Small Twists of Fate

By Ginnyrules27

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Fate is a funny thing. Even the smallest twist can change so many lives. More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight

Chapter Twenty Two

197 9 26
By Ginnyrules27

A few days after her daughter's birth saw Persephone and Malinoë invited to a royal christening as Queen Belle had apparently given birth to a child of her own. Persephone was happy to attend as it meant she wasn't moping around Olympus or her mother's fields, thinking about Hades and counting down the days until she could return to the Isle.

Plus, this would give Malinoë the chance to meet other kids her own age. Not that she would realize it of course but Persephone knew from the Isle how importance alliances were. And it was just the same in Auradon.

"Now, are you sure you have everything?" Demeter asked as Persephone got ready to leave.

"Yes mother," Persephone nodded. "And if there's something I forgot, well I can survive without it for a few hours if I even stay that long."

After all, everyone was well aware that Beast had been the one in charge of the subcommittee on the council that had been responsible for setting up the Isle. Beast must have used his old plans from when he had run in the election against Eric because Persephone knew there was no way Eric would have come up with how the Isle was.

"I know, I know," Demeter said, pulling Persephone out of her thoughts. "Royal events can be trifling dull. Though there's talk that the Good Fairies will be at the christening again."

"Since when do you listen to gossip, mother?" Persephone asked, raising an eyebrow.

Demeter waved her hand, as if shooing away Persephone's words the same way she would a troublesome fly. "The nymphs are the ones who do the actual gossiping, I just have no choice but to listen."

Persephone chuckled and gently bounced Malinoë, who had begun to get a little fussy in her arms. "Well mother, I should get going. It's Malinoë's first time teleporting and I want to make sure there's enough of a time buffer for her to adjust should she disagree with the sensation."

"Alright," Demeter nodded. "And are you sure you don't need me to accompany you?"

"Mother, I appreciate the offer but I am a grown woman with a daughter of my own. Besides, I live on the Isle of the Lost six months out of the year. I know how to handle myself should it come down to it."

"I know that Persephone but it doesn't mean that I don't worry. I'm your mother after all."

Persephone gave Demeter a small smile. "I know mother. Believe me, I don't think I would have made it through the pregnancy without Hades by my side had it not been for you and Lieth."

"I have to say, it's quite strange hearing you call your sister something other than 'Eile'," Demeter said. "I know your reasoning is that it sounds too close to 'Elle' but still."

"I'll admit it's strange to me as well but I'm sure we'll get used to it," Persephone said. "Now mother, we really must be going. We may be Godly but at the same time, it would be rude to be late."

"Of course," Demeter nodded and Persephone left in a swirl of leaves. She wasn't going to lie, she had definitely missed being able to teleport. Not that she would trade the safety of her daughter for anything mind you but having to rely on chariots or cars was so incredibly time consuming.

"Lady Persephone," an attendant said as Persephone walked over to Beast's castle, thankful for her daughter's lack of reaction to the teleporting. The castle was in no way as big as Eric's castle, since he was High King, but it was still fairly imposing.

"Thank you," Persephone said, giving a small nod as she walked through the door. The plan was to stay near the back while the christening was going on and then she'd make her way to the front to say hello to the new Prince.

Plus, if she stayed near the back, she had an easier path to leave should Malinoë start crying or get fussy and wouldn't take attention away from anyone.

"Oh! My apologies Lady Persephone, I see we had the same idea," Princess Aurora said, giving Persephone a sheepish smile as she held her daughter in her arms; having accidentally bumped into the Goddess.

"No apologies needed Princess Aurora," Persephone told her, giving a gentle smile to the young princess in Aurora's arms. "One can never own a particular idea after all and if it makes it easier to take care of your young daughter, I can't fault you for that."

Aurora returned the smile and looked down to give Malinoë a smile of her own. "How old is your daughter?"

"Oh, she's only a couple of weeks old," Persephone said, gently bouncing Malinoë in her arms and causing her to giggle. "How old is your daughter?"

"Audrey's about three months old," Aurora told her and adjusted Audrey in her arms. Though, unless Persephone was mistaken, there was a slight wince from Princess Aurora.

"Princess Aurora...forgive me for prying everything alright?" Persephone asked, making sure to keep her voice down to avoid being overheard.

Aurora sighed. "I'm technically not even supposed to be holding Audrey," she whispered. "Audrey had been born via Caesarean and the doctors don't want me holding her until she's about four months."

"Oh my...but she seems to be perfectly healthy now which is the most important thing for any parent," Persephone said.

Aurora nodded and smiled. "Phillip had been trying his best helping his father run his kingdom and taking care of Audrey but we did have to call in my mother for her assistance."

Persephone pursed her lips, careful not to say anything negative about Leah in Aurora's presence. However, she'd heard from Ariel about how Leah had been a bit of a pain with the newly appointed regents as the new parents had realized that they couldn't give Auradon all of their attention and still be dutiful parents to their new daughter and the surgeries she required.

"I know my mother's hopeful we can arrange for an alliance between King Beast's new son and Audrey but all I want is for Audrey to have some friends," Aurora said, her soft voice bringing Persephone out of her thoughts. "I grew up without any friends other than the three Good Fairies's rather isolating."

"I would image it would be so," Persephone nodded. "I hope that our two daughters would be friends as well in that case. I know Queen Ariel was hoping for some familial closeness with young Princess Elle and Malinoë but there's no such thing as too many friends after all."

Aurora smiled softly and nodded. "I hope so too. And I hope all has been well with Princess Elle. My mother thought it a bit odd that there hadn't been a christening for her but different kingdoms have different traditions as I reminded her."

It was Persephone's turn to smile and nod. Ariel and Eric had in fact had a private christening for Elle after it had been made clear that the infant Crown Princess would live a long and healthy life. Though she would forever be unable to walk, her christening gift from her grandfather and great-grandfather had at least made it so that Elle would always be able to swim and join her family under the ocean whenever she wished.

"Oh! It looks as though the christening's starting," Aurora said with a small smile.

"And I think that's my cue to take Audrey," a brunet man said as he found his place next to Aurora.

"Phillip, I've been holding our daughter all this time and nothing bad has happened. Please? Just a bit longer? I...I haven't been able to hold her since she was born," Aurora said, her voice soft and Persephone had to wonder if that was just because the blonde Princess wasn't known for raising her voice or if Aurora was trying to avoid making a scene.

Phillip sighed but nodded and gently kissed Aurora on the head. "I'm just glad you're feeling better," Persephone heard him whisper to her. "But if you need anything..."

"I know Phillip, I know. But not here. This is Belle's day, you know how hard it was for her to conceive her son in the first place. Not to mention all the scares mother heard about during Belle's pregnancy. I don't want to take anything away from Belle, not today."

Phillip nodded and Persephone focused her attention on what was happening over in the front of the room.

"Welcome everyone," Fairy Godmother called to all of those in attendance. "King Beast and Queen Belle are so thankful you've decided to attend Prince Benjamin's christening. With royal permission, the three Good Fairies will bestow gifts onto the young prince."

"Oh their gifts are always excellent," Persephone heard Aurora whisper. "Remember what they gave Audrey?"

"Strategy, love of the outdoors, and beauty I believe," Phillip whispered back to her.

Persephone couldn't help but smile as she turned her attention back to the christening as Flora had flown up to the new Prince.

"Sweet Prince, my gift will be the gift of Goodness," the pink fairy said, waving her wand over the Prince's head.

I'm not going to lie, that might make Hades a bit more comfortable with this new Prince, Persephone thought. After all, Hades isn't the most fond of Beast and well, last I checked kidnapping a man and only letting him free because his daughter took his place doesn't exactly match the description of 'hero' now does it? Aladdin and Eugene I can understand getting the pardons, most of their thievery was to survive. But Beast? No, no, you should focus. No use getting wound up even if it's just mentally.

"Daring Prince, my gift will be the gift of Hope," Fauna said as the green fairy took her turn to wave her wand over the Prince's head.

Okay so we're going to have a good and hopeful Prince, Persephone thought. Merryweather, please, work your magic. You are known as the practical gift giver after all so hopefully Prince Ben will get something that'll be easier for him than having to constantly be good and hopeful. They're good gifts but how does he get to just be a kid?

"Gallant Prince, my gift will be the gift of immunity from mind altering substances," Merryweather said, the blue fairy waving her wand over the infant Prince and pulling Persephone out of her thoughts.

"Goodness, Hope, and Immunity from Mind Altering Substances," Aurora whispered. "Not bad gifts."

"No they're certainly not," Phillip nodded, keeping his voice soft as to not disturb anyone around them. Persephone had to agree, though she couldn't help but still hope that the Goodness and Hopeful gifts wouldn't completely define the infant Prince's personality.

Childhood was about getting into mischief, about pushing boundaries to see what was and what wasn't acceptable. Or maybe that was just her Isle side coming out. There were times during her six months in Auradon that Persephone could feel her 'Isle side' try to rebel against Auradon just as her 'Auradon side' as Hades called it would sometimes come out when she was on the Isle.

Persephone shook her head and made her way into the receiving line to give her congratulations to Belle and Beast. It wouldn't do to seem distracted, her daughter would need all the allies she could get after all.

"Allow us to bestow our congratulations, Lady Persephone," Belle said as Persephone got to the front. "We had heard you were pregnant but not that you had given birth. Your daughter is beautiful."

"Thank you Queen Belle and allow me to bestow my congratulations as well. Prince Ben looks quite handsome and healthy himself," Persephone nodded. "You should be very proud."

"We're more proud that he's healthy," Beast said. "Being proud that he's handsome...well that seems more like something Gaston would do."

"You're not wrong," Persephone said wryly. "He actually has two sons, twin boys in fact."

"Oh I pity the poor woman who married him," Belle sighed. "He told me once he dreamed of having six or seven 'strapping young boys' like him."

"...That would explain why he seems to always have a new child be born whenever we turn around," Persephone said after a moment.

Meanwhile, while the adults were talking, Malinoë peeked over her mother's arm to look at Ben lying in the cradle below her. She tilted her head, who was he? He was her!

Ben cooed softly and raised his hands up to Malinoë, causing her to coo back. She tilted her head slightly as she looked at Ben.

"Seems our children are getting along," Belle said as she noticed the interaction, causing Persephone to give her a small smile. Though Persephone did tighten her grip slightly on her daughter, the last thing she wanted was for Malinoë to wiggle out of her arms in her quest to get a closer look at Prince Ben.

"Well you know Ben's very friendly," Beast nodded as Ben continued to 'wave' hello at Malinoë.

"I'm glad they've become friends, then," Persephone said, the small smile growing on her lips as she fought to make sure she used her Auradon vocabulary and not her Isle vocab. Even if I don't know if Hades will be. Princess Elle would be one thing, she's family after all. But your son, Beast?

Ben's repeated coos and 'grabby hands' as the mortals called them brought Persephone out of her thoughts and she couldn't help but smile.

Belle had the same smile on her face as she picked her son out of the bassinet he was in as to allow him to see better. "There you go Ben, see? There's your new friend," she said, her soft voice seemingly calming the coos.

It was Malinoë's turn to coo as she she gave Ben a small wave, or what at least constituted a wave for an infant. Even a Godly one had their limitations.

"We'll have to arrange a playdate for the two of them soon," Belle said with a small smile at the interaction.

"I'd be happy to set one up your highness, obviously certain dates are out but I'm sure we can find something," Persephone said with a small nod.

"Of course, of course. Let me know what days work best for you and and we'd be happy to have you over Lady Persephone."

Persephone nodded. "But for now, it might be best if I not take up any more of your time. I'm sure there're others who want to speak to you."

Belle nodded as she gently put Ben back in the bassinet.

"Say goodbye to Prince Ben, Malinoë," Persephone said affectionately.

Malinoë cooed once more before giving a small 'wave' in Ben's direction. A wave that was returned though a small pout formed on his lips as he saw Malinoë be taken away. Well if infants could pout that is.

Belle couldn't help but chuckle as she saw the 'pout'. "Don't worry Ben, I'm sure you'll see Malinoë again," she said.

I could certainly agree with that, Persephone nodded as she made her way out of the castle. That wasn't as worrisome as it could have been. Thank Olympus for small mercies.

Malinoë cooed and Persephone smiled down at her daughter.

"Come on Malinoë, let's go tell your father all about our day shall we?" Persephone asked as the two of them headed off to make their way to the portal. At least it wouldn't be too long before they could see each other in person and Malinoë could be introduced to the insanity that was the Underworld.

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