The Ideal Holiday (Bernard x...

By WillowTheElf

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Christmas isn't Y/N Calvin'S favourite thing ever, but things change after awhile, Y/N is a 18 year old girl... More

Chapter 1, The Extended Night
Chapter 2 Christmas Eve
Chapter 3, Elf In Charge
Chapter 5. What's the time?
Chapter 6. Christmas Morning
Chapter 7. The Random Call From Dad
Note From The Author
Chapter 8. I Fell In Love With An Elf
Chapter 9. The List
Chapter 10. Surprise Visitor
Chapter 11. An Unlike Ordinary Thanksgiving
Chapter 12. A Whole Year
Chapter 13. Bustin' Santa Outta' Jail
Chapter 14. Bye Bye
Chapter 15. A Change To Never Forget
Chapter 16. Interrupted
Chapter 17. Elfcon
Chapter 18. What About Him?
Chapter 19. Dad Finds Out 2 (BAD) Things
Note From The Author
Chapter 20. Curtis Finds A Solution
Chapter 21. Plastic
Chapter 22. Bernard Tells The Elves
Chapter 23. Dad Leaves
Chapter 24. The Elves Meet Toy Santa
Note From The Author
Chapter 25. The Toy Santa Grounds Me
Chapter 26. Toys
Chapter 27. Attacked
Chapter 28. Out Of This Place
Chapter 29. Full Ice
Chapter 30. The Snowball Battle
Chapter 31. Back Where He Came From
Chapter 32. Tell Me What?
Chapter 33. Wedding
Chapter 34. A Normal Day.
Chapter 35. A Day With Judy
Chapter 36. The Big Day
Note From The Author
Chapter 37. The Baby Is Coming!
Chapter 38. Pillow Fort
Chapter 39. Hot Chocolate Sunday
Note From The Author
Chapter 40. The In-Laws
Chapter 41. We Welcome You To Canada!
Chapter 42. Where The Anger Starts
Chapter 43. Canadian Toy Factory
Chapter 44. I'm Fed Up Of Jack Frost Already
Chapter 45. They Can't Be That Bad
Chapter 46. Absolute Chaos
Chapter 47. Ruined Family Time
Chapter 48. The Escape Clause
Chapter 49. The Past Comes To Future
Chapter 50. Reality Sucks
Note From The Author
Chapter 51. Bernard Who?
Chapter 52. Welcome To Theme Park Pole!
Chapter 53. What Does He Want To Tell Y/N?
Rest Of Chapter 52. Welcome To The Theme Park Pole!
The Real Chapter 53. Y/N And Tulip Sneak Out Of The Busy Parts To Save An Elf
Chapter 54. Meeting The Elf
Chapter 55. We Were About To Kick Santa's Butt
Chapter 56. I Love You
Chapter 57. The Unexpected
Chapter 58. Jack Did What Now?
Chapter 59. Bernard's Great Idea
Chapter 60. My Ideal Holiday

Chapter 4, SANTA IS MY DAD!?

2.5K 36 37
By WillowTheElf

I just looked at Bernard like he ate a bowl of dirt. Santa, MY FATHER. This was completely all stupid...Is this elf ok?! I kept saying to myself in my head, 'he just got hit in the head...yeah, that's all...'

Dad must have been thinking the exact same thing, he quickly ended up following Bernard like a poor little puppy. "I'm not Santa! I've had a rough night! There's been dogs barking, guns gone off!!! Look, my back is killing me...have you ever tried to shove a sea kayak down a chimney? I'm tired of the small talk!"

Soon, the elves stopped what they were doing and began to stare at my dad as though he murdered their entire family. I instantly realised what my father said was possibly a little offensive, so I kicked him before he understood what he had said.

Dad took a quick look at each elf. "I'm sorry."

Bernard turned around to look at my dad but noticed me. He gently loosened his harsh expression. "And you are?" 

I smiled a tiny bit. "I-I, I'm Y/N..." I looked down towards my feet. "S-sorry, I am r-really cold."

The elf chuckled a bit. "It's fine, you are in the North Pole after all. Nice to meet-"

Dad cut in, and protectively put his hand on my shoulder. "She's my daughter."

Bernard spoke again. "Thank you, as I was saying...Nice to meet you Y/N!" Holding his hand out for me to shake.

I shook it, and showed a faint blush. His hands were soft and warm. "Y-you too."

"Can you please explain what is going on here, Bernerd?" 

"Bernard." I muttered.



"It's dad." Dad corrected.

"Whatever." I giggled.

"You put on the suit, right?" Before turning back and walking away, Bernard grinned to himself while shaking his head.

"Wait a minute!" Dad chased the elf, and I just followed along while trying not to laugh at how my father was bothering practically everyone. "Hey! I know how this is going, it wasn't my fault! The other guy was an accident. I've got home owner's insurance and a...good attorney! Not as good as my ex wife's but let's not open up the wound!"

Bernard led us along a hallway that was lined with a variety of sweet food decorations etc. I remember the stained glass doors leading to various chambers, as my (ec) eyes were in awe of everything. I looked around and took it all in. I grinned at everything like a small child. "Wow, I'm going to wake up soon...aren't I?" I muttered to myself so no one could here me, I was absolutely petrified at the same time, do they know that I was probably on the Naughty List? That was what scared me.

When Bernard didn't answer, dad continued to talk and became agitated. He turned him around by grabbing his shoulder. "Hold on a minute, how did you know the other guy was gone?"

Bernard took a deep breath. "Can I get you a drink?"

"No, No I don't want a drink." Dad said.

"I'm thirsty...and hungry too!" Charlie announced, walking up to us.

"Where'd you' go buddy?" I asked, smiling at him.

Charlie smiled back. "I went to go pet Comet!"

I giggled. "Of course you did." I began ruffling up his hair.

Bernard grinned. "Who's this?"

"This is my son, Charlie." Dad explained, before he crouched down next to Charlie. "I'm sorry Charlie, This, this is uhh..." He stammered for a moment.

"Bernard!" The elf corrected him, sharply.

"What he said..."

Charlie smiled his cute lil smile. "Hi Bernard!" Charlie exclaimed. Placing a hand out to the elf.

"Hiya Sport'!" Bernard greeted, shaking his hand.

Charlie looked at me then dad. "Hey dad! He called me sport just like you!"

"Wonderful." Dad said, not sounding amused at all.

"Try to be a little happier dad, I know I'm never really happy...but that's not the point!" I told dad. "Especially when Mrs Smith catches me and I get detention..." I mumbled.

Dad groaned in annoyance, and I quickly elbowed him. "Don't be rude." I complained.

"Now, be very careful. This is very old...just like me."  Bernard said, handing my brother a snow globe.

I giggled a bit at his joke, and Bernard glanced at me...and grinned. 

I smiled as I watched him give Charlie a snow globe. Charlie eyes were wide as he had wonder in his eyes.

"Shake it up, Charlie." Bernard gave a gentle command.

My younger brother complies and shakes the snow globe a little bit. As the snow fell, it showed a miniature version of the house as it whirled inside the globe. A tiny sleigh was flying by. As it moved, there were faint bell noises. Charlie had an incredulous expression as he regarded it. "Wow..." I overheard Charlie mutter. "I..." I was far too stunned to speak. 

Bernard grinned subtly. "Why don't you hold onto it for a little while, for me? It might come in handy!"

As a small grin crept across Charlie's face. "Thanks...thanks a lot! I promise I'll take real good care of it."

"Make sure you do." Bernard seriously but kindly said to my brother.

As I watched the encounter between the 2, my heart began to swell with joy. After witnessing how kind Bernard was to my brother, I adored seeing him so happy. As a big result, I started to like Bernard a little but more. I approached Bernard. who was smiling a proud smile to himself, as Charlie hurried to show dad his gift. "Hey! I'm going to be very honest with you here, thank you so much for doing that for my brother." I spoke. "I know it meant ALOT to Charlie, but it also meant a lot to me...because, Charlie is my little brother and I love seeing him so happy...that's all I needed for today."

Bernard's cheeks changed a colour to a very soft pink. "oh, uh...I- your welcome." He chuckled. "I don't usually get thanked for my work."

"I think you should...but that's my opinion!"

Bernard shook his head. "Nah!" He said, followed by. "Their smiles are the only thanks I need...I'm gonna be honest with you. It's an amazing feeling, knowing somewhere in this world there's a child smiling because a gift we made, I wouldn't change it for the world."

I actually felt a feeling I hadn't felt in a few years...the Christmas spirit. "That's amazing."  I then sighed.

"What's wrong?" The elf asked. 

I looked up. "It's nothing...just that I get detention almost every day, and I really hate the feeling that I'm probably the worst daughter in the world, and that my boyfriend cheated on me...on Christmas eve not the mention."

The elf was going to say something but then Dad walked over.

"Hey, Barabbs!"

"Bernard!" Bernard and I both corrected dad at the same time.

"Can we take a direct flight to reality or do we have to change planes in Denver?" He asked.

I then remembered 5 things.

1. I was dreaming.
2. Santa isn't real
3. Elves aren't real
4. The North Pole isn't real
5. Real life sucks.

Bernard then spoke to get one of his fellow elves. "Larry! Take Charlie here an get him some chow!"

Charlie chased after Larry while holding the snow globe.

"No! Larry! Don't do that-"

I cut dad off. "Dad...he'll be fine." I sighed. "Dad, when I go back to or mum has to come in to talk about my behaviour by the way." I looked up feeling guilty. "I though I'd tell you now."

Bernard looked shocked. But he nodded about Charlie being fine.

Dad looked at me. "Your mother can do that."

I sighed. "Ok..."

Then Bernard led us to multiple factories.

My (ec) eyes looked around the room in awe.

The amazement in my (ec) eyes was 100% observed by Bernard. "Pretty awesome, huh?"

"AWESOME!?" I yelled. "I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY!!!!!!!!!" I squealed. "It's stunning! I feel like a child on Christmas morning...I feel like this place is not real, I'm 18 and now I feel at least 7 years old."

"That's because it isn't." Dad said.

"Way to ruin the moment." I scoffed.

"Look, I don't know who you think I am...but I am NOT SANTA CLAUS!!!!!!!!!"

I knew this was going to be the funniest argument of my life. So I was prepared to not burst into a fit of laughter, so I wouldn't look like a freak.

Dad started removing the coat.

"Did you read the card or not?" Bernard said with a sour face. He sounded hella annoyed. I would too, but this was too funny, ALREADY.

Dad rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I read the card-"

"Then your the new Santa!" I yelled. And Bernard nodded. "You put on the hat, and the signed the contract by doing that."

"What contract?"

"The card in the Santa read it, right?" 

"The Santa Claus?" Dad questioned in confusion. "You mean the guy that fell off my roof? That was an accident!"

"No, no, no. Not Santa Claus the person, Santa Clause the Clause."

"What?" Dad asked.

"Look, your a business man...correct?"

Dad did I for dad.

"Ok. A clause, as in the last line of a contract."

Dad stared at him in confusion.

"You got the card?" Bernard asked, sounding extremely fustrated.

Dad pulled the card out of the pocket and handed it to the elf. "Ok, look." Bernard took a deep breath and held it under a magnifying glass. I peered over dad's shoulder to read along as Bernard read. I quickly untied my loose hair tie because it was getting uncomfortable so my (hc) hair fell. "The Santa Clause, in putting on this suit and entering the sleigh, the wearer waves any and all rights to any previous identity, real or implied, and fully accepts the duties and responsibilities of the Santa Clause in perpeting untie such time that the wearer becomes unable to do so by either accident or design."

Dad snatched the card and read it for himself. "What does that mean?"

"It means you put on the suit, and your the big guy."

"That's ridiculous! I didn't mean to-"

"TRY TO UNDERSTAND THIS!!!!" Bernard snapped.

At his rough action, I flinched a little. I actually hated when people yelled, shouted, or anything similar to that, since it made me think of my parent's fighting when I was small...and even now, for that matter. Bernard's expression softened. "I apologize...Y/N. It's been a difficult day, and I'm sorry for startling you. I really didn't mean to...Y/N."

I smiled a bit...this happened a lot. "It's alright, today's been a busy day...I think we're all a bit stressed and stuff." A nervous laugh escaped my lips.

Bernard mirrored my smile. "If you say so." He then turned back to dad. He took a deep breath.

"Let me explain everything to you, Ok? Toys have to be delivered. I'm not going to do it, it's not MY job...I'm just head elf. It's Santa's job. But Santa fell off the roof, YOUR ROOF! You read the card, you put on the suit, that clearly falls under the Santa Clause. So now your Santa...Ok?



"When can I get outta here?"

I facepalmed.

A few moments later, Charlie ran up to us with a huge smile on his face. "Dad! Y/N! You gotta see this place!"

I grinned. "I know right?" 

My little brother nodded.

"You'll leave tomorrow morning, you have 11 months to get your affairs in order, and your due back here on Thanksgiving." Bernard explained.

Dad scoffed. "I'm not coming back here on Thanksgiving!"

I looked at dad like, 'how the actual heck do you not want to live here?'

"I'll ship the list to your house." With his jaws clenched . 

"What list?"

"Come on now." Bernard said as it was common knowledge. "The list."

My heart sank, the naughty and nice behaviour. I was obviously on the Naughty list.

Dad looked at him and he was like, 'what the hell.'

"He's making a list..." Bernard softly embarrassedly sang.

"Checking it twice!" Charlie sang along.

All the elves sang along. "Gonna find out who's naughty or nice!!!"

"ugh." Bernard hid his head's in his hands. "Look, you put a 'p' next to the kids who are nice, and a 'c' next to the naughty ones.

"P and C?"

"Oh! I know!!" I exclaimed. But I looked at Charlie. "'p' for present and 'c' for coal, right Bernard?" I let Charlie say.

"Right." Bernard smiled look impressed.

"What? How do you know who's good or bad?"

"You'll know." Bernard simply said, walking away.

Dad followed after him. "What if I don't want to do this?"

"Don't even kid about a thing like that!!!!!!!" The elf said, pausing for a long moment.

"Why not?" Dad sneered.

I looked at Charlie. "I don't have a good feeling about this." Charlie nodded. "I agree."

"What if I don't buy this whole Santa thing? What if I choose not to believe it?!"

Me and Charlie knew what was going to happen next, so we looked at each other and Charlie's face saddened. I bent down to hug him and he hugged me back.

All the elves stopped working, when everyone stood up to look at dad. Many elves were on the edge of tears and others even had their knuckles cracked. Most of them seemed like they were going to kill him. Or at least shatter his spine. 

"Then there would be millions of disappointed children around the world." Bernard softly replied. "You see...children hold the spirit of Christmas within their hearts, you wouldn't want to be responsible for killing the spirit of Christmas. Now, would you, Santa?"

He stared at dad for a long moment.

"Judy will take Charlie to his room, and I'll take Y/N."

Dad entered right away. "OH HECK TO THE NO! no no no! My daughter isn't going anywhere with you!"

Bernard sighed. "I won't do anything to her..."

I frowned. "Dad, if he tries to kill me...he'll be the one dead."

Dad wasn't sure but he gave in. "Fine."

Bernard nodded at dad. "I promise I won't hurt here sir...or anything else that your thinking that I probably don't want to know..." He turned at me with a smile. "Shall we?"

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