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By cashmoneymcu

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โฅ ๐‡๐ž ๐›๐ž๐œ๐š๐ฆ๐ž ๐ก๐ž๐ซ ๐ž๐ฏ๐ž๐ซ๐ฒ๐ญ๐ก๐ข๐ง๐ . ๐‡๐ž๐ซ ๐ก๐จ๐ฆ๐ž. ๐ง๐ž๐ญ๐ž๐ฒ๐š๐ฆ ๐ฑ ๐จ๐œ!๐Ÿ๐ž๐ฆ (๐จ๐ฆ๐š๐ญ๐ข๏ฟฝ... More



7.1K 155 41
By cashmoneymcu

• • •

A long week had passed since the day of war. A week since the Sky People lost to the Na'vi and were sent back to their planet with their heads hung low.

Jake knew the conditions of earth were deteriorating, meaning this most likely wasn't the last time they'd encounter humans. But for now, he was going to count his blessings.

Cely on the other hand was mourning. Her and her mother laid Tsu'tey to rest, letting his body and soul reconnect with Eywa. She knew she could see him again, but it would only be memories. Her heart ached for her dad.

Tsu'tey had a warriors ceremony, a special honor as he died in action. Jake led as Mo'at helped the fallen warrior pass to Eywa. Everything went smoothly.

And Neteyam grew worried for his mate. Unlike her mother, Cely had a hard time processing these raw emotions. She would shut down and retract, putting herself in isolation. But Neteyam never left her side. He vowed to be there for her and he would. He would not allow her to go down an irreversible path of self-destruction.

So Neteyam would do simple things. Bring her a flower that he and Tuk picked, make her favorite snacks, or even giving a simple massage after a tough day. He wanted to make sure the girl did not feel alone but rather supported and loved.

And Cely didn't feel alone. No matter how much she wanted to push everyone away, she was glad Neteyam saw through her and stuck by her side. She knew the lengths he was going to just to see her smile every once in awhile.

Each day she faced the clan, Cely's feelings started becoming overwhelming. There was the sadness and anger that followed her fathers death. There was the confusion and grieving as to why her father had to die. Then, there was the strongest one— guilt. Guilt for the amount of love she's received this past week that it's almost consumed her.

The Sully's were there for her in any way they could. Jake viewed Tsu'tey as a brother, so he felt her pain and aided in any way he could. And Ninat just lost her mate, the father of their child, yet she showed her daughter compassion. Through the pain, everyone was still adamant in showing Cely that she had support.

And Cely slowly started to realize that she couldn't change Eywa's fate. That she'll never know why her father was chosen to die, but she knew he died fighting for Pandora. For freedom. For her.

Grieving doesn't happen overnight, there's still the heartache when thinking about her dad. But instead of a piercing, unbearable pain, it was a longing emptiness. Just to have her dad hold her or hug her again.

• • •

On the particular day, Neteyam wanted to amp up his gesture for his mate. It had been awhile since they'd had some intimate, alone time. He missed their swims in the Cove and going for a fly through the mountains.

Anything just the two of them was memorable, but he wanted to do something special. Cely had been through a lot recently and he figured she could use a break from everything going on.

He had told her to meet him by the Cove, letting the girl think maybe they'd go for a swim. Neteyam had left a few hours earlier to get everything set up, wanting the scenery to be perfect.

Cely didn't think much of Neteyam's request to meet at their Cove. They hadn't visited in awhile and figured he asked so they could swim together again. To be honest, she was excited. This was exactly the time of break she needed and it was with the one person she wanted to be with.

Finally, Cely came to the clearing near the Cove. She had changed into a nicer swimsuit outfit, the purple cloths contrasting her skin beautifully.

Before she could make it around the trees to her destination, Neteyam jumped out. She jumped, startled at the sudden and quick movements.

"Shit, I didn't mean to scare you! You okay?" Neteyam apologized, he really didn't intend to do so, but he'd been in a rush trying to perfect things and heard her coming.

Cely still held a hand on her chest, feeling her fast heartbeat finally slowing down. She waved him off, "It's fine, 'Ma Teyam. What are we doing?"

He broke into a large smile, staring at the girl he loved with his entire being. Without saying anything, he took her hands in his. Although confused, she didn't ask anymore questions as she let him lead her.

Rounding the corner of trees to the Cove, Neteyam let Cely walk in front of him now. She kept her gaze on him at first, her brows pinched together with focus. He kept his smile, only motioning for her to look forward.

Cely looked to where Neteyam pointed to. Immediately, her jaw dropped. Slowly walking forward, she took in the sights and ambiance all around her and filled the Cove.

Somehow, there was a table-like log with two makeshift chairs in front of the pond. On it sat two neatly prepared dishes of a rare fish that the clan only served occasionally. It was Cely's favorite.

Then around the chairs and table were soft, neon purple-pink colored fireflies. Their light reflected in the area, lighting everything around it.

Cely looked down to the ground, noticing the trail of flowers leading from her toes to the prepared dinner set up. The yellow, pink and red petals littered the floor, making the girls heart clench at the gesture.

She turned to Neteyam, her voice caught in her throat. As she did so, he brought out an object from behind his back.

A flower crown.

Eyes widening, Cely felt happy tears pricking her eyes. Neteyam walked the few steps forward, closing their small distance. He placed the small, yet intricate, flower crown on the top of her hair. It laid perfectly on her head from ear to ear, as if she was a princess herself.

"Beautiful..." Neteyam whispered, although his eyes never left hers. He wasn't talking about the flower crown.

"Ma 'Teyam, you did all of this for me?" She placed her hands on his chest, still in shock.

He nodded as if it was the most obvious thing ever. "Of course. You deserve it, tìyawn. I love you."

The tears that threatened to spill finally did, the emotions too raw to hold back. "I love you. So much."

Cely brought her mates head down to kiss him on the lips, the act soft and loving. He gave into it, but was the one to break it.

"Come, my love. Let's eat." He took her hand and guided her to her seat. After Cely sat first, he rounded the table and took his seat.

"How did you get this? Even the clan barely eats this... it's the most rare food we have." Cely questioned, curious and baffled as to how he attained the fish.

"I can't give away my secrets, it takes away the fun, no? Plus, it was worth it. I know it's your favorite." He smiled as he chewed the food.

After a few minutes of smaller conversations and eating, Cely spoke up again. "Listen, 'Teyam, I wanted to thank you," She began.

"Cely, please—" He wanted to shake off any thanks as he felt it wasn't needed. But the look she gave him for interrupting her made him shut up right away.

"Anyway, I wanted to thank you. I understand this past week hasn't been easy for you just as it hasn't for me. But you've made handling my pain easier and more tolerable by just being yourself. I don't want to know where I'd be without you. Thank you and I love you, Ma 'Teyam." She finished, feeling better now that he knows how she feels. That she appreciates him.

Neteyam reached a hand across the table, intertwining their fingers alongside their food. "Cely, I would do anything for you. Just as you would for me. Thank you for making it so easy to love you."

Cely giggled at that. She was finally able to let her guard down now that they were away from the camp and Neteyam felt proud that she looked happier in this moment.

"We're so cheesy." Was all she replied after her laughter. Neteyam rolled his eyes playfully, enjoying her slight teasing.

"So, have you given any thought to our ceremony?" Neteyam had been wanting to ask, but there was never a right moment. They hadn't talked about it since Neytiri and Ninat volunteered to help plan.

Cely was caught off guard a bit, but couldn't hide her smile at the question. "Yes, I have! I don't want to wait any longer, so I will talk with our mothers tomorrow about planning. I heard Lo'ak keeps in contact with the Metkayina chiefs daughter, so perhaps they can attend as well. I actually also made my clothes already—" She rambled once she started talking, turning back to her mate and seeing his surprised look.

"Sorry, too much?" She grimaced, hoping she wasn't jumping to far ahead into it. He shook his head right away, "No, no! I'm happy you're excited. I am too. I was worried you would want to push it back, but clearly I was wrong. Keep telling me about what else you've thought about."

The two talked about their thoughts for their upcoming ceremony. Cely lost in thought about the talk of her dream day, where the newly mated will be celebrated in the clan. Neteyam was glad his plan worked, getting his girl laughing and seeing her real smile.

He missed this. The days where they had no worries except for if their crush liked them back. How far the two had come was astounding, and the future they held was promising.

Neteyam. The one who gets her and everything is easier with him by her side. He's the one person who understands her completely and the one she can't live without.

She's found her true love, the other half of her, the one who completes her soul.

Her home.


• • •


hii everyone! we made it to the end! i hope everyone enjoyed reading the book :)

tbh i felt this chapter could've been better so i might add some 'bonus scenes' later on. would anyone read that?

i've written a few prompts for new avatar books.
- a lo'ak x outcast omaticaya girl
- a jake sully x oc x neytiri
- a neteyam x oc x lo'ak

I want to focus on just one at a time, so let me know what you all would rather read first!!!


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