Abandoned ✔️

By showerofgrace

344K 19.4K 9.1K

As the silver-haired alpha breathes in toxic smoke to numb his broken soul in the stormy night, lightning bri... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: October Gift
Chapter 2: Jin and Joon
Chapter 3: OB-GYN
Chapter 4: Getting to Know You
Chapter 5: Our Pup
Chapter 6: Morning Pastel
Chapter 7: A Day Out
Chapter 8: Precious Gift
Chapter 9: Promise
Chapter 10: Happiness Shared
Chapter 11: Disrespect
🔞 Chapter 12: Heat
Chapter 13: Moved
🔞 Chapter 14: Sweet Darkness
Chapter 15: Beautiful
Chapter 16: Warmth
Chapter 17: Who You Are
Chapter 18: Respect
Chapter 19: Sweetness
🔞 Chapter 20: Safe For Once
🔞 Chapter 21: Painting
Chapter 22: House Warming
Chapter 23: We Will Protect You
Chapter 24: Lucky
Chapter 25: Wishes
Chapter 26: Family
Chapter 27: Big Boy
Chapter 28: Inheritance
Chapter 29: Please, Hold On
Chapter 30: I Don't Need More
Chapter 31: Side-by-Side
Chapter 32: New Alpha
Chapter 33: Different
Chapter 34: Solar Eclipse
Chapter 35: I Have You
Chapter 36: Saved All of Us
Chapter 37: Authornim
🔞 Chapter 38: Your Embrace
Chapter 39: Autobiography
Chapter 40: I Will Win
Chapter 41: Letting Go
Chapter 42: Maturing
🔞 Chapter 43: I Will Hold Onto You
🔞 Chapter 44: Embrace Me
Chapter 45: Safe
Chapter 46: The Jeons
Chapter 47: Always Yours
Chapter 48: Kim Jimin
Chapter 49: Aestas and Ignis
Chapter 50: Welcome Home
Chapter 51: Meet the Jeons
🔞 Chapter 52: Saved Us
🔞 Chapter 53: Family Warmth
Chapter 54: Appa and Alpha
Chapter 55: End of the Day
Chapter 56: Protect Our Pup
Chapter 57: Life and Death
Chapter 58: Growing Families
Chapter 59: Warmth
Chapter 61: Sweet Family
🔞 Chapter 62: I Am Here With You
Chapter 63: Freedom
Chapter 64: Courage
Chapter 65: Kindness and Warmth
🔞 Chapter 66: Never Let Go
Chapter 67: Aftermath
Chapter 68: Love
Chapter 69: Luna Jeon
Chapter 70: My Bond is Precious
Chapter 71: Send Them Back Home
Chapter 72: Crimson
Chapter 73: Crimson Sunrise
Chapter 74: The Calm After the Storm
Chapter 75: Justice
Chapter 76: Our Little Gem
Chapter 77: Red and Gold
Chapter 78: Sunsets Lead to Sunrises
Chapter 79: Our Little True Blood
Chapter 80: No Repentance
🔞 Chapter 81: In Your Arms
Special Chapter 1
🔞 Special Chapter 2
Special Chapter 3
Special Chapter Finale

🔞 Chapter 60: I Know You

3.6K 192 34
By showerofgrace

By the end of the first week of having the newborn twins home, Taehyung and Jungkook are sleep deprived. Jin frets as Namjoon packs up their luggage to return to Aestas.

"Do you think that they will be okay?" Jin mumbles as he looks over at his exhausted son who rocks both twins in his arms since Jungkook is having to take care of pack matters.

"They will be okay, Jinnie." Namjoon softly responds and wraps a loving arm around his mate's waist. "If things become too difficult for them, we will return and help. Plus, Jungkook's next rut is in a month. We will take care of the three pups during those three days."

"Can we wait to leave until Jungkook returns today?" Jin asks and looks at his mate with big, puppy eyes.

"Of course." Namjoon smiles and gently pecks Jin's nose.

Taehyung looks at his parents as they walk over to him. "Here, let me hold one of them." Jin softly smiles and reaches his hands out for one of the twins. "We will stay until Jungkook returns for the day."

"Oh, thank you." Taehyung smiles and hands his parents the twins. The moment the twins are out of his arms, his oldest son crawls into his lap. "My sweet Wookie." Taehyung softly whispers and cards his fingers through Jaewook's hair.

"If you ever need anything or if anything happens, call us. We will come to you as quickly as we can." Jin tells his son and holds his hand.

"Thank you, Eomma." Taehyung hums and rests his head on his mother's shoulder.

After a couple of hours, Jungkook returns from handling pack duties. When he walks into his home, he sees his mate sleeping on the floor with all three pups. 

"He was playing with Jaewook then began to fall asleep. Then the twins started crying, so we placed the twins with him. Once they were lying down next to him, they stopped crying and fell asleep." Namjoon explains to the father and mate who is watching over his family with adoration.

"Thank you for taking care of them." Jungkook smiles and looks at his in laws.

"If you ever need anything, call us. You are now part of our family even with a different last name." Namjoon gently places his hand on Jungkook's shoulder.

"Thank you." Jungkook quickly blinks his eyes to stop the tears that are forming. For the true blood, the Kims are the first to bring him family warmth and love.

"It's okay to cry." Namjoon quickly hugs the younger alpha. "It is okay."

"Thank you." Jungkook whispers as his tears freely fall and drop on Namjoon's shoulder.

"Jinnie and I are so proud of you and the Alpha you have become. We are prouder than words can express." Hearing Namjoon's words, sobs shake the Pack Alpha of Ignis. He quickly covers his mouth to quiet his sobs to not wake his sleeping family.

Taetae, take care of your gentle true blood. I know that you are taking on endless responsibilities, but don't forget to care for and love your mate. He is strong, but his heart is fragile in your hands. Jin carefully sits next to his sleeping son and his son's sons and watches him sleep peacefully.

The smell of the honey milk that his mother makes gently wakes Taehyung from his sleep. He slowly sits up and makes sure his pups are okay then looks around the large living room. As he looks around, he sees his parents and his mate softly talking while drinking the warm honey milk.

"I want some." He sleepily mumbles and stands up with all three pups in his arms.

Jungkook's eyes widen in shock when his sleepy mate walks over to them with all three pups cradled in his arms. "Here, let me hold two of them." The true blood quickly stands up and takes Jaewook and Jaehyun from his mate.

"Here you go, Taetae." Jin walks over to his sleepy pup and hands him a warm mug filled with honey milk.

"Thank you." Taehyung sleepily smiles and drinks the warm milk as he sways with Hyunjin in his arms.

Once Taehyung is fully awake, Jin and Namjoon decide to leave. Taehyung smiles as his parents give him loving advice and remind him to call them if they ever need anything.

"We love you so much." Jin and Namjoon lovingly hug their youngest son not wanting to leave or let go.

"I don't like this." Jin mutters with teary eyes as he slowly lets go of his youngest pup.

"We'll talk everyday. I promise." Taehyung smiles and gently wipes his mother's tears away.

"If someone else was your mate, I would never leave." Jin mumbles and hugs his son again. "But, I know that Jungkook will love you, protect you, respect you, and care for you, so I am not too worried." Jin says this more to himself than to anyone else.

"We will be okay." Taehyung comforts his crying mother.

"Jinnie, Yoonie and Jimin are waiting for us." Namjoon softly tells his crying mate.

"Right, my big pup is waiting with his pregnant mate. Do you think that Jimin is doing okay?" Jin starts to worry for his oldest son's mate.

"Eomma is with them, so I am sure that they are okay." Namjoon comforts his worried mate.

"Call us if you ever need anything. I love you so much." Jin hugs Taehyung one last time then quickly gets into the waiting vehicle.

"Taetae, I can't believe that I'm leaving you instead of bringing you back. I honestly never thought about having to leave you. Now, I don't want to let you go." Namjoon mutters as he wraps Taehyung in a tight hug.

"It's okay, Appa. Jungkook said that you and Eomma can visit whenever you want to, and I can visit whenever I want to. We will see each other often." Taehyung comforts his father who suddenly begins to cry.

"Why does it feel like yesterday that I was changing your diapers, or you were running around with underwear on your head? I don't seem to like my pups growing up." Namjoon mutters as he stops his cries.

"I love you, Appa." Taehyung smiles and wipes his father's tears away.

"I love you too, so much." Namjoon softly smiles and cups his youngest pup's face in his hands.

"Take care of Hyungie for me. You and I both know that he is the softest out of the two of us. He definitely needs you and Eomma by his side at all times." Taehyung giggles.

"He is definitely the softest of my pups." Namjoon smiles and gently kisses his son's forehead. "Right, it is time for us to go. I love you."

"I love you too." Taehyung watches as his father gets into the car.

As the car leaves the long, gravel driveway Jin and Namjoon wave which earns them a wave from their son and son-in-law.

"We're on our own now." Jungkook chuckles and looks at their three young pups.

"We can do it." Taehyung smiles and pecks his mate's cheek.

That night, Jungkook makes dinner with the twins in baby bouncers in the kitchen with him while Taehyung bathes Jaewook. As Taehyung bathes Jaewook, he hears the twins begin to cry for milk, so he quickly lifts his clean pup from the bath. By the time that Taehyung has dried and dressed Jaewook, Jungkook has the food simmering on a low heat while he holds bottles to his pups' mouths.

"Wow, Jeon Jungkook." Taehyung smiles as he looks at his mate.

"If you find me sexy, imagine how sexy I find you with our pup on your hip and your white tee wet and your hair disheveled." Jungkook grins as his mate blushes in embarrassment.

"Jeon Jungkook, stop it." Taehyung blushes and quickly walks past the grinning true blood to the stove.

The true blood grins as he watches his mate finish cooking the food with Jaewook happily seated on his hip. By the time dinner is ready, Jungkook's playfulness has heightened which earns him a playful glare from his mate.

"What is for desert?" Jungkook grins and licks his lips as his eyes watch his mate's every movement.

"Nothing fancy." Taehyung hums while purposely ignoring his mate's heavy scent and intense gaze.

"Hmm, that sounds nice." Jungkook mutters and licks his lips as golden embers spark in his abyss black eyes.

After he finishes eating, Taehyung quickly picks a sleepy Jaewook up and carries him to the nursery. When Jungkook walks into the nursery with the twins, Taehyung continues to ignore him. Jungkook carefully sets the swaddled pups in the crib while his senses are focused on his mate.

Taehyung grins and leaves the nursery without paying any attention to his mate then goes to the master bedroom bathroom and prepares for the night. As he dries his face and pats on moisturizer and other facial essentials, his mate walks into the bathroom and presses his bulge into his ass.

Without flinching, Taehyung continues to pay no attention to his mate. When his mate's warm lips press against his neck, he grips the glass moisturizer container in his hand and does his best to pretend that nothing is happening.

Jungkook's intense eyes flick up and look at his mate through the mirror. To the true blood's pleasure, his mate's face is flushed as he tries to control is breathing. 


Watching his mate's reaction, Jungkook slips his hands into his mate's pants and cups his plump ass cheek. Taehyung's chest heaves as he does his best to continue to keep calm. Jungkook grins and nips his stubborn mate's ear then presses two fingers into his mate's warmth. The submissive alpha drops the glass container as pleasure shoots through him. Jungkook chuckles and catches the glass container when he finally breaks through his mate's stubbornness.

"There we go." He hums in pleasure and approval.

"J-Jungkook." Taehyung moans as his knees begin to give out.

"Hmm?" Jungkook hums slips both of their pants off.

"W-We ha-ave to be-e quiet." Taehyung pants as his mate's fingers spread him open preparing him for his mate's large dick.

"Then you better try harder." Jungkook chuckles and pours lube onto his dick then presses the tip of his dick between his alpha mate's ass cheeks.

Quiet whines and whimpers leave the submissive alpha as he longs for his mate to stop teasing him. The true blood chuckles when his mate voices how needy he is and slaps his mate's ass. The submissive alpha growls and glares at his mate when the true blood does not give him what he wants which fills the true blood with excitement.

"Just as I thought, you are perfect." The true blood loves how his mate does not submit easily despite being submissive in nature. "If you want me to fuck you, you have to watch as I fuck you senseless." He growls and grips his mate's blonde hair then pulls his head back to look at the sink mirror in front of them.

"Perfect." Taehyung purrs and licks his lips as he admires his mate's large, muscular body framing his slender, muscular body from behind.

"You are going to drive me insane." Jungkook chuckles and suddenly thrusts his dick into his mate with one powerful thrust.

Before Taehyung can scream, Jungkook places his large hand on his mouth and stifles his screams. Taehyung bites into his mate's hand as the true blood roughly thrusts into him.

"God, you are too much for me." The true blood groans as his mate's body reacts beautifully to his powerful thrusts. The true blood has watched many bed mates run from him in horror when he would release the desires they kept telling him to release. "You are the first to not run away from me." He whispers and bites into his mate's neck.

"Why would I run when I am safe and loved with you?" Taehyung's loving words despite being handled roughly fills Jungkook with warmth.

"Fuck. You drive me crazy." The true blood growls and lifts one of his mate's legs to deepen his thrusts.

"A-Alpha!" Taehyung screams against his mate's hand as blinding pleasure electrifies his trembling body. 

"So pretty." Jungkook hums when Taehyung's cum suddenly spurts on the mirror.

"Wh-what?" Taehyung stutters when his mate turns him around then lifts him onto the counter.

"You should watch as my knot fills you." Jungkook grins and places his hand back on his mate's mouth and presses back in.

Taehyung falls backwards onto the mirror as his mate roughly slams into him over and over again. He screams and moans against his mate's warm, rough hand as he watches his mate wreck him.

"Do you feel how I fill you up without even knotting yet?" The true blood grins and presses his hand onto his mate's stomach. The intense pressure on his stomach elicits a scream from Taehyung. "Spread your legs." Jungkook growls and removes his hand from his mate's stomach and slaps his mate's thighs.

Taehyung nods with teary eyes and spreads his legs open as far as he can. Jungkook's red eyes rake over his mate's wrecked body as his teeth dig into his mate's soft thighs. Taehyung's toes curl as his mate's thrusts become erratic the closer the true blood is to his orgasm.

A high-pitched whine leaves the submissive alpha when his mate's hand wraps around his dick and quickly strokes him. His slender body twitches as his second orgasm draws near like a freight train.

"My Luna." The true blood snarls and digs his canines into his mate's thigh as his knot swells and spills inside of the alpha beneath him.

"Alpha!" Taehyung screams against Jungkook's hand and his eyes roll to the back of his head as he cums a second time. 


When Jungkook begins to return to his full senses, fear flickers in his eyes. His beautiful and sweet mate is weakly panting as blood trickles from the many bite marks littering his body. "Wh-when di-id I-I-"

"Shh, I am an alpha. I loved every second." Taehyung softly smiles and reaches his shaky hand up to cup his mate's sweaty face.

"M-my rut is o-only a month away. I will just get more violent." Jungkook whispers in horror as his mate's trembling body terrifies him.

"Your rut will trigger my rut. We will both enjoy every second just like I did just now." Taehyung quickly uses the little energy he has and sits up and wraps his mate in a warm, loving hug.

"I only wanted to-"

"It is okay. You have done nothing wrong. You did not hurt me." Taehyung softly whispers and brushes his fingers through his mate's sweaty hair.

"I am scared." Jungkook whimpers and embraces his mate.

"Don't be. I am Jeon Taehyung." Taehyung presses a loving kiss on his mate's lips. "I can handle all of Jeon Jungkook because my Jeon Jungkook will never hurt me, and I know this. I trust my mate more than anyone else in the world." 

"I-I won't hurt you? Are you sure?" Jungkook sniffles and looks into his mate's honey-golden eyes.

"I know you won't."

-art credit to the artist. please let me know if you know who the artist is so i can credit them.-

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