My Forever Crush

By Zika_writes

19.3K 2.5K 84

#Book 1 of 'Best friends' series Kamso is a shy highschool girl that had always had a crush on Michael, the h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59 A
Chapter 59 B
Chapter 60
Chapter 61 A
Chapter 61 B


538 44 3
By Zika_writes


I packed my car outside the compound and
stealthily walked inside the house.

It's been 6 years since l got married to the love of my life and these six years have been glorious. Iwanted to surprise her since came back two days earlier than l'd planned.

I just can't stay away from her for long coupled with the fact that I didn't want her to deal with a sick child alone. Immediately she called yesterday that Jr was down with fever I had to come back.

I smiled when I was greeted with the sight of my kids sprawled on the floor in the sitting room, colouring. My eyes stayed on my son a bit longer and I was relieved when I finally convinced myself he was alright.


My smile widened when my daughter, my firstborn jumped with joy and ran towards me. I don't know how she does it. Kamso says it's juju but every time I see her, I'm reminded of the day she was born. When the nurse dropped her tiny bundled up body in
my arms. She chose that moment to smile and my heart was stolen.

I still have that feeling every single time she smiles at me. It was a different kind of love, different from what I feel for Kamso or my parents and siblings and friends. I just can't explain it.

She threw herself in my arms and l caught her to my chest. I twirled her around and smiled as she squealed. I dropped her and picked up my son, my lookalike, my namesake. I did the same to him and
he laughed as well. I placed a kiss on his forehead and hugged him.

I placed my palm on his forehead to check
his temperature. I frowned at how quiet
he was even when I came in.

Normally he would be running around causing mischief. Tearing up papers destroying phones and TV remotes. No matter how out of reach those
things are, he always finds his way to them.

"Where's your mum pumpkin" l asked looking down at my daughter while holding Jr.

"Muuummmmyyy!-" I covered her mouth
immediately and sighed.

"I want to surprise her." I whispered and laughed when her eyes lit up. She's a drama queen this one.

"She's at the backyard" she whispered as well and I shook my head with a smile on my face.

"Go back to colouring with your brother, I'll go see her ok?" she nodded and I set Jr back on his feet.

"But daddy did you buy anything for us?" I kissed her head and pinched her cheek lightly.

"Later honey, daddy wants to talk to mummy." she nodded and went back to their papers with Jr following behind.

I walked stealthily to the backyard and my lovely wife was collecting clothes from the line. Six years later and she was still as beautiful as ever.

I stood there silently and waited for her to notice my presence. She removed a peg from one of the clothes and when she took the cloth down from the line, her eyes locked with mine.

I watched as her eyes lit up but it didn't prepare me for her screams that filled the air seconds later. She clamped her hand over her mouth when she finally realized herself but I was already laughing.

Now what man wouldn't want, dream even, to come home to this.

"Hey beautiful." I said still smiling.

"What are you doing here?" she asked her voice still high pitched. I smiled with satisfaction. Surprise.

"Last time l checked my love, I live here."

A huge smile broke across her face and she squealed again before running to me. I lifted her off the ground and twirled with her in my arms. Yeah, she's still slim after two beautiful children.

"Are you that surprised?"

"What do you expect, you're two days earlier than you said." she muffed in my chest.

"I couldn't stay away any longer without
seeing my lovely wife."

She pulled away and looked at my face. "I'm surprised you managed eight days without me." She said.

I laughed and shook my head then really looked at her, I noticed the bags under her eyes and sighed.

"I feel guilty for leaving you for so long, you look so tired."

"Don't be. Wait did you come back because I told you how sick Jr was?"

"Partly. And I missed my wife and children too." I cupped her face and rubbed my knuckles down her chin.

"Ugh. What am I going to do with you, this handsome and loving man. You didn't have to come back."

"But I'm glad you did." she finished softly and draped her hands around my neck.

I leaned down and kissed her lips softly. "I
missed you baby."

I sighed from the softness of her lips before deepening the kiss. How did I even manage these eight days.

"I missed you too. So so much, I missed your hands around me." her voice fell notches deeper and I groaned with want.

Soon what was meant to be a small kiss was getting out of my control and her moans and breathless sighs were not helping matters. Not outside here Michael. I berated myself inwardly but that too didn't help.

"My love, the kids." Kamso gasped and removed my hand from where they've disappeared to under her gown. I nodded but continued kissing her neck.

"Let's go up then."

"Baby." she whined.

"It won't take long. 30 mins and we're done." I said and moved my hungry mouth to her ear and every other exposed skin I could find.

"You're forgetting the children." I stopped and looked at her face. Her eyes were still closed and the pleasure written on her face made me want her more. I returned my mouth to hers only fiercer.

"Fine 10 mins?" I asked, she brought my head back to hers initiating the kiss this time around. I'll groaned and matched the kiss with the same hunger."

"Fine." she whispered between the kiss. I carried her up in my arms and she wrapped her legs around me. I chuckled when she started unbuttoning my shirt.

"My love you're now the one rushing me." I teased but my smile disappeared when she slipped her hand inside my shirt and started to touch me.

"Kamso." I said but she stopped me with her lips on mine. I'm not complaining.


Yes. The shrill voice of our five year old daughter was enough to spoil the mood completely.

I sighed and dropped Kamso back to her feet and helped her straighten up. She buttoned up my shirt and chuckled when she looked at me.

"It's not funny." I muttered and she smiled.

"We can lock them up for some time." I
Suggested and she burst into laughter. Soon the little interrupter was running to us holding her brother's chubby hand in hers.

I heard Kamso sigh beside me. "What am I going to do with this hyperactive daughter of yours?"

"My daughter? She's our daughter love." I
said and smiled when she rolled her eyes.

"I wonder who she took after." she murmured
and I started laughing then.

"She takes after the one she's named after." I whispered. We named her Ijeoma in case you're wondering. Kamso insisted.

"I just hope that her being so talkative and chatty are the only attributes she shares with your bestie though."

"Michael." she warned and I chuckled.

"Jemi what did I tell you about running around barefooted." she scolded and Ije pouted, like mother like daughter.

That same pout. I've never been able to resist it when Kamso pouts and then Ije came along. I mean how can she wield such a destructive weapon at a tender age. And ever since I noticed that it doesn't work on
Kamso, I always leave Ije for her to handle when it comes down to pouting, This kain juju eeh.

"We only wanted to show daddy our drawings." she gave me her paper.

I took it and smiled at the stick figures I assumed to be the four of us holding each other with such huge smiles bigger than their faces.

"This is beautiful, princess" she beamed at me. I gave it to Kamso and she also smiled.

"This looks so much like daddy baby girl especially the big head, you draw so well." she bent and pecked Ije and I glared at her. Discreetly of course, she stuck out her tongue at me when Ije wasn't looking.

"What of you my big guy." I said carrying my boy up in my arm. He shoved his own into my hands and I bit my lips not to laugh. Very artistic.

I gave him a thumb up and he pointed to one distinct line among the confusing loops he drew.

"This is you." he explained and I nodded.
I see.

I passed it to Kamso and she chuckled and soon her chuckle became a full blown laughter and lje joined her soon. She cupped Jr's cheeks and plastered small kisses all over his face until he too was laughing, The
picture of the three of them laughing tugged so much at my heart and I smiled.

"Ok fine. Laugh all you want." I said pretending to be annoyed."

"Jr this is wonderful. What is daddy doing though? It seems like he's running around with a basket on his head." she said still laughing

"No. He's carrying you. This is you." Jr said as if it was clear as day. I burst into laughter when he pointed to the confusing loops I mentioned before.

"Now that you mention it, it does look like mummy. See that beautiful smile of hers."

I just couldn't stop laughing. And it was Kamso's turn to glare at me but I saw the smile hidden behind that glare.

"Go inside and put on your slippers sweetie."
she said to Ije.

"Yes mummy." She skipped all the way in
and Kamso shook her head. She took Jr from me and pecked his forehead and then placed the back of her palm on his neck.

"How are you feeling honey?" she whispered in his ear and then pretended she was biting off his ear. He started squealing and squirming in her arms.

"Fine." he said but she continued.

"Daddy! Mummy is eating my ear!" he screamed before he started laughing.

"Mummy stop eating the boy's ear."

"But he tastes like candy." Kamso pouted and continued, this time nibbling his nose too.

"I'm Jr, not candy."

My heart warmed as they kept on kidding around. My love for Kamso and these beautiful children she's given me, this family of mine.

Some days I wake up to her sleeping carelessly as usual, some other days I wake up to the kids screaming and running around the house and sometimes with them invading our room, interrupting our make out sessions. But I won't have it any other way. I love them. I love my wife and my

"Baby help me with the basket." Kamso said pulling me out of my thoughts. I turned to the basket of clothes and nodded.

"So now he's your honey and I'm baby?" I muttered feigning anger. Kamso rolled her eyes and sniled.

"I love you. You know that don't you?" she said and I gazed at her.

I felt the urge to kiss her with reckless abandon until we were both breathless. She cleared her throat and
I smiled knowing that somehow she knew
what I was thinking. I leaned in and pecked her forehead.

"I love you too" I pecked Jr too and we went in.


I must have slept before the children's bedtime. I thought when I woke up later that night. I turned and smiled when I saw Michael he had a hand around me and he looked so peaceful. I pecked his lips gingerly before climbing out of bed.

I went to our children's room to check up on them. I switched on the light and hoped that they won't wake up. I smiled when I saw my daughter sprawled on the bed, the blanket which should've been covering her on the floor.

She took after me like that, I just can't stay still while sleeping and my husband enjoys it more than ever to take pictures of me sleeping and then tease me to no end when I wake up.

Even though I've gotten a lot better shaa, I mean my days of sleeping through storms are gently slipping away. I had to wake up quite early most mornings and I woke up every night to check on my children.
I tucked her in and kissed her forehead.

"I love you princess." I whispered I moved over to my three year old son and kissed his forehead too after checking his temperature.

I needed my mischievous baby back. l looked at his face as if memorizing every detail to the last, he looked so much like Micheal. And he has this sweet smile that could melt the hardest heart, just like his

I kissed his forehead again and pulled his blanket up to his neck. I stood at the door and looked at them one last time before switching off the light and
heading to my room.

Mike must be tired after a long day because he was still asleep when I came in, on a normal day, he was a very light sleeper. I slipped into the shower and had a nice long one.

I dried my body and ran my fingers through my hair to get some tangles out of it. I gave up seconds later, I could do this tomorrow. I arranged the dresser and when I looked at the mirror again, I saw Mike sitting on the bed wide awake.

I pouted and climbed back into bed, in his arms where I always want to be.
"Hey handsome."

"Hmmmm." he rubbed his hands on my arm and nuzzled my neck up to the back of my ear. I smiled.

"You should've woken me, I would've loved to join you." He said.

"You looked so peaceful sleeping and I didn't want to disturb you."

"It's not disturbance in cases like this. Do you mind having another bath?" he was so serious and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Here let me help you with your hair, I saw you struggling with it" he removed my net and I turned so that I had my back to him. He tugged at some curls before parting my hair into two big parts and started braiding.

"I hope those two didn't give you tough time when you got them ready for bed." I said softly while he meticulously plaited.

"Not at all. Well apart from Ij insisting that she wore her princess night gown, everything went well."

I chuckled because I understood, normally it was Jr that was the case. He would start by playing around while having his bath and then running around naked, screaming when it's time for dressing up for bed.

"Thank you."

"It's my responsibility as well love."


"I'm sorry, did I pull too hard?" he asked and
I nodded. He stopped a while before starting from where he stopped.

"So how was the convention?"

"So so." he muttered and I frowned when I didn't feel any energy or excitement from him which was surprising because he was so excited to be going.

"So so? What happened?"

"I missed you too much, You and the beautiful children you gave me." I smiled and bit my lips. He always knew what to say this man.

"You missed their noise too?"

"Yeah, even that." he chuckled and I smiled.

"You missed Jr tearing your papers and insisting to sleep on our bed some nights?"

"Maybe not so much." he laughed and I joined him.

"And them interrupting our love making some mornings?" I asked with a grin.

It always got to him, he won't ever say it out loud but sometimes he gets really annoyed when we're right in the middle of it and the children come knocking on the door.

"About that, I was thinking of taking them to mum's place tomorrow so l can have you all to myself." I chuckled but he didn't stop looking at me.

"I don't think they'll be to happy about that, they've been asking when you'll come back. Jr especially."

"They don't have a choice. It's been long since we've had carefree sex, I mean I can't even remember the last time I took you on the kitchen counter."

I cleared my throat but he only chuckled "Or the sitting room. Or dinning table."

"Or the...  " I put in, he chuckled and I blushed at the memory.

Seriously a lot of things have changed since I had lj and even more since Jr. Now we only restricted love making to our bedroom and at night except for days when we take them to stay with Mike's mum.

And even when we do it in the room we can't be as loud as we used to be and I miss that. That first year, was crazy, it was perfect and I'm glad we waited.

"Or the garage." his voice dropped notches deeper and my body heated up, okay that one was crazy and hot.

"I think that's when we conceived Ij sef." I said and he started laughing.

"There all done. Turn around" he said softly and I did, his face lit up in a smile.

"Beautiful." he murmured and caressed my cheek, I leaned into his touch and covered his hand with mine all the while looking into his eyes. I brought his hands to my lips and kissed his palms.

I knelt on front of him to meet his eyes, and hooked my hands around his neck. I brought down my lips
to his and bit his bottom lip before fully kissing him.

"You're the best. You're a wonderful lover and husband and father, I couldn't have asked for better. I love you."

He smiled and placed his forehead to mine
"I'm the one who's blessed and l'm grateful to God for a wife like you Mgbo." we kissed again and then some more before he pulled me in for a hug.

"Okay, let's get some sleep into your system. You look quite tired." I said breaking the silence.

I arranged the pillows and lay down and stretched out my hands to him.


"Can you for once not complain and just lie down."

I always love for him to lie on my body, and he always seem to think that his weight and build will crush my smaller body. Like I'm not that fragile mister, so stop worrying too much. I sometimes want to be the one holding him for a change.

He sighed and lay beside me, placed his head on my chest but still didn't lie fully on me. Seriously this man, I stroked the back of his head slowly down to his back.

"Go back to sleep love, we'll talk tomorrow."I said and he nodded.

I continued stroking his head and drawing lines on his back until I heard his soft exhales, until he relaxed perfectly against me and I knew he was sleeping.

We've been married for six years and I fall deeper in love with him every single day. Every single day. I'm just crazy about him. Yes we fight and sometimes we argue and all that, I mean that's what makes us human but we work on it.

Marriage isn't bread and butter. It's loving someone enough to want to work at staying together. Because it's two personalities coming together to be one, so yes there would be some clashes here and there but
in end, there's us.

Plus he speaks my love language, and I've learnt to speak his too. Also, I feel so safe with him, so much that when he gets angry, I don't want to cower in fear and raise my hands above my head waiting for what's next.

I just want to talk with him about it, reason and compromise when it gets to it. Plus the make up sex that comes after our arguments is just out of this world. I can't deny it, sometimes, I annoy him knowingly just to make up with him.

And the pranks, yeah, they haven't stopped. Even little Ij is taking after him, she would stand behind doors for long minutes just to jump out and scare people.

Everyday I fall for him anew. Everyday I love him anew. Everyday I want him. My crush turned husband. My forever crush turned forever love.

Okay that's the last one.
It's been a wonderful journey and I'm really

Oct 29, 2017-Jan 7, 2019
That's how long it took to finish this and I
have to say it was longer than l expected.
I set out to write a very short story and by
the time I'm done, it's fact I'm just

And to you guys, I'm really thankful. Thank
you for reading and voting and sharing,
really, you're the reason I even finished.
Thank you.


If you enjoyed Kamso's story, check out the next story in the series. Ijeoma's story

#Book 2 of 'Best friends' series

Ijeoma is girl from a broken home, with a cynic view of life, love and relationships. But when she finally decides to give it a try, she falls in love with two friends.

Ikechukwu knew to give up. He understood what Ij felt and in this case, didn't feel for him. But the heart wants what it wants and till she's married to another, he has a shot at her heart

Elvis, from the first time he laid his eyes on Ij fell deeply and irrevocably in love with her. He was content with loving her from the sidelines, until he became the main character. And until she becomes his in every way possible, he won't give up.

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