My Forever Crush

By Zika_writes

21.5K 2.7K 86

#Book 1 of 'Best friends' series Kamso is a shy highschool girl that had always had a crush on Michael, the h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59 A
Chapter 59 B
Chapter 60
Chapter 61 A
Chapter 61 B

Chapter 44

215 27 1
By Zika_writes


"God, I'm so happy you finally accepted him Kamso. I pray both of you will be very happy."

Muna chattered as we went through the pages of a fashion magazine trying to pick out designs for the bridal train. And maybe for my dress.

"It took you long enough shaa. But aswear if you don't treat my cousin well, you're going to have me to deal with." She continued, she was so happy even more than me you would actually think it was her wedding.

"You still don't want to call your family?" I still kept my face on the page but I wasn't seeing anything. I missed my family, but somehow didn't want to reconnect with them.

I talked to my mum a few months after I left and I still remember our conversation till now. She must be disappointed with me. She coughed and I looked up to see what she.

"Speaking of our groom." She whispered and Jay walked to me and snaked his hands around my waist from behind.

"Hey you." I whispered as he placed kisses on my neck. Everything was different with Jay, I didn't feel butterflies or tingles shooting down all the way to my spine but I feel something for him too. Like familiarity, like warmth and calm.

"How is it going?"

"It's going just fine lover boy. It would go even faster if you didn't interrupt us all the time." Muna grumbled and flipped through pages noisily.

"Don't mind her." I said looking at him, he chuckled and kissed me.

"I don't. My sister just arrived, I was hoping she could join you guys. But she's dead tired."

"Of course she has to rest. Don't even think of disturbing her again until she has perfectly rested." I frowned at him and he raised his hands in surrender still laughing.

"Alright. Mrs Uchechukwu to be." He pecked my lips and forehead, causing Muna to groan.

"I'm still here y'know."

"I know and I don't care." Then turning back to me, he put strands of hair behind my ear and kissed me again.

"I'll be leaving now."

"Take care." He nodded and pinched Muna's cheeks before leaving ignoring her cries of pain.

"I need me a husband that'll take care of me  like Jay does. I never imagined that at twenty six I would still be single." Muna complained.

"Twenty six is not very old. It's not old at all."

"It's not. When you have a man. Or any man at all in mind, just look at me. Single and still searching with no prospects." I rolled my eyes not willing to have that conversation with her at all.

"That man, whoever he is, must have a whole lot of patience to be able to put up with you friend. I think the Lord is still preparing him for the battle ahead." I said and She burst out into laughter but she knew it was the truth.

"I've found the perfect style." I leaned in to check out what she had and then pursed my lips in thought.

"I don't think so. It's too much don't you think? I was thinking of something more simple."

"Simplicity will be the death of you. I'm tired, let's go eat."she said and we left.

"You're happy Kamso. Aren't you?" She asked while we were trekking to the nearby eatery and enjoying the cool evening weather.

"I am happy. It's just overwhelming, how fast days are running by."

"Cold feet?" She asked and I just shrugged.

"I remember back then in school, one of the days you were washing and then your phone rang, remember?"


"Muna get your lazy self off my bed abeg. I no wan trouble this early morning." Ij  said dragging Muna by the feet, but she held to the bedsheets which got dragged off the bed as well in the process.

"Ij you're wicked, this one I just decided to visit both of you and you're treating me like this."

"Who is wicked? Biko come and be going jare." After making the bed, Muna ran to it and plopped down on it making Ij to scream.

"Kamso come and carry this your course mate biko. I wonder how someone as crazy as this got accepted to study in this school in the first place."

"ljeoma it won't work oo. Besides you haven't heard that the craziest ones are the geniuses.

"Funny, I've only heard that from you. Hold your genius alone. Kamso you're not listening." I ignored both of them and continued washing.

They behaved the same way, even though Ij liked to think that Muna was crazier than her. For me I think they're the same crazy, blunt, set of people.

"I just hope you're not using my pillow for that pillow fight you're having. Muna you've forgotten how you tore my pillow the last time you came."

"It was Ij that tore it."

"Leave me out of your problems joor."
They were quiet for sometime then I heard whispering, those two eeh.

"Kamso phone call! It's Michael!" I quickly turned the tap offand wiped my hand on my wrapper. He promised he would call this morning and I've been waiting. I ran to the room and searched for my phone, I followed the sound and looked up to see Muna holding it up. I reached for it but she raised her hand above
her head

"Muna come on."

"Say please."

"Muna seriously, I don 't have time for that."
I glared at her and both of them burst into laughter.

"Munachimso Uchechukwu, biko give Kamso her phone before she murders you here." Ij said between laughs. when she gave me back the phone,
the call had already ended and they were both collapsing with laughter.

"What's so funny." I muttered until I saw on the screen, missed call from Ij.

"I'm going to kill you today ljeoma. You just have to die." I chased her around the room, throwing random stuff at her. Until I got tired.

"I told you she would fall for that." Ij said and they highfived.

"I hate both of you." I said with a smile.

"We hate you too." Muna said. "I've not met this your Mike shaa. Is he that handsome?"

"Why are you asking me that."I muttered
and went back to my clothes.

"She's just blushing." I heard Ij tell Muna, that traitor. "About Mike being handsome, well let's just say that he's a fine specimen." She whispered.

"Specimen? Gavin, Michael Godson and all those handsome actors can't hold a candlelight to him." I called out.

"Fine specimen indeed. " Muna teased. My phone went off again and I ignored it.

"Kamso, Michael. " I can 't fall for that again.

"I'm serious this time around Kamso."Ij said again.

"Hello. Mike, she's indisposed at the moment...Oh, I'm sorry... Yes..She's having menstrual pain....Yep, it's that time of the month...laughs... laughs again....laughs the loudest...continues laughing..laughs wickedly

I got up and wiped my hands on my wrapper and rushed out. Muna was doubling with laughter and covering her mouth with her hand. I took the phone from lj and she too was laughing. Mike was really on the line.

"I'll kill you after this. " I mouthed to Ij.

"Bring it on bestie." She mouthed bag and




Muna hooked her hand in mine and smiled.
"You do I put it. You were in love, you were so in love with Mike that you always wore your heart on your sleeves. You're not like that now, you're not that bubbly and shy girl."

"I guess I grew up."

"But Kamso, there's no growing up with love. It brings out the child in you, you don't have to be so mature when you're in love."


"Kamso this is my sister, Adanna. Adanna my heart, Kamso."

"It's nice meeting you Adanna." I put out a hand to shake her but she hugged me instead.

"I've heard so much about you future sister-in-law. You are as beautiful as he said. He won't stop talking about you y'know."

Now, what do I say to that. Thank you?

"He talks a lot about you too."

"I love you already." She hugged me again."I think we'll get along.

"I'll leave you two to get along. I have an errand to run." Jay said and took his leave. Something about that reminded me of when I met Mike's family at Amaka's wedding.

"Michael it's ok na, we'll take care of her."

"Don't even annoy my baby." Mike said still holding me from behind. And all of them scoffed, Only four of them made it to the wedding, the eldest couldn't fly in in time for the occasion, The wedding was tomorrow so I was just hanging out with them. And they were a real noisy bunch, but l understand.

"Awww, our baby has a baby." One of  them cooed and they burst out into laughter, I had to join them.

"I love you too." Mike said pecking her, she was the twin if I remember correctly. The married twin, Somkele. She hugged him and dragged him out of the room.

"So, Kamso. We've heard so much about you from Amaka."I nodded and she smiled "And from Mike too."

"I've heard about y'all too."

"Really now?" The other twin said. They were so identical, the only difference was that Somkele looked married and Somto didn't. I hope I was right though.

"Well, I know you're Somto, she's your twin Somkele. And she's Simdi." I said looking at the other one that looks so much like Mike. Six sisters? How did Mike survive. I thought.

"And you're Adaora?" She smlled and I knew I got it right. "Your eldest sister is... I've  forgotten but I know he calls her Adanne,"

"How, could you tell us apart? I love you already."

"Of course you would, Somto you traitor. That was not the plan." Somkele muttered rolling her eyes.

"What plan?" I asked and all of them kept quiet.

"Thanks a lot Somkele. Now, who's the traitor? But seriously, Kamso, how could you tell us apart?"

"Don't be annoyed, but Somkele looks married," She looked at herself and her twin and frowned.

"When I told you to slim down after giving birth to KC you refused now people can easily tell us apart. Thanks a lot."

"How is that my fault. You refused to get  married now Amaka's even getting married before you and very soon Mike will join in."

"Hey, cut that out." Their elder sister said Snapping her finger. I laughed and covered it with a cough. I was enjoying that.

"They are always like that." Amaka said and rolled her eyes.

"What plan were you talking about?" l asked no one in particular. And they fell silent again.

"Well I'll tell you there's nothing to hide shaa. We planned on playing the biggest prank on you as a payback for all the pranks Mike has ever played on all of us over the years." I blinked and they were really serious.

"Seriously, why do I have to pay for that." I whined. "Mike plays pranks on me too."

"So how did you two meet." Adaora asked, she was the only one among them that was a little bit quiet.


"How did it go?" Mike asked me later the next day after the wedding. He was nuzzling my neck and distracting me a whole lot. Have mentioned how much l loved these types of distractions?

"I love them."

"As crazy as they may be?" He asked chuckling.

"That they are. They must have spiced up your childhood."

"That they did. I couldn't have asked for a better family growing up, plus I played a lot of pranks on all of them. Yes it was fun growing up."

"Yeah, thanks a lot for that."


"We'll your sisters are taking their revenge  out on me. They're planning on playing a prank on me. " Michael started laughing and I nudged him.

"It's not funny." He kissed my shoulder and pulled me to his lap.

"Well, I apologize my love."

"For the prank they're going to play on me or for thinking that the situation is funny." He appeared to be thinking about it for a while before his face broke out in a grin. I was expecting him to say both but you know Mike.

"For the way l'm going to laugh at you when they succeed," My mouth fell open and I glared at him.

He pecked me and smiled. We talked about the wedding and our wedding and while we talked, he fumbled idly with my earring untill it came off. He also took off the other earring.

"It's not heavy."I whispered enjoying his hands on me.

"It figures, since you've had it on since morning." When he removed it, I sighed from the lost contact only for him to take my earlobe between his thumb and index finger and rubbed it between his fingers. My eyes fluttered shut and I hummed from the sudden pleasure. I wasn't expecting that.

Don't stop.


"Hmmm." That didn't sound like my Mike though.

"Kamso." Someone was shaking me, I opened my eyes to see Jay leaning down and peering into my face.

"Adanna said you fell asleep as soon as she started talking. Is she that boring?"

I fell asleep? Oh I remember, I was supposed to
get to know his sister.

"I'm so sorry Jay. I must have been so tired.

"I'm sorry."

He cupped my cheeks and smiled "Of course, I'm only pulling your legs. It must have been a good dream you were having though, you didn't stop smiling in your sleep." He teased.

"You look tired, go back to sleep. I'll wake you up when it's time to leave." He kissed my forehead and sat down beside me.

I closed my eyes but I didn't feel sleepy anymore. I moved up a bit and kept my head on Jay's laps before closing my eyes again.

"What's up with that?" I opened my eyes when I heard Jay above me.


"The necklace. I notice you're quite attached to it, you always wear it." I looked down at it and shrugged.


I patted Kamso's head as she slept and kept my eye on  her necklace. It wasn't till yesterday that I saw what was inscribed on  the pendant. M. Now it could be anything but the way she touches it. I was willing to bet that it was from that her ex.

I remembered the first time ever I tried to make a move at her.


Hey guys go on. I go meet una later, I jogged across the road and walked up to her.

"Hello, I don't know if you remember me. But I'm–"

"I remember, Jacob. You're Muna's cousin." She smiled at me and I forgot what I was going to say.

"Let me walk you back."

"Okay? Sure." She nodded and we walked back in silence.

The weather was great, a little evening breeze here and there, the sun already setting and l was walking with the girl l loved. Everything was perfect. Until her phone rang.

"I'm sorry, I have to take this." She said in her
in her  angelic voice and picked the call. I listened to snippets of their conversation with a bitter heart.

"My love." The guy said from the the other end. But she didn't answer.

"Mgbo don't tell me you're angry."

"Ok. I won't." I heard a sigh from the other end and scoffed. If she was with me, I would never make her angry.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry beautiful. How was your

"Michael it's 5:00 pm andyou're asking how my night was? Is it by this time that Calabar people wake up?"

"I deserved that. And once again l'm sorry." She smiled like it was the sweetest thing she had ever heard, She turned to me and smiled.

"Thanks, I can make it back alone from here."

"I don't mind." I told her and she nodded slowly the smile on her face fading slowly.

"Mike let's talk later, I'll call you tonight."

"You're not angry are you?"

I stopped listening and then smiled at her when she ended the call.


I sighed and continued patting Kamso's hair while she slept. Listening to her breathe was a comfort to me. When she started snuggling into my stomach, I smiled. She was just like a cuddly bear. her voice interrupted my thoughts.

"I love you." My face broke into a big grin when I heard that.

"I love you too Kamso." I took her hand in mine and raised it to my lips and kissed the

"I love you." She said again. "Mike" she whispered.
I dropped her hand and looked at her sleeping face. She was smiling, was she dreaming of him?

"I'll make you happier than he ever did. Just
wait Kamso." I caressed her face, she was mine now.

"I love you Kamso."

I was having a serious case of writers block
people seriously. So I asked my younger
sister to help me read what I had so far.

She just looked at me and said, "if it were
Mike and Kamso, I would have helped. See
ehen, I don't like this Jay and you're telling
me to help you plan his wedding with
Kamso." Then she dropped the bomb
"Biko, me l'm having readers block"
I can't stop laughing. Like seriously? Sis, why
na. And she's telling me she would leave
Wattpad if Jay marries Kamso.

Anyway, don't forget to vote and comment
guys. I'm sorry I couldn't post this
yesterday, l don't have any excuse. Forgive
me. Don't get angry at the way the story is going just read on okay? Thanks guys.

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