
By mitruworld

345K 17.7K 3.4K

Take a military father and a carefree mother...you get Zena Weston; a beautiful, don't back down, around the... More



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By mitruworld

After surviving our rough night together, I felt that Zena deserved a proper introduction to my life.

"Darling, do you need more rest? I know last night was very hectic and draining for you."

I watched as she pulled the straps of her sundress onto her shoulders.

"I was fine until you got me again this morning." She smirked.

"Oh, so you don't like having multiple orgasms?"

Zena blushed. "Of course, I do."

"That's what I thought." I softly kissed her lips and she moaned.

"Julien, what happened to you when you disappeared?"

I didn't want to scare her, giving the full details. So I kept it light.

"Do you believe in the supernatural?"

"I definitely do now."

I smiled. "Well, there are creatures not of this world and said creature took me last night. But I'm fine now."

"Julien, I'm not a child."

I sighed. "I know."

"You showed up completely covered in blood. Then ripped the head off someone."

She sat next to me, looking into my eyes.

"I killed a pack of raging succubus that tried to attack me. I also ate one of their livers."

Zena's eyes widened and I smiled.

"I'm kidding."

She laughed nervously. "Oh, funny."

"It was actually the heart."

I got up, ignoring the shock on my fleur's face...it was time for her to meet my mother.

I wasn't looking for approval, I just didn't want my mother being nosey trying to figure out who Zena was.

We walked into the main room holding hands. Zena always looks beautiful to me, but after making her mine, her beauty had a deeper meaning.

"Son, just in time for brunch. I heard you had a rough evening."

"I've been through worse." I led Zena to the lounge chair.

"Your father won't be joining us."

"Wasn't expecting him to."

My mother stared at Zena and I could tell she was admiring her beauty. Soon a lovely conversation took place between them as I took an important phone call.

"Sorry we're late."

Justine and Adrien walked into the room. My love gave them both a smile and shook both their hands.

"Last night must have been crazy for you. I'm glad we didn't scare you away." Adrien smiled at Zena...I didn't like that.

"Nothing can scare me away from Julien."

Mrs. Zena Laurent sounds really nice.

Justine didn't look too impressed. The maids brought out trays of tea, fruits and pastries.

"So, Zena, what do you do besides chasing Julien around?"

"Oh, absolutely nothing." She ate some grapes.

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah, chasing him is a full-time job, not to mention his stamina doing other things...really great cardio."

I smiled at my darling's response. She's going to fit right in.


The more she talked and smiled, the more intrigued I became. Zena was absolutely stunning...I wondered how she met my crazy brother.

Justine's jealousy towards her was showing, so I tried to intervene as much as possible. I wanted Zena to know she was welcomed.

"You're in college, that's good. Education is very important."

"Thanks Adrien. It gets hard sometimes, but I push through." Zena smiled.

I fucking want her.

"Don't you work at a strip club?" Justine asked.

Zena paused, caught off guard. "Not anymore."

"How did you know that?" I asked.

"I saw the crumbled up work schedule in Julien's room."

My brother's eyebrows furrowed. "Why the hell were you in my room?"

"Your mother asked me to get her one of your cigarettes. My apologies."

I shook my head as Justine fired off more questions to Zena.

"How do you make money? You're not living off of Julien, are you?"

I smirked. She really doesn't like her.

"What if I am taking care of her? I'm her man, that's what I'm supposed to do." Julien took a drink.

"That way of thinking is very outdated."

"To you."

Everyone looked at Justine waiting for a response. But she remained quiet.

Zena leaned into my brother as his arm laid across the back of the lounge chair. They looked so comfortable with each other while Julien whispered in Zena's ear causing her to blush.

After a few more minutes of business talk, Julien went to smoke and I joined Zena in the library. Her scent was addictive and I found myself drawn to her energy. She felt my presence then turned to greet me.

"Hey Adrien. Is your girlfriend okay?"

"She's not my girlfriend. But are you okay?"

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for helping me last night."

She looked so good in her sundress. The colors looked wonderful against her beautiful dark skin.

"Anytime. You really are brave, you know that?"

"I tried to be. I can't believe there's a whole new scary world I didn't know existed. Are you and Julien not human?"

I was surprised by her question.

"No, we do have human dna."

"Are you different from Daniel?


I stared into her eyes, unable to control my legs, walking closer to her. Zena took a step back while I took a step forward.

"You are beautiful, Zena. My brother is very lucky to have you."

My lust for her was building slowly, and I imagined myself deep inside her. I slowly realized I had backed Zena against the bookshelf. My self-control went out the window when I saw the fear in her eyes.

"You're too good for Julien. He doesn't deserve you."

I didn't care that my brother could walk in at any moment. Zena stood frozen and didn't speak, but when I went in to touch her, a shock of voltage went through my body, and everything went black.

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