birth: You can thank me after the Calvary match.

Present Mic: He's gotten separated from his horses! What's with this guy? Is that okay?!

Midnight: It's a technicality, so it's okay! It wouldn't have been if he'd touched the ground, though!

As for Bakugo, it is revealed that the tape came from the boy with hair spiked downwards who is with the pink skinned girl and Kirishima. Bakugo then joins back to his team as he goes back to being the rider.

Kirishima: Nice catch!

OOO: This is certainly unexpected. How come we are your target? Shouldn't it be Midoriya?

Bakugo: You were distracted just now, so I might as well get free points. But, it seems that I underestimated you. No matter, I will make sure that your headband is mine before you...

Before Bakugo can finish his sentence, his headband is suddenly taken off by a mysterious rider from another group. Y/n's team and Bakugo'a team looks at the person who took Bakugo's headband who is revealed to be a blonde boy with a pair of blue eyes.

Blonde boy: Class A is too simple-minded.

Kirishima: He got us!

Bakugo: What'd you say, bastard? Give that back! I'll kill you!

Blonde boy: Since Midnight said it was the first game, it wouldn't make sense for them to cut a ton of people in the qualifier, right? Assuming they'd keep about forty people for the next stage, we just made sure we stayed within that number as we ran, observing from the back the Quirks and personalities of those who would be our rivals. There's no point in being obsessive over winning in the prelims, right? You did this as a class? Well, it wasn't a consensus, but it was a good idea, right? It's better than going after a temporary "top" like a horse with a carrot waving in front of its face. Oh, while I'm at it, you're famous, aren't you? As the victim of the sludge incident! Tell me about it sometime about how it feels to be attacked by villains once a year.

All of a sudden, Bakugo becomes so mad after hearing what the blonde said that he starts to emit a huge red aura.

OOO: I have never seen him this angry before.

Bakugo: Kirishima. Change of plan. Before we get the bug boy, let's kill all these guys!

Bakugo's team begins to attack the team that stole his headband, leaving OOO's team alone.

Birth: Well that's him out of the picture for now.

Before they can heave a sigh of relief, they notice that other groups are continuing to target them as they run towards the group. The opposing teams begin to shoot out projectiles which consists of a liquid based projectile and two projectiles that represent a pair of horn.

OOO react by summoning more of his clones to take the hit for his team as the clones attempt to swing their arm blade at the projectiles. However, as soon as the projectiles get in contact with the clone, the liquid projectile explodes with some of the clones caught inside which is followed by them getting stuck in the substance that is very sticky like glue while the other clones get thrusted away by the horn projectiles. With the clones out of the way, the horn projectiles continues flying towards OOO's team at incredible speed.

Birth: Shinso!

Shinso: Huh?

As soon as Shinso looks at birth, he sees the Birth Buster being thrown at him as he grabs hold of the weapon. After knowing what it is the moment he looks at, he aims the gun and begins shooting at the horn as the cell-shaped energy projectiles destroy the horns.

Shinso: This is certainly handy.

Birth: Less talking. More firing.

The team reposition themselves with OOO facing one team and Shinso facing the other. Shinso continues to fire the gun while OOO begins to fire green electricity from his stag beetle helmet. As a result, the opposing group gets repelled as they decide to move away from the group.

OOO: Looks like we are in the clear.

Bakugo: I beg to differ.

Bakugo's team is going straight for OOO's team once again as it seems that he got his headband back from the blonde boy. Bakugo then begins to propel himself into the air and straight for Shinso.

Birth: Remove the container and attach it to the muzzle!

Shinso: Like this?

Shinso follows his instruction and doing so causes the gun to get into his cell burst mode.

Cell Burst!

Shinso aims the gun at Bakugo as it begins building up energy at the muzzle. By the time the weapon finishes charging up the finisher, Bakugo is getting too close for comfort and is about to grab hold of the headband. Shinso shows no hesitation and pulls the trigger which fires a giant spinning cell-shaped projectile. In the end, the projectile and Bakugo crash into each other, causing a giant explosion.

Before the smoke from the explosion can disappear, Bakugo is seen being blown away as his team manages to catch him before he can touch the ground. Once the smoke is no more, we see OOO's team is still standing.

OOO: Shinso! Is the headband still with you?!

Shinso: Don't worry. It's safe and sound.

Shinso points his head to reveal that the headband remains untouched.

Bakugo: Damn you!

Present Mic: Times up!

With that, the match has come to an end as OOO's team has the same score from the beginning of the match.

Present Mic: That's the end of the second round, the cavalry battle! Now, let's take a look at the top four teams right away! In first place, Team Todoroki!

Yaoyorozu: Even though we won, it felt like we were skating on thin ice.

Iida: Sorry I caused everyone trouble.

Yaoyorozu: That's not true. Without you, we would not have won.

Present Mic: In second place, Team Shinso!

OOO: We made it!

Shinso: Well done.

While they are celebrating, the mind controlled Ojiro is able to recover as he looks around while being confused.

Ojiro: What happened?

Birth: It's a long story.

Present Mic: In third place, Team Bakugo!

Pink skinned girl: Ah, we didn't get first!

Boy with hair spiked downwards: Well, third place isn't bad. All's well that ends well.

Kirishima: Do you really think that's how he feels?

The team looks at Bakugo who screams in anger after hearing the results and knowing that his team didn't get first.

We then move on to Midorya's team as we see Hatsume removes a jetpack from his back.

Uraraka: Deku?

Midorya: Um I'm really sorry.

Hatsume and Uraraka are shown to be confused with what he said just now before they realised why he said that as they point at the crow-like boy.

Crow-like boy: Todoroki was clearly shaken by your first attack. I had hoped to get the ten million points, but things don't always go as you wish.

A shadow crow-like monster appears beside the crow-like boy and seeing it cause Midoriya to become surprised.

Crow-like bird: Even so, I got one.

The shadow monster is revealed to be holding a headband that has a score of 615 thanks to Midorya's actions during the Calvary match.

Crow-like boy: I took the one on his head where his guard was the weakest. Midoriya, this was thanks to the opening you created with your last spurt.

The shadow does a thumbs up while Midorya begins to tear up.

Present Mic: In fourth place, Team Midoriya!

All of a sudden, tears of joy start to pour out of Midoriya's eyes at an alarming rate like a fountain as he is happy that his team manages to be in the top four.

Present Mic: These four teams will advance to the final round!

As Midorya continues to cry, Kamen rider OOO is seen looking at him.

OOO: It seems that Midoriya made it.

Birth: Yeah.

Present Mic: Now, we'll take an hour's break for lunch before we start the afternoon festivities! See ya! Hey, Eraser Head, let's go grab food.

Aizawa: I'm going to sleep.

While the audience are going for their break, the students begin to have a conversation with each other as they exit the arena.

Asui: I'm so vexed!

Asui walks away from her team as Mineta is shown to have crippling depression and she goes straight for the pink skinned girl.

Asui: Mina, congratulations.

Pink skinned girl: Well, Bakugo just let me join to use against Todoroki's ice, so I don't know if it reflects my abilities.

Uraraka: Iida, I didn't know you had a special move like that! No fair!

Iida: It has nothing to do with fairness! I just wasn't using it as intended.

Kaminari: *Thumbs up* "That was fun."

Iida: I wanted to do something that could compete with Midoriya.

Katashi: And it worked. It is certainly impressive that your team was able to take Midoriya's headband in such a short time thanks to your quirk.

Uraraka: It's that manly thing, huh? Speaking of Midoriya? Where's Deku?

Katashi: Also. Where's Y/n?

The scene change as we see another tunnel where Midoriya and Todoroki are inside and they are completely alone together.

Midorya: What did you want to talk about?

Todoroki only replies with silence as he didn't say a single word.

Midorya: We have to hurry up, since the cafeteria will be packed.

But Todoroki continues to remain silent as he stares at Midorya.

Midorya: Um...

Before the surrounding air can get anymore intense, Todoroki begins to talk.

Todoroki: I was overwhelmed so much that I broke my own promise. Iida, Kaminari, Yaoyorozu, Tokoyami and Uraka didn't feel it. At that last moment, I was the only one that was overpowered. Only me, who has seen All Might's full power with my own eyes.

Midorya: That means... what?

Todoroki: It means that I felt something similar coming from you.

Midorya starts to become scared as he thinks that his secret has been revealed.

Todoroki: Midoriya... You... Are you All Might's illegitimate son?

All of a sudden, the atmosphere immediately turns a 180 degrees as soon as Todoroki asks that question.

Todoroki: Is it true?

Midorya: No, that's not true. Although if I really was, I'd be saying the same thing, so you may not believe me. But it's really not like that. First, let me ask you in return. Why did you think that of me?

Todoroki: By saying, "It's really not like that", it must mean that there's a connection between you two that you can't talk about.

Midorya continues to panic as his own words had betrayed him.

Todoroki: My dad is Endeavour. You already know that. He's always been the number two hero. If you have something that belongs to the number one hero, I have even more reasons to defeat you. My dad is an exceptional ambitious man. He made a name for himself as a hero with irresistible force. Because of that, the living legend All Might was nothing but an eyesore for him. Since my dad couldn't surpass All Might on his own, he came up with another strategy.

Midorya: What is this about, Todoroki? What are you trying to say?

Todoroki: Quirk Marriage. You know, right? The thing that became an issue with the second and the third generation after the supernatural powers appeared. Choosing a mate and forcing them to marry in order to strengthen their own quirk and pass it to their child. An old-fashioned and unethical way of thinking. He has money and good records, so he won over my mom's entire family and got a hold on my mom's quirk. By raising me to be a hero that would surpass All Might, he wanted to satisfy his own desire.

After hearing the dark truth, Midorya is in disbelief about the fact that Endeavour would do such a thing.

Todoroki: How annoying. I won't become a tool for that scum to use.

There was a moment of silence once again before Todoroki continues talking.

Todoroki: In my memory, my mother was always crying. My mother poured boiling water on me, saying "Your left side is unsightly.".

As he said, he rest left hand on the left side of his face.

Todoroki: Simply put, I'm so fixed on you because I want to get back at him. Even without my damn father's quirk... No... By becoming number one without using it, I will completely deny him.

While Todoroki is sharing his reason to beat Midoriya as well as his tragic backstory, it is revealed that Bakugo is hiding inside the tunnel as he eavesdrops on the conversation. After that, Todoroki makes his leave and he walks out of the tunnel.

Todoroki: If you can't tell me your connection with All Might, that's fine. No matter what you are to All Might, I'll rise above you, using my own right hand. Sorry for taking up your time.

As Todoroki continues to walk away, Midorya can do nothing but stare at him before he decides to walk towards Todoroki and say something to  him.

Midorya: Bakugo.

This causes Todoroki to stop on his track.

Midorya: I've always been helped by others. As with the Calvary battle. I'm here because of someone's support. Smiling while saving people. The greatest hero, All Might. I want to be like him. But to do that, I have to be strong enough to be number one.

Todoroki looks back at Midorya as Midorya continues talking.

Midorya: Compared you yours, my motives might be trivial. But, I can't be losing either, so that I can give back to those who have helped me. That declaration of war... I will say back to you. I will beat you.

Todoroki then looks way and continues to walk while Midoriya simply watches him. As for Bakugo, he too makes his leave as he walks to the other end of the tunnel. While that is happening, it is revealed that Bakugo is not the only one who eavesdropped because Y/n is also seen hiding inside the tunnel as he leans against the floor while looking down to the ground.

Y/n: Todoroki...


The lunch break is finally over as the arena is once again packed with the large audience.

Present Mic: Lunch break is over and we'll announce the final event! But before that, there's good news for those who didn't qualify. This is a sports festival, so there's a recreational event planned for everyone to participate.

As the students enter the arena once more, they notice that there are cheerleaders who wear an orange, white outfit with purple lines and are equipped with yellow pom-poms as they dance and shake the pom-poms to cheer on the students.

Present Mic: We even brought in cheerleaders from America to liven things up.

However, there is another group of cheerleaders who do nothing unlike the other cheerleaders while there's some form of familiarity coming from the group.

Present Mic: What?

Aizawa: What are they doing?

It turns out that the familiar looking cheerleaders are the female students of Class 1-A.

Present Mic: What happened, Class A? What kind of service is this?

Y/n and Katashi are seen walking towards the girls before they start a conversation.

Katashi: Huh. You girls aren't doing much as cheerleaders.

Yaoyorozu: It's not like we wanted to do this.

Y/n: Then what made you all do so in the first place?

Yaoyorozu replies by pointing at Kaminari and Mineta who are shown to be celebrating as they give each other a thumbs up.

Yaoyorozu: Mineta, Kaminari, you tricked us!

*start of flashback*

During the lunch break, Kaminari and Mineta are talking to Yaoyorozu and the girl with earphone jacks who are returning to their table with their lunch in the cafeteria.

Kaminari: Yaoyorozu, Jirou.

Yaoyorozu: What's the matter?

Mineta: You're on the class committee so you probably know, but this afternoon everyone has to wear those and do a cheer.

As he said that, Mineta points at the cheerleaders who happen to be in the cafeteria as well.

Girl with earphone jack/ Jirou: Eh?

Yaoyorozu: I haven't heard of such an event.

Mineta: Whether you believe it or not, it's up to you, but we were asked by Aizawato remind you since you might've forgotten.

*End of flashback*

Y/n: Now that makes sense.

Yaoyorozu fall to her knees as she is in distraught that she got deceived.

Yaoyorozu: Why do I always fall for Mineta's trick like this?

Uraka moves closer to Yaoyorozu and squats down to give her a pat on the back.

Yaoyorozu: I even used Creation to make these outfits.

Katashi: To be fair, most of the things he does will always have a dirty reason behind it as well as ending up fulfilling his perverted mind. You should have been more careful next time.

Y/n: Katashi, you're not helping.

Jirou: They're idiots!

Jirou throws the pom-poms to the ground and crosses her arms in frustration.

Y/n: Since the damage has been done, there's no use crying over spilled milk. I suggests you all to just wing it. Besides, it's better than just being nervous all the time.

Hagakure: He's right. There's still time before the finals and it's tiring to be nervous. We should just do it!

Jirou: What?!

Asui: Toru sure likes these things.

Present Mic: Now it's time for a fun recreational competition. After this, sixteen players from the four teams will compete in the final stage, tournament style. One-on-one battle.

Kirishima: The final is a one-on-one battle tournament? I get to stand on the stage that I've seen on TV every year.

Pink-skinned girl: Was it a tournament last year?

Boy with hair spiked downwards: The style may change, but it's a one-on-one battle every year. Last year was a Sports Chanbara.

Midnight: Now we draw lots to determine the pairing.

Midnight is seen carrying a box with a word lots written on it.

Midnight: Once the pairings are determined, the battle will start after recreation. The 16 finalists can choose whether or not to participate in the recreation, as some may want to rest or save their strength. Let's start with the first team.

Before Midnight can start, Ojiro is seen raising his hand in the crowd which caught her attention.

Ojiro: Um... Excuse me? I want to withdraw.

Doing so causes the students nearby to be surprised by his action.

Midorya: Ojiro! Why?

Y/n: You have already gotten this far. Why withdraw?

Iida: The pros are going to be watching.

Ojiro: I barely have any memory of the Calvary Battle until the very end.

Y/n (*thought*): (Oh yeah. He was mind controlled by Shinso during the Calvary battle.)

Ojiro: It was probably that guy's quirk.

Midorya, Y/n and Katashi look at Shinso who simply looks away from them.

Ojiro: I know that this is a big chance. I know it's foolish to throw this chance away.

Midorya: Ojiro...

Ojiro: But this is where everyone has fought giving their all. I can't stand here while I don't know what's happening.

Hagakure: You're worrying too much. Just leave good results in the finals.

Pink skinned girl: What you're saying applies to me as well.

Ojiro: No... This is about my pride. And why are you all dressed as cheerleaders?

The girls didn't answer as they are too embarrassed to reply. As for Kirishima, he begins to tear up because of how manly Ojiro is.

Kirishima: What's up with him? He's so manly!

Present Mic: Something weird is happening...

Aizawa: We'll have to see what the referee, Midnight, decides to do...

Midnight then manages to come up with a decision and shares it with the student.

Midnight: That kind of youthful talk is something I like! I accept Ojiro's withdrawal.

Students (*thought*): (She chose by preference.)

Midnight: Then the participant to replace his slot will be from the fifth place team Kendo.

Girl with orange-ponytail/Kendo: If that's the case, instead of us who barely moved during the calvary battle... It's them, right?

Kendo looks at one of her teammates who replies by nodding at her.

Kendo: Right?

Kendo looks at the rest of her team who nod as well.

Kendo: Shouldn't it be team Tetsutetsu who fought to keep their top spot until the end?

Metal skinned boy / Tetsutetsu: Kendo...

Kendo: It's nothing suspicious. This is how it should be.

Tetsutetsu: You guys...

*Short timeskip*

Midnight: And so, Tetsutetsu complete the 16 finalists. The pairing based on the lots looks like this!

The giant screen shows the pairing for the one-on-one battle tournament as the audience begins to cheer loudly because of the results.

Tetsutetsu vs Kirishima

Tetsutetsu and Kirishima: Again? Why does this happen?

Tokoyomi vs Yaoyorozu

Crow-like bird / Tokoyomi: I'm giving it my all.

Yaoyorozu: Just as I wish.

Ashido vs Y/n

Pink-skinned girl / Ashido: Let's see if my acid can melt your armour.

Y/n: I'll like to see you try.

Midorya looks at the other pairings with his name written on it as well as Todoroki's name

Shinso vs Midoriya

Todoroki vs Sero

As Midorya is looking at the results, he is caught off guard by Shinso who appears behind him.

Shinso: You're Midorya Izuku, right?

Midorya quickly turns around and looks at Shinso.

Shinso: I'm looking forward to the first round.

Midorya: Me...

Before he can finish his sentence, his mouth is completely covered as it is revealed to be Y/n's left hand and Ojiro's tail that are covering it.

Y/n: Sorry.

Shinso smirks and turns around before he walks away. After that, Y/n and Ojiro remove their hand and tail respectively from Midorya's mouth as Midorya is shown to be confused.

Midorya: What's the matter, Y/n and Ojiro?

Y/n: Here's a word of advice. Whatever you do, you need to avoid talking to him.

Ojiro: Make sure you remember that.

Midorya: Huh?

Uraka vs Bakugo

Bakugo: What? Uraka?

Uraka is seen being very terrified as she stares at Bakugo while trembling with fear.

Katashi: I suggests that you better start writing down your will.

Uraka: What?!

Katashi: To be honest, it would have been best to swap places so that you will be fighting Kaminari instead.

Katashi vs Kaminari

Kaminari: What do you mean by that?

Iida vs Hatsume

Girl with goggles / Hatsume: Are you Iida?

Iida: Yes, I am Iida.

Hatsume: I'm so glad. Actually...

Present Mic: Let's put the tournament aside for now, so we can have a break.

The arena begins to be filled with fireworks as the recreation has begun.

Present Mic: Let's have fun with the recreation.

Most of the students are taking part in the recreation activities while the class 1-A girls cheer on the students as cheerleaders. However, there are those who choose to be at somewhere else in order to better prepare for the battle. This includes Y/n as he is inside the waiting room while being in deep thoughts on figuring out how to handle the strongest students that he knows of from the 16 participants.

Y/n: Ankh. Can I ask you something?

Ankh: What is it?

Y/n: It's just that... Is there a way to get stronger? The only way that I know of is to use new medal combos in order to overpower my opponents with brand new powers. Not to mention that the current combos we have can only handle the first two rounds of the battle and we will be at an disadvantage against the top students like Midoriya, Todoroki and Bakugo.

Ankh: I understand your concern. However, you can't just assume that a greed will just conveniently show up and give you the core medals before the tournament begins.

Y/n: Oh. I see.

Ankh: Hey. Don't look down on yourself. There is a trump card we have in our arsenal.

Y/n: We do? What's that?

Ankh: Well...

The scene changes to show the arena and the recreation has come to an end as we see him using his quirk by touching the cement liquid that is pouring out of a giant hose.

Cementoss: Okay, it's almost finished.

Present Mic: Thanks, Cementoss! Hey guys, are you ready?

The audience continues to cheer as it is revealed that Cementoss is using his quirk to create a cement arena for the battle to take place at.

Present Mic: There were a lot of events, but it's come down to this! The final battle! You can only rely on yourself. There are situations like this even if you're not a hero. You know it, right? Heart, technique, body wisdom and knowledge. Utilise them to rise to the top.

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