My Forever Crush

By Zika_writes

21.6K 2.8K 86

#Book 1 of 'Best friends' series Kamso is a shy highschool girl that had always had a crush on Michael, the h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59 A
Chapter 59 B
Chapter 60
Chapter 61 A
Chapter 61 B

Chapter 24

324 47 2
By Zika_writes


"I'll go have a chat with your principal ok?"

"Sure mum." I looked around at the school and it was buzzing with activity. Visiting days were normally like that.

"So which one of these girls is Chikamso?" Amaka said looking at some group of girls

"She's not here. How is school?"

"You didn't even look." I looked around even though I knew Chikamso was not there, just to pacify my sister. Knowing Kamso, she's probably reading.

"She's not here. How is Joseph?"

"That yeye boy? Abeg leave that one, let's talk about more important things." I nodded slowly with a knowing smile.

My sister, is a hopeless romantic. She must have had like hundreds of boyfriends. I'm just exaggerating.

"I thought you said he was the one. The reason you smile." I teased.

"Shut up. I never said that."

"Yes, you did. If I remember correctly, you said that one's eyes never lie and in his eyes you saw stars shining so brightly-"

"It's enough. You'd use every opportunity you find to tease me."

"What are brothers for?"I said laughing with her.

My laughter ceased when I saw Kamso hugging a guy tightly in the middle of the school. When he released her she hugged another one and another still. They were passing her around.

"Judging from the look on your face, she's Kamso?" Amaka asked and I nodded.

"Her brothers?"

I looked at them again and this time, Kaima had joined them. What was I thinking? She told me she had three elder brothers. Of course they were her brothers, I cannot believe I was jealous of her hugging her brothers. What is wrong with me?

"Yeah, they're her brothers."

"I never took you for the jealous type. But then it's the first time l'm seeing my baby brother in a relationship." She cooed.

"I wasn't jealous, She's my girlfriend."

"Exactly Mike, she's your girlfriend. You shouldn't be jealous, plus when you get jealous it shows that you don't trust her."

"I trust her." I really did. But sometimes, seeing Kamso with other boys aroused this feeling and I don't like it. I know very much that Kamso likes me but...

"Then why get jealous? If it helps, when you see her with other people and you feel that the jealousy is surfacing, remind yourself that she likes you."

"This is the first time you ever said something meaningful." I teased her.

"Anyway, I'm going to have a talk with my future sister in-law." She stood and smoothed her skirt.

"Amaka" I warned but she just ignored me and walked towards Kamso.

I went back to my phone, but kept an eye on them still. She said something to her and Kamso smiled, then she turned and pointed at me. Only God knows what she's saying,

Amaka's POV:

When I finally got to where Kamso was, I was marveled. Why? Upclose, she looked so young, Like no pimple kind of young. This is why my brother was so crazy, she was beautiful I had to admit.

"Kamso?" She turned to me with a smile on her face. Cute. She looked as if she was trying to remember me.

"No, you don't know me. At least not yet." She nodded

"I'm that one's sister." I told her pointing to the place Mike sat.


"Yes my sister oo. I wonder what the big head did for you to fall for him." I said with unbelief lacing my voice.

Then she burst into laughter. I took the opportunity to really study her.

"You must be Amaka." She said and I raised my brow at her.

"Well, from the things he'd told me, you look and sound just like I had imagined."

I smiled, I think I'm going to like her. "Well, just so you know, everything evil thing he told you about me is true."

She laughed again and linked her hand in mine
"I like you already. Although I wouldn't say he said evil things though. Let's just say he's very fond of you." She said moving away from the sun.

"Mike is just a bully. Seriously how did you end up with him." I said eyeing her.

"All brothers are like that to their sisters."

"And you have three of them? How do you survive?

"Exactly." She said and we laughed together. I love her and it's easy to see what Mike loves too.

"But really, how do you cope with Mike's teasing and pranks abi he doesn't -"

Her mouth fell open and she looked at me with with an expression that said "are you kidding me?"

I guess Mike teased her too, and he had probably pulled some pranks on her. Wicked boy.

"He's the worst! Seriously!" She exclaimed. I doubled over in laughter and she joined me.

"You're going to get used to it. Sooner or later." I consoled her but still not able to keep the laughter from my voice.

"I hope it's sooner. He can be so wicked

"Yeah, but you still love him. Wickedness and
She nodded shyly? Nawaoo

"Unfortunately, I still do."

"Can I have your number?" I said bringing out my phone. I saw a message from Joseph and I hissed and deleted it immediately, that boy is a big fool.

"Yeah. Sure." I handed it to her and she put in her number.

"I love your fingers, they're so delicate. Your nails too. I wish I didn't bite my own." She chuckled with her eyes still on my screen.

"Mike said the same thing." She told me absentmindedly, without looking up. When I laughed softly, she looked up sheepishly


"It's ok." She gave me back the phone and I grinned inwardly.

Now I have Mike wrapped around my finger, any time he tries to mess up I'll just remind him that Kamso is just a phonecall away.I was practically jumping inside me.

Now have something to threaten my brother with.
Hehe, this is the beginning of blackmail. And judging from the way he got jealous and the way she talks about him, he had to be serious about this one.

Michael Chukwuebuka Achusi, I have found your
Achilles heel. Outside I'm like smiling but my on the insides, I'm doing a tap dance right now.

"Selfies?" I asked her. I remember Mike telling me how much she loves it.

"Anytime." We posed for some cute and crazy selfies. It was really beautiful and she was photogenic.

"These are really cute." She said going through them and I nodded in agreement but what I meant was

"Mike you're really dead, Time to get back at you for all those pranks."

"It was nice meeting you." I hugged her and she
hugged me back

"You too."

"I would take you to meet our mum, but-"

"Never mind, I'm not even ready for that." She waved and walked away. I walked back to where Mike sat, my mum was not yet back.

"What were you two talking about?" Mike asked as soon as I sat down. I laughed but kept my eyes glued to my phone, feeling on top of the world.

Mike's POV

I cannot believe that Amaka just spent thirty minutes talking with Kamso. Thirty, I wonder what they talked about. But all the same, I was happy that they gelled immediately.

They were alike in many ways, but I don't fully trust Amaka oo. She's always looking for ways to get back at me for all the pranks I've pulled on her and
I hope she hadn't said any crazy thing to Kamso.


"Some girl's talk. Will you know everything? Ah, mummy is even back." I looked up and saw my mum.

"I hope you have everything you need dear. We'll be leaving now." I nodded and hugged her.

"Love you mum."

"Love you too, Nna m."

"Me nko?" Amaka said and I pulled her in for
a hug. "I love you sis."

"You too bros. See you later." I watched as they leave and smiled. Then I called a junior boy and had him take my things to the hostel. I saw Kamso walking to the class with Ij and I thought to join them.


I placed the ice cream and popcorn l brought on her desk. Ij moved to go but l held her back.

"Stay. How do I get to know you if you always run away." I really wanted to know her better though.

"I don't want to interrupt anything." She said looking between us.

"You're not interrupting, Besides the ice cream is for you."

When she raised her brow, I explained "Kamso told me you love vanilla."

"I didn't know you were listening." Kamso
said smiling at me.

"I listen to everything you say my love." I winked at her and she rolled her eyes. Just as I knew she would.

"Hmm." Was all Ij said before sitting. I pulled out another chair and sat with them.

"So tell me fairest lady, apart from vanilla ice cream, what else do you love." She rolled her eyes and laughed.

"That is not going to work with me y'know." She said and I faked confusion, turning my head to the side, I shook my head.


"You know what. Anyway, I love football and yes before forget, I'd always thought you were a very
good player." My eyes widened. I have found my missing rib.

"A girl that loves football? Why didn't I see
you first!" I exclaimed dramatically. She laughed and scooped another spoonful of ice cream into her mouth.

"One question. Messi or Ronaldo?"


"What your favorite club?"


"I see, a loyal girl." I said and she slapped my arm. Arsenal had been having a somehow season.

"What's that supposed to mean. I actually like Ronaldo, but please, I don't have the strength to argue or defend anyone this afternoon." She added.

"Where have you been. I'm smitten." I said clutching my chest. Kamso threw a handful of popcorn at me

"See how you're flirting with another girl shamelessly before me. I wonder what you'll do when I'm not around."

"Flirt? Does it look like I'm flirting? I am dead serious. Why didn't you tell me before now."

"She was afraid you would fall for me instead of her." Ij said playing along. She had a huge smile on her face.

I went down on one knee before lj and held her hand "I've been searching for you all my life. Please my girlfriend Ij." She laughed and nodded.

"Quit messing around Mike." Kamso said smiling at me.

"Instead I'm stuck with a girl that's always reading." I said sitting down. Kamso stuck out her tongue at me and I shook my head.

"Always reading kwa? Wait till you see her physics textbook" Ij said and I cocked my brows at her.

"Half of the time she's supposedly reading, she's actually da-" I was shock by the speed with which Kamso covered her mouth.

I chuckled wondering what it was that Ij wanted to say "Now I'm really interested in seeing your physics textbook Kamso." I said looking pointedly at Kamso, my mind wondering what it was in her textbook.

While she was still holding Ij, I went over to her desk and opened it. She rushed over to me and held me back.

"Mike stop." She held my hands behind me and I looked down at her. She was standing so close, I couldn't resist so I leaned down and kissed her nose. Her eyes widened and we stayed like that staring at each other.

"Both of you are just crazy. You fit each other." Ij said chuckling.

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